Minutes -2021.1.18


Board of Directors’ Meeting

January 18, 2021

5:30 p.m.  Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School



1.  Call to Order:

Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School.  Board members answering role were: Onica Ulveling, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein.  Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Jerry Raymond, Ann Neumann, Crystal Boes, Ryan Simmelink, Patrick Rabbitt, Tammie McKenzie and Diane Renneke.


2.  Approval of Agenda:

         It was moved by Duane to approve the agenda.  Onica seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

         Ayes: Onica, Karen, Jennifer, Duane  Nays: None


            B.  Approve Consent Agenda:

  1. Minutes of the December 14, 2020 Board meeting
  2. Resignations
  3. Field Trips
  4. Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Jennifer, Duane, Onica  Nays: None


3.  Public Hearing on 2021-2022 School Calendar:

         Board President Karen Friedlein declared the public hearing on the proposed 2021-2022 school calendar open at 5:34 p.m.


         Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the proposed 2021-2022 calendar with the Board.   As presented the calendar is 1,141 hours during the school year.  The minimum requirement is 1,080 hours.  Dr. Berlau stated he had not received any written comments on the calendar.  There being no other comments, Ms. Friedlein declared the public hearing closed at 5:38 p.m.


4.  Public Forum:  No one had submitted a topic for board discussion.


5.  Approve Donation:

Dr. Berlau reported that The Trinity Episcopal Church of Carroll would like to donate $500 to be used by the Carroll Community School District.  It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the donation.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


6.              School Improvement

            Patrick Rabbit, Crystal Boes and Ryan Simmelink reported on gaps in achievement due to COVID.  The information presented compared fall of 2019 scores through 2021.  There was a slight dip on the scores but students have recovered according to current FAST assessment data.  With some of the online learners back in the classroom the winter scores have shown significant student improvement.

            Jerry Raymond presented CMS assessment information.  He stated that 31 students have returned to in-person learning.  He reported a very slight dip in NWEA testing scores.  He and Ann Neumann explained that CMS staff are targeting small group instruction so teachers can focus on students needing extra help.

            Tammie McKenzie and Beckie Boes reported on comparative data by grade level at CHS from one year ago until now.  CHS staff are working on challenging kids based on their performance.  Reading scores show the strength of our language arts program.  Reading specialists are working with a few students on reading intervention.  Teachers and counselors are working on college readiness, career exploration, and emotional support of students.  There are currently 28 high school students online.  Eleven have returned to in-person learning.  The Student Assisted Study Hall (SASH) is available to help students who are struggling.  



7.            Approve Voluntary Retirements:

      The Board reviewed the financial information provided by Gary Bengtson regarding the costs and potential savings to the district if the retirement requests were approved.  The payout to the retirees, if approved, would be from the Management Fund.  The following nine individuals have submitted applications for voluntary retirement:


Bill Baddeley – Bill wishes to resign from his instructor position as well as his track and football coaching positions and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan.  Bill has worked for the district for 41 years (starting in 1980).   He began his employment with CCSD as teacher and basketball coach in 1980.  In addition to his teaching, throughout the past 41 years, Bill has coached basketball, football and track as well as having been an activity bus driver.  Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Doug Sweeney – Doug wishes to resign from his Vocal Music Instructor position at Carroll High School, effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan.  Doug has worked for the district for 33years (starting in 1988). Prior to teaching at CCSD Doug taught for four years in the Stuart-Menlo CSD.  During his tenure Doug has taught at Middle School and High School levels.  Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Gary Bengtson – Gary wishes to resign from his Director of Business Affairs position and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective June 30, 2021.  Gary has worked for the district for 32 years (starting in 1989).   Prior to coming to CCSD Gary was Executive Director at Region XII Council Of Governments in Carroll.  Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Kandi Millard – Kandi wishes to resign from her Elementary Instructor position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.  Kandi has worked for the district for 29 years (starting in 1992).  Prior to coming to CCSD Kandi taught for seven years at Wings Park Elementary School in Olewine, Iowa.  Kandi taught middle school Special Education when first hired at CCSD.  Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Elaine Lietz – Elaine wishes to resign from her Employee Benefits Coordinator position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective June 30, 2021.  Elaine has worked for the district for 27 years (starting in 1994). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Denise Ayers – Denise wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.  Denise has worked for the district for 27 years (starting in 1994). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Deb Fish – Deb wishes to resign from her Spanish Instructor position and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.  Deb has worked for the district for 22 years (starting in 2000). In addition to her teaching role Deb has been the Newspaper Advisor.  Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Lois Dentlinger –  Lois wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.  Lois has worked for the district for 18 years (starting in 2003). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Laurie Custer – Laurie wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position, effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan.  Laurie has worked for the district for 15 years (starting in 2006). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.

Motion was made by Jennifer Munson to approve the nine Voluntary Retirement requests.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:  Ayes:  Duane, Karen, Onica, Jennifer   Nays:  None


8.  Personnel Report:

  1. Recommendations for Employment:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:


The Administrative Team is recommending Steven Bieret for the CCSD Remote Learning Coordinator position for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.  If approved Steven would be on Step 0 of the BA lane with a starting base salary of $32,037 plus Teacher Salary Supplement money of $6,242 for a total of $38,279. If approved for this position he would start retroactive January 4, 2021, with the contract being prorated for the remainder of the school year. Approval is recommended. 


Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kirstin Tuel for the general education teacher associate position (Kindergarten) at Fairview.  If approved she would be paid $11.74/hour (the beginning wage for regular education TA ($11.24) plus $.30 for having an AA degree plus $.20 for two years of experience) and would work 6.75 hr/day.  Approval is recommended retroactive to January 18, 2021


B.   Reassignment:

Gary Bengtson recommended that Nancy O'Brien be reassigned from the CMS Kitchen Manger position to the food service "traveling sub" position.


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations.  The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Onica, Duane, Jennifer Nays: None


9.   Administration Report:

  1. Report from Superintendent:
  2. Update on Return to Learn Plan:

Dr. Casey Berlau reported on the updated Return to Learn Plan.  Dr. Berlau's recommendation is to keep our Return to Learn Plan in place as is, meaning masks are required for students and staff.  This plan, as it is currently, gives us the best chance to have students in school and able to participate in activities.  We will continue to monitor the situation and if it makes sense to make changes to our plan we will bring the recommendation to the school board for consideration.  We currently have 9 students in quarantine and 2 staff in quarantine so the trend is definitely going in the right direction.


C.  COVID Related Leave Plan:

      Dr. Casey Berlau reported on the COVID Related Leave Plan.  Under the Leave Plan staff will carry forward any unused days of paid FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) leave and will be allowed to use any unused FFCRA days as paid COVID-19 related leave.  Staff were allowed a total of 10 days of FFCRA paid leave that could have been used prior to December 31, 2020.  Therefore, staff members will not be eligible for more than 10 days of combined paid FFCRA leave and paid COVID-19 leave under this plan.   Staff that have not used 10 days for COVID related issues would carry forward 10 days and they would be available to them to use in 2021.  This expires on June 30, 2021.  If a staff member tests positive then sick leave applies.


It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the COVID Related Leave Plan.  The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes:  Onica, Karen, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None


Dr. Berlau stated that an interest survey went out to staff regarding whether or not they would be interested in receiving the COVID vaccine.  He and the nurses are working the Carroll County Public Health for those staff who wish to receive the vaccine.


10.         2021-2022 Staffing Plan:

               Dr. Berlau provided information regarding the number of sections per grade level compared to the number of FTE's.  The board gave Dr. Berlau permission to move forward with advertising and hiring for a Director of Teaching and Learning.


      112021-2022 District Calendar:

         Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the proposed 2021-2022 calendar with the    Board.   As presented the calendar is 1,141 hours during the school year.


               It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the 2021-2022 Calendar.  The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:  Ayes:  Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica   Nays:  None


12.         Second Reading of Board Policies:

               The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:

            408      Credit Card for Fuel

            408.1      Credit Card Use

            408R1      Credit Card Use Regulation

            409      Employee Use of Cell Phones

            412      Annuities

            414      Activity Pass

            415      Unused Vacation

            416      Employee Records

            416R1      Employee Personnel Records Regulation

            419      Absence Without Pay

               It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of board policies.  The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

               Ayes:  Duane, Karen, Onica, Jennifer   Nays: None


13First Reading of Board Policies:

      501            Compulsory Attendance

      503            Entrance Admission

      529            Search and Seizure

      539            Corporal Punishment

   539.1            New-Physical Restraint and Seclusion

      572            Student Special Health Services

      609            Special Education

      625            Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution

      627            Virtual/Online Learning

   815.1            Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors                                     Procedures

      826            Financial Records


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policies.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Onica, Jennifer, Duane  Nays: None



14.  Business Office Report:

  1. Capital Outlay –  Pressure Washer for the Transportation Dept.:

Dr. Casey Berlau stated the District is considering replacing the pressure washer at the Transportation Dept.  Four companies have submitted bids:

Hundermark Cleaning Systems -                   $7,005.00

Iowa Small Engine -                            $6,575.49

Eagle Pressure Washer -                            $7,121.49

Hotsy Equipment -                                    $7,528.50

In addition there will be a small fee to relocate the new pressure washer to the north wall of our building.  The current pressure washer is located on the west wall and moving it to the north wall will allow more room, we would gain around four feet of space to accommodate the larger buses.


Jeff Cullen, Transportation Director, recommended the bid from Iowa Small Engine.  It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the bid from Iowa Small Engine.  The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes:  Onica, Jennifer, Duane, Karen   Nays: None


B.  Request to seek bids for a small vehicle:

Dr. Berlau informed the board that one of our older vans needs a new transmission and the cost of this repair compared to replacing it with a newer van would be more cost effective.  The board gave Dr. Berlau permission to obtain bids for a small van or small SUV.


C.   Consider Proposal from FRK Architects and Engineers for services:

The discussion on this item was in regard to a roof replacement at Carroll High School.  Duane Horsley said that in looking at roof replacement it would make sense to consider the air quality improvement at the same time.  The board agreed this would make sense.  Since no information was available from FRK by the time of the meeting no action was taken on this topic.


  1. SBRC Application - Woodward Academy Consortium Special Ed Administrative Costs:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to approve the SBRC Application for Administrative Costs with Woodward Academy.


It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the SBRC Application for Administrative Costs with Woodward Academy.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


  1. Approve School Budget Discussion:

This item was tabled until a future meeting



  1. Conventions/Meetings:


Suggestions for February 15th Board Meeting:

  1. Board Policy Review
  2. Superintendent Evaluation




It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.





____________________________          _____________________________

Karen Friedlein, President      Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary




Approved: _____________________