Minutes - Regular Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
December 16, 2024
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Duane Horsley, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Johnston and Friel were present and Board Member Lundstrom was absent
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION - At 6:32PM, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to enter into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5(1) c: to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the government body in that litigation.. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 6:42PM.
PRESENTATION – Adams Elementary teachers Carrie Hampton and Joelle White along with Adams principal Amy Collison gave a presentation on their use/application of the new science curriculum through Open SciEd.
Minutes – November 18, 2024 Regular and Annual Meetings; December 2, 2024
Bills – General Fund: $187,926.13; Activity Fund: $32,761.05; Management Fund: $74,871.00; SAVE Fund: $79,942.83; PPEL Fund: $42,346.46; Nutrition Fund: $86,184.70
First Reading of Board Policies – 239, 220 (formerly 240R1), 241, 242E1, 245
Recommendation to delete policy – 490
Second Reading of Board Policies – 226, 229, 230
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Non-perishable food to the Tiger Cupboard from First Baptist Church, Amanda Orton/Brady Brehmer, Caring Hearts, Family Resource Center; Gently used chest freezer to the Tiger Cupboard from Natalie Forke; Hygiene items to the Tiger Cupboard from Terryn Schulz; $3,000 to the Tiger Cupboard from Sara and Dennis (Swede) Anderson; $100 to the Tiger Cupboard from Barry and Mary Bruner; $500 to the Tiger Cupboard from Carroll Broadcasting/Kids Christmas Wish; America’s White Table by Margot Raven to the 4th grade classrooms by the Breda American Legion Auxiliary; and $100 in recognition of National Education Week from the Breda American Legion Auxiliary. Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Joyce Bierl wishes to resign from her Administrative Assistant to the Activities Director position at the end of the school year. Joyce has worked for CCSD for nineteen years.
- Scot Aden wishes to resign from his Middle School Principal position effective December 16th.
- Kirk Christensen wishes to resign from his Varsity Girls' Track coaching position. Kirk coached track for twenty-five years.
- Josh Lucken wishes to resign from his assistant baseball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the head baseball coaching position.
- Kayla Damman wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS retroactive to December 10th. Kayla has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Marcia Mendoza for a Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate position at Adams for 7.25 hours/day at $14.82 per hour (the wage she was making when she resigned in August 2024).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Josh Lucken for the head baseball position. He has six years of paid experience. He played college baseball at Northwestern and has been our freshmen baseball coach for one year and our assistant baseball coach the past two years. If approved he would be paid $5,122 (for 2024-2025).
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Anne Kluver for a Tier III Specialized Special Education teacher associate position for 7.25 hours per day at $16.23 ($15.63 + .30 for her AA + .30 for experience).
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Jeff Booher for the Mail/Shuttle route retroactive to December 2nd. If approved Jeff would work 2.5 hours/day on days that school is in session in addition to his contracted bus driving routes and would be paid $15.20/hour for these added hours.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Kevin Alexander for a contracted bus driving position. If approved Jeff would work 4 hours/day and he would be paid $21.70/hour (the base pay of $21.50 plus $.20 for experience). Kevin would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 stipend for successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training. He has a CDL with the proper endorsements.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Ryan Clausen for a contracted bus driving position contingent upon him receiving the school bus and passenger endorsements and a clear background check. He has a CDL license. If approved he would drive 4 hours/day approximately 15 days/month and would be paid $21.75 (the base pay of $21.50/hour plus $.25 cents for 6 1/2 years of experience). Ryan would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 upon successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Zoe Myers' Letter of Assignment be modified to include 2 hours per day and 2 days per week as Tier I General Education TA working in Tiger Zone.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend that the interim middle school principal position be added to Crystal Boes' contract effective December 16th. If approved, her contract for 2024-25 would be revised to $123,723 for the added interim principal duties.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend that TJ Jumper’s agreement for 2 days/week of Assistant Principal coverage at CMS be extended through the end of February.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Dylan Feauto as a volunteer with the high school wrestling program.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Jordan Janson as a volunteer with the 7th grade boys’ basketball team.
Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the Personnel Report with the exception of Mr. Aden’s resignation as CMS Principal. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to reject Mr. Aden’s resignation of CMS Principal effective December 16th as there is no suitable full-time replacement and therefore not a proper release from the signed contract. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- Approve early graduates – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve Nyadeng Tharjiath and Levi Dirkx for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Memorandum of Understanding with Carroll County for emergency shelter or transport – Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the MOU with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider revision to board policy 708.1 Student Conduct on School Transportation – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve 708.1 and 708.1R1 and waiving the 2nd reading with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider stipulation with Graphite Construction – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the parties’ settlement stipulation with Graphite Construction with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider request from iJAG to hold a lunchtime cookie fundraiser on 12/19 at CHS – moved by Friel/Johnston to approve the fundraiser with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying the job description for Administrative Assistant to the Activities Director – moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the revisions with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider quotes for project design and management for the CHS roof replacement project – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from CCG for $16,250 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Sub Rates – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the updated sub rates for kitchen manager and route bus driver with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- At-Risk/Dropout Prevention MSA Request for 25-26 – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the MSA request $541,874 for 25-26 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Reports
ADJOURNMENT – moved by McCaulley/Friel to adjourn at 8:18pm with unanimous approval. The next board meeting will be a work session held on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room.
Respectfully Submitted,
\s\ Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary