Minutes - 2024.11.18

Minutes – Regular Board Meeting

Carroll CSD Board of Education

November 18, 2024 at 6:30PM

Adams Elementary Board Room


PUBLIC FORUM - no public comments heard


CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.


APPROVE AGENDA            Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.



            Minutes from October 21, 2024, October 28, 2024, and November 4, 2024

Bills: General Fund - $256,976.43; Activity Fund - $55,489.13; Management Fund - $10,766.00; SAVE - $123,716.09; PPEL - $21,769.91; Nutrition - $93,211.62; Debt Service Bond Payments on 12/1/24 - $316,455.10

2nd Reading of Board Policies – 210, 213, 216, 217;

Agreements – Swim Team Agreement with City of Carroll, Sharing agreement for Merchant’s Field with City of Carroll, FFA Lease with City of Carroll

Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.


DONATIONS            The followed donations to the Tiger Cupboard were presented for acceptance: Lion’s Club – toiletry items, Tim and Samantha Schulz – nonperishable food, Claire Pudenz – toiletry items, Robyn Schroeder – toiletry items, Lisa Honold – toiletry items, Larry and Trish Christensen – nonperishable food and toiletry items, Connie Petersen - $200, Caring Hearts – toiletry items.

Moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.




1. Ruth Kuchel wishes to resign from her Food Service position at FV.

2. Teresa Tigges wishes to resign from her teaching position at the end of the school year.

3. Nancy Stark wishes to resign from her teaching position at the end of the school year.

4. Stacy DeYoung wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective Nov. 22nd.

5. Jessica Truitt wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective Nov. 19th.

6. Stefanie Jorgensen wishes to resign as a Tier 2 Teaching Associate as well as Substitute Teacher at Carroll High School, effective November 29th.

7. Angie Brincks wishes to resign from her Tier II Teacher Associate position at Adams Elementary effective November 26th.


1.  Randy Bissen would like to recommend Craig Rowedder for the JH girls wrestling position. He has one year of paid wrestling coaching experience. If approved he would be paid $1,933.

2.  Randy Bissen would like to recommend Nathan Thomsen for the JH boys wrestling position. He has 0 years of paid coaching experience and if approved he would be paid $1,895.

3.  Randy Bissen is recommending Hannah Casebeer for the Head Girls Bowling Coach Position. She has 0 years of paid experience and if approved she would be paid $2,808.

4.  Melanie Girard is recommending Andy Eissens for a 4-hour Food Service position at Adams Elementary. If approved Andy would be paid $15.50 per hour.

5.  Scot Aden is recommending Jennifer Roetman for a Tier II TA position. If approved Jennifer would work 7.5 hours per day and be paid $15.06.

6.  Scot Aden is recommending Lisa Wolterman for a Tier II teacher associate position. She has a master's degree and experience subbing as a teacher and teacher associate at CCSD and other schools. If approved Lisa would work 7.5 hours per day and be paid $15.06.

7.  Casey Berlau is recommending T.J. Jumper for an interim assistant principal position at CMS from November 18th through approximately December 20th. If approved he would work two days per week and be paid $475/day.

8.  Casey Berlau is recommending Abigail Glass for an interim assistant principal position at CMS. If approved she would work three days per week from November 18th until December 20th and then will work five days per week beginning January 2, 2025 through the end of the school year. If approved she would receive $450/day.

9.  Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Amy Madsen for the Senior Class Sponsor position. She has 0 years of experience in this role and if approved she would be paid $1,038.

10. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Maisie Ogren for a Tier 2 Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll High School. If approved her start date would be December 2nd, she would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.81.

11. Sue Ruch is recommending Zoe Myers for a Tier III teacher associate position. She has previously worked as a teacher associate at CCSD's TigerZone. If approved Zoe would work 7 hours per day and be paid $15.63.


1.  Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Madison Young's Letter of Assignment be modified to include 2 hours per day and 2 days per week as Tier I General Education TA working in Tiger Zone.

2.  Scot Aden would like to recommend that Tanya Jackson's Letter of Assignment be modified to Tier III Specialized Special Education TA retroactive to November 4th.

3.  Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Sarah Weitl's Letter of Assignment be modified to include .5 hour per day as Tier III Specialized Special Education TA when she fills in for Tier III employees and .5 hour per day as a Tier II Special Education TA when she fills in for a Tier II employee retroactive to Sept. 25th.


1.  Sue Ruch would like to recommend Maricruz Avitia, Shirley Snyder and Heather Leiting as volunteers pending receipt of clear background checks.

2.  Randy Bissen would like to recommend Jenny Lu and Jacinda Blackwill as volunteers pending receipt of clear background checks.

3.  Scot Aden would like to recommend Jared Strong as a volunteer with the Math Counts program.

Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the personnel report and the motion carried with unanimous approval by roll call vote.


ADJOURNMENT moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 6:44pm with unanimous approval.


                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                        /s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary


Minutes – Annual Board Meeting

Carroll CSD Board of Education

November 18, 2024, following Regular Board Meeting

Adams Elementary Board Room


CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary-President Pro Tem, called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM.  Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.


APPROVE AGENDA            Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.



  1. Election of Officers
    1. President – Board member Friel nominate board member Horsley for president but Horsley withdrew his name.  Board member Johnston nominated board member Lundstrom for president and McCaulley seconded this nomination.  Hearing no other nominations, the vote to elect Lundstrom as Board President passed 4-1 with board member Friel voting No.  Nicole McCarville administered the oath of office of Board President to Kristen Lundstrom.
    2. Vice President – Board member Johnston nominated board member Horsley for vice president and McCaulley seconded the nomination.  Hearing no other nominations, the vote passed 5-0.  Nicole McCarville administered the oath of office of Board Vice President to Duane Horsley.
  2. Establish Regular Meeting Schedule
    1. Day – 1st Monday Work Session and 3rd Monday Regular Meeting
    2. Time – 6:30PM
    3. Place – Adams Elementary Board Room
    4. Agenda Structure – use of consent agenda for minutes, bills, policies, agreements
  3. Committees/Appointments for 24-25 – Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to keep the board representation on committees and board appointments the same as they were for 23-24 for Transportation Committee, School Improvement Team, IASB Network Liaison, Negotiations Team, Calendar Fact-Finding Committee, Finance/Special Projects, and Board Policy Committee.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.






BOARD POLICY REVIEW – First reading of policies: 226, 229, and 230



  1. Approve early graduates – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve Jaden Boulware, Max Bradley, Levi Bender, Lucas Dirkx, Aaron Haberl, Kaden Halterman, Jennifer Magner, Regan Rowedder, Khloe Schroeder, and Lucas Williams, and Ryler Ziegmann be for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  2. Consider revisions to the district return to learn plan – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the revised plan with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  3. Consider modifying the job description for Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate-Preschool – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the job description with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  4. Consider modifying policy 708.1 Student Conduct on School Transportation – no action taken
  5. Consider offering retirement incentive plan – no action taken
  6. Consider bids for roof replacement on the Ag Building – moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the bid from BTR Contraction for $24,507 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  7. Consider bids for Phase II of door locks at CHS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from Doors Inc. for $8,201 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  8. Consider bid for upgrading gym lighting at Adams Elementary – moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the bid from Voss Lighting for $14.965 with a preliminary rebate incentive of $9,565.50 for an expected net cost of $5,399.50 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  9. Consider bid for repair of Bobcat UTV – moved by Horsley/Johnston to approve the quote from Haley Equipment for $5,506.49 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.



  1. SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the request for MSA of $138,817.83 for open enrollment out and $10,252.06 for EL Instruction beyond 5 years with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  2. Resolution for interfund balance transfers – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve interfund transfers of $72,943.26 from the nutrition fund to the general fund for indirect expenses for FY24 and $39,395.85 from the TigerZone fund to the general fund for FY24 direct expenses with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  3. Consider bid for soil testing for Transportation Facility – moved by Johnston/Horsley to accept the bid from CTS for $26,060 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  4. Dispose obsolete kitchen equipment – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve disposal of obsolete kitchen equipment that has been replaced in the last 3-4 months including coolers and oven by salvaging at Quandt’s with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
  5. Budget Reports


CLOSED SESSION – At 8:39PM, it was moved by Johnston/McCaulley to enter into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i: To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.


The board returned to open session at 9:06PM.


ADJOURNMENT moved by Johnston/Horsley to adjourn at 9:06pm with unanimous approval.  The next board meeting will be a work session held on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room


                                                                                    Respectfully Submitted,


                                                                                    \s\ Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary