Minutes - 2022.2.7


Board of Directors’ Meeting & Work Session

February 7, 2021

05:30 p.m.  Board Room, Adams Elementary School


Call to Order:

Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 05:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.  Board members present Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein.  Staff members present:  Dr. Casey Berlau, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Karinne Tharaldson, Patrick Rabbitt, and Crystal Boes.  Public members Cassie Burke and Candace Gross were present.


Approval of Agenda:

It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda.   The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote. 


Work Session:

The Board and administrative team went into a work session with a presentation from the Elementary admin team and then discussion on the District Mission, Vision, and Values.



It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 6:51p.m.  Unanimous approval.