Minutes - 2019.09.19

Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Annie Mehl.

Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None

Approve Bills:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the monthly bills as presented. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:  Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None

Formation of Committee to Review Special Education Services Delivery Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau explained the need to establish a committee to review the district’s Special Education Service Delivery Plan.

It was moved by Duane Horsley to establish a committee to review the Special Education Services Delivery Plan. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Duane Nays: None

It was moved by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 12:17 p.m. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.