Minutes - 2023.8.7


August 7, 2023 Board Meeting

Carroll CSD

5:30 PM Adams Elementary



CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.  Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling           


APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.



Resignations –

  1. Krystal Childress wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS.  Krystal has worked for CCSD for 2 years. 
  2. Maisie Ogren wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS.  She was approved in July but is no longer going to work at CCSD. 
  3. Brian Mentzer would like to resign from his noon Pre-School Route.  He will continue to drive his morning and afternoon routes.


  1. Randy Bissen is recommending Steven Bieret for middle school Mock Trial sponsor.  He has no experience as a Mock Trial sponsor but did participate in Mock Trial in High School and works with the History Day program.  If approved he would be paid $880. 
  2. Scot Aden and Jill Greiman would like to recommend Jessie Golwitzer for a Special Ed teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Jessie would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.11 (beginning pay for Special Ed TA $13.91 plus $.20 for experience).  Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
  3. Casey Berlau would like to recommend Tasha Hinners for the part time RN position at the Adams Elementary building.  If approved Tasha would be paid $24.50 per hour and would work 4.5 hours per day.
  4. Scot Aden and Jill Greiman would like to recommend Joslyn Wellman for a Special Ed teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School.  If approved Joslyn would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.21 (beginning pay of $13.91 plus $.30 cents for education).  Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.

Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.


OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED RESOLUTION: At 5:33p.m., Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing on the proposed resolution to direct the county commissioner of elections to call an election to submit the question of continued participation in the Instructional Support Program on the ballot.  Community member Lean Schoenfeld addressed the board in support of the participation in the program and discussed efforts of community members to get support for participation.  With no other speakers present, Cindy Johnson declared the hearing closed at 5:36p.m.


CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Moved by Horsley/Lundstrom to adopt the resolution to direct the county commissioner of elections to call an election to submit the question of continued participation in the instructional support programs and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the Food Service Director Job Description as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.


BOARD GOVERNANCE PLAN FOR 2023-2024: Superintendent Berlau and board members discussed the board governance plan for the 2023-2024.


At 5:54pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.