713 - Field Trips



Series 700


Policy Title: Field Trips Code No.: 713


All classes in both the public and non-public schools may be permitted to make field trips and excursions if, in the judgment of the principals/designees and superintendent/designee, they will make a worthwhile contribution to students’ education.


Approval for field trips shall be made by the superintendent/designee for trips up to 200 miles in distance. All trips that exceed 200 miles or require overnight stay shall require approval by the board.


School buses may be used for these trips so long as there is no interference with regularly scheduled use of the buses.


A faculty member must accompany the students from time of departure to time of return unless an exception is made by the superintendent/designee. If a school bus is used for transportation, the faculty member(s) must be on the bus with the students. (IAC 281--43.10(4)) Code of Iowa.


For the purposes of supervision, there shall be a minimum of one (1) faculty member and/or chaperone on of the bus for grades PK-12.


Date of Adoption/Review/Revision:

August 1980

August 1990

August 1992

August 1995

August 1998

June 2001

June 2004

July 2007

July 2010

August 2013

September 2016

December 2021