708.1R1 - Student Conduct on School Transportation



Series 700


Policy Title: Student Conduct on School Transportation

Code No.: 708.1R1

All persons riding in school district vehicles will adhere to the following rules.  The driver, sponsor or chaperones are to follow the school bus discipline procedure for student violations of this policy.  Recording devices may be in operation on the school buses.


Rules and Regulations

1.          Bus riders will be at the designated loading point before the bus arrival time.

2.          Bus riders will wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.

3.          Riders must not extend arms or heads out of the windows at any time.

4.          Aisles must be kept cleared at all times.

5.         All bus riders will load and unload through the right front door.  The emergency door is for emergencies only.

6.         A bus rider will depart from the bus at the designated point unless written permission to get off at a different location is given to the driver.

7.         A rider may be assigned a seat by the driver.

8.         Riders who damage seats or other equipment will reimburse the district for the cost of the repair or replacement.

9.         Riders are not permitted to leave their seats while the vehicle is in motion.  Seat belts must be worn if the bus is equipped with them.

10.         Waste containers are provided on all buses for bus riders' use.

11.         Permission to open windows must be obtained from the driver.

12.         Classroom conduct is to be observed by students while riding the bus except for ordinary conversation.

13.         The driver is in charge of the students and the vehicle, and the driver is to be obeyed promptly and cheerfully.

14.         Students will assist in looking after the safety and comfort of younger students.

15.         A bus rider who must cross the roadway to board or depart from the bus will pass in front of the bus (no closer than 10 feet), look in both directions and proceed to cross the road or highway only on signal from the driver.

16.         Students will not throw objects about the vehicle nor out through the windows.

17.         Shooting paper wads, squirt guns or other material in the vehicle is not permitted.

18.         Students will keep feet off the seats.

19.         Roughhousing in the vehicle is prohibited.

20.         Students will refrain from crowding or pushing.

21.         The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco or look-alike substances is prohibited in the vehicle.

22.          The Good Conduct Rule is in effect.


The following procedures will apply to those students who fail to comply with any of the above rules and regulations:


1.      First Infraction:  The transportation director or building principal shall notify the student's parent of the behavior.  The incident will be logged in Infinite Campus.


2.      Second Infraction:  The student's parents will be contacted and a conference with the transportation director, principal and the student's family will be held.  A suspension of up to five days from the bus may be given at this time.  Procedures for suspension are as follows:

                                  a.  A letter will be drafted by the building principal/designee and mailed to the parent(s)guardian(s) concerned.  The letter will indicate the dates of suspension and reason(s) for the suspension.  The building principal/designee will make a phone call and follow up with a letter to ensure parents/guardians are properly informed.


b.  A copy of the above letter will also be sent to the transportation director, and the superintendent/designee.  Principals/designees will again conference with this student indicating that if he/she is involved in another discipline problem, bus-riding privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the school year. Principal/designee may also assign additional consequences.


                3.      Third Infraction: (Bus riding privileges may be REVOKED)--  If the same student commits a third infraction of any rule or regulation, that student's bus riding privileges may be revoked for the remainder of the school year.  Procedures for revoking bus-riding privileges are as follows:


                                  a.  A registered letter will be drafted by the superintendent/designee indicating the effective date of the revocation and reasons for this action.

                    b.  A phone call will be made to ensure parents/guardians are properly informed.


Date of Adoption/Review/Revision:

July 1979

August 21, 1990

August 1992

August 1995

June 1998

June 2001

June 2004

July 2010

August 2010

August 2013

September 2016

August 2017

June 2019

December 2021

December 2024