219 - Ad Hoc Committees

219 - Ad Hoc Committees



Series 200


Policy Title: Ad Hoc Committees Code No. 219


Whenever the board deems it necessary, the board may appoint a committee composed of citizens, employees or students to assist the board. Committees formed by the board are ad hoc committees.


An ad hoc committee may be formed by board resolution, which will outline the duties and purpose of the committee. The committee is advisory in nature and has no duty or responsibility other than that specifically stated in the board resolution. The committee will automatically dissolve upon the delivery of its final recommendation to the board or upon completion of the duties outlined in the board resolution. The board will receive the report of the committee for consideration. The board retains the authority to make a final decision on the issue. The committee will be subject to the open meetings law if the committee is established by statute or if the committee makes policy recommendations and is established or approved by the board.


The method for selection of committee members will be stated in the board resolution. When possible, and when the necessary expertise required allows, the committee members will be representative of the school district community and will consider the various viewpoints on the issue. The board may designate a board member and the superintendent to serve on an ad hoc committee. The committee will select its own chairperson, unless the board designates otherwise.


Date of Adoption/Review/Revision:

July 2003

July 2006

July 2009

July 2012

July 2015

  September 2019

October 2024


Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 11/01/2019 - 11:16

219E1 - Ad Hoc Committees Exhibit

219E1 - Ad Hoc Committees Exhibit


Series 200 Policy Title: Ad Hoc Committees Exhibit

Code No. 219E1


Ad Hoc Committee Purpose and Function


The specific purpose of each ad hoc committee varies. Generally, the primary function of an ad hoc committee is to give specific advice and suggestions. The advice and suggestions should focus on the purpose and duties stated in the board resolution establishing the committee. It is the board's role to take action based on information received from the ad hoc committee and other sources. Ad hoc committees may be subject to the open meetings law.


Role of an Ad Hoc Committee Member


The primary role of an ad hoc committee member is to be a productive, positive member of the committee. In doing so, it is important to listen to and respect the opinions of others. When the ad hoc committee makes a recommendation to the board, it is important for the ad hoc committee members to support the majority decision of the ad hoc committee. An ad hoc committee will function best when its members work within the committee framework and bring items of business to the ad hoc committee.


Ad Hoc Committee Membership


Ad hoc committee members may be appointed by the board. The board may request input from individuals or organizations, or it may seek volunteers to serve. Only the board or superintendent has the authority to appoint members to an ad hoc committee. Boards must follow the legal limitations or requirements regarding the membership of an ad hoc committee.



Date of Adoption/Review/Revision:

July 2006

July 2009

July 2012

July 2015

September 2019

October 2024


Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 11/01/2019 - 11:18

219R1 - School Improvement Team

219R1 - School Improvement Team



Series 200


Policy Title: School Improvement Team Code No: 219R1


The superintendent shall establish a School Improvement Team to serve as a part of the administration structures and procedures for the purpose of conducting continuous long-range and short-range programs in the curriculum and development and the improvement of instruction.


School Improvement Team Purpose:


It shall be the responsibility of the School Improvement Team to make recommendations to the Board.


School Improvement Team Objectives:


  1. At five-year intervals, the School Improvement Team analyzes needs assessment data and makes recommendations to the school about:
    1. Major educational needs,
    2. Student learning goals,
    3. Long-range goals that include, but are not limited to, the state indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science achievement.


  1. At least annually, the School Improvement Team makes recommendations to the board about the following:
    1. Progress toward annual improvement goals on state indicators addressing reading, mathematics, and science.
    2. Progress toward goals related to other locally determined indicators.
    3. Revision/formulation of the next year's annual improvement goals for the state indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science achievement.


  1. The School Improvement Team continuously examines a wide range of data (longitudinal student data, empirical research, projected trends that have implications for student learning, other student achievement data, and, stakeholder input) in preparing its recommendations to the school board related to the three required areas.


School Improvement Team Membership:


The School Improvement Team is a microcosm of the local community. Membership reflects community diversity in terms of socio-economic status, racial and ethnic groups, gender, disability status, age, local businesses, and agencies.


Membership should include:

Two Primary Level Teachers (K-3) Two Intermediate Level Teachers (4-5) Two Middle Level Teachers (6-8)

Two High School Level Teachers (9-12)

Three Parents and/or Community Representatives One or Two Board Members

Two Students

Elementary, Middle and High School Principals Superintendent

A Senior Citizen (if possible) A Disabled Person (if possible) A Minority Person (if possible)


Members shall be appointed by the board annually. Membership shall be a minimum of one year. The superintendent or designee shall chair the Committee.





Date of Adoption/Review/Revision:

May 14, 1986

August 14, 1989

August 1994

August 1997

August 2000

July 2006

July 2009

July 2012

July 2015

September 2019

October 2024


Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 11/01/2019 - 11:19