BOARD MINUTESClick on the meeting date from the list below to view minutes from recent Carroll CSD board meetings.
Minutes 2019-20 School Year
Minutes 2019-20 School Year Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 09/09/2020 - 11:07Minutes - 2019.06.18
Minutes - 2019.06.18Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the media center of Carroll High School. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff present: Marty Fonley, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, Jerry Raymond, Tammie McKenzie, Larry Lesle, Tom Borchers, Jesse Strong, Craig Rowedder, Chelsea Bissen, Randy Bissen, Jeff Dvorak, Francie O’Leary and Al Sterns. Others present: Amy
Whitver, Annie Mehl, Nathan Konz, Michael Bach, Gary Bellinghausen, and Owen Perrin.
Approval of Agenda:
Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda as presented. Jon Sampson
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the May 20th and May 30th Board meetings:
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $331,752.71
- Student Activity Fund $31,853.93
- Management Fund $27,693.00
- Local Option Sales Tax $115,286.00
- Nutrition Fund $31,649.60
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $7,811.25
C. Resignations:
D. Field Trips:
E. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
The Board presented Mr. Marty Fonley with a Certificate of Appreciation for serving as the District’s Interim Superintendent.
Brad Jorgensen arrived at 6:20 p.m.
Marty Fonley presented the following donations for approval:
- Kids Christmas Wish Fund (through KCIM/KKRL) wishes to donate $700 to the Summer Meals Program.
- Beth Wiederin wishes to donate a John Deere B tractor to the FFAprogram. This would enable students to experience farm equipment restoration. The tractor has an estimated value of $2,000.
- Two employees of Wells Fargo have made donations of $100 each. They would like the donations to be used by Carroll Middle School.
Tammie McKenzie stated that the tractor doesn’t currently align with the agriculture education curriculum. She suggested that FFA instructor Mr. Eischeid
visit with Ms. Wiederin and possibly donate it to the FFA chapter instead.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the donation from KCIM/KKRL and Wells Fargo. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
School Improvement Report:
A. IGDIs/FAST 2018-2019 results:
Sue Ruch presented results from the IGDI/FAST assessments for the 2018-2019 school year.
B. NWEA Math 2018-2019 results:
The building principals reviewed results from the 2018-2019 NWEA math assessment.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented for approval:
- Sue Ruch recommended Darby Skillern for a kindergarten position at Fairview Elementary School. If approved, she would be on Step 0 of the BA Lane and receive $38,145 (base of $31,775).
- Sue Ruch recommended Hannah Robinson for a first grade teaching position at Fairview Elementary School. If approved she would be placed on Step 11 of the BA Lane and receive $45,207 (base of $38,704)
- Randy Bissen recommended Kim Klein for the Student Senate sponsor position. If approved, Ms. Klein would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and receive $953.
- Jerry Raymond recommended Britni Hubbard for the Administrative Assistant position at the Carroll Middle School. If approved, Ms. Hubbard would be paid $12.00 per hour and work 8 hours per day.
- Sue Ruch recommended the following teachers for Teacher Leadership and Compensation positions:
- Jodie Guddall – TLC Oversight Committee Member (AES)
- Tina Netusil – Mentor, Kindergarten Teacher (FV)
- Ali Schon – Mentor, Kindergarten Teacher (FV)
- Bev Schmitt-Kirsch – Mentor, Kindergarten Teacher (FV)
- Amanda Warnaca – Mentor, Special Education Teacher (AES)
- Ashley Wuebker, - Guidance Counselor (AES)
- Tammie KcKenzie recommended the following teachers for Teacher Leadership and Compensation positions:
- Kim Klein – TLC Mentor position
- Kim Renning – TLC Oversight position
- Bill Polking – TLC Mentor position
- Randy Bissen recommended Kevin Brincks for the set construction position. If approved, Mr. Brincks would receive $1,131. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen recommended Jennifer Swope for the music accompanist position. If approved, Ms. Swope would be paid $12.25 per hour.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Eric Hahn for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved, Mr. Hahn would work 7 hours per day and receive $11.25 per hour.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Lauren Opperman for a freshman volleyball coaching position. If approved, Ms. Opperman would be on Step 3 and would receive $3,030.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Shelley Helmich for the freshman girls’ basketball coaching position. If approved, Ms. Helmich would be on Step 31 and would receive $3,591.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Mike Brinker for the position of substitute bus driver. If approved, Mr. Brinker would receive $17.95 per hour.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Erin Comstock for ESY online coursework for credit recovery for the following times and dates: June 6-7-10-11-12-13 & 14 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Jason Gehling for the assistant bus mechanic position. If approved, Mr. Gehling would work eight hours per day and be paid $19.00 per hour. Approval is contingent upon a clear background check and contingent upon his obtaining his passenger and school bus license endorsements.
B. Contract Modifications:
- Marty Fonley reported that Tony Hooper was approved April 15, 2019 for an assistant varsity football coaching position at Step 0 on the salary schedule. Tony has 17 years of paid coaching experience and should be placed on Step 35 and receive $4,844.
C. Volunteer:
- Sydney Crnkovich wishes to be a volunteer with the varsity volleyball program. She has been a middle school volleyball coach for three years at Carroll Community School District.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to accept the personnel recommendations. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Administrative Report:
A. Handbook Revisions:
1. CMS Eligibility Policy:
Jerry Raymond presented an eligibility policy for the Carroll Middle School. It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the eligibility for the Carroll Middle School and remove the word policy from the statement. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
2. CMS Student Handbook Revisions:
3. CMS Staff Handbook:
Jerry Raymond presented proposed changes for the Carroll Middle School Student and Staff Handbooks. It was moved by Karen Friedlein to accept the changes recommended for the Carroll Middle School student and staff handbooks. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
4. CHS Student Handbook Revisions:
5. CHS Teacher Handbook:
Tammie McKenzie presented proposed changes for the Carroll High School Student and Staff Handbooks. It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the revised Carroll High School student and staff handbooks with the changes to after hours and competition eligibility as discussed. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
6. FV and AES Staff Handbooks:
7. FV and AES Student Handbooks:
8. Preschool Handbooks:
Sue Ruch presented the proposed changes to the Fairview Elementary, Adams Elementary, and Preschool Student and Staff Handbooks: It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the revised handbooks for Fairview Elementary, Adams Elementary, and the Preschool program. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
B. Approve CESA Contract:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the master contract with the Carroll Education Support Association for the 2019 to 2021 school years. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
C. Approve CEA Contract:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the master contract with the Carroll Education Association for the 2019 to 2021 school years. Jon Sampson
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
D. Consider Board Policy 319 – Administrator Insurance:
E. Consider revision of Board Policy 401 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action:
F. Consider Board Policy 426 – Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure:
G. Consider Board Policy 499 – Suicide Prevention and ACES Training Requirements:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the first reading of Board Policy 319 – Administrator Insurance, 401 – Equal Employment Opportunity and
Affirmative Action, 426 – Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure, and 499 – Suicide Prevention and ACES Training Requirements. Brad Jorgensen
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
H. Revision of Board Policy 708R1 – Bus Service Eligibility Regulation:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the first reading of revised Board Policy 708R1 – Bus Service Eligibility Regulation. Duane Horsley
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
I. Second Reading of Policies:
- Policy 303 – Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment & Appointment
- Policy 413 – Personnel Health and Safety
- Policy 495 – Substitutes (Teachers)
- Policy 208 – Term of Office
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the second reading of Board Policy 303 - Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment & Appointment, 413
– Personnel Health and Safety, 495 – Substitute Teachers, and 208 – Term of Office. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
J. 400 Series of Board Policies:
Marty Fonley suggested that as the result of a review from the school attorney the following Board Policies are recommended for deletion and moved to a handbook:
- 433 - Voluntary Retirement
- 467 – Evaluation – Classified Employees
- 468 – Employee Minimum Wage and Overtime Compensation
- 469 – Resignation – Classified Personnel
- 476 – Grievance Procedure
- 485 – Licensed Employee Salary Schedule
- 486 – Placement on Salary Schedule
- 487 – Insurance - Licensed Staff
- 488 – Evaluation Procedure – Licensed Employee
It was moved by Duane Horsley to table the removal of Board Policies 433 – Voluntary Retirement and 486 – Placement on Salary Schedule and to remove policies 467, 468, 469, 476, 485, 487, and 488 as recommended. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
K. Driver Education Program for 2019-2020:
1. Contract for Driver’s Education Services:
Marty Fonley presented a proposed contract with Deluxe Driving Academy to have them to provide all drivers education programing. It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the contract with Deluxe Driving Academy for driver education services contingent upon our attorney reviewing the contract. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Duane Nays: None
2. Driver Education Fees:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the increase of the driver education fee from $350 to $375. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Duane, Jon Nays: None
3. Class Credit:
Tammie McKenzie proposed that starting with the graduating class of 2020 driving education class credit will not count on a student’s transcript. Currently only those taking drivers education at the school receive credit for the class. It was moved by Duane Horsley to remove the half credit hour for
drivers education beginning with the 2020 school year. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
L. MICA Program – Mid-Iowa Community Action:
Tammie McKenzie and Larry Lesle reviewed this program for Carroll Middle School and Carroll High School students. The program would offer lessons in self-esteem, learning strategies, time management, networking, jobs, and money.
M. Appoint Level II Investigator:
Marty Fonley stated that the district’s current Level II investigator has retired. He suggested that the Carroll Police Department be appointed as the
district’s Level II investigator for the 2019-2020 school year. It was moved by Jon Sampson to appoint the Carroll Police Department as the district’s Level II Investigator. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Carroll High School Gymnasium – Control Room Proposal:
The Board reviewed a proposal by district personnel to create a control room for the high school gymnasium in the small commons. This room would contain all controls for the new video board, Tiger Vision cameras, and gymnasium audio equipment. The district is currently soliciting bids on the installation of walls to create this room. The Board expressed support for the proposed project.
B. Proposal to Replace District-Wide Radio System:
This item was tabled.
C. Sealed Bids on Used Buses:
Marty Fonley reported that only one sealed bid was received on the district’s used buses. That bid was from Mike Huff, a salvage dealer from Blenco,
who offered $501.01 for each bus. There was a minimum bid of $500 stipulated on each vehicle.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the bid from Mike Huff for $501.01 for each bus. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
M. Budget Updates:
Gary Bengtson presented various budget updates to the Board.
A. Special Board Meeting – June 27, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
B. Regular Board Meeting – July 15, 2019
The Board discussed moving the regular Board meeting for July from July 15, 2019 to July 22, 2019 at 5:30 p.m.
Suggestions for July 22nd Board Meeting:
A. Annual Progress Report:
B. 2018 – 2019 Legislative Priorities
C. Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3)
D. Issue of Warrants Resolution
E. Job Descriptions
F. Other Suggestions
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.06.27
Minutes - 2019.06.27Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members
present: Karen Friedlein, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff present: Marty Fonley, Gary Bengtson, Diane Renneke, Larry Lesle, Chelsea Bissen,
Craig Rowedder, and Jeff Dvorak. Others present: Annie Mehl and Nathan Konz.
Approval of Agenda:
Jon Sampson moved to approve the agenda. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Resignations:
Marty Fonley stated that Stacie Muhlbauer wishes to resign from her preschool teacher associate position.
B. Approval for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented for approval:
- Jeff Cullen recommended Jerry Tyron for a sub and activity bus driving position. Approval was recommended contingent upon his completion of all required training and obtaining all required licenses.
- Sue Ruch recommended Roxanne Aden for a crossing guard at Adams Elementary in the afternoon only.
- Jerry Raymond recommended Andrea Hogenson for the 7th and 8th grade science teaching position. If approved Ms. Hogenson would be placed on Step 9 of the BA lane and would receive $43,923 (base of $37,445). Approval was recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch recommended Karen Sturm for the central printing position at Adams Elementary. If approved, Ms. Strum will work 7.5 hours per day and will be paid $12.00 per hour. Approval was contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch recommended Kirstyne Moten for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved, Ms. Moten will work 6.75 hours per day and will be paid $11.25 per hour. Approval was recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch recommended Stacy Rummerfield for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved, Ms. Rummerfield will work 6.75 hours per day and will be paid $11.55 per hour. Approval was recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
C. Contract Modifications:
The following contract modifications were presented for approval:
- The Board of Education recommended that Dr. Casey Berlau’s contract be modified to a three-year contract.
- Melissa Owen will share teacher associate responsibilities with a student that has a severe/profound needs. Sue Ruch recommended her pay be adjusted to reflect this change.
- Julie Chumbley will share teacher associate responsibilities with a student that has severe/profound needs. Sue Ruch recommended her pay be adjusted to reflect this change.
D. Review/Approve End of Year Bills:
Gary Bengtson and Diane Renneke reviewed the end of year bills with the Board in the following amounts:
- General Fund $176,048.39
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $250,849.80
- Local Option Sales Tax $62,566.00
- Student Activity Fund $13,640.83
- School Nutrition Fund $6,824.02
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the consent agenda and the end of year bills excluding the bill to Covent Construction. Jon Sampson
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the bill from Covent Construction contingent upon the approval of Jeff Dvorak and Gary Bengtson and
discussion with Covent Construction and the architect. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Jon Nays: None
Second Reading of Board Policies:
Marty Fonley presented the following Board Policies for a second reading:
• 391 Insurance
• 401 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
• 426 Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure
• 467 Evaluation – Classified Employees (delete)
• 468 Employee Minimum Wage and Overtime Compensation
• 469 Resignation – Classified Personnel
• 476 Grievance Procedure (delete)
• 485 Licensed Employee Salary Schedule (delete)
• 487 Insurance – Licensed Staff – (delete)
• 488 Evaluation Procedure – Licensed Employees (delete)
• 499 Suicide Prevention and ACES Training Requirements (new)
• 708R1 Bus Service Eligibility Regulation
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the changes to the Board policies as described. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consider Revising Board Policy 538R1:
Marty Fonley presented revised Board policy 538R1 titled Co-Curricular Activities and Competitions.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the first reading of Board Policy 538R1. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Control Room Bids:
A. Construction of Control Room:
Jeff Dvorak reported he had received two bids for the construction of a control room in the small commons of the Carroll High School. The first bid from Rotert Construction of Carroll was for $18,000 and the second from Badding Construction of Carroll was for $16,807. It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the bid from Badding Construction for the construction of the control room for $16,807.00 contingent upon them removing the display case by July 8th, and to approve the electrical bid from Lohrmann Electric for $3,800.00. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Jon Nays: None
B. Equipment for the Control Room:
Gary Bengtson stated that the district had received two bids for equipment in the control room. This bid would provide for the installation of permanent
cameras in the high school gymnasium which would be wired back to the control room. The remaining equipment in the control room would enable the district to stream activities to the internet. He stated the bids were from Z Systems Inc. of Saint Louis Park, Minnesota for a total of $45,377.41, and from Aldis Systems of Minneapolis, Minnesota for a total of $55,132.47. Craig Rowedder and Chelsea Bissen explained the bids to the Board and stated that although both systems would allow for streaming of events the bids also contain many differences. The bid from Aldis Sytems, for example, would allow for live streaming from the Carroll Athletic Stadium as well. Mr. Rowedder stated the bid prices are a maximum price as the district already owns some of the equipment listed on the bid.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the bid from Aldis Systems not to exceed $55,200.00. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Closed Session – Emergency Operation Plan:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to go into closed session as authorized by Section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meetings law to review or discuss records which
are required or authorized to be kept confidential. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Jennifer Munson declared the meeting closed at 12:51 p.m.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to return to open session at 1:07 p.m. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as
follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Jon Nays: None
Jennifer Munson declared the meeting open at 1:07 p.m.
Emergency Operations Plan:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the Emergency Operations Plan as presented. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 1:08 p.m. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.07.22
Minutes - 2019.07.22Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Karen Friedlein, Brad Jorgenson, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Jeff Dvorak and Larry Lesle. Others present: Nathan Konz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the June 18th and June 27th Board meetings
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $364,914.07
- Student Activity Fund $6,585.55
- Management Fund $349,166.50
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $255,318.04
- Local Option Sales Tax $88,115.13
- Nutrition Fund $2,632.16
- Scholarship Fund $1,000.00
C. Resignations:
D. Field Trips:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the consent agenda. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
There were no donations to present.
Personnel Report:
A. Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
- Randy Bissen recommended Kaitlynn Kaufman for a 7th grade volleyball coaching position. If approved she would be on Step 7 of the salary schedule and receive $1,954.00.
- Randy Bissen recommended Molly Benson for a music accompanist position. If approved she would receive $12.68 per hour.
- Jeff Cullen recommended Tim Henriksen for a contracted bus driving position. If approved, he would work 2.5 hours per day and be paid $18.08 per hour and receive a $1,000 signing bonus.
- Jeff Cullen recommended Kevin Boger for a substitute and activity bus driving position.
- Sue Ruch recommended Allison Hike for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved she would work 6.75 hours per day at $11.55 per hour.
- Sue Ruch recommended Kimberly Preston for a preschool special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved she would work 6.75 hours per day at $11.80 per hour.
- Sara Anderson recommended Holly Schaefer for a foodservice position at Fairview Elementary position. If approved, she would work 7 hours per day at $10.00 per hour.
B. Contract Modification:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended that Crystal Boes receive $25.00 per month in cell phone reimbursement.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the personnel report. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as
follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
Administration Report:
A. North Central Consortium Agreement:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented an Agreement for enrollment of nonresident students into the North Central Consortium School with the Manson Northwest Webster Community School District.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to accept the agreement with the Manson Northwest Webster Community School District. Duane Horsley seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
B. St. Anthony Athletic Training Agreement:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with St. Anthony Regional Hospital for the services of an athletic trainer for the 2019-2020 school year.
The cost of the agreement would be $2,000 annually.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the St. Anthony athletic training agreement. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Karen Brad Nays: None Abstain: Jennifer
C. Starting and Substitute Pay for 2019-2020:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a list of proposed starting and substitute pay for the 2019-2020 school year. It was moved by Karen Friedlein to accept the starting and substitute pay rates for the 2019-2020 school year. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
D. IASB 2019-2020 Legislative Priorities:
The Iowa Association of School Boards has requested local school boards establish their top four legislative priorities for the 2019-2020 school year.
After discussion, the Board agreed on the following resolutions:
- 7. Mental Health:
Supports efforts to establish comprehensive community mental health systems to offer preventative and treatment services and comprehensiveschool mental health programs that include in-school access for students to mental health professionals and provisions for reimbursement by Medicaid and private insurers. Supports additional ongoing teacher, administrator, and support staff training to improve the awareness and understanding of child emotional and mental health needs. Supports incentives for workforce development for mental health professionals in schools. - 13. Market-Competitive Wages:
Supports providing school districts with incentives and flexibility to pay market competitive wages for shortage area positions, especially in the areas to meet graduation and Iowa content standards. - 19. School Funding Policy:
Supports a school foundation formula that:
• Provides sufficient and timely funding to meet education goals;
• Equalizes per pupil funding;
• Provides a funding mechanism for transportation costs that reduces the pressure on the general fund and addresses inequities between school districts;
• Includes factors based on changes in demographics including socioeconomic status, remedial programming, and enrollment challenges;
• Reflects actual costs for special education services
• Incorporates categorical funding in the formula within three years; and
• Includes a mix of property taxes and state aid - 20. Supplemental State Aid:
Supports setting supplemental state aid:
• For FY 2020 by January 31, 2019.
• For FY 2021 and future budget years, at least 14 months prior to the certification of the school’s district budgets; and
• at a rate that sufficiently supports local districts’ efforts to plan, create, and sustain world-class schoolsSetting supplemental state aid within the statutory requirements allows districts to make sound financial decisions on programs, staffing levels, and providing the best possible education to all students. IASB supports a formula driven method for establishing the supplemental state aid growth rate if it is not set within the statutory requirements.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to propose 2019-2020 IASB legislative priorities as 7.-Mental Health, 13. Market-Competitive Wages, 19. School Funding Policy, and 20. Supplemental State Aid. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
E. Board Policy Revisions:
1. Second Reading 538R1 – Co-Curricular Activities and Competitions:
The Board held a second reading of Board Policy 538R1 related to Co-Curricular Activities and Competitions.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the second reading of Board Policy 538R1. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
2. First Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:
- 210 – Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest:
- 501R3 – Attendance Center Assignment (New)
- 508 – Graduation Requirements
- 609 – Special Education
- 617 – Basic Instruction Program
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 210, 501R3, 508, 609, and 617. Karen Friedlein seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Appointment of Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3):
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to appoint Gary Bengtson as the Board Secretary/Treasurer. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote,
the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
Jennifer Munson administered the oath of office to Gary Bengtson.
B. Issue of Warrants Resolution:
Gary Bengtson presented the Issue of Warrants Resolution for fiscal year 2019-2020 for approval. Brad Jorgensen moved to approve and read the following:
“The Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District hereby authorizes the Board Secretary to issue warrants when the Board is not in
session for the payment of utilities, freight, drayage, express, postage, salaries, state and federal taxes, FICA, IPERS, CEA and CESA dues, employee
annuities, United Way contributions, health insurance premiums, Carroll Recreation Center dues, advance transportation expenses, registration fees and
related costs, court-ordered garnishments, and previously approved contracted expenses.”
Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
C. Bank Depositories:
Gary Bengtson presented a resolution naming bank depositories for 2019-2020: “Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School
District in Carroll County, Iowa approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of the Iowa Code. The Board Secretary is hereby authorized to deposit District funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below:
Depository Name Home Office Balance
Availa Bank Carroll, IA $3,000,000
Iowa Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,500,000
Commercial Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,000,000
Bank of the West San Francisco, CA $1,000,000
Westside State Bank Westside, IA $1,000,000
Templeton Savings Bank Templeton, IA $1,000,000
United Bank of Iowa Ida Grove, IA $7,000,000
Breda Savings Bank Breda, IA $1,000,000
INVESTMENTS (not required)
Iowa Schools Des Moines, IA $6,500,000
Joint Investment Trust
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Carroll Community School District's Board of Directors adopted at a
meeting of said public body, duly called and held on the 22nd day of July, 2019, a quorum being present, as said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and is now in full force and effect.”
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the Bank Depository Resolution for 2019-2020. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
D. Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Advisory Board Membership:
Jennifer Munson said that the Board had appointed a member to participate on this committee in the past but the meetings had been switched to Monday nights and due to the conflict with Board meetings no one from the Board has attended for some time. It is suggested that Activities Director Randy Bissen be
appointed to this committee as his attendance at Board meetings is not usually
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to appoint Randy Bissen to the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Advisory Board. Karen Friedlein seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
E. Tires Bids:
Dr. Berlau reported that two tire bids were received by the district for the 2019-2020 school year. Bauer Built Tire Company bid $2,210.00 and Performance
Tire bid $2,450.00.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to award the tire bid to Bauer Built Tire Company for $2,210.00. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane Jon, Jennifer, Brad Nays: None
F. Copier Bids:
Gary Bengtson presented five bids for the lease of copy machines for the district for a three year period. He stated the lease is calculated on 263,000 copies per month and 3,600 color copies per month for a 36 month term. He stated the apparent low bidder is Access Systems of Des Moines . He suggested that the bid from Access Systems be approved contingent upon them submitting lease documents agreeable to the district’s attorney and himself. If agreement cannot be reached the district would work with the next lowest bidder.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the Access Systems bid of $71,424.00
for a three-year contract contingent upon Gary and our attorney reaching agreement with Access Systems. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
G. Sound System Bids:
Jeff Dvorak reported the district had received two bids for the installation of a new sound system in the Carroll High School Gymnasium. He stated that district personnel had listened to a demonstration of the sound system available with the Daktronics video board recently installed in the gymnasium. The system consisted of a single speaker box and didn’t offer much of an improvement over the existing system. The district contacted DB Acoustics from Marion, Iowa who specializes in designing sound systems for such environments. They proposed a twelve speaker system with two subwoofers and designed specifically to meet the needs for sports activities and other functions such as graduation ceremonies. The cost of the system would be $38,769 with some of those funds coming from excess funds raised for the video board.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to accept the gymnasium sound system bid from DB Acoustics for $38,769.00. The motion was seconded by Karen Friedlein.
On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
H. Carroll High School Commons Wall Bids:
Jeff Dvorak reported he had not received any bids on this project yet.
I. Radio System Bids:
High School Coordinator of Student Support Services Larry Lesle reported that he and Jeff Cullen had been researching a replacement for the district’s current radio system. The system would provide communications to the district’s bus fleet but also enable between building communications and district-wide service in the event of an emergency. He stated the current system was outdated and the FCC license had lapsed. He presented the low bid from FirstWireless, Inc. of Omaha, Nebraska for a repeater, 34 handheld radios, and related equipment at a cost of $32,186.79. He stated the proposed repeater would work with the current analog radios in the buses in addition to the new proposed digital radios. As buses are added to the fleet the analog radios would be replaced with digital equipment.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to accept the bid of $32,186.79 from FirstWireless for the communication network. Duane Horsley seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
J. Preschool Agreement with Kuemper:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed preschool agreement with the Kuemper Catholic School District. The only change in this agreement over past
agreements is that the restriction to two classrooms would be changed to three.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the proposed preschool agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Kuemper Catholic
School System. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
K. Capital Outlay:
1. Adams Street Parking/Crosswalk Project:
2. Sidewalk Replacement from Adams Gym:
Jeff Dvorak presented a proposal to remove the south crosswalk on the west side of Adams Elementary and reconfigure pavement in the area. This
would enable up to eight buses to line up for student boarding. The project would also provide handicap parking on the west side of the gymnasium an
replace sidewalks in the area. The cost of the project would be $31,810.00.
It was moved by Brad Jorgenson to accept the bid from Keith Nelson Builders for $31,810.00. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
L. Budget Updates:
Gary Bengtson reviewed various budget reports with the Board
A. New Teachers Report August 14th, 15th , and 16th
B. All Staff Report on August 19th
C. August Board Meeting – August 19th
D. August 23rd – First Day of School with Students
Suggestions for August 19th Board Meeting:
A. Appointments for Fiscal Year 2019- 2020
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.08.19
Minutes - 2019.08.19Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Karen Friedlein, Brad Jorgenson, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, and Sue Ruch. Others present: Amy Whitver, Annie Mehl, and Nathan Konz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the Board agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the July 22, 2019 Board meeting B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $154,190.19
- Student Activity Fund $14,444.69
- Management Fund $250.00
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $19,675.03
- Local Option Sales Tax $109,513.30
- Nutrition Fund $2,285.81
- Scholarship Fund $1,000.00
C. Resignations
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda as presented. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
There were no donations for the month of August.
Personnel Report:
A. Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
- Randy Bissen is recommending Liz Auen for an assistant boys swimming coaching position and for an assistant girls swimming coaching position. If approved Ms. Auen would receive $1,748 for each position. Approval is recommended contingent upon Liz receiving her coaching license.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Andrea Berg for a special education teacher associate position. If approved Andrea would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $11.25 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Tammie McKenzie is recommending Tracy Burgart for a Special Education TA position at Carroll High School. If approved Ms. Burgart would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $11.85 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Cody Cornelius for a three-hour per day custodial position at Adams Elementary. Cody currently works five hours per day in food service at Fairview and will continue to do so. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Cory Heiman for a 7th grade football coaching position. If approved, Mr. Heiman would receive $1,716. Approval is recommended
- Sue Ruch is recommending Amy Hinners for a special education teacher associate position at Adams. If approved, Ms. Hinners would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $11.55 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Jennifer Holm for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Holm would work 7 hours per day and would receive $11.75 per hour. Approval is recommended
- Sara Anderson is recommending Kari Klocke for a kitchen manager position at Carroll High School. If approved Ms. Klocke would work 8 hours per day/5 days per week and would be paid $16.00 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Amanda Krieger for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Ms. Krieger would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $11.80 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Mollie Lappe for the assistant drama sponsor position. If approved Ms. Lappe would be paid $1,271. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Brian Mentzer for a substitute and activity bus driving position. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Jessica Ott for a JV girls soccer coaching position and an 8th grade girls basketball coaching position. If approved Ms. Ott would $1,886 for the soccer position and $1,954 for the basketball coaching position. Approval is recommended.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Ashey Pogge for a Mentor position at Adams. If approved this would be retroactive to August 1, 2019. Approval is recommended.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Larry Riesenberg for a food service position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Mr. Riesenberg would work 3 hours per day/5 days per week and would be paid $10.00 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Janet Robbs for food service worker position at Carroll High School. If approved Ms. Robbs would work 3 hours per day and 3 or 4 days per week and would be paid $10.00 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Kim Ruger for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Ruger would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $11.50 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Tammie McKenzie is recommending Kelli Schulz for a Teacher Leadership and Compensation Instructional Coach position. If approved this would be retroactive to August 1, 2019. Approval is recommended.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Amy Warnke for a food service worker position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Warnke would work 3 hours per day and 3 days per week and would be paid $10.00 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
B. Contract Modification:
The following contract modifications were presented for approval:
- Jerry Raymond is recommending that Jessica Mowrey's letter of assignment be modified to 7 hours per day. Jessica worked at AES during the 2018-19 school year and TA's work 6.75 hours per day at Adams. Jessica will transfer to CMS with the students she worked with during 2018-19. Approval of modification is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending that Bethany Walbaum's letter of assignment be modified to 7 hours per day. Bethany worked at AES during the 2018-19 school year and TA's work 6.75 hours per day at Adams. Bethany will transfer to CMS with the students she worked with during 2018-19. Approval of modification is recommended.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the employment recommendations and contract modifications as presented. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
Administration Report:
A. Administrative Appointments for 2019-2020:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following appointments for the 2019-2020 school year.
- Education Equity Officer - Crystal Boes
- Section 504 Coordinator - Crystal Boes
- Employee Sexual Harassment Compliance Officers – Dr. Casey Berlau & Sue Ruch alternate Gary Bengtson
- Abuse of Students by Employees Level I Investigators - Gary Bengtson & Kathy Cordes, alternates Dr. Casey Berlau & Sue Ruch Level II Investigator - Carroll Police Department
- Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer -- Crystal Boes
- Homeless Liaison - Gary Bengtson
- Deputy Principals*
Fairview - Crystal Boes and Dr. Casey Berlau
Adams Elementary - Crystal Boes and Dr. Casey Berlau
Carroll Middle School -- Jill Greiman
Carroll High School – Larry Lesle and Randy Bissen - Deputy Superintendent* – Gary Bengtson and Sue Ruch
* Deputy is defined as the administrator-in-charge during the absence of the regular administrator.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to accept the administrative appointments for the 2019-2020. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
B. Approve Preschool Calendar Changes for 2019-2020:
Sue Ruch presented proposed preschool calendar changes for the 2019-2020 school year, With the proposed changes preschool classes would not be held on September 18th, October 9th, November 13th, December 4th, January 8th, February 12th, March 18th, and April 22nd
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the preschool calendar changes for the 2019-2020. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: Brad
C. Memorandum of Understanding with Head Start:
Sue Ruch presented a proposed memorandum of understanding with the Head Start program. The memorandum of understanding outlines each entity's responsibilities and matches past memorandums of understanding.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the memorandum of understanding with Head Start. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion, On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayeş: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
D. Review Job Descriptions:
The following job descriptions were reviewed:
• Coach – Head Varsity
• Coach - Assistant
• Coach - 9th Grade
• Coach - Middle School
• MS Weight Room Supervisor
• Drama Coach – Head
• Drama Coach - Assistant
• Yearbook Supervisor
• Prom Sponsor
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the revised job descriptions. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
E. Discuss/Review/Revise Board Policies:
1. Board Policies 200 Series:
The Board held a first reading of the 200 series of Board Policies dealing with the Board of Directors.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the first reading of the 200 series of Board policies. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
2. Board Policy 915 Facility Use or Rental:
Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson presented a revised Facilities Use or Rental Policy.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the first reading of proposed Board Policy 915. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call yote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
3. Second Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:
- 501R3 Attendance Center Assignment
- 508 Graduation Requirements 538R1 Co-Curricular Activities and Competitions
- 609 Special Education
- 617 Basic Instruction Program
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the second reading of Board Policies 501R3, 508, 538R1, 609, and 617. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
F. Superintendent Report: '
Dr. Casey Berlau updated the Board on happenings within the district. He stated the district is currently working on a couple of open enrollments and a transportation arrangement for a special education student to Woodward Granger Community School District. He also discussed his goals for the year and the possibility of bringing in an Iowa School Board Association representative to discuss a superintendent evaluation process and facilitate Board goal setting.
Business Office Report:
A. Dairy and Bakery Bids:
Gary Bengtson presented two bids for dairy items and one bid for bakery items. He recommended the bid from Anderson Erickson for dairy products and the bid from Bimbo Bakery be approved.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the bakery bid from Bimbo Bakery and the dairy bid from Anderson Erickson for 2019-2020 school year. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call yote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
B. CHS Commons Wall Bids: C. Lighting Replacement (to LED) at CMS Gym:
These two items were tabled until the September Board meeting.
D. Budget Reports:
Gary Bengtson presented a year to date budget for the Carroll Athletic Stadium and various budget reports to the Board.
E. Consider Purchase of School Vehicles:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that Jeff Cullen is recommending the purchase of two Chevrolet Suburban vehicles to replace some ageing vans. If approved the vehicles would be purchased from Karl Chevrolet for $40,648.49 apiece as part of a state bid.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the purchase of two Chevrolet Suburbans from Karl Chevrolet. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
A. August 20th - K-8 Open House
B. August 21st – Professional Development, High School Open House
C. August 23st First Day of School
D. August 27th – First Day of School for Preschool
E. November 20th - IASB Convention
F. Discuss Election Changes for School Board Members – Open Seats
Suggestions for September 16th Board Meeting:
A. Annual Meeting
B. Meet New Teachers
C. Other Suggestions
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 p.m. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.09.16
Minutes - 2019.09.16Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of the Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Brad Jorgensen, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, Jerry Raymond, Tammie McKenzie, Crystal Boes, Katie Davidson, Jessica DeYoung, Emily Fitzpatrick, Brian Grooms, Shelley Helmich, Brianne Hogenson, Kenna Koster, Amy Madsen, Cheryl Magill, Karly Monson, Hannah Robinson, Taylor Schulte, Darby Skillern, Rachel Wittry, and Brady Eischeid. Others present: Amy Whitver, Annie Mehl, Nathan Konz, Jamie Ostrander, Tom Simons, Pat Simons, John Ulveling, Onica Ulveling, Doc Madsen, Claudia Schroeder, Hannah Bush, Savannah Quandt.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda as presented. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the August 19, 2019 Board meeting:
B. Field Trips:
C. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the FFA field trip to Indianapolis. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the consent agenda as presented. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Introduction of New Teachers:
The following new teachers introduced themselves to the Board:
Crystal Boes – Assistant Elementary Principal, Katie Davidson – Kindergarten Instructor, Jessica DeYoung – 3rd Grade Instructor, Emily Fitzpatrick – CHS
English Instructor, Brain Grooms – CHS P.E./Health Instructor, Jenny Grossman – Adams Special Education, Shelley Helmich – CMS Family & Consumer Science, Brianne Hogenson – 7 & 8th Grade Science, Kenna Koster – CHS English Instructor, Amy Madsen – 7th & 8th Social Studies, Cheryl Magill – CMS Special Education, Karly Monson – Kindergarten Instructor, Jessica Ott – 7th & 8th Grade Science, Hannah Robinson – 1st Grade Instructor, Taylor Schulte – Adams Guidance, Darby Skillern – Kindergarten, Rachel Wittry – 5th Grade Instructor.
The Board took a ten-minute break to meet the new teachers.
Business Office Report:
A. FY 2017 Annual Settlements:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the annual settlement with the Board. The report detailed the cash balances in each district account as of June 30, 2019.
B. Certified Annual Report:
Gary Bengtson reviewed a summary of the 2018-2019 Certified Annual Report that was filed with the State of Iowa on September 13, 2019.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to receive and file the 2018-2019 Certified Annual Report. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows; Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
C. Special Education Supplement for 2018-2019:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the 2018-2019 Special Education Supplement with the Board. The preliminary balance in the special education program on June 30, 2019 was -$662,594.30 compared with a balance of -$334,730 for the previous year.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to request modified allowable growth and supplemental aid for a special education deficit. Duane Horsley seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 6:12 p.m. Karen
Friedlein seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of the Adams Elementary School.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the Board agenda. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Appointment for 2019-2020:
IASB Delegate and Alternative:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to appoint Duane Horsley as the Iowa Association of School Boards Delegate and Karen Friedlein as the alternate. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Amy Madsen and her family would like to donate 36 Federer tennis rackets and a case of tennis balls to the Carroll Middle School so the physical education teacher can teach a unit on tennis to the fifth through eighth grade physical education classes at Carroll Middle School.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the donation. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
Personnel Report:
A. Employment Recommendations:
Dr. Berlau stated that Jerry Raymond is recommending Jennifer Dentlinger for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If
approved she would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $11.45 per hour.
Dr. Casey Berlau said that Randy Bissen is recommending Ashley Webber and Rebecca Sporrer as co-prom sponsors. If approved each would receive a
stipend of $794.00.
B. Contract Modifications:
Dr. Berlau said that Sue Ruch is recommending an additional $.20 per hour for Andrea Berg. The additional pay is recommended based on her past experience and would be retroactive to August 19, 2019.
C. Volunteer:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that Tammie McKenzie is recommending Sean Canuso as a volunteer with the speech program. Approval of Sean Canuso is contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the personnel recommendations as stated. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows; Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
Administration Report:
A. Superintendents’ Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed current and upcoming activities in the Carroll Community School District.
B. Principals’ Report:
Each principal reported on activities within their buildings.
C. DMACC Pre Education Program Observation Hours:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve an agreement with Des Moines Area Community College for pre education program observation hours. Karen
Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
D. Approval of DMACC Concurrent Enrollment Courses:
Dr. Berlau presented the following list of Des Moines Area Community College Concurrent Enrollment Classes:
American National Government Arch Design and Modeling
Auto I Auto II
Auto III Auto IV
Career Work Experience A Career Work Experience B
Composition 1 Composition 2
Computer Languages 101 Computer Languages 102
Computer Languages 201 Computer Languages 202
Electrical Technology Gas Arc Welding
General Chemistry 165 General Chemistry 175
Intro to Health Careers Intro to Sociology
Mechanical CAD Mechanical Technology
Medical Terminology Nurse’s Aide
Oral Communication Psychology 111
Western Civilization
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the DMACC Concurrent Enrollment classes. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote,
the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
E. 28E Agreement with Woodward-Granger Community School District:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed 28E agreement with the Woodward-Granger Community School District for special education services.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the 28E agreement with the Woodward-Granger Community School District. Karen Friedlein seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nayes: None
F. Second Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a second reading on the following Board Policies:
• 200 Series
• 200 – Legal Status of School District
• 204 – Board of Directors’ Elections
• 205 – Authority of Board of Directors’ and Board Members
• 210 – Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest
• 211 – Code of Ethics
• 222 – Adoption of Policy
• 223 – Dissemination of Policy
• 226 – Review and Revision of Policy
• 230 – Regular Meeting
• 236R1 – Order of Regular Business Meeting
• 915 – Use or Rental of Facilities
The Board asked if there were members of the community present who had questions or comments regarding Board Policy 915 on Use or Rental of Facilities. Gary Bengtson presented information comparing the current policy and the proposed policy. He also distributed a spreadsheet that detailed staff
expenses for cleaning the stadium. Several in attendance had questions and comments concerning the policy.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 200, 204, 205, 210, 211, 222, 223, 226, 230, 236R1, and 915. Duane
Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
G. First Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:
• First Reading of 424 – Abuse of Students by District Employees
• First Reading of 433 and 433R1 – Voluntary Retirement and Regulations
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the first reading of Board Policies 424, 433, and 433R1. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Consider Suburban Bids:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that the district received three bids for two utility vehicles. The bids were as follows:
- New Way Ford $43,110.00
- Champion Ford $43,000.00
- Motor Inn $40,948.00
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the bid for two Chevrolet Suburbans from Motor Inn of Carroll for $40,948.00 per vehicle. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
It was moved by Duane Horsley to annul the motion from August 22, 2019 Board meeting awarding a bid for two Suburbans from Karl Chevrolet. Karen
Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
B. CHS Commons Wall Bids:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that all bids on this project are not competed yet.
C. Bids for Lighting Replacement at CMS Gym:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that Jeff Dvorak had received two bids for LED retro lighting at the Carroll Middle School gymnasium. Lohrmann Electric of Carroll
bid $9,200.00 and Premium Quality Lighting of Minnetonka, Minnesota bid $10,987.90.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the bid from Lohrmann Electric for $9,200.00 for LED retrofit lighting at the Carroll Middle School gymnasium.
Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
D. Discussion on Energy Association of Iowa Schools – Radon Testing:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposal to join the Energy Association of Iowa Schools. One of the items this association is involved with is radon testing in
Iowa schools. The cost to join would be one dollar per student.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve joining the Energy Association of Iowa Schools. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
A. Mid-Term of First Quarter – September 27th
B. Homecoming – October 4th
C. Parent/Teacher Conferences – October 14th and 17th
Suggestions for October 21st Board Meeting:
A. Certified Enrollment Report
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.09.19
Minutes - 2019.09.19Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Annie Mehl.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Approve Bills:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to approve the monthly bills as presented. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Formation of Committee to Review Special Education Services Delivery Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau explained the need to establish a committee to review the district’s Special Education Service Delivery Plan.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to establish a committee to review the Special Education Services Delivery Plan. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Duane Nays: None
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 12:17 p.m. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.10.21
Minutes - 2019.10.21Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Brad Jorgensen, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, Tammie McKenzie, Tom Borchers, and Jeff Dvorak. Others present: Amy Whitver, Annie Mehl, Nathan Konz, Brad Burke, Casie Burke, Onica Ulveling, and Cindy Johnson.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the April 8th, April 15th, September 16th, and September 19th Board meetings
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $185,974.51
- Student Activity Fund $28,405.48
- Local Option Sales Tax $135,488.92
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $3,544.58
- Nutrition Fund $47,253.53
C. Resignations
D. Field Trips
E. Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the consent agenda as presented. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Closed Session:
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to go into closed session to meet with counsel to discuss matters currently in litigation pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting closed at 5:40 p.m.
Return to Open Session/Approval of Tentative Settlement in the Case of Wiegmann v. Carroll Community School District:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to return to open session at 5:55 p.m. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Duane Nays: None
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to accept the recommended settlement from the District’s Insurance Carrier in order to avoid additional costs, expenses, and attorney fees and conclude the ongoing litigation with Stephanie Wiegmann. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Dr. Berlau presented the following donations for approval:
• The Association for Handicapped Citizens would like to donate $500 to the Carroll Community School District Special Education Department.
• Marty Tuel would like to donate ten medicine balls to the middle school wrestling program.
• Stephanie Drake and the 6th grade Carroll Youth Volleyball Program would like to donate five volleyballs to the Carroll Middle School Volleyball Program.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the three donations as listed in the agenda. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
School Improvement Report:
A. Fall 2019 FAST Scores:
Sue Ruch briefly reviewed the fall FAST Scores
Personnel Report:
A. Employment Recommendations:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that Jeff Cullen is recommending Brian Mentzer for a contracted bus route. If approved, Mr. Mentzer would work 3.72 hours per day
and would receive the starting pay of $18.08 per hour plus the $1,000 signing bonus.
B. Contract Modification:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following contract modifications: • It is recommended that Jill Grieman’s contract be modified to include $25.00 per month telephone reimbursement beginning in November 2019.
- Gary Bengtson is recommending a $.15 cent per hour increase retroactive to start of the 2019-2020 school year for food service worker Janet Olerich.
- Gary Bengtson is recommending a $.05 cent per hour increase retroactive to start of the 2017-2018 school year for bus driver Bruce Ades. This increase will result in back pay of $98.12. • Gary Bengtson is recommending a $.05 cent per hour increase retroactive to start of the 2017-2018 school year for bus driver Janet Olerich. This increase will result in back pay of $62.31.
- Gary Bengtson is recommending a $.05 cent per hour increase retroactive to start of the 2017-2018 school year for bus driver Larry Smith. This increase will result in back pay of $93.66.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to accept the recommendation for employment and the contract modifications as presented. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Administration Report:
A. Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported on activities within the district and principals Sue Ruch and Tammie McKenzie reported on activities within their individual
B. October 2019 Certified Enrollment Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Certified Enrollment Report that was recently certified with the Iowa Department of Education. He stated that the total
certified enrollment for 2019-2020 was 1,701 students or a decrease of 17 students from the 2018-2019 school year.
C. Seven Year Enrollment History Report:
Dr. Berlau presented a seven-year enrollment history to the Board for comparison purposes.
D. Memorandum of Understanding with New Hope Village:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a Memorandum of Understanding with New Hope Village which would allow them to use district facilities in the event of an
emergency. This agreement is a renewal of a previous agreement.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agreement between New Hope Village and the Carroll Community School District. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
E. Sharing Agreement with Ar-We-Va Community School District for Speech:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated he had been contacted by the Ar-We-Va Community School District about the possibility of sharing speech with the Carroll Community School District. It is estimated that five or six students from Ar-We-Va would be participating.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to accept the sharing agreement with Ar-We-Va for the speech program. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
F. Establish Timeline for Superintendent Evaluation:
The Board held a brief discussion on the criteria, procedures, and schedule for
evaluating the superintendent.
G. Approve Board Policy Review Schedule:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a revised schedule for the review of Board policies. The schedule will change from each policy being reviewed every three years to every five years.
H. First Reading of Board Policy 402 Limitations to Employee References:
The Board held a first reading of Board Policy 402 titled Limitations to Employee References. This is a new policy recommended by the Iowa
Association of School Boards.
I. Second Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a second reading of Board Policy 424 on Abuse of Students by District Employees, and Board Policies 433 and 433R1 on Voluntary
Retirement and Regulation.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the first reading of Board Policy 402 and a second reading on Board Policies 424 and 424R1 and the deletion of
Board Policies 433 and 433R1. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
J. Discuss Early Retirement Plan for 2019-2020:
The Board held a brief discussion on developing an early retirement plan for the 2019-2020 school year. This will be discussed at the November meeting.
K. Recommend Persons to Serve on School Improvement Committee:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended the following individuals to serve on the School Improvement Advisory Committee: Jeff Dvorak, Larry Lesle, Jill
Grieman, Crystal Boes, Randy Bissen, Chelsea Bissen, Ann Neumann, Ryan Simmelink, Craig Rowedder, Lynn Dvorak, Jen Munson, Brad Jorgensen, Carol
Danner, Jenna Olberding, Thetia Hall-Polking, Bill Polking, Jane Roiland, Tammie McKenzie, Doc Madsen, Katie Kruse, Elijah Lee, Emma Nelson, Jerry
Raymond, Casey Berlau, and Sue Ruch.
L. Recommend Persons to Serve on Special Education Services Delivery Plan:
The following individuals were recommended to serve on the District’s Special Education Services Delivery Plan:
Special Education Plan Team
- Casey Berlau – Superintendent
- JoAnn Kocke – AEA
- Jennifer Auen – AEA
- Crystal Boes – Administration
- Sue Ruch – Administration
- Holly Warnke – Preschool/Special Education - Fairview
- Tina Luchtel – General Education – Fairview
- Lynn Dvorak – Special Education – Fairview
- Ryan Simmelink – General Education – Adams
- Jen Arkland – Special Education – Adams
- Tonya & Cory Heiman – Parents
Middle School
- Jerry Raymond – Administration
- Alison Weber – Special Education
- Nate Wall – General Education
- Tawnya Heinricks – Parent
High School
- Tammie McKenzie – Administration
- Kevin Rasmussen – Special Education
- Kenna Koster – General Education
- Brian Grooms – General Education/Adaptive PE
- Stacy Stangl – Parent
- Kathi Milligan – Administration
- Kayla Venner – Resource
- Andrew Klenk – General Education
- Lyndi Steger – parent
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the members on the School Improvement Committee and the Special Education Services Delivery Plan.
Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
M. Modified Supplemental Growth for English Language Learners:
Gary Bengtson stated that district had costs in the English Language Learners program in excess of those funded through the program. The district has
applied for additional allowable growth from the state and this request must be approved by the Board.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to seek approval of Modified Supplemental Amount of $26,278 for excess costs for serving English Language Learners in a
Limited English Instructional Program during the 2018-2019 school year. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as
follows: Ayes; Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Agreement with Iowa School Board Association to Conduct a Needs Assessment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposal to have the Iowa School Board Association conduct a Needs Assessment for the Carroll Community School District. The last assessment was held approximately five years ago. The estimated cost of the assessment would be $1,900.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to contract with the Iowa School Board Association to conduct a needs assessment for an estimated cost of $1,900.00. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
B. Financial Reports:
Gary Bengtson presented various financial reports to the Board.
C. Sound System Bid for Adams Elementary:
Jeff Dvorak presented a proposal from DB Acoustics to use the power amplifier from the high school auditorium, the speakers recently replaced in the high
school gymnasium, a new mixer, digital equalizer, blue tooth player, and microphones and replace the existing sound system at Adams Elementary
School for a cost of $6,745.00.
D. Sound System Bid for Carroll High School Auditorium:
Jeff Dvorak presented a bid from DB Acoustics to replace the sound system at the Carroll High School auditorium. The base cost of the proposal is $27,400.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to approve the bids from DB Acoustics for a total cost of $34,145.00 for a sound system at the high school auditorium and
the Adams gymnasium. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
A. Conventions/Meetings:
• IASB Employee Relations Conference – October 17th
• IASB Delegate Assembly – November 20th
• IASB Annual Convention – November 20th and 21st
Suggestions for November 18th Board Meeting:
A. Budget Updates
B. SBRC Application for Increased Enrollment, Open Enrollment, and Excess LEP Cost
C. Policy Review
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Jon Sampson to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting closed at 7:39 p.m.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to return to open session. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting open at 8:29 p.m.
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.11.18
Minutes - 2019.11.18Call to Order:
Board President Jennifer Munson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of the Adams Elementary School. Board members present Karen Friedlein, Brad Jorgensen, Duane Horsley, Jon Sampson, and Jennifer Munson. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, Jerry Raymond, Tammie McKenzie, and Patty Mishark. Others present: Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Bri Wuebker, Slade Sibenaller, Ashley Brincks, Will Meiners, Amy Whitver, Annie Mehl, and Nathan Konz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda as presented. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the October 21, 2019 Board meeting
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $295,607.34
- Student Activity Fund $34,277.39
- Local Option Sales Tax $60,151.75
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $8,031.67
- Debt Service Fund $375,021.60
- Nutrition Fund $55,393.81
C. Field Trips
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda as presented. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Brad, Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Unfinished Business:
A. Voluntary Retirement Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed voluntary retirement plan to the Board. He stated the plan is the same as previously discussed with the only change
being the provision of the plan for a two year period. Six applicants would be accepted in each of the two years.
It was moved by Jon Sampson to accept the voluntary retirement incentive plan for the next two years with the amendment suggested regarding plan duration. Brad Jorgensen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad Nays: None
B. Second Reading of Board Policy 402:
The Board held a second reading on proposed mandatory Board Policy 402 – Limitations to Employment References.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve staff personnel policy 402. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as
follows: Ayes: Jon, Jennifer, Karen, Brad, Duane Nays: None
Review Election Results:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the results of the School Board election of November 5, 2019. Five thousand three hundred six votes were cast of which Karen
Friedlein received One thousand one hundred thirty-one votes, Cindy Johnson received one thousand seventy-eight votes, Brad Jorgensen received eight
hundred ten votes, Jon Sampson received seven hundred fifty-two votes, Onica Ulveling received one thousand five hundred three votes and there was a
scattering of thirty-two votes. Karen Friedlein, Cindy Johnson, and Onica Ulveling were declared elected to the office of Director at Large for a four-year
It was moved by Brad Jorgensen to adjourn the meeting at 5:51 p.m. Jon Sampson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Call to Order:
Board secretary Gary Bengtson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of the Adams Elementary School.
New Board Members Oath of Office:
Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to newly elected Board members Karen Friedlein, Cindy Johnson, and Onica Ulveling.
Organizational Meeting:
A. Election of Officers:
1. Board President:
Gary Bengtson opened the floor to nominations for the position of Board President. Jennifer Munson nominated Karen Friedlein for the position of
Board President. Duane Horsley seconded the nomination of Karen Friedlein. The motion to elect Karen Friedlein as Board President passed
as follows: Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to Karen Friedlein.
2. Board Vice-President:
Karen Friedlein opened the floor to nominations for the position of Board Vice President. Onica Ulveling nominated Duane Horsley for the position
of Board Vice President. Cindy Johnson seconded the nomination. The motion to elect Duane Horsley as Board Vice President passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to Duane Horsley.
B. Establish Regular Meeting Schedule:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to establish the regular meeting schedule to be the third Monday of each month with meetings to begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary, unless the agenda has an alternative location, and to continue to use the consent agenda for the 2019-2020 school year. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
C. Appointment of 2019-2020 Committees/Positions
The Board appointed the following committee assignments by consensus:
1. Transportation Committee:
Staff – Jeff Cullen and Dr. Casey Berlau
Board Member – Jennifer Munson and alternate Duane Horsley
2. School Improvement Team:
Board Members – Cindy Johnson and Karen Friedlein
3. Legislative Network:
Board Member – Cindy Johnson
4. IASB Delegate
Board Members – Duane Horsley and alternate Karen Friedlein
5. County Conference Board
Board Member – Onica Ulveling
6. Negotiations:
Administrators – Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson
Board Members – Jennifer Munson and Duane Horsley
7. Calendar Fact-finding Committee:
Board Member – Onica Ulveling
8. Objection to Instructional Materials: - To be determined
9. Affirmative Action Coordinator – Crystal Boes and alternate Gary Bengtson
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the committee appointments and assignments for the 2019-2020 school year as discussed. Duane Horsley
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
School Improvement Report:
A. Leadership in Education – Creating a Collaborative Culture:
High school instructors Becky Boes, Tim Hughes, Erin Comstock, and Doug Leiting along with Principal Tammie McKenzie reviewed their process for
creating a collaborative culture at Carroll High School.
B. Carroll High School Principal’s Report:
C. Carroll Middle School Principal’s Report:
D. Fairview and Adams Principal’s Report:
Personnel Report:
A. Recommendations for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Joshua Lepird for the evening custodial position at Carroll High School retroactive to November 11, 2019. If approved Mr. Lepird will work 8 hours per day and will be paid $12.00 per hour.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Carly Tigges for a food service position at Carroll High School retroactive to October 1, 2019. If approved Ms.Tigges would work 7 hours per day and be paid $11.00 per hour.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Terry Wright for a custodial position. If approved, Mr. Wright would work 8 hours per day and be paid $12.00 per hour.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Jim VanHove for the mail and agriculture education student shuttle bus route. If approved, Mr. VanHove would work 4 hours per day and be paid $12.28 per hour.
B. Volunteers:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following volunteers for approval:
- Pat Hogan would like to substitute as a registered nurse and also volunteer as a registered nurse. She would also volunteer to assist with screenings.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Tyler Swope as a volunteer wrestling coach.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the recommendations for employment and volunteers as recommended. The motion was seconded by
Duane Horsley. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Administration Report:
A. First Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a first reading of the following Board policies:
- 102R1 Grievance Procedure (Non-discrimination)
- 102E1 Section 504 Notice of Nondiscrimination
- 102E4 Section 504 Student and Parental Rights
- 201 Organization of the Board of Directors
- 201R1 Organizational Meeting Procedures
- 209 Vacancies
- 217 Secretary-Treasurer
- 229 Annual Meeting
- 233 Meeting Notice
- 234 Quorum
- 242E1 Board Meeting Minutes
- 236R1 Order of Regular Business Meeting (Recommend Deleting Policy)
- 238 Open Meetings
- 242 Board of Director’s Records
- 245 Board of Director’s Member Development and Training
- 489R1 Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation (Licensed)
- 556R1 Parent and Family Engagement Regulation (New)
- 705.1 School Bus Safety Instruction (New)
- 705.2 Bus Safety Restraints (New)
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the first reading of Board Policies as stated in the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
B. Approve Revised Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented revised job descriptions for the Middle School Cheer Sponsor, High School Cheer Sponsor, and the Superintendent Secretary
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Middle School Cheer Sponsor, High School Cheer Sponsor, and the Superintendent Secretary job descriptions as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Capital Outlay – Auto scrubber at Adams Elementary and Carroll High:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following bids for a floor scrubber at both Adams Elementary and Carroll High School:
• Carroll Cleaning Supply: $8,383.00
• Central Iowa Distributing: $9,465.00
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the bid from Carroll Cleaning Supply for the purchase of two floor scrubbers at a cost of $8,383 each. Cindy
Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
B. Approve Depositories:
Gary Bengtson reported this item had been approved by the Board at their July 22, 2019 regular Board meeting.
C. Approve Lease Agreement with Carroll Booster Club:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a lease with the Carroll Booster Club for their use of the concessions facilities at the Carroll Stadium and at the Carroll High School. He stated the terms of the agreement are the same as last year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the lease with the Carroll Booster Club. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion
passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
D. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated the district has the following equipment they would like to dispose of:
- 2004 Chevrolet Venture Van
- 2002 E150 Van
- Pull behind Tractor Mower
- Lockers from Fairview
He requested the Board allow the district to publish that these items will be listed on-line for sale.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to allow for the disposal of obsolete equipment which includes two vans, a pull behind mower, and lockers. Onica Ulveling
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
A. Conventions/Meetings:
1. IASB Annual Convention – November 20th & 21st
2. Possible Dates for Board Work Session:
Wednesday – January 8th
Tuesday – January 28th
Wednesday – January 29th
Suggestions for December 16th Board Meeting:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2019.12.16
Minutes - 2019.12.16Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room in the Adams Elementary School. Board members
present: Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, Jerry
Raymond, and Tammie McKenzie. Others present: Annie Mehl, Nathan Konz, and Amy Whitver.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Onica, Jennifer, Karen. Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the November 18, 2019 Board meetings
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $303,615.34
- Student Activity Fund $71,482.40
- Debt Service Fund $800.00
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $90,550.33
- Nutrition Fund $30,345.46
C. Resignations
D. Field Trip
E. Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Karen, Cindy Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
School Improvement Report:
A. PLC Conference Report:
Jerry Raymond, Amy Madsen, Brianne Hogenson, Crystal Boes, and Jennifer Grossman gave a brief report on a Professional Learning Communities
conference they attended in Des Moines on October 21st and 22nd.
B. Special Education Delivery Plan Update:
Crystal Boes updated the Board on the District’s progress in updating the Special Education Delivery Plan.
Board Development:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed Board policies that dealt with communications and the section in the Board handbook dealing with community relations. The Board held a brief discussion on these topics.
Board President Karen Friedlein reviewed the following donations to the district:
- The Breda American Legion Auxiliary would like to donate $50 to the Carroll High School Media Center in recognition of Education Month.
- Jim and Amy Hunziker would like to donate $605 to the Food Service Department to pay for negative lunch balances.
- An anonymous donor would like to donate $9,200 to the Carroll Community School District to be used by Tiger Vision.
- The Carroll Kiwanis would like to donate 20 hats and 20 pair of mittens to elementary students who need them.
- Parents would like to make a donation of boys’ basketball shooting shirts to the varsity boys’ basketball team.
- Ball is Tech and BSN Sports would like to donate a “Hot Shot Basketball Shooting Machine” to the basketball programs at Carroll Community School District.
- The Edge 2 would like to donate seven golf belts to be used by the golf program.
- The Edge 2 would like to donate 53 Carroll Tiger items, 3 shelves, a basket, a box of tattoos and black and white or orange and white striped sleeves to the Tiger Shop.
- The Extra Effort Fund would like to donate $500 to the Fairview Media Center.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the donations. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Cindy, Onica Nays: None
Personnel Report:
A. Employment Recommendation:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Catherine Grossman for a 7 hour per day special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Grossman would be paid $11.75 per hour. The recommendation would be to make the hiring retroactive to December 9th.
- Sue Ruch and Crystal Boes are recommending Rachel Williams for a preschool special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved, Ms. Williams would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $11.55 per hour.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the employment recommendations. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Cindy, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
Administration Report:
A. Superintendent’s Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau reminded the Board that the Iowa Association of School Boards is holding a regional meeting in Carroll on January 23rd. He also stated
that the district may be recommending an amendment to the early retirement plan to allow for the district to hire back employees if it is in the best interests of
the Board. He also mentioned that the Calendar Committee will begin meeting in January and hopefully have a calendar recommendation ready by February.
Dr. Berlau also said that the state assessment data from last year is available and will be reviewed with the Board in January. He also reminded the Board of the Tops-in-Tigerland meeting at the high school on Friday.
B. High School Principal’s Report:
C. Middle School Principal Report:
D. Elementary Schools Principal’s Report:
E. Teacher Associate Agreements with Kuemper Catholic Grade Schools:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented proposed agreements between the Carroll Community School District and the Kuemper Catholic Grade School for the
provision of three special education teacher associates. This is a continuation of similar agreements approved last year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the special education teacher associate agreements with Kuemper Catholic Grade School. Onica Ulveling
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Onica, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
F. Discussion on Salary Comparisons:
Dr. Casey Berlau and the Board held a brief discussion on the use of comparison groups in reviewing classified salaries.
G. At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Funding for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the At-Risk/Dropout Prevention application with the Board. He recommended the Board approve a request for up to the maximum
amount of $463,432 which can be adjusted downward at a later date.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the At-Risk/Dropout Prevention application for up to $463,432.00 for modified supplemental aid. Cindy
Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Karen, Cindy Nays: None
H. Board Policy Revisions – Second Readings:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second readings of Board Policies:
- 102R1 – Grievance Procedure (non-discrimination)
- 102E1 – Section 504 Notice of Nondiscrimination
- 102E4 – Section 504 Student and Parental Rights
- 201 – Organization of the Board of Directors
- 201R1 – Organizational Meeting Procedures
- 209 – Vacancies
- 217 – Secretary – Treasurer
- 229 – Annual Meeting
- 233 – Meeting Notice
- 234 – Quorum
- 242E1 – Board Meeting Minutes
- 236R1 – Order of Regular Business Meeting (recommend delete)
- 238 – Open Meeting
- 242 – Board of Directors’ Records
- 245 – Board of Directors’ Member Development and Training
- 489R1 – Code of Professional Conduct & Ethics (Licensed)
Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Cindy, Onica Nays: None
Board Policies – New – Second Readings:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the second readings of Board Policies:
- 556R1 – Parent and Family Engagement Regulation
- 705.1 – School Bus Safety Instruction
- 705.2 – School Bus Safety Restraints
Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Cindy, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
I. Board Policy Revision – 813 Purchasing – First Reading:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a revised Board Policy 813 related to purchasing.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policy 813 on purchasing. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote,
the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Onica, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Consideration of Bus Purchases:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed a proposal from Jeff Cullen to purchase two or three 77 passenger buses currently available from Hoglund Bus Company in Des
Moines. The buses meet Carroll Community School District specifications and are the same as the buses the district purchased last spring. Cost of each bus
would be $94,000.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the purchase of three buses from Hoglund Bus Company for $94,000 each. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Karen, Cindy Nays: None
B. SBRC MSA Request for Increased Enrollment, Open Enrolled Out Students Not Counted in Prior Year, and ELL Students Exceeding Five Years:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to the SBRC for modified supplemental amount for increased enrollment, open enrolled out students not counted in prior year, and ELL students exceeding five years.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the SBRC application for modified supplemental amount for open enrolled out students not counted in the
prior year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Cindy, Onica Nays: None
C. SU Equipment Breakdown Insurance Renewal:
Gary Bengtson presented a renewal proposal from SU for equipment breakdown insurance. He stated the premium would increase from $110,772 for calendar year 2019 to $135,469 per year for the next 18 months. He stated that with the recent change to include HVAC equipment, the district’s current utilization of the plan is at 98% of the premium paid.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the renewal bid from SU for equipment breakdown insurance. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a
roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Cindy, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
A. December 19th – CMS Music Concert – 6:00 p.m.
B. December 19th - CMS Music Concert – 7:00 p.m.
C. December 20th – Tops-in-Tigerland at CHS – 8:15 a.m.
D. December 20th – CHS Superstar – 8:30 p.m.
E. December 23rd through January 1st – Winter Break
F. January 23rd – IASB Regional Workshop at Carroll High School
G. January 28th – IASB Day on the Hill
Suggestions for January 20th Board Meeting:
A. Budget Updates
B. Other Suggestions
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose
appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to complywith confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Onica, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 7:20 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Cindy, Onica, Karen Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting open at 7:54 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2020.01.20
Minutes - 2020.01.20Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room in the Adams Elementary School. Board members
present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, Jerry Raymond, and Tammie McKenzie. Others present: Rebecca McKinsey, Nathan Konz, and Amy Whitver.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen. Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the December 16, 2019 Board meeting:
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
- General Fund $366,001.08
- Student Activity Fund $27,507.28
- Management Fund $34,831.25
- Local Option Sales Tax $33,908.00
- Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $284,507.88
- Nutrition Fund $32,087.46
C. Resignations
D. Field Trip
E. Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Superintendent Casey Berlau reviewed the following donations to the district:
- The Trinity Episcopal Church of Carroll would like to donate $500.00 to be used for winter clothing, school supplies, or a lunch deficit that may be needed by a Fairview student.
- Atlantic Bottling/Coca-Cola wishes to donate $350 to Carroll High School.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the donations. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
School Improvement Report:
A. Assessment Updates:
The building principals reviewed the new Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress and the results from the NWEA assessment.
Board Development:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed a scenario provided by the Iowa School Board Association concerning how to deal with a critical parent. The scenario reviewed
suggested responses and chain of command within the district.
Personnel Report:
A. Amend Voluntary Retirement Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended amending the voluntary retirement plan to allow staff members to be employed by the district after they have retired from
the district.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the amendment to the voluntary retirement plan. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
B. Approve Voluntary Retirement Applications:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported the district received a total of nine voluntary retirement applications. The Board had originally approved six early retirement
applications for the next two years. The Board discussed the possibility of approving all nine applications for voluntary retirement.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept all nine applications for voluntary early retirement for the 2019-2020 school year. Duane Horsley seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
C. Personnel Report:
1. Recommendations for Employment:
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Jim Weitl for a substitute bus driver position. If approved, Jim would be paid the substitute bus driver rate of $18.00 per hour. Jim was a Carroll Community School District mechanic for 21 years.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Keith Stribe for an activity bus driving position. Keith was an employee of the Carroll Community School District for 28 years until retiring in 2018. If approved, he would receive the activity driver rate of $13.43.
2. Contract Modifications:
- Randy Bissen is recommending an $858 stipend be given to Doug Leiting and Gary Magill for coaching A, B, and C middle school teams by themselves. This amount is half of what the salary would be for a first year middle school basketball coach.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the recommendations for employment and the contract modifications. Onica Ulveling seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None Absent: Duane
Administrative Report:
A. Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:
B. Board Policy Review:
1. Second Reading of Board Policy 813 Purchasing:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 813. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
2. First Reading of Board Policies 429, 435, 921, 704R2, 104 104R, & 709.1 Food Service Director Sara Anderson reviewed an amended Board Policy
704R2 concerning delinquent food service accounts.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policy 704R2. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
The Board held a first reading of the following proposed Board policies:
- 429 – Use of Tobacco/Nicotine Products
- 435 – Drug and Alcohol Testing, 435R1 and 435E1
- 921 – Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment
- 104 – Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment, 104R
- 709.1 Transporting Students by employees
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 429, 435, 921, 104, 104R, and 709.1. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
C. Discuss Draft of Agreement with Ar-We-Va Schools:
The Board reviewed the draft agreement with the Ar-We-Va Community School District concerning shared high school classes. After discussion, the
Board decided not to amend the proposed draft agreement.
D. Approve Agreement with Western Governors University for Student Teachers:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with Western Governors University for the placement of a student teacher in the Carroll Community School District.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the student teacher agreement with Western Governors University for student teachers. Onica Ulveling seconded
the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
E. Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented revised job descriptions for the District Accounting Coordinator, Head Custodians at Fairview, Carroll Middle School, and Carroll
High School, and Director of Buildings and Grounds. The Board suggested some minor changes to Head Custodian and Director of Building and Grounds
Supervisor job descriptions.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the job description for the District Accounting Coordinator job description. Duane Horsley seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
F. Early Graduation Approvals:
Tammie McKenzie stated three Carroll High School students, Mercedes Kokenge, Maddie Hacker, and Mimoza Veliu, have completed the requirements
for graduation and are requesting to be approved for early graduation.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the three requests for early graduation. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the
motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
G. New Course Recommendation at Carroll High School:
Tammie McKenzie presented a recommendation to add a vocational course at Carroll High School called Construction Trade Practices.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Construction Trade Practices class at Carroll High School. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll
call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Budget Reports:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed various financial reports with the Board.
B. Review Bids for Used Vans:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that the District had advertised the intended sale of two used vans. A total of three bids were received. Transportation Director Jeff Cullen is recommending accepting the $1,220.00 bid from Ronald Beyer for the red 2002 Ford E-150 van and reject the $50.00 bid for the blue 2004 Chevrolet Venture van.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the bid from Ronald Beyer for the red 2002 Ford E-150 van and reject the bid on 2004 Chevrolet Venture van.
Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None Absent: Cindy
C. Agreement with Jimmy Casas:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with Jimmy Casas for professional development on August 19, 2020. The cost of the presentation
would be $9,500 and paid from Title II Part A professional development funds.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement with Jimmy Casas for professional development on August 19th. Onica Ulveling seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
D. Kuemper Farm Lease:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed farm lease between the Carroll Area FFA program and the Kuemper Catholic School System. Terms of the
agreement are the same as last year. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the lease with Kuemper for the Carroll Area FFA. Duane Horsley
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
E. City of Carroll Farm Lease:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed farm lease between the Carroll Area FFA program and the City of Carroll. Terms of the agreement are the same as
previous years. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement with the City of Carroll. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call
vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
F. SBRC Administrative Cost Agreement:
Gary Bengtson presented an agreement with the Woodward –Granger Community School District for special education administrative costs in their
Grandwood facility. The Carroll Community School District currently has a special education student enrolled in the Grandwood school.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the SBRC Administrative Cost Agreement with the Grandwood School. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.
On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
A. January 23rd – IASB Regional Workshop at Carroll High School
B. February 17th – No School – Professional Development
C. March 9th and 12th – Parent Teacher Conferences
D. March 13th – No School – Preworked Contract Day
Suggestions for February 18th Board Meeting:
A. Job Descriptions
B. Schedule of Budget Discussion/Sessions
C. FFA Farm Lease with Ron Fricke
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 8:32 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Cindy, Onica, Karen Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting open at 8:45 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2020.02.13
Minutes - 2020.02.13 dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:56Minutes - 2020.02.17
Minutes - 2020.02.17Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 17, 2020
4:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Tammie McKenzie, Sue Ruch, Jerry Raymond, Sarah Schroeder, Sara Hamilton, Crystal Boes, Peggy Hamilton, Candice Ostrich, Ashlea Ahrenholtz, Holly Warnke, and Ryan Simmelink. Others present: Halley Butler, Bella Armitage, Ty Nissen, Lane Nissen, Amy Wiederien, Grace Simmons, Kristin Millermon, Chloe Gallegos, Gabi Hammer, Trinity Tassell, Nathan Konz, and Rebecca McKinsey.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Budget Workshop:
Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson reviewed financial, enrollment, and staffing information which will be used in developing the district’s 2020-2021 certified budget.
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the January 20, 2020 Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $338,224.64
Student Activity Fund $12,247.96
Local Option Sales Tax $27,734.25
Nutrition Fund $47,127.13
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $3,444.33
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Hearing on 2020-2021 School Calendar:
The Board opened the meeting to public comment on the proposed 2020-2021 school calendar. Dr. Berlau reported that there was an error in the initial calendar resulting in two extra days in March. The corrected calendar would have the last day of school as May 25, 2021.
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Casey Berlau stated that Mid-Iowa Insurance Associates would like to donate $400 to individuals with negative lunch accounts. This donation is from a fund-raiser they initiated.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the donation from Mid-Iowa Insurance Associates. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
School Improvement Report:
Sue Ruch and members of the MTSS Leadership Team Sarah Schroeder, Sara Hamilton, Crystal Boes, Peggy Hamilton, Candice Ostrich, Ashlea Ahrenholtz, Holly Warnke, and Ryan Simmelink gave a brief presentation to the Board on instructional improvement efforts in the elementary buildings.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment for approval:
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Patty Groves for the high school science position. If approved she would be placed on Step 34 of the Master’s lane on the salary schedule. It is also recommended that she receive a $3,000 signing bonus to be paid over a two year period. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Kristi Shanks for a high school counselor position at Carroll High School. If approved she would be on Step 10 of the MA lane on the salary schedule. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Margaret Gruba for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved she would work 7 hours per day and be paid $11.55 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check and would be retroactive to February 10th.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Kirk Christensen for the head girls’ track coaching position. If approved he would be placed on Step 47 and would receive a stipend of $6,752.00. Approval is recommended.
- Volunteer:
Dr. Berlau stated that Randy Bissen is recommending Sydney Crnkovich as a volunteer for the girls’ track program. Approval is recommended.
- New Positions:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended the following two positions be created for the 2020-2021 school year:
• Director of Teaching and Learning
• Self-Contained Special Education Classroom Teacher
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations as stated. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Administrative Report:
- Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:
Casey Berlau briefly updated the Board on the hiring process and the district’s progress in filling open positions. He stated that he is working with Jeff Dvorak on updating the district’s 5-year facilities plan. He also said he is working with Harry Heiligenthal and he is tentatively scheduled to attend the June Board meeting. Finally he reported that the district has completed the first round of radon testing at Fairview Elementary and the only area with slightly elevated readings was in the new office area.
- 2020-2021 School Calendar:
Dr. Berlau presented the 2020-2021 proposed school calendar for approval. It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the proposed 2020-2021 calendar as presented. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- DMACC Courses for the 2020-2021 School Year.
High school principal Tammie McKenzie presented a list of classes from Des Moines Area Community College to be offered to Carroll High School students for college credit.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the DMACC courses offered for the 2020-2021 school year. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Sharing Agreement with Ar-We-Va:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that the Ar-We-Va School Board had approved the proposed sharing agreement with the Carroll Community School District at their last meeting.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the sharing agreement with the Ar-We-Va Community School District. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Update on Before and After School Program for 2020-2021:
Sue Ruch and Dr. Berlau reviewed progress that has been made on researching the possibility of a before and after school program at the Carroll Community School District.
- Summer Fun Camp – Request to Use CCSD School Buses:
Casey Berlau presented a request from the Summer Fun Camp to use Carroll Community School District buses for their Summer Fun Camp. This is similar to the request approved by the Board for the Summer Fun Camp the past several years.
The Board tabled action on the request until their March meeting.
- Board Policy Review:
The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:
• 429 – Use of Tobacco/Nicotine Products
• 921 Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment
• 704R2 – Meal Charges
• 104 – Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment
• 104R1 – Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Regulations
• 709.1 – Transporting of Students by Employees
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 429, 921, 704R2, 104, 104R1, and 709.1. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
The Board held the first reading of the following Board policies:
• 305 – Superintendent Civic Activities
• 406 – Child Abuse Reporting
• 435 – Drug and Alcohol Testing – and 435R1, 435E1, 435E2, and 435E3
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the first reading of Board Policies 305, 406, 435, 435R1, 435E1, 435E1, 435E2, and 435E3. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Consider Revising Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented revised job descriptions for the following positions:
• Elementary Principal
• Agriculture Education Instructor
• Counselor – High School
• Custodian – Sports Facilities and Grounds
• Custodian – Assistant Sports Facilities and Grounds
- Custodian – Head Custodian Fairview Elementary
- Custodian – Head Custodian Adams Elementary
- Custodian – Head Custodian Carroll Middle School
- Custodian – Head Custodian Carroll High School
- Director of Buildings and Grounds
- Custodian – Seasonal for Spring, Summer, and Fall
- Custodian – Part-time
- Custodian – Assistant
- Director of Teaching and Learning
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the revised job descriptions as amended. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Budget Update Reports:
Gary Bengtson presented various budget reports to the Board.
• Budget Update Reports
Suggestions for March 16th Board Meeting:
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 7:22 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting open at 7:46 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.03.16
Minutes - 2020.03.16Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 16, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Nathan Konz, and Rebecca McKinsey.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the February 17, 2020 Board meetings:
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $213,780.79
Student Activity Fund $30,538.79
Local Option Sales Tax $44,992.00
Nutrition Fund $43,837.82
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $28,558.48
C. Resignations:
D. Field Trips:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
School Improvement:
This was tabled until a future Board meeting.
Board Development:
This was tabled until a future Board meeting.
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following donations for approval:
• The Carroll County Farm Bureau would like to donate $100 to help bring awareness to the Healthiest State Initiative.
• Landus Cooperative would like to donate 12 used HP LaserJet P3015 printers to the Carroll Community School District.
• Breda American Legion Auxiliary would like to donate $10 to be used for an item at the Carroll High School media center in memory of Kay Wernimont.
• The following donations are to Tigervision for expenses accrued in streaming athletic events:
Ryan and Katie Kock, Iowa Farm Bureau - $500
Debra Onken - $100
Aubrey Kemmerling, Edward Jones - $200
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the donations as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment for approval:
• Dr. Casey Berlau is recommending Patrick Rabbitt for the elementary principal position. If approved Mr. Rabbitt would work an 11 month contract and be paid $103,000 per year. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Ashley Bargman for a middle school special education instructor position. If approved she would be on Step 18 of the MA lane. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Sue Ruch is recommending Kyle Stevens for the elementary physical education instructor position at Fairview and Adams Elementary buildings. If approved he would be on Step 10 of the BA lane on the salary schedule. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Gary Magill for the 7th grade boys’ basketball coaching position. If approved he would be placed on Step 24. Approval is recommended.
• Jeff Dvorak is recommending Jon Kitt for the Custodian – Head Sports Facilities and Grounds position. If approved he would be paid $41,600 per year and would work 40 hours per week plus additional time as required. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
FY21 Budget Work Session:
A. Establish Date for Public Hearing on Proposed Handout
B. Present Draft of 2020-2021 Certified Budget
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed budget for the 2020-2021 school year. The total tax rate proposed is $9.54494 which is down $.24333 from the current year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to set the public hearing on the proposed 2020-2021 budget for April 13th at 12:00 p.m. noon in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Administrative Report:
A. Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:
Casey Berlau updated the Board on the closing of Iowa schools by the governor due to COVID-19 virus. He stated that all Carroll Community School District facilities will be closed until April 15, 2020. There will be no practices during this time. He also said that the issue of paying district personnel during this time is being discussed. The district is also exploring the possibility of offering grab and go meals at Fairview Elementary.
B. 2020-2021 Cooperative Sharing Athletic Programs:
Dr. Berlau presented the following athletic sharing agreements for the 2020-2021 school year:
Girls Golf – Host School - Carroll
Boys Golf – Host School – Carroll
Boys Soccer – Host School – Carroll
Ar-We-Va and Glidden-Ralston
Girls Soccer – Host School – Carroll
Ar-We-Va, Glidden-Ralston, and Coon Rapids-Bayard
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the athletic cooperative sharing agreements. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennnifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
C. Summer Fun Camp – Request for Buses:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request from the Summer Fun Camp for the use of school buses this summer. The camp is a mixture of special education and general education students and runs for six weeks. The district will bill the summer camp sponsors for actual costs.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the use of school buses for the Summer Fun Camp contingent upon the use of the buses being covered by the district’s insurance and the cost of the service to be determined by the business office. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
D. Board Policy Review:
The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:
• 305 – Superintendent Civic Activities:
• 406 – Child Abuse Reporting
• 435, 435R1, 435E1, 435E2, 435E3 – Drug and Alcohol Testing
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 305, 406, 435, 435R1, 435E1, 435E2, and 435E3. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
The Board held the first reading of the following Board policies:
• 104R1 – Student to Student Harassment and Bullying
• 104E3 – Disposition of Complaint Form
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 104R1 and 104E3. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
E. Soccer Field Agreement with the City of Carroll:
This item was tabled for a later Board meeting.
F. Before and After School Program for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed a memo from Nathan Knepper from the Department of Human Service concerning the steps required before approval can be granted to open a child care center. One of those steps is hiring a qualified center director. He requested that Board grant permission to post and advertise an opening for a child care center director.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the posting for the position of Child Care Center Director and developing a job description. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
G. DMACC Agreements for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following agreements with Des Moines Area Community College:
Career Advantage Concurrent Enrollment Ed Services Agreement
Career Academy Program – All Locations Ed Services Agreement
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Career Advantage Concurrent Enrollment Agreement and the Career Academy Agreement with Des Moines Area Community College. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
H. Adjustments to 2019-2020 School Calendar:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the district’s plan to make up the two days of school missed because of weather. He said the last day of school for students would remain May 22nd and the final day for teachers would be May 28, 2020.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the plan for making up missed school days. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
I. Preschool Calendar:
This item was tabled until a later Board meeting.
J. Student Teacher Agreement with University of Northern Iowa:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with the University of Northern Iowa for the placement of student teachers in the Carroll Community School District.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the student teacher agreement with the University of Northern Iowa for the 2020-2021 school year. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. Bids for Used 2007 School Buses:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that originally the district had advertised to sell three used buses but due to an engine failure had decided to only sell two.
Jason Gehling had bid $720 for Bus #21 and Quandt Auto Salvage bid $700 for both buses. It is recommended to sell Bus #21 to Jason Gehling for $720 and Bus #20 to Quandt’s for $700.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the bids for the two buses as recommended. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
B. Budget Update Reports:
Gary Bengtson presented various budget reports to the Board.
Capital Outlay:
A. Request Quotes for Carpet Replacement at CMS and CHS:
B. Handicapped Door Openers at Adams, CMS, and CHS:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated the district is looking to get approval to request quotes for replacing carpet at both the Carroll Middle School and a couple of rooms at Carroll High School.
He also stated the district has received a quote from Walsh Door & Security for the installation of handicapped auto door openers at Adams Elementary, Carroll Middle School, and Carroll High School. The total for the three buildings is $20,328.00.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the $20,328.00 quote from Walsh Door & Security for auto door openers at Adams Elementary, Carroll Middle School, and Carroll High School, and to receive carpet bids for Carroll Middle School and Carroll High School. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Suggestions for April 20th Board Meeting:
Exempt Session – Negotiations:
The exempt session was tabled until a later date.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.03.19
Minutes - 2020.03.19Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 19, 2020
12:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling (via telephone), Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Nathan Konz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Resolution to Pay Staff During School Closure Due to COVID-19:
Jennifer Munson moved to approve the following resolution which she read:
WHEREAS, the Carroll Community School District has decided to temporarily close its operations due to health and safety reasons; and,
WHEREAS, the District has decided that employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis will not be able to regularly report to work for the District due to the closure; and,
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the District to pay the District’s contracted or salaried and hourly and/or nonexempt employees while the District is temporarily closed for the safety of District employees, students, and community members; for staff morale; and to ensure that said District employees do not leave employment during the temporary closure.
WHEREAS, if an employee’s work is needed for the continuity of learning and/or District operations during the period of temporary closure, that employee may be required to report for work onsite or from a remote location after receiving reasonable advance notice from the District. The determination of whether an employee may be required to report to report to work will be made at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Superintendent is hereby authorized to place employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis on an approved leave for their contracted or assigned days or hours during the initial period of temporary closure and that said employee shall receive their customary and regular pay they would have been entitled to receive absent the closure. If the District’s operations continue to be closed after the initial period of temporary closure, then the Board will reconvene and determine whether the Superintendent will continue to pay employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis during the temporary closure.
Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 p.m. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.03.19
Minutes - 2020.03.19 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:36Minutes - 2020.04.13
Minutes - 2020.04.13Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 19, 2020
12:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling (via telephone), Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Nathan Konz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Resolution to Pay Staff During School Closure Due to COVID-19:
Jennifer Munson moved to approve the following resolution which she read:
WHEREAS, the Carroll Community School District has decided to temporarily close its operations due to health and safety reasons; and,
WHEREAS, the District has decided that employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis will not be able to regularly report to work for the District due to the closure; and,
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the District to pay the District’s contracted or salaried and hourly and/or nonexempt employees while the District is temporarily closed for the safety of District employees, students, and community members; for staff morale; and to ensure that said District employees do not leave employment during the temporary closure.
WHEREAS, if an employee’s work is needed for the continuity of learning and/or District operations during the period of temporary closure, that employee may be required to report for work onsite or from a remote location after receiving reasonable advance notice from the District. The determination of whether an employee may be required to report to report to work will be made at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Superintendent is hereby authorized to place employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis on an approved leave for their contracted or assigned days or hours during the initial period of temporary closure and that said employee shall receive their customary and regular pay they would have been entitled to receive absent the closure. If the District’s operations continue to be closed after the initial period of temporary closure, then the Board will reconvene and determine whether the Superintendent will continue to pay employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis during the temporary closure.
Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 p.m. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.04.13
Minutes - 2020.04.13 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:38Minutes - 2020.04.27
Minutes - 2020.04.27Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 27, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m. via teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Sue Ruch, and Tammie McKenzie. Others present: Nathan Konz, and Rebecca McKinsey.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda as presented. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the March 16th, March 19th and April 13th Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $137,690.59
Student Activity Fund $10,803.56
Local Option Sales Tax $9,620.56
Nutrition Fund $44,395.85
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $7,195.31
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that Sue Ruch is recommending Michaela Henriksen for a Strategist I Special Education teaching position at Adams Elementary School. If approved, she would be on Step 0 of the BA lane of the 2020-2021 salary schedule. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendation. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Administrative Report:
- Resolution Adopting Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan:
Dr. Berlau presented a proposed resolution to adopt the Carroll, Crawford, Greene, and Sac County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the resolution adopting the Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Superintendent and Building Principal Reports:
Dr. Casey Berlau read a card from Denise and Jessica Mowrey thanking the Board for their decision to continue to pay district employees during the shut-down. He also reported that he, Jerry Raymond, and Crystal Boes have been meeting with AEA staff concerning the special education program for next year. They have been working recently on the criteria students would have to meet to qualify for the program.
He also discussed the district’s plan to hire a Director of Teaching and Learning for next year. He stated the district has applicants for the position but the pandemic has slowed action on interviewing and hiring. He stated he ran various scenarios based on across-the-board cuts, zero allowable grow, and enrollment declines. Although all such scenarios would negatively affect both the ending balance and unspent balance the district could move ahead with the hiring but wanted to get the Board’s opinion on moving ahead or waiting a year. The Board expressed some reservation with hiring someone who could not see the district in session and stated waiting a year would help determine and define the actual needs.
Sue Ruch reviewed what was happening at both Fairview and Adams Elementary schools specifically with on-line learning. Tammie McKenzie reviewed tentative plans for a drive-in high school graduation for the Class of 2020.
- District Plan to Close Out the 2019-2020 School Year:
Dr. Berlau reviewed district plans for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. He discussed how final grades will be determined, spring and summer sports, and high school graduation.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the district’s plans for the remainder of the school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for Food Service:
Gary Bengtson presented a purchasing agreement with the AEA for the purchase of food and food service supplies. This agreement would be for the 2020-2021 school year and is a continuation of previous agreements.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Shared Transportation Director Agreement with Glidden Ralston:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a shared transportation director agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Glidden-Ralston Community School District. This would be a continuation of a current agreement.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to renew the shared transportation agreement with Glidden-Ralston. Cindy Johnston seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Shared Transportation Maintenance Agreement with Glidden Ralston:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a shared transportation maintenance agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Glidden-Ralston Community School District. This would be a continuation of a current agreement.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the shared transportation maintenance agreement with Glidden-Ralston. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Physical Education Waiver for 2020-2021:
High School Principal Tammie McKenzie presented a request to the Iowa Department of Education seeking an exemption for students taking physical education every other day all year long. She stated the district would prefer to offer physical education every day for a semester with the total hours of physical education remaining the same.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the physical education waiver. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- MOU for Mass Dispensing Site Location:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a Memorandum of Understanding for Mass Dispensing Site Location between Carroll Public Health/St. Anthony Home Health-Hospice and the Carroll Community School District. The Carroll High School acknowledges the intent to serve as a local dispensing site for the Strategic National Stockpile in the event that it is necessary.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Mass Dispensing Site Location between Carroll Public Health/St. Anthony Home Health-Hospice and the Carroll Community School District. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- 2020 Carroll High School Graduates:
Dr. Berlau presented the following list of 2020 graduates contingent on them meeting Carroll Community School District graduation requirements:
Makenna Kay Aschinger, Sierra Marie Ball, Soleil Basurco lanni, Vanessa Christina Bauer, Seth Ryan Beberniss, Karter Anthony Behrens, Noah John Bender, Kara Lyn Brinker, Makayla Velma Kathryn Bueltel, Britney Jean Croghan, Chloe Ashlyn Demonia, Carter Steve Danner, Kyrsten Jeanell-Leone Easter, Vanessa Chardey Espinosa, Taylor Lynn Everhart, Alexis Mae Foley, Grace Anne Friel, Chase Jerik Gladden, Sydney Lauren Haakenson, McKenna Jean Haberl, Nicholas John Haberl, Jack Howard Hagen, Cooper James Halbur, Corianna Ray Hansen, Malakai Michael Hansen, Hunter Russell Helgerson, Wyatt Matthew Henson, Tucker Lee Hinners, Carter John Irlbeck, Emily Ann Johnson, Jacob Andrew Johnson, Tyler Joseph Kasperbauer, Sydney Rose Kastle, Helen Claire Kimball, Brennon James Kofron, Paige Nicole Krause, Cole David Ladehoff, Justin Thomas Ladwig, Garrett Michael Lawler, Karter Jordan Lein, Alexander Merlin Loew, Jacey Janice Loew, Nolan Thomas Loew, Rylee Colette Ludwig, Markaven Veda Madsen, Eric James Malcom, Joseph James McCartan, Franchesca Ivette Mesa, Kenadie Rae Mielk, Kendra Jo Millermon, Taylor Nicholas Moore, Jordan Marie Mozena, Jazmyn Angelina-Phyllis Muniz, Samantha Amelia Murray, Mia Lynn Nagl, Tiffany Angelica Neal, Korey Brennan Nieland, Ashley Jo Onken, Emma Claire Perkins, Owen Jack Perrin, Saige Jordan Pietig, Alex Rainier Pontow, Grace Susan Reising, Levi John Riesberg, Destiny Rene’ Rogers, Jacob William Roiland, Brady Lee Rowedder, Benjamin James Sampson, Makayla Jean Schleisman, Keaton Leon Schoenfeld, Alexa Jean Schroeder, Chloe Elisabeth Schroeder, Kaylee Ann Schulte, Mallory Len Schultes, Morgan RaeAnn Schulz, Damon Richard Schweitzer, Autumn Marie Schwery, Nathan Allen Shoesmith, Taydem Dawn Renken Shoesmith, Nicholas Scott Sigwalt, Claire Elizabeth Smith, Lauren Elizabeth Snyder, Nathan Grant Soyer, Toby Donald Sturm, Taylor Nichole Thompson, Eliot James Tidgren, Conrad Alec Toms, Angel Julian Torres-Ruiz, Jacob Gerard Tunning, Tyler Chad Uhlenkamp, Trevin Joseph Vanderheiden, Dayna Melissa Van De Walker, Jaylynn Mae Vesterfelt, Colby Michael Vincent, Alexa Roselynn Waldhoff, Hailey Ann Wallace, Samantha Dee Walsh, Mercedes Nicole Wanser, Rachel Nicole White, Devan Tyler Wiederien, Dominic Johnathan James Wiley, Luke Randol Woosley Jr., Cole Brian Worley, Kassidy Nicole Wuebker, Alexis Sue Ziegmann.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the list of 2020 graduates. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Athletic Sharing Agreements:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following athletic sharing agreements:
Girls Swimming – Host School – Carroll High School
Ar-We-Va, Coon Rapids-Bayard, Denison-Schleswig, East Sac, Glidden-Ralston, Guthrie Center (ACGC), IKM-Manning, Kuemper, South Central Calhoun, (Panorama is not participating this year)
Boys Swimming – Host School – Carroll High School
Ar-We-Va, Coon Rapids-Bayard, Denison-Schleswig, East Sac, Glidden-Ralston, Guthrie Center (ACGC), IKM-Manning, Kuemper, Panorama, and South Central Calhoun
Wrestling – Host School – Carroll High School
Boys Cross Country – Host School – Kuemper Catholic High School
Boys Tennis – Host School – Kuemper Catholic High School
Girls Cross Country – Host School – Kuemper Catholic High School
Girls Tennis – Host School – Kuemper Catholic High School
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the athletic sharing agreements as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a revised job description for the teacher/librarian associate position.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the revised job description for the teacher/librarian associate position. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Dr. Berlau presented a job description for the newly created Before and After School Program Director.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the job description for the Before and After School Program Director position. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Pandemic Resolution Regarding Suspension of Graduation Requirements:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a Pandemic Resolution Regarding Suspension of Graduation Requirements. He stated if this resolution is approved it would also suspend Board policies 508 and 555 so they would not have to be acted upon independently.
Cindy Johnson moved to approve the following resolution which she read aloud:
“WHEREAS, on April 10, 2020, Governor Reynolds issued a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency temporarily suspending the provisions in Iowa law requiring curriculum standards and completion of specific units of credit for completion of a high school program of study to the extent such provisions would hinder Iowa school districts in assisting the Iowa high school graduating class of 2020 in completing a course of study during this disaster emergency.
WHEREAS, District Policy 508 Graduation Requirements sets out the courses students must successfully complete in order to graduate which are based upon the provisions in Iowa law requiring the completion of specific units of credit for completion of a high school program of a student which Governor Reynolds has temporarily suspended for the graduating class of 2020.
WHEREAS, District Policy 224 Suspension of Policy provides that the Board may, in extreme emergencies of a very unique nature, suspend policy and further provides that it is within the discretion of the Board to determine when an extreme emergency of a very unique nature exists.
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that present circumstances constitute and extreme emergency of a very unique nature which provide adequate and appropriate grounds to suspend District Policy 508 Graduation Requirements for the graduating class of 2020.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provisions of District Policy 508 Graduation Requirements are suspended for the graduating class of 2020.
Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Suspension of Board Policy 508 – Graduation Requirements:
This was taken care of with the above resolution.
- Suspension of Board Policy 555 – Commencement:
Dr. Berlau reported this was not needed.
- Agreement for Joint Use of Soccer Fields:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed Agreement for the Joint Use of Soccer Fields located at the Carroll Middle School.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Agreement for Joint Use of Soccer Fields at the Carroll Middle School site. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Business Office Report:
- Review of FY2019 Audit:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed the 2018-2019 audit recently issued by Nolte, Cornman, and Johnson of Newton, Iowa. He detailed some the financial data contained in the report and highlighted the deficiency sited by the auditors and reviewed proposed corrective action by the district.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to receive and file the Fiscal Year 2019 Audit Report. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Capital Outlay:
- Consider K-5 Math Curriculum Purchase:
Sue Ruch stated that a group of math teachers and herself began reviewing five math curriculum around Christmas and had narrowed it to two: the Houghton Mifflin Into Math and Every Day Math IV. On February 14th representatives from both companies gave a presentation to all math teachers regarding their curriculum. After much discussion the consensus was to purchase the Houghton Mifflin Into Math series. This would be a six year agreement for a total cost of $136,476.42.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to purchase the Into Math Series for $136,476.42. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Bids for Carpet Replacement for Carroll Middle School Hallways:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Jeff Dvorak had received bids for replacing carpet in the Carroll Middle School hallways. The bids were as follows:
Prenger’s Furniture $15,976.27
Peterson Flooring $18,621.00
Bierl Carpet One $17,376.00
He stated that the bids are for the carpet tiles and the low bid from Prenger’s Furniture is recommended.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the bid from Prenger’s Furniture for the Middle School corridors for $15,976.27. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Budget Update Reports:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed several financial reports with the Board.
- May Regular Board meeting – May 18, 2020 – 5:30 p.m.
Suggestions for May 18th Board Meeting:
- Reports from Building Principals
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.04.27
Minutes - 2020.04.27 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:38Minutes - 2020.05.18
Minutes - 2020.05.18Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 18, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board Vice-President Duane Horsley called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. via teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Duane Horsley agreed to chair the meeting as Karen Friedlein was out of town and uncertain of her internet connection reliability. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Nathan Konz, and Rebecca McKinsey.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda as presented. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the April 27th, Board meeting:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $328,552.45
Student Activity Fund $4,220.09
Physical Plant and Equipment Levy $6,072.94
Local Option Sales Tax $23,531.99
Debt Service $918,329.30
Nutrition Fund $32,183.43
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
- Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
- School Board Appreciation Month:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that May is School Board Appreciation month and he thanked the Board members for all they do for the children in the community.
- Public Comment:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
There were no donations for the month.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented for approval:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Katie Kock for a Head Varsity Girls’ Basketball coaching position. If approved, Ms. Kock would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $4,485.00. Approval is recommended.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Kim Cleveland for a special education teacher associate position at the Carroll Middle School. If approved, Ms. Cleveland would work 7 hours per day and be paid $11.50 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Sue Ruch is recommending Julie Chumbley for the Before and After School Program Director position at $18.00 per hour for 4 hours per day. In addition Ms. Chumbley will continue to work 3 hours per day as a general education teacher associate at her current rate of pay for that position. Approval is recommended.
• Sue Ruch is recommending Kelly Sander for a special education teacher associate preschool position at Fairview. If approved she would work 6.75 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Casey Berlau is recommending Diane Renneke be approved for a Letter of Assignment to continue employment as the district’s accounts payable coordinator on an as-needed basis This Letter of Assignment would become effective July 1, 2020 and continue through a date to be determined. IPERS contributions and health insurance coverage would continue. Diane would be approved to work up to 30 hours per week if needed. Approval is recommended.
• Sue Ruch is recommending the following teachers for Teacher Leadership positions at Fairview and Adams Elementary:
Ryan Simmelink Instructional Coach
Holly Warnke PLC Leader
Candice Ostrich PLC Leader
Sarah Schroeder PLC Leader
Peggy Hamilton PLC Leader
Sara Hamilton PLC Leader
Carrie Hampton PLC Leader
Kathy Halbur PLC Leader
Becky Roberts PLC Leader
Tina Netusil Mentor
Bev Schmitt-Kirsch Mentor
Ali Schon Mentor
Amanda Warnaca Mentor
Ashley Wuebker Mentor
• Jerry Raymond is recommending the following teachers for Teacher Leadership positions at Carroll Middle School:
Ann Neumann Instructional Coach
Christena Miller PLC Leader
Jesse Strong PLC Leader
Kaitlynn Kaufman PLC Leader
Lindsey Pick PLC Leader
Peggy McDonald PLC Leader
Rachel Menken PLC Leader
Tom Borchers PLC Leader
Jodi Handlos Oversight Committee
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending the following teachers for Teacher Leadership positions at Carroll High School:
Becky Boes Instructional Coach
Shelley Helmich PLC Leader
Bob Pauk PLC Leader
Doug Leiting PLC Leader
Nicole Cote PLC Leader
Kim Renning Oversight Committee
• Dr. Casey Berlau recommended Kelli Schulz for an Instructional Coach position
B. Contract Modifications:
Dr. Berlau stated that Sue Ruch is recommending that teacher associate Paula Finken’s letter of assignment be increased to include 1.75 hours in the morning working in the Before and After School Program as a general education teacher associate. Ms. Finken currently works 6.75 hours per day as a special education teacher associate at Fairview. Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year she will work will work 6.25 hours in special education and 1.75 hours in general education for a total of eight hours per day.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the employment recommendations and contract modification as stated. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Non-Bargaining Wages and Salaries:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a recommendation to approve a pool of funds for non-bargaining staff totaling $88,669 or a total increase of 2.76%. The increase would be a package increase of 2.75% for all groups except secretaries which would be 2.85%.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the pool of $88,669 or a 2.76 package increase for non-bargaining personnel. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Administrative Report:
- Superintendent Report:
Dr. Berlau updated the Board on graduation plans for the district. The plan now would be for a graduation ceremony in the Carroll Athletic Stadium on the weekend of June 27th. Each graduate could invite four guests and social distancing would be required. He stated retiring personnel would be recognized virtually this spring and would be invited back to the district in August for recognition.
Dr. Casey Berlau also reviewed flexibility in school start date with the district planning to remain at August 25, 2020. He said district continues to work on the Return to Learn Plan which will be filed with the state.
- Administrator Mentoring and Induction Program with SAI:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that the district is required to have a mentoring program for new administrators. He stated the district has used the School Administrators of Iowa Mentoring and Induction Program since this became a requirement.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement with School Administrators of Iowa for the 2020-2021 school year. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Transportation Agreement with Region XII COG:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a transportation agreement with Region XII Council of Governments for transporting a student to the Woodward Academy during the school year. This agreement is a continuation to an existing agreement the district has with Region XII this year.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the transportation agreement with Region XII Council of Governments. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- 2020-2021 Student Registration Process:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that a press release was distributed today stating that online registration for the 2020-2021 school year will be available as of July 1, 2020. Walk-in registration will be held July 27th and July 28th in the Adams Elementary Board Conference Room.
- Approve Agreement with Carroll Education Association:
Dr. Casey Berlau reminded the Board that they settled a two year agreement with the Carroll Education Association last year and that agreement called for a 2.75% package increase for the 2020-2021 school year. The agreement both sides settled on includes a 5.36% insurance increase, $230 on the base salary, and several minor changes in Schedule C stipends to reach the 2.75% increase.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the 2.75% package agreement with the Carroll Education Association for the 2020-2021 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Approve Agreement with the Carroll Education Support Association:
Dr. Casey Berlau said that the Board settled a two year agreement with the Carroll Education Support Association last year and that agreement called for a 3.59% package increase for the 2020-2021 school year. The agreement both sides settled on includes a 6.63% insurance increase, $.30 per hour for teacher associates, $.59 per hour increase for the route drivers, $.60 per hour for the activity drivers, and $.25 per hour increase for the student/supply driver.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the 3.59% package agreement with the Carroll Education Support Association for the 2020-2021 school year. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Approve CEA Employee Handbooks:
- Approve CESA Employee Handbooks:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the employee handbooks for the CEA and the CESA for the 2020-2021 school year. The handbooks are unchanged from the previous year.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the CEA and CESA employee handbooks as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Update Job Descriptions:
Dr. Berlau presented an updated job description for the position of Student Information Specialist.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein to approve the revised job description for the position of Student Information Specialist. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Business Office Report:
- Lunch Prices for 2020-2021:
Gary Bengtson recommended this item be tabled until the next Board meeting.
- Capital Outlay:
- Water Heater:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented three bids for a replacement water heater at Adams Elementary. The low bid was from Carroll Controls for a cost of $11,350.00.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the bid from Carroll Controls for a water heater at a cost of $11,350.00. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Technology Purchases:
Dr. Berlau presented a request from Craig Rowedder to purchase 350 chromebooks at a cost of $199 apiece from FireFly Computers for a total cost of $78,050.00. These would replace exiting district chromebooks.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the technology purchases.
Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Summer Projects – Buildings and Grounds:
Dr. Berlau briefly reviewed some possible summer projects and stated the district would be working on a more comprehensive project list in the future. He said the district may be more conservative than usual with questions on both the PPEL and sales tax funding due to the COVID pandemic.
- Budget Reports:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed the budget reports but stated that due to the date of the Board meeting this month personnel costs for May were not included. Updated reports will be available later in the week.
- Last Day of School – May 22nd
- Regular June Board Meeting – June 15th
- Special Board Meeting – End of Year Bills – June 26th – Noon
Suggestions for June 15th Board Meeting:
- Approve Student and Staff Handbooks for 2020-2021:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.05.18
Minutes - 2020.05.18 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:38Minutes - 2020.06.16
Minutes - 2020.06.16 mkohorst@carro… Fri, 07/17/2020 - 09:34Minutes - 2020.06.26
Minutes - 2020.06.26 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 07/06/2020 - 08:27Minutes 2020-21 School Year
Minutes 2020-21 School Year Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 09/09/2020 - 11:07Minutes - 2020.01.20
Minutes - 2020.01.20 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:11Minutes - 2020.02.17
Minutes - 2020.02.17 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:13Minutes - 2020.03.16.20
Minutes - 2020.03.16.20 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/21/2020 - 10:15Minutes - 2021-4-19
Minutes - 2021-4-19 mkohorst@carro… Wed, 02/17/2021 - 07:02Minutes - 2020.07.06
Minutes - 2020.07.06Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
July 6, 2020
12:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. in the
Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present:
Jennifer Munson and Karen Friedlein. Board members joining the meeting via
telephone: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, and Duane Horsley. Staff present:
Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. The meeting was also streamed on
Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
Jennifer Munson moved to approve the agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the
motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Job Description for Student Information Specialist/Secretary:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a revised job description for the position of Student
Information Specialist/Secretary. The Board reviewed the proposed job
description and suggested some further modifications.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the job description for the Student
Information Specialist/Administrative Assistant with the addition of the
preferred “ability to learn or working knowledge of web site design”, the
elimination of number 13 “Assist with student and staff scheduling”, and
change secretary to administrative assistant in the job title. Duane Horsley
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Approve Superintendent Contract:
Board President Karen Friedlein presented a revised contract between Dr. Casey
Berlau and the Board. The previous contract did not match Board policy for
sick leave and holidays, in both cases days needed to be added to the contract.
She also mentioned that the revised contract in the board packet was missing a
paragraph previously agreed to by the Board which she read “The District, at
the request of the Superintendent, shall allow the Superintendent to contribute
an amount to be determined on a monthly basis to a tax-sheltered annuity
contract or custodial account within the meaning of section 403(b) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1985, as amended, selected by the Superintendent in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the Iowa Code sections 294.16 and
509A.12; provided, however, that the Superintendent shall be solely responsible
for computing any limitations on such contribution under sections 403(b) and
422.3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Superintendent shall indemnify and
hold harmless the Board from and against any and all claims, tax liabilities,
penalties, damages, attorney fees, interest or expenses incurred or asserted
against the Board because of such contribution. A contribution to a taxsheltered
annuity program in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the
Superintendent’s contract salary.”
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the contract with three
modifications, added the half-day holidays before Christmas, New Years, and
Independence Day, increased the sick leave to fourteen days to match Board
policy, and added the language for the tax-sheltered annuity. Cindy Johnson
seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 12:21 p.m. Onica
Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.07.21
Minutes - 2020.07.21Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
July 21, 2020
5:30 p.m. Media Center, Carroll High School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center at Carroll High School. Board members present Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Jeff Cullen, Patrick Rabbitt, Crystal Boes, and Roxanne Aden. Others present: Several parents and community members.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Board agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the June 18th and June 27th Board meetings
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $240,346.15
Student Activity Fund $3,045.50
Management Fund $553,264.91
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $69,547.57
Local Option Sales Tax $95,205.00
Nutrition Fund $13,271.01
Scholarship Fund $120.00
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
Board President Karen Friedlein opened the meeting for comments:
Roxanne Aden spoke briefly to the Board and requested the Board not require masks for students. Pat Tigges spoke about the difficulties special needs kids would have in wearing masks and keeping them on and in keeping the masks dry. Tyler Nelson spoke to the difficulties of good internet connections in the rural areas that are necessary for on-line learning.
There were no donations to present.
Personnel Report:
- Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
• Randy Bissen recommended Jodie Guddall for the middle school cheerleading position. If approved, she would receive $750 for the football cheer sponsor position and $750 for the basketball cheer position. Approval is recommended.
• Patrick Rabbitt and Crystal Boes are recommending Wanita Dentlingeer for a special education teacher associate position at Adams Elementary. If approved, she would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $11.80 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Dr. Casey Berlau recommended Kelly Stitz for the Student Information Specialist/Administrative Assistant position. If approved, Ms. Stitz would be paid $15.38 per hour and would work 8 hours per day.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the recommendations for employment. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Administration Report:
- Superintendent Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the current plans for opening school buildings this fall. He stated plans continue to evolve as information changes. Personal protective equipment has been purchased by the district and procedures for cleaning and disinfecting are being established.
Transportation director Jeff Cullen updated the Board on possible changes to the bussing program to help meet COVID-19 recommendations. He stated the district has purchased six electrostatic sprayers to be used in both buses and buildings. He further said that in-town bussing may be reduced to only those students required to be transported by state code.
- St. Anthony Athletic Training Agreement:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with St. Anthony Regional Hospital for the services of an athletic trainer for the 2020-2021 school year. The cost of the agreement would be $2,000 annually.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the St. Anthony athletic training agreement. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None Abstain: Jennifer
- Starting and Substitute Pay for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a list of proposed starting and substitute pay for the 2020-2021 school year. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the starting and substitute pay rates for the 2020-2021 school year. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Juvenile Court School Liaison Contract for FY21:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented an agreement with Juvenile Court Services for a Juvenile Court School Liaison officer. He stated this agreement is a continuation of a program the school has had in place for many years.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the contract for juvenile court school liaison service for 2020-2021. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
E. Board Policy Revisions:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:
• 407 – Employee Travel Compensation
• 407R1 – Employee Travel Reimbursement
- 432 – Workers Compensation
- 240 – Public Participation in Board Meetings
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 407, 407R1, 432, and 240. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
F. Job Description – Health Assistant:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed job description for the position of Health Assistant. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the job description for the Health Assistant with the addition of technology skills as discussed. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
G. Consider Adding Staff to the Health Services Department:
Dr. Casey Berlau and the Board held a brief discussion on the necessity of adding staff to the Health Services Department particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to proceed with the recommendation to hire a full-time nurse as a one year position. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
H. Consider Guidelines for Staffing Coaching Positions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented proposed guidelines to determine how many and when additional coaching positions are necessary based on number of students participating in a sport.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the proposed staffing guidelines for coaching positions as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Committee Appointments for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following appointments for the 2020-2021 school year.
• Transportation Committee – Jeff Cullen and Jen Munson
• School Improvement Team – Karen Friedlein and Cindy Johnson
• IASB Legislative Network Liaison – Cindy Johnson
• IASB Delegate and Alternate – Duane Horsley, alternate Karen Friedlein
• County Conference Board – Cindy Johnson
• Negotiations Team – Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein, Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson
• Calendar Fact-Finding Committee – Onica Ulveling
• Objection to Instructional Materials – To Be Determined
• Affirmative Action Coordinators – Crystal Boes, alternate Gary Bengtson
• City of Carroll Parks and Rec Member – Dr. Casey Berlau
• Education Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator – Crystal Boes
- Section 504 Coordinator – Crystal Boes
• Employee Sexual Harassment Compliance Officers – Dr. Casey Berlau & Tammie McKenzie alternate Gary Bengtson
• Abuse of Students by Employees Level I Investigators – Hunter Harmening and Kristi Shanks, alternates Dr. Casey Berlau and Patrick Rabbitt; Level II Investigator – Carroll Police Department
• Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer – Crystal Boes and Jeff Dvorak
• Homeless Liaison – Jill Greiman
• Deputy Principals*
Fairview – Crystal Boes and Dr. Casey Berlau
Adams Elementary – Crystal Boes and Dr. Casey Berlau
Carroll Middle School – Jill Greiman
Carroll High School – Larry Lesle and Randy Bissen
Deputy Superintendent* – Gary Bengtson and Jerry Raymond
* Deputy is defined as the administrator-in-charge during the absence of the regular administrator.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the committee appointments for the 2020-2021 school year. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Jennifer Munson moved to approve the following: “The Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District designate Crystal Boes as the distrct’s Title IX Coordinator and authorizes that employee to coordinate with the district’s efforts to comply with the district’s responsibilities under Title IX.” Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the administrative assignments as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
J. IASB Legislative Priorities:
The Board agreed to review the Iowa Association of School Boards legislative priorities for the 2020-2021 school year and submit their top choices to Dr. Berlau for discussion and action at the August 5th special Board meeting.
Business Office Report:
- Appointment of Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3):
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to appoint Gary Bengtson as the Board Secretary/Treasurer. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Karen Friedlein administered the oath of office to Gary Bengtson.
B. Issue of Warrants Resolution:
Gary Bengtson presented the Issue of Warrants Resolution for fiscal year 2020-2021 for approval. Duane Horsley moved to approve and read the following:
“The Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District hereby authorizes the Board Secretary to issue warrants when the Board is not in session for the payment of utilities, freight, drayage, express, postage, salaries, state and federal taxes, FICA, IPERS, CEA and CESA dues, employee annuities, United Way contributions, health insurance premiums, Carroll Recreation Center dues, advance transportation expenses, registration fees and related costs, court-ordered garnishments, and previously approved contracted expenses.”
Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
C. Bank Depositories:
Gary Bengtson presented a resolution naming bank depositories for 2020-2021:
“Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District in Carroll County, Iowa approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of the Iowa Code. The Board Secretary is hereby authorized to deposit District funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below:
Depository Name Home Office Balance
United Bank of Iowa Ida Grove, IA $7,000,000
Availa Bank Carroll, IA $3,000,000
Iowa Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,500,000
Commercial Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,000,000
Bank of the West San Francisco, CA $1,000,000
Templeton Savings Bank Templeton, IA $1,000,000
Westside State Bank Westside, IA $1,000,000
Breda Savings Bank Breda, IA $1,000,000
INVESTMENTS (not required)
Iowa Schools Des Moines, IA $6,500,000
Joint Investment Trust
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Carroll Community School District's Board of Directors adopted at a meeting of said public body, duly called and held on the 21st day of July, 2020, a quorum being present, as said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and is now in full force and effect.”
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Bank Depository Resolution for 2020-2021. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
D. Tires Bids:
Dr. Berlau reported that two tire bids were received by the district for 14 tires for the 2020-2021 school year. Bauer Built Tire Company bid $2,230.00 and Performance Tire bid $2,070.00.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to award the tire bid to Performance Tire Company for $2,070.00. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Preschool Agreement with Kuemper:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed preschool agreement with the Kuemper Catholic School District. The only change in this agreement over last year is to update the figures and names on the last page.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the proposed preschool agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Kuemper Catholic School System for the 2020-2021 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Bid on Commercial Washer/Dryer
Gary Bengtson presented a bid for a commercial washer and dryer to be located at the Carroll High School. He stated the district selected this brand and vendor based on local recommendations. The cost of both the Dexter 30lb. washer and 50lb. dryer plus installation would be $9,435.00.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the bid for a Dexter washer and dryer from Century Laundry Distributing for $9,435.00. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- New Teachers Report August 14th, 15th, and 16th
- All Teachers Report – August 17th
- All Staff Report on August 19th
- August Board Meeting – August 17th
- August 25th – First Day of School with Students
- Special Board Meeting – August 4th or 5th
It was moved by Duane Horsley to hold a special Board meeting on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the high school media center. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.08.05
Minutes - 2020.08.05Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 5, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. in the gymnasium of Carroll High School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, Crystal Boes, Jill Greiman, and Larry Lesle. Others present: A number of community members, other staff, and members of the press. The meeting was also broadcast live due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda with the removal of item 5 Personnel Report, item 6 Legislative Priorities, and item 7 Administrative Report, including the Board policies, with the understanding these items could be placed on the August 17th regular Board meeting agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Resignations:
The following resignations were presented for approval:
• Larry Riesenberg wishes to resign from his food service position. Mr. Riesenberg has been an employee of the Carroll Community School District for one year.
• Deb Grote wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Carroll High School. Ms. Grote has been a teacher associate for the district for eight years.
• Tammi Seidl wishes to resign from her food service position. Ms. Seidl has been an employee of the Carroll Community School District for twelve years.
• Dan Owen wishes to resign from his food service position at the Carroll Middle School. Mr. Owen has been an employee of the district for eight years.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the resignations as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Return to Learn Plan – Consideration for Approval:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Carroll Community School District’s Return to Learn Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. He said the district looked to the Iowa Department of Education, The Iowa Department of Health, the Carroll County Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Berlau detailed some of the changes being proposed and options available to parents if they weren’t satisfied with the proposal.
Board President Karen Friedlein opened the meeting to public comment. A number of people spoke concerning the plan with the majority of comments centered around the wearing of face coverings and transportation.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to change the wording to strongly recommend the use of face coverings. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Cindy Nays: Duane, Onica
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 5, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. in the gymnasium of Carroll High School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, Crystal Boes, Jill Greiman, and Larry Lesle. Others present: A number of community members, other staff, and members of the press. The meeting was also broadcast live due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda with the removal of item 5 Personnel Report, item 6 Legislative Priorities, and item 7 Administrative Report, including the Board policies, with the understanding these items could be placed on the August 17th regular Board meeting agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Resignations:
The following resignations were presented for approval:
• Larry Riesenberg wishes to resign from his food service position. Mr. Riesenberg has been an employee of the Carroll Community School District for one year.
• Deb Grote wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Carroll High School. Ms. Grote has been a teacher associate for the district for eight years.
• Tammi Seidl wishes to resign from her food service position. Ms. Seidl has been an employee of the Carroll Community School District for twelve years.
• Dan Owen wishes to resign from his food service position at the Carroll Middle School. Mr. Owen has been an employee of the district for eight years.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the resignations as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Return to Learn Plan – Consideration for Approval:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Carroll Community School District’s Return to Learn Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. He said the district looked to the Iowa Department of Education, The Iowa Department of Health, the Carroll County Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Berlau detailed some of the changes being proposed and options available to parents if they weren’t satisfied with the proposal.
Board President Karen Friedlein opened the meeting to public comment. A number of people spoke concerning the plan with the majority of comments centered around the wearing of face coverings and transportation.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to change the wording to strongly recommend the use of face coverings. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Cindy Nays: Duane, Onica
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.08.17
Minutes - 2020.08.17Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 17, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson. Others present: Jack Wardell. The meeting was also broadcast live due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the Board agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
Minutes of the July 21st and August 5th Board meeting
Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $166,873.48
Student Activity Fund $26,234.00
Management Fund $408.00
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $3,444.61
Local Option Sales Tax $37,441.49
Nutrition Fund $33,319.00
Scholarship Fund $120.00
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
Jack Wardell, the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Carroll, updated the Board on the improvements planned for the Carroll Recreation Center. A vote on the proposed project will be held September 8th.
Dr. Casey Berlau stated the United Way of Carroll would like to donate $3,500 to the Carroll Middle School.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the donation from the United Way of Carroll. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Personnel Report:
Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Carla Henson a middle school special education teacher associate position. If approved, she would receive $12.01 per hour and work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Sarah Fineran for the high school regular education teacher associate (SASH room) position. If approved, she would receive $11.84 per hour and work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Sue Greving for a regular education teacher associate position in TigerZone. If approved, she would work 3.5 hours per day and would be paid $11.24 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Mindy Stout for a regular education teacher associate position in TigerZone. If approved, she would work 2 hours per day and would be paid $11.24 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
• Jeff Cullen is recommending Sharon Beyer for a contracted bus driving position. If approved she would work 3.5 hours per day and paid $18.92 per hour. Approval is recommended.
• Jeff Cullen is recommending Jesse Tatman for a contracted bus driving position. If approved he would earn $18.62 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon his obtaining his CDL license and a clear background check.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Kaitlynn Kaufman for the assistant varsity volleyball position. If approved she would be on Step 8 of the salary schedule and would receive a stipend of $3,340.00. Approval is recommended.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Joey Lappe for the set contraction position for the fall play. If approved, Mr. Lappe would receive a stipend of $1,131. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
• Dr. Casey Berlau is recommending Molly Riedell for a nurse position. If approved, Ms. Riedell would be on Step 21 of the nurse’s salary schedule and receive $33,448.00. This position would be for one year. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the nine employment recommendations as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None Abstain Onica on #9
Administration Report:
DMACC Observation Contracts for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented an agreement with the Des Moines Area Community College for pre-education student clinical observation.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve an agreement with Des Moines Area Community College for pre education program observation hours. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
North Central Consortium Agreement:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented an Agreement for enrollment of nonresident students into the North Central Consortium School with the Manson Northwest Webster Community School District.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agreement with the Manson Northwest Webster Community School District. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Board Policy Revisions:
First Readings:
• 422 – Employee Leave of Absence – New
• 422E1 – Emergency Paid Sick Leave Request Form – New
• 422E2 – Expanded Family and Medical Leave Request Form – New
• 427 – Family and Medical • Leave FMLA, Notice to Employees, Regulation, and Leave Definitions
• 431 – Classified Employee Professional Purposes Leave – New
• 502 – Student Absences – Excused
• 502R3 – Request for Remote Learning Form – New
• 602 – School Day
• 646 – Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms – New
• 928 – District Operation During Public Emergencies – New
• 928R1 – District Operation During a Public Health Emergency Regulation – New
Second Readings:
• 407 – Employee Travel Compensation
• 407R1 – Employee Travel Reimbursement
• 432 – Worker’s Compensation
• 240 – Public Participation in Board Meeting
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the second reading of Board policies Board policies 407, 407R1, 432, and 240. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 427, 431, 502, 502R3, 602, 646, 928, and 928R1, with the change in 928R1 to 100.4 degrees, strike “and/or building principals” in policy 602, and waive the second reading for all policies except 502. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None
Memorandum of Understanding with Head Start:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed memorandum of understanding with the Head Start program. The memorandum of understanding outlines each entity’s responsibilities and matches past memorandums of understanding.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the memorandum of understanding with Head Start. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Superintendent Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed plans for the start of school. He stated 80 students had selected on-line learning for the start of the school year; 38 elementary students, 25 middle school students, and 17 high school students. He stated there is still discussion on band and vocal music instruction. He also said that he, Jeff Cullen, and representatives of Kuemper had meet with the Carroll Police to discuss expected traffic and road construction with the start of school. He also addressed school extra-curricular activities this fall.
F. Permission to Dispose of Furniture:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request from Jeff Dvorak for the disposal of computer tables/stations from the Carroll Middle School. He started these tables/stations are not such that they could be used in another location.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the disposal of middle school furniture as requested. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
G. Athletic Cooperative Sharing Agreement:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request from the Sioux Central Community School District to participate in the girls swimming program for the 2020-2021 school year.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the cooperative athletic sharing agreement with Sioux Central for the 2020-2021 school year. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Business Office Report:
Dairy and Bakery Bids:
Gary Bengtson presented two bids for dairy items and one bid for bakery items. He recommended the bid from Anderson Erickson for dairy products and the bid from Bimbo Bakery be approved.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the bakery bid from Bimbo Bakery and the dairy bid from Anderson Erickson for 2020-2021 school year. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Annual Settlement Report:
Budget Reports:
Gary Bengtson reviewed budget reports to the Board
August 20th – K-8 Open House
August 17th – Professional Development
August 25th First Day of School
August 31st – First Day of School for Preschool
Suggestions for September 21st Board Meeting:
Annual Meeting
Meet New Teachers
Other Suggestions
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Freidlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.09.21
Minutes - 2020.09.21Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
September 21, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of the Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Duane Horsley joined the meeting via telephone. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Patrick Rabbitt, Jerry Raymond, and Tammie McKenzie. Others present: Brad Jorgensen, Jen Jorgensen, Jen Sibenaller, Anne Collison, Jean Ludwig, Nikki Olberding, Casie Forke-Burke. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Board agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the August 17, 2020 Board meeting:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $233,747.51
Student Activity Fund $19,057.77
Local Option Sales Tax $11,052.01
Nutrition Fund $24,858.17
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $15,425.04
- Resignations:
- Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
Several parents addressed the Board about their concerns that the Carroll Middle School was thinking of going to the hybrid model. They encouraged the Board to maintain in-person learning especially for students under high school age. They also suggested the on-line learning would include either live or recorded lessons from their individual instructors. Concern was also raised on how decisions on quarantine were being made and who was making those decisions.
Personnel Report:
A. Employment Recommendations:
• Dr. Casey Berlau is recommending Malinda Mehlhaff for an RN position for the 2020-2021 school year. If approved, Ms. Mehlhaff would be on Step 10 of the Nurse’s salary schedule and would receive $28,791.00. Approval is recommended retroactive to August 27th. One year contract
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Deb Grote for a regular education teacher associate position at Carroll High School. If approved the hiring would be retroactive to 9/4/20. If approved, Ms. Grote would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $11.84 per hour. Approval is recommended.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Kim Becerra for a middle school volleyball coaching position. If approved, Ms. Becerra would be on Step 7 of the salary schedule and would receive $1,970. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
• Sara Anderson is recommending Tanner Gehling for a foodservice worker position. If approved Mr. Gehling would work 5.5 hours per day and would receive $10.00 per hour.
• Sara Anderson is recommending Rosie Rivas for a foodservice worker position for 5.75 hours per day. Ms. Rivas will work in multiple buildings filling in where needed. If approved, her rate of pay would be $12.50 per hour. Approval is recommended.
B. Volunteer:
• Tammie McKenzie and Bill Polking are recommending Sean Canuso as a volunteer with the speech program. Approval is recommended.
C. Contract Modifications:
• Pat Rabbitt is recommending Amanda Augustus be considered for a Special Education Severe Profound Teacher Associate position for 3.75 hours out of her current 6.75 hour/day position retroactive to September 1st. If approved her rate of pay for the severe profound hours would be $12.72 per hour.
• Pat Rabbitt is recommending Amanda Felix be considered for a Special Education Severe Profound Teacher Associate position for 3.25 hours out of her current 6.75 hour/day position retroactive to September 1st. If approved her rate of pay for the severe profound hours would be $12.67 per hour.
• Pat Rabbitt is recommending Paula Finken be considered for a Special Education Severe Profound Teacher Associate position for 3.25 hours out of her current 8 hour/day position retroactive to September 10th. If approved her rate of pay for the severe profound hours would be $13.42 per hour.
• Pat Rabbitt is recommending Stacy Rummerfield be considered for a Special Education Severe Profound Teacher Associate position for 3.25 hours out of her current 6.75 hour/day position retroactive to September 1st. If approved her rate of pay for the severe profound hours would be $12.92 per hour.
• Pat Rabbitt is recommending Allison Hike be transferred to a Special Education Severe Profound Teacher Associate position for 6.75 hours per day retroactive to September 1st. If approved her rate of pay for the severe profound hours would be $12.92 per hour.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Sarah Fineran be transferred to a Special Education Teacher Associate position effective September 24, 2020. If approved her rate of pay would be $12.10 per hour.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the volunteer, the contract modifications, and the personnel recommendations with the stipulation that the nursing position is for one year only. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows;
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the following donations with the Board:
• Slumberland of Carroll would like to donate 300 gallons of hand sanitizer to the Carroll Community School District.
• Kerri Ladehoff would like donate $250 to Tiger Vision.
• The Carroll Rivalry Cup committee donated 14 new golf bags to the boys and girls golf programs.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the donations. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Administration Report:
- Superintendents’ Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau began his report by stating that the district’s desire is that all students be in school. He said that currently the district has a total of six students and one staff member who have tested positive for COVID-19. In addition, one hundred and three students are currently quarantined. At this point of the year the district has had approximately 350 students who have been quarantined at some point. Although the data is not perfect it appears that 3 of the quarantined students later tested positive. The majority of cases are from exposure outside of school. This year the attendance rate is consistently running at between 95 and 97 percent. That attendance number is very similar to what the district reported a year ago. The district always reports absentee rates above 10 percent but reaching that number does not mean the building must close.
Dr. Berlau reported that Carroll High School has been in the hybrid model but the district is not currently recommending that for the middle school. He stated the district has plenty of PPE products on hand including gloves, disinfectant, etc.
Dr. Berlau stated that the process for determining quarantine recommendations typically begins with a parent, family member, or public health notifying the school of a potential exposure or positive case. The school then begins to work on contract tracing based on seating charts and other data to determine who may have been exposed. Less than six feet of distance for over 15 consecutive minutes is the standard measurement. That information is sent to public health and either public health or school nurses are making the telephone contact on quarantine recommendations. Quarantine is for fourteen days. Students that test positive are out for ten days from when symptoms first appear.
The Board encouraged the schools to think outside the box with regard to spreading students out to achieve the six foot distance requirement.
- Principals’ Report:
Each principal reported on activities within their buildings including COVID related changes they have implemented.
- Superintendent’s Goals for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed a draft of his goals for the 2020-2021 school year.
Those goals centered around three areas: facilities, training in the area of hiring and human resources, and communications.
- Board Governance Plan for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed a Board of Education Governance Plan for 2020-2021. The report identifies various action items and reports the Board will consider by month.
- Course to College Americorps – College Access Data Sharing Agreement:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a data sharing agreement with the Iowa College Student Aid Commission. It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the Course to College Americorps – College Access Data Sharing Agreement. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Secretary to the Transportation Department:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a job description and a proposal to hire a secretary to assist the transportation department. The Board suggested changing the job title from secretary to assistant to the transportation director.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to create the position of assistant to the transportation director and move ahead with filling the position. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows;
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Activity Event Manager: Audio/Visual:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a job description for an Activity Event Manager: Audio/Visual. This position would replace the Audio Visual Coordinator position in the master contract with the CEA from years ago. The Board suggested the district allow the position be shared among individuals.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the job description of Activity Event Manager position to assist in the livestreaming of Carroll Community School District events and approve hiring for the position. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- 28E Agreement with Woodward-Granger Community School District (Grandwood)
Dr. Casey Berlau presented an agreement to Establish a Consortium to Jointly Administer an Instructional Program at Grandwood located within the boundaries of the Woodward-Granger Community School District. He stated the district currently has one student enrolled in this program.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement with the Woodward-Granger Community School District. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Board Policy Revisions:
The Board held a first reading of the following policies and consider waiving the second reading:
• 102 – Equal Education Opportunity
• 104 – Anti-Harassment Anti-Bullying
• 104R1 – Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Regulation
• 105 – Title IX: Discrimination and Harassment on Sex Prohibited
• 401 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
• 424R1 – Abuse of Students by School District Employees
• 426 – Affirmative Actions Grievance Procedure – Delete
• 525 – Student Complaints and Grievances
• 607 – Education Equity
The Board held a second reading on the following policies:
• 427 – Family and Medical Leave, FMLA Notice to Employees, Regulation
and Leave Definitions
• 502 – Student Absences
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading for Board policies 427 and 502. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board policies 102, 104, 104R1, 105, 401, 424R1, 525, 607 and waive the second reading and delete policy 426. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Business Office Report:
A. FY 2020 Annual Settlements:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the annual settlement with the Board. The report detailed the cash balances in each district account as of June 30, 2020.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to receive and file the Annual Settlements Report. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Certified Annual Report:
Gary Bengtson reviewed a summary of the 2019-2020 Certified Annual Report that was filed with the State of Iowa on September 11, 2020.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to receive and file the 2019-2020 Certified Annual Report. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows;
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Special Education Supplement for 2019-2020:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the 2019-2020 Special Education Supplement with the Board. The preliminary balance in the special education program on June 30, 2020 was -$707,099.14 compared with a balance of -$662,594.30 for the previous year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to request modified allowable growth and supplemental aid for the special education deficit of -$707,099.14. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Report on CARES Funds, FEMA Grant, and GEERS Funds:
Gary Bengtson gave a brief report to the Board on federal funds received by the district to assist with COVID related expenses. Dr. Casey Berlau reported on GEERS funding to be received from the state and the district’s plans to use the funding for hot spots and other technology related equipment.
- IASB Employee Relations Conference (virtual) – October 1, 2020
- IASB 75th Annual Convention & Delegate Assembly
November 17th – 19th – virtual platform
- September 21st – No School Professional Development Day
- Homecoming – October 9th
Suggestions for October 19th Board Meeting:
- Certified Enrollment Report
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.10.19
Minutes - 2020.10.19 mkohorst@carro… Sun, 10/18/2020 - 06:21Minutes - 2020.11.11
Minutes - 2020.11.11Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
November 11, 2020
4:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Board member Jennifer Munson joined the meeting via telephone. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Revise the District’s Return to Learn Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that as of 3:00 p.m. today the district has sixteen students who have tested positive for COVID-19 and ten staff members. The district also has one hundred and seventy-two students in quarantine. He stated that the proposed revised Return to Learn Plan for the Carroll Community School District would require the use of face masks by students, staff, and visitors in all district facilities, school vehicles, and on school buses. Dr. Berlau said that this revised plan gives district students the best opportunity to remain in school.
Onica Ulveling questioned if bus drivers would need to wear a mask during times when no students were on their bus. Jennifer Munson proposed eliminating the last sentence in the revised plan which states “A decision on whether to keep the proposed changes in place will be determined at this time” and changing it to read “This plan will revert to the prior plan that was adopted on August 5, 2020 effective January 18, 2021 unless there is Board decision to extend or amend the Return to Learn Plan.
After discussion, it was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the revised Return to Learn Plan including a mask requirement with the changes of including school related activities, the guideline that bus drivers with no students are not required to wear a mask at that time, and neck gaiters must be two ply to meet the mask requirement. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
District Guidelines for Use of Face Masks – Board Policy #928:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a revised Board Policy 928R1 which would change the use of face masks from strongly recommended to required.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the Board Policy titled District Operation During Public Emergencies – code number 928R1with an amendment to revisit as needed. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 5:04 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.11.16
Minutes - 2020.11.16Minutes
Organizational Board of Directors’ Meeting
November 16, 2020
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson. Patrick Rabbitt and Jerry Raymond joined the meeting via Zoom. The meeting was streamed on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the October 19, 2020 Board meetings
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $245,592.50
Student Activity Fund $33,694.31
Local Option Sales Tax $5,980.00
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $3,438.98
Nutrition Fund $43,097.12
Debt Service $365,451.10
- Resignations
- Field Trips
- Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Organizational Meeting:
A. Election of Officers:
1. Board President:
Gary Bengtson opened the floor to nominations for the position of Board President. Cindy Johnson nominated Karen Friedlein for the position of Board President. Duane Horsley seconded the nomination of Karen Friedlein. The motion to elect Karen Friedlein as Board President passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to Karen Friedlein.
2. Board Vice-President:
Karen Friedlein opened the floor to nominations for the position of Board Vice President. Jennifer Munson nominated Duane Horsley for the position of Board Vice President. Cindy Johnson seconded the nomination. The motion to elect Duane Horsley as Board Vice President passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to Duane Horsley.
B. Establish Regular Meeting Schedule:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to establish the regular meeting schedule to be the third Monday of each month with meetings to begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary and to continue to use the consent agenda for the 2020-2021 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
C. Review of School Board Ethics:
This discussion was tabled for a future meeting.
- Donations:
Dr. Berlau reported that Leer (Carroll Coolers) would like to donate $1,000 to be used by the Carroll Community School District. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the donation. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
School Improvement Report:
- NWEA Testing Results:
Patrick Rabbit reviewed NWEA testing results for Fairview Elementary and Adams Elementary Schools. Jerry Raymond reviewed NWEA testing results for the Carroll Middle School and Dr. Berlau reviewed results from the Carroll High School.
Personnel Report:
- Recommendations for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Brock Jones for the freshman boy’s basketball coaching position at Carroll High School. If approved Mr. Jones would be paid a stipend of $2,243.00. Approval is recommended.
• Jeff Cullen is recommending Jeff Booher for a substitute and activity bus driving position. Approval is contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kristin Molitor for a regular education teacher associate position at Adams Elementary. If approved, Ms. Molitor would be paid $11.44 and work 7.25 hours per day beginning November 19, 2020. Approval is recommended.
• Jeff Cullen is recommending Jennifer Dentlinger for the Administrative Assistant to the Transportation Director position. If approved, she would work from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm for eleven months and would be paid $12.30 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Volunteers:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following volunteers for approval:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Craig Rowedder as a volunteer for the 8th grade girl’s basketball team. Approval of the volunteer is recommended.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Ann Vincent as a volunteer for the Carroll High School dance team. Approval of the volunteer is recommended.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Administration Report:
- Approve Early Graduates:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Tammie McKenzie is recommending Kenzie Honold and Zoe Schindler be approved for early graduation at the end of the first semester pending completion of the graduation requirements of the Carroll Community School District.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the two early graduation requests. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
B. Facilities Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the Facility Report as prepared by Jeff Dvorak.
C. Second Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:
106 Therapy Dogs on District Premises - New
107 Service Animals on District Premises - New
400 Statement of Guiding Principals
402 Limitations to Employee References
403 Employee Conflict of Interest
404 Employee Political Activity
405 Public Complaints About Employees
406 Child Abuse Reporting
406R1 Child Abuse Reporting Regulation
642.1 Animals in the Classroom - New
813 Purchasing Policy
813E1 Fraud Reporting - New
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 107 through 813E1 and tabling 106 until next month. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
D Enrollment Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Certified Enrollment Report that was certified with the Iowa Department of Education. He stated that the total certified enrollment for 2020-2021 was 1,707 students or an increase of 6 students from the 2019-2020 school year.
E. General Accreditation Standards Exemption Request for Physical Education Scheduling:
Dr. Berlau presented a waiver to the Iowa Department of Education seeking an exemption for students taking physical education every other day all year long. He stated that the district would prefer to offer physical education every day for a semester. The total hours of physical education would remain the same.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to apply for the General Accreditation Standard Exemption for physical education for 2021-2022 for grades 9 through 12. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Teacher Associate Agreements with Kuemper:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented agreements with Kuemper Catholic Schools for three teacher associates who will work with five special education students.
It was moved by Jen Munson to approve the teacher associate agreements with Kuemper. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Voluntary Retirement:
The Board reviewed and discussed the two year voluntary retirement plan approved last year. The Board will offer the second year of the plan in 2020-2021 for six employees.
Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay – Video Cameras at Fairview:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated the District is considering installing a camera system at Fairview Elementary. Two companies have submitted bids but the district has questions on number of cameras, coverages, and system features. He stated that administers are scheduled to meet with both of the companies and will bring a recommendation to the December meeting.
- Approve Lease Agreement with Carroll High School Booster Club for use of the concession stands:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a lease with the Carroll Booster Club for their use of the concessions facilities at the Carroll Stadium and at the Carroll High School. He stated the terms of the agreement are the same as last year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the lease with the Carroll Booster Club. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Request to Dispose of Obsolete Equipment:
Dr. Berlau reported that Jeff Cullen has requested permission to sell a school bus through an on-line auction site rather than just advertising in the local newspaper. He stated a neighboring district has had success using this approach for the sale of buses.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to allow Jeff Cullen to sell the bus in question through an on-line auction service. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to the SBRC for modified supplemental amount for increased enrollment, open enrolled out students not counted in prior year, and ELL students exceeding five years.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the filing of the SBRC modified supplemental aid request in the amount of $42,992 for increased enrollment, $102,512 for open enrolled out students, and $1,550 for ELL students. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Cindy, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
- Approve School Budget Review Dropout Prevention Request:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to the School Budget Review Committee for Dropout Prevention/At-Risk funds denied by the State Department of Education because the original application was not filed in a timely manner.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to request a rule waiver on supplemental amount which is $463,462 for the at-risk/dropout prevention program. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Financial Reports:
Gary Bengtson presented a report which detailed current expenditures from the CARES program for the Carroll Community School District, Kuemper Catholic High School, and the Kuemper Grade School. He also presented reports on current expenditures to the certified budget and current expenditures and revenues to the line item budgets.
- Conventions/Meetings:
- IASB Annual Convention – November 18th & 19th
Suggestions for December 16th Board Meeting:
- Board Policy Review
- Dropout Prevention/At-Risk Application
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to go into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 7:38 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting open at 8:41 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2020.12.14
Minutes - 2020.12.14Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
December 14, 2020
5:30 p.m., Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the November 11th and November 16th Board meetings
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $210,184.51
Student Activity Fund $65,060.76
Management Fund $33,867.25
Local Option Sales Tax $18,012.13
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $33,454.60
Debt Service $800.00
Nutrition Fund $37,375.56
- Resignations
- Field Trips
- Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated Frances O’Leary, high school art instructor, had sent him comments she wanted presented to the Board. He read her comments in which she encouraged the school district to remain in the hybrid model at the high school until the end of the first semester. She also requested clarification of the minutes of the November 11, 2020 Board meeting related to the mask mandate and what is to happen at the January 18, 2021 Board meeting.
The Board addressed the mask mandate by clarifying that it will be reviewed at the January 18th meeting but would require Board action to remove or change it.
Dr. Casey Berlau explained that the rationale for the high school returning after Christmas break rather than waiting until the start of the second semester will be discussed later in the agenda under the Return to Learn Plan.
Dr. Berlau presented the following donations for approval:
• The Lions Club of Carroll would like to donate $300 to be used by the Elementary Media Centers.
• Seaboard Foods would like to donate $2,500 to the athletic department.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the donations. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Personnel Report:
- Employment Recommendations:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Sandy Davis for a Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved, Ms. Davis would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $11.80 per hour. Approval is requested retroactive to December 15th.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Jordan Janssen for a Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved, Ms. Janssen would work 6 hours per day and would be paid $11.50 per hour. Jeff Cullen is recommending Jordan for a contracted bus driving position as well. If approved, she would be paid $18.82 per hour and would work 2 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Jesse Tatman for a Special Education Teacher Association position at Carroll Middle School. If approved, Jesse would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $12.00 per hour. Approval is recommended.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Tom Feldman for a Special Education Teacher Association position at Fairview Elementary School. If approved, Tom would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.05 per hour. Approval is recommended.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Sarah Fineran for a Special Education Teacher Association position at Fairview Elementary School. If approved, Sarah would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.10 per hour. Approval is recommended.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Tony Hooper for the Head Girls Golf Coaching position. If approved he would receive a stipend of $3,712.00. Approval is recommended.
- Contract Modification:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Kim Becerra was approved as a Middle School Volleyball coach on September 21, 2020 at Step 7 of the salary schedule for $1,970. Ms. Becerra should have been approved on Step 14 of the salary schedule at $2,210. Approval is recommended.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the employment recommendations and the contract modification as presented. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Administration Report:
- Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported the calendar committee is currently working on the 2021-2022 school calendar. He stated this year the district will be negotiating with both the Carroll Education Association and the Carroll Education Support Association as 2020-2021 will mark the end of a two year agreement. Dr. Berlau said that in January we will be talking about staffing for next year and reviewing class sizes. He said that area superintendents will be meeting with local legislators Friday morning. Dr. Berlau mentioned the Remote Learning Coordinator position has been posted and the district is working on setting up applicant interviews.
Dr. Casey Berlau stated the principal’s reports are available on-line. Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, and Patrick Rabbitt reported on building activities via zoom and answered Board member questions.
- Return to Learn Plan Update:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that the Carroll Community School District has been in school since the start of the school year with the option for students to select remote learning. Carroll High School has been in a hybrid learning mode since the second week of the school year. He stated that although the challenges of COVID-19 are far from over it is felt it’s time to have the high school return to full-time learning. The plan is to have them to return after the Christmas break. He reviewed the updated Return to Learn Plan which would have high school students returning to school full-time after the Christmas break. By coming back after the break it will allow students ten days for students to prepare for the end of the semester. In addition, all other buildings have been attending school full-time with minimal problems. He stated that the district will continue to manage the situation as problems arise but any future learning adjustments will be made on a two week basis only.
- At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Funding for 2021-2022:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the proposed at-risk/dropout prevention application for the 2021-2022 school year. The application is for $358,688 with a required local match of $119,563.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the submission of the at-risk/dropout prevention application for 2021-2022. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Board Policy Revisions:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:
- Credit Card for Fuel
- Credit Card Use
408R1 Credit Card Use Regulation
- Employee Use of Cell Phones
412 Annuities
414 Activity Pass
415 Unused Vacation
416 Employee Records
416R1 Employee Personnel Records Regulation
419 Absence Without Pay
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board policies 408, 408.1, 408R1, 409, 412, 414, 415, 416, 416R1, and 419. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay:
- Video Cameras for Fairview Elementary and Bus Barn:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the bid from TechZone of Jefferson and Walsh Door and Security of Des Moines for a security camera system at Fairview Elementary and the Bus Garage.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the bid from TechZone for a camera system at Fairview and the Bus Barn for $57,594.60. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- JEO Engineering – Traffic Study:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposal from JEO Engineering for a traffic study around the Carroll High School and Carroll Middle School. The cost of the study is estimated at $15,200.00.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to move forward with the agreement with JEO Engineering for professional services for a traffic study for $15,200. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Replacement of Dishwasher at Carroll High School:
Gary Bengtson presented two bids for the replacement of the dishwasher at Carroll High School. He stated that the district had hoped to use the existing machine until summer but the current state of machine will make that impossible. Mr. Bengtson said both bids are for the same machine with installation from the Hobart Company. He recommended taking the low bid from Rapids.
It was moved by Cindy Johnston to approve the bid from Rapids Food Service for the purchase of a dishwasher for $26,241.00 plus installation up to $2,150.00. Jen Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Computer Server Purchase:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the purchase of two servers at $12,500.00 apiece for the high school and middle school from Walsh Door and Security. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Budget Reports:
Gary Bengtson presented several budget reports to the Board.
Suggestions for January 18th Board Meeting:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.2.15
Minutes - 2021.2.15Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 15, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board Vice-President Duane Horsley called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Jennifer Munson, and Duane Horsley. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Diane Renneke, Patrick Rabbitt, Jerry Raymond, and Tammie McKenzie. The meeting was streamed on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda as presented. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Onica Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
Minutes of the January 18, 2021 Board meetings:
Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $198,511.93
Student Activity Fund $6,732.82
Nutrition Fund $62,505.79
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $3,439.47
Field Trips:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following donations for approval:
• The United Way of Carroll would like to donate $3,880.00 to TigerZone at Fairview Elementary for supplies and training.
• The United Way of Carroll would like to donate $120.00 for the purchase of a harness for the therapy dog.
Jen Munson stated she would be abstaining from the vote because of her position as Executive Director of the United Way of Carroll. The Board contacted Cindy Johnson who joined the meeting via phone.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to accept the donations from the United Way of Carroll. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None Abstain: Jennifer
Cindy Johnson left the meeting.
School Improvement Report:
Mr. Patrick Rabbitt and Ms. Julie Chumbley gave an overview of the Carroll TigerZone Program, the district’s before and after school program.
NWEA Winter Results from the Carroll Middle School:
Jerry Raymond presented the NWEA winter testing results from the Carroll Middle School.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment for approval:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Julie Perkins for the head varsity girls’ soccer position. If approved Ms. Perkins would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $3,524.00.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Brian Grooms for the junior varsity baseball coaching position. Mr. Grooms has prior baseball coaching experience at the Sibley-Ocheyedan school district and would be placed on Step 12 of the salary schedule and receive $3,569.00.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Wilma Plummer for a special education teacher associate position at the Carroll Middle School. If approved, Ms. Plummer would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $12.00 per hour.
• Tammie McKenzie and Jerry Raymond are recommending Cayla Morton for the 7-12 vocal music instructor position. Ms. Morton has prior teaching experience at the South Central Calhoun School District and would be placed on the BA lane and Step 12 of the 2021-2022 salary schedule. Approval is contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
Contract Modification:
Sara Anderson is recommending Amy Warnke for the eight hour/day kitchen manager position at the Carroll Middle School. Ms. Warnke’s rate of pay will be $14.75 until she passes the required ServSafe training at which time her salary will increase to $15.00 per hour.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
Administrative Report:
Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that currently the district has one staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19 and two students who are currently quarantined for the virus. He stated the Carroll Public Health Department has had two vaccine sessions for school employees with approximately sixty staff members receiving their first vaccination.
He stated negotiations with the Carroll Education Association and the Carroll Education Support Association are expected to begin shortly with both sides waiting on the state to finalize state supplemental aid for 2021-2022. He also stated the district has missed four days of school so far due to weather but the district currently has enough instructional hours in the school calendar to cover those days. At this point the district is working on a proposal to make up three of those days due to the number of days missed last year. If any more days are missed due to weather, the district would have a virtual snow day.
The principal updated the Board on activities within their buildings.
Approve School Improvement Advisory Committee:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended the following individuals to serve on the School Improvement Advisory Committee:
Jeff Dvorak, Larry Lesle, Jill Grieman, Crystal Boes, Randy Bissen, Chelsea Bissen, Carol Danner, Ann Neumann, Ryan Simmelink, Craig Rowedder, Jen Munson, Brad Jorgenson, Jenna Olberding, Thetia Hall-Polking, Bill Polking, Jane Roiland, Tammie McKenzie, Doc Madsen, Katie Kruse, Ellija Lee, Emma Nelson, Jerry Raymond, Casey Berlau, and Patrick Rabbitt
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the appointments to the School Improvement Advisory Committee. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Onica Nays: None
DMACC Courses for the 2021-2022 School Year.
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a list of Des Moines Area Community College classes to be offered to Carroll High School students for college credit.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the DMACC courses offered for the 2021-2022 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
2021-2022 Carroll High School Course Description and Registration Guide:
Tammie McKenzie reviewed the 2021-2022 Carroll High School Course Description and Registration Guide with the Board.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the 2021-2022 Carroll High School Course Description and Registration Guide. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Agreement with the University of Northern Iowa for Student Teachers:
Dr. Berlau presented a proposed agreement with University of Northern Iowa for the placement of student teachers in the Carroll Community School District.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement with the University of Northern Iowa for the placement of student teachers. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
2021-2022 Staffing Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed staffing plans for the 2021-2022 school year. He reported the district is looking to add a science teacher at the Carroll High School.
Board Policy Review:
The Board held a second reading on the following Board policies:
501 – Compulsory Attendance
503 – Entrance Admission
529 – Search and Seizure
539 – Corporal Punishment
539.1 – New – Physical Restraint and Seclusion
539R1 – New – Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Regulation
539E1 – New – Use of Physical Restraint and/or Seclusion
Documentation Form
539E2 – New – Debriefing Letter for Guardian or Student Involved in
an Occurrence
539E3 – New – Debriefing Meeting Document
572 – Student Special Health Services
609 - Special Education
625 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
627 – Virtual/Online Learing
815.1 – Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors
826 – Financial Records
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 501, 503,529, 539, 539.1, 539R1, 539E1, 539E2, 539E3, 572, 609, 625, 627, 815.1, and 826. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
Consider Revising Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented revised job descriptions for the following positions:
• Employee Benefits Coordinator
• Student Information Specialist/Administrative Assistant
• Music Teacher – High School Vocal
• Music Teacher – Middle School Vocal
• Music Teacher – Middle School Instrumental
Director of Business Affairs
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the revised job descriptions for Employee Benefits Coordinator, Student Information Specialist/Administrative Assistant, Music Teacher – High School Vocal, Music Teacher – Middle School Vocal, Music Teacher – Middle School Instrumental, and Director of Business Affairs. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Business Office Report:
Agreement with FRK Architects and Engineers for Services:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with FRK Architects and Engineers for services related to a roof project at Carroll High School.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Carroll High School roof replacement proposal from FRK Architects and Engineers. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
• March 15th – Parent-Teacher Conferences
• March 18th – Parent-Teacher Conferences
• March 19th – No School
Suggestions for March 15th Board Meeting:
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
This item was tabled until a later date.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Duane Horsley, Vice-President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.3.15
Minutes - 2021.3.15Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 15, 2021
5:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. The meeting was streamed on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 5:03 p.m.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to return to open session. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting open at 6:05 p.m.
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the February 15, 2021 & March 8, 2021 Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $225,981.39
Student Activity Fund $13,009.38
Management Fund $33,867.25
Local Option Sales Tax $52,113.60
Nutrition Fund $33,954.28
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $2,548.02
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
- Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None
CEA Opening Proposal:
Kim Klein, Carroll High School Language Arts Instructor, presented the Carroll Education Association’s opening offer to the Board for the 2021-2022 school year. The proposal called for a 4 percent package increase in wages and benefits and a request to extend the agreement through 2024.
CESA Opening Proposal:
Kathy Brown, Bus Driver with the Carroll Community School District, presented the opening offer for the Carroll Education Support Association. The request included a one dollar per hour raise, longevity pay, an additional personal day, and pay for professional development. Estimated cost of the package is 5.21%.
Public Forum:
There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.
School Improvement Report:
- Reports from the Superintendent and Building Principals:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that currently the district has two positive cases and six students who are in quarantine. The positivity rate for Carroll County is just under 5%.
Dr. Berlau said the district is currently working with a firm that will evaluate air quality beginning at Carroll High School. He also stated that interviews are scheduled for the Director for Teaching and Learning position this week and interviews continue for the Student Information Specialist and the Employee Benefits Coordinator.
Dr. Casey Berlau reported an anonymous donor wishes to donate $400 to defray the cost of livestreaming the sub-state boys basketball game.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the donation of $400 to livestream the sub-state boys basketball game. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment for approval:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Craig Rowedder for the Head Varsity Football coaching position. If approved, Mr. Rowedder would be on Step 31 of the salary schedule. Approval is recommended.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Matthan Kots for the Assistant Girls Soccer coaching position. If approved, Mr. Kots would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule. Approval is recommended.
- Notice of Employee Transfer:
Dr. Berlau reported that Tammie McKenzie has approved the transfer request from Kaitlynn Kaufman from middle school math to a high school science teaching position.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
FY 2021 Budget Work Session:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The proposal calls for a total tax rate of $9.5713 per thousand dollars of evaluation or an increase of $.0264 over the previous year.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to set the hearing for the proposed budget on April 8, 2021 in the Board Conference Room at 12:00 p.m. noon and direct Gary Bengtson to publish the notice in the newspaper. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Administrative Report:
- Job Description Review:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following revised job descriptions to the Board for their consideration:
Music Teacher – High School - Instrumental
Music Teacher – Elementary – Vocal
Technology Director
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the revised job description for the high school instrumental music teacher, elementary vocal music teacher, and the technology director. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None
- Board Policy Review:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board policies:
420 – Jury Duty
423 – Gifts to Employees
428 – Substance Free Workplace
429 – Use of Tobacco Products
430 – Holidays (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
432 – Worker’s Compensation
434 – Service Recognition
436 – Universal Precautions
437 – Hazardous Chemical Disclosure
460 – Classified Employee Defined
461 – Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, and Selection
421 – DELETE – Pay Deductions
421R1 – DELETE – Pay Deductions Regulations
462 – DELETE – Classified Employee Employment
463 – DELETE – Classified Employee Assignment
464 – DELETE – Salary Schedules (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the first reading of Board Policies 420, 423, 428, 429, 430, 432, 434, 436, 437, 460, and 461. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
It was moved Duane Horsley to delete Board Policies 421, 421R1, 462, 463, and 464. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Adjustments to 2020-2021 School Calendar (Snow Days):
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that prior to today we have missed five days of school because of weather. He suggested the 2020-21 school calendar be amended to make May 25th, May 26th, and May 27th full school days and May 28th a school day with a two hour early out. Teachers would work June 1st, June 2nd, and June 3rd plus an additional three and a half hours.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the change in the 2020-2021 school calendar as recommended with the last day of school for students at May 28, 2021. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Yearbook Agreement with Jostens:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed agreement with Jostens for the publishing of the Carroll High School Yearbook. This change is recommended by high school principal Tammie McKenzie and would cover the 2022 through 2024 school years.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the yearbook agreement with Jostens. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None
- MOU Between Licensed Child Care Center and Family Resource Center Child Care Project:
Dr. Berlau presented a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between Licensed Child Care Center and Family Resource Center Child Care Project. This agreement is for the TigerZone project.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Licensed Child Care Center and Family Resource Center Child Care Project. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Review Proposed Hiring Plan for Director of Business Affairs:
Dr. Casey Berlau briefly reviewed plans for hiring a Director of Business Affairs.
Business Office Report:
- Recommendation for Vehicle Purchase:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented two bids the district received for a purchase of a seven passenger vehicle. Wittrock Motors of Carroll bid a 2021 Dodge Durango for $32,039 and Champion Ford bid a 2021 Ford Explorer for $27,901. It was recommended to purchase the Ford Explorer due to the lower cost.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the bid from Champion Ford for a 2021 Ford Explorer for $27,901. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Permission to Dispose of School Vehicle (Mini-van):
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request from Jeff Cullen to dispose of a 2007 red Ford Freestar mini-van by selling it to the salvage yard. The vehicle’s condition makes it unsuitable for sale as a motor vehicle.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the sale of the mini-van in question to Quandt’s Auto Salvage. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Quotes for HVAC Control Servers at Adams Elementary & Fairview:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposal from Carroll Control Systems for an INET Controller Server upgrade to the Adams Elementary HVAC system and an AS-P Controller Server upgrade for the Fairview Elementary HVAC system. The cost of the controller at Adams Elementary would be $9,750 while the cost of the controller at Fairview Elementary would be $6,750.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the bid from Carroll Control Systems for an INET to AS-P controller at Adams Elementary for not to exceed $9,750 and an AS-P controller at Fairview Elementary at not to exceed $6,750. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane Nays: None
• March 15th – Parent-Teacher Conferences
• March 18th – Parent-Teacher Conferences
• March 19th – No School
Suggestions for April 19th Board Meeting:
Except Session – Negotiations:
The Board went into closed session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss negotiation strategies.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.3.31
Minutes - 2021.3.31Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 31, 2021
4:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and LeAnn Kock, Kathy Brown, Bob Brown, Tom Borchers, Patty Mishark, Sandy Kluver, Denise Mowrey, Cathy Smith, Dave Danner, Judy Hahn, and Deb Grote.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Carroll Community School District’s Opening Proposals to CEA and CESA:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Carroll Community School District’s opening bargaining proposal to the Carroll Education Association. The proposal calls for adding $325 to the base wage for a total package increase of 1.04%. The district also proposes a one year agreement.
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the District’s initial bargaining proposal to the Carroll Education Support Association. The proposal calls for a $.30 per hour increase for all staff members or a total package increase of .59%. The district proposes a one year contract.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 4:09 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 31, 2021
4:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and LeAnn Kock, Kathy Brown, Bob Brown, Tom Borchers, Patty Mishark, Sandy Kluver, Denise Mowrey, Cathy Smith, Dave Danner, Judy Hahn, and Deb Grote.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Carroll Community School District’s Opening Proposals to CEA and CESA:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Carroll Community School District’s opening bargaining proposal to the Carroll Education Association. The proposal calls for adding $325 to the base wage for a total package increase of 1.04%. The district also proposes a one year agreement.
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the District’s initial bargaining proposal to the Carroll Education Support Association. The proposal calls for a $.30 per hour increase for all staff members or a total package increase of .59%. The district proposes a one year contract.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 4:09 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.3.8
Minutes - 2021.3.8Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 8, 2021
5:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
A. Resignations:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following resignations for approval:
• Kirstyne Moten wishes to resign from her special education teacher associate position at Adams Elementary. Approval of resignation is recommended.
• Josh Lepird wishes to resign from his assistant custodian position at Carroll High School effective February 24, 2021. Approval of resignation is recommended.
• Nancy O’Brien wishes to resign from her food service worker position. Approval of resignation is recommended.
• Robyn Schroeder wishes to resign from her middle school special education teaching position at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Ms. Schroeder has taught at the Carroll Community School District for five years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
B. Recommendations:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
• Tammie McKenzie and Jerry Raymond are recommending Jennifer Holm-Gradoville for a 6-12 Spanish teaching position for the 2021-2022 school year. If approved Ms. Holm-Gradoville would be on the BA lane at Step 0. Approval is recommended.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Trace Murray for the 9-12 physical education instructor position at Carroll High School. If approved, Mr. Murray would be placed on the MA lane on Step 12. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Joshua Lucken for the 5th grade teaching position at the Carroll Middle School for the 2021-2022 school year. If approved, Mr. Lucken would be on Step 0 of the BA lane. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Amy Baxter for the 9th grade English Language Arts and Yearbook Advisor positions at Carroll High School. If approved, Ms. Baxter would be on Step 10 of the MA lane. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Eric Hahn for the junior high wrestling position contingent on him getting his coaching authorization. If approved Mr. Hahn would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule. Approval is recommended.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Amanda Augustus for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved she would be paid $11.39 per hour and would start March 15, 2021. Approval is recommended.
• Randy Bissen is recommending Jennifer Dentlinger for the middle school cheerleading sponsor position (football, basketball, and wrestling). If approved Ms. Dentlinger would receive $750 for each sport. Approval is recommended.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the resignations and recommendations for employment as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Budget Workshop:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed several financial projections with the Board and how they could be impacted by the 2021-2022 certified budget. He reported that the district’s Solvency Ratio and the Unspent Authorized Budget remain strong even with the 2.4% state supplemental growth for 2021-2022. The Board requested that the split in revenue for the instructional support levy be readjusted to equalize revenues between income surtax and property tax.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.4.22
Minutes - 2021.4.22Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 22, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, Kelly Borchers, and Sandy Kluver. Others present: Tyler Nelson, Pat Tigges, and Brad Stitz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the March 15th, March 31st and April 7th, April 8th, April 9th Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $246,728.85
Student Activity Fund $28,636.84
Local Option Sales Tax $172.40
Nutrition Fund $39,999.72
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $2,548.26
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
Tyler Nelson addressed the Board with his desire to have the mask mandate lifted along with all quarantine regulations. The Board responded that these issues will be addressed in the district’s Return to Learn Plan which is the next item on the agenda.
Return to Learn Plan for 2020-2021:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended the district continue the current Return to Learn Plan for the 2020-2021 school year with the following adjustments:
• Masks would not be required during passing times during the school day.
• Teachers would not be required to clean desks between class periods.
• Masks would not be required during physical education classes.
He recommended this plan not be addressed again during the 2020-2021 school year unless the CDC or the Iowa Department of Health make changes to their recommendations and/or the quarantine rules are changed. The current Return to Learn Plan will expire May 28, 2021, the last day of school for students and will not carry forward to the 2021-2022 school year. If a Return to Learn Plan is needed for the 2021-2022 school year it will be addressed in July or August of 2021.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Return to Learn Plan with the changes that masks would not be required during passing times, teachers would not be required to clean desks between class periods, and masks would not be required in physical education classes in addition to all other recommendations. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following donations for approval:
• The Breda Unit of the American Legion auxiliary would like to donate $50 to the Carroll High School Media Center.
• Dave and Melissa Nystrom would like to donate $500 to be used by the Carroll High School Band Department.
• An anonymous donor would like to donate a bench in honor of Deplieth Jioklow to be placed on the Carroll Middle School grounds.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the donations. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Berlau presented the following employment recommendations:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Mikayla Overturf for the varsity volleyball coaching position. Ms. Overturf has six years experience and if approved would be on Step 12 of the salary schedule.
• Dr. Casey Berlau is recommending Nicole McCarville for the Director of Business Affairs/Board Secretary position. If approved Ms. McCarville would receive $102,000 per year and would receive full family health insurance coverage and a $25 per month cell phone reimbursement. Approval is recommended.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Rachelle Heilesen for the Middle School Math instructor position. If approved, Ms. Heilesen would be on the BA Step 0 of the 2021-2022 salary schedule. Approval is recommended.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Michele Jacobson for the K-3 Music Instructor position. If approved, Ms. Jacobson would be on the BA lane and on Step 10 of the 2021-2022 salary schedule. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Teresa Tigges for the summer school teacher position from June 7th to June 25th. Approval is recommended.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Jordan Gresham for a regular education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved, Ms. Gresham would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $11.24 per hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to April 14th.
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kristen Young for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved, Ms. Young would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $11.50 per hour. Approval is recommended.
B. Notice of Contract Modification:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following contract modification recommendations:
• Amanda Augustus was approved for a special education teacher associate position in March 2021 at $11.39. This is the wage she was receiving when she resigned in December 2020 as a regular education teacher associate. Ms. Augustus should have received $11.70 when she was rehired in March 2021. Approval of modification is recommended.
• Kirstin Tuel will be involuntarily transferred from a regular education teacher associate position to a special education teacher associate position. Ms Tuel will receive an additional $.26 per hour for the special education teacher associate rate.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations and contract modifications. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Presentation on Talented and Gifted Program:
Tammie McKenzie reported that Kelly Borchers, Sandy Kluver, Patrick Rabbitt, herself, and two members of the area education agency were involved in a committee to review the district’s talented and gifted program. She stated that three recommendations are being proposed; personnel adjustment, differentiated programing modifications, and update program goals.
The Board had several questions regarding the program and it was agreed to revisit possible changes at a future date.
Administrative Report:
- Superintendent and Building Principal Reports:
Dr. Berlau briefly reviewed federal funds the district will be receiving related to the COVID-19 virus. The district will receive three allocations of ESSER funds and an allocation of GEERS funds. The funds will be on a reimbursement basis through the State of Iowa.
He stated the district reached a tentative agreement with the Carroll Education Association and will meet with the Carroll Education Support Association on April 28th.
He also mentioned that at the May Board meeting he would have Craig Rowedder and Jeff Dvorak present to speak to the Board on technology needs in the district.
Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, and Tammie McKenzie reviewed activities happening in their respective buildings.
- Use of Buses by Summer Fun Camp participants:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that the Carroll Summer Fun Camp has requested the use of school buses for various field trips associated with the camp. The organization would reimburse the district for the costs associated with the trips.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the use of district buses for the Summer Fun Camp. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- FFA Lease with the City of Carroll:
Dr. Berlau presented a proposed farm lease of six acres of land from the City of Carroll by the Carroll Area FFA Chapter. The cost of the lease would be $1.00. The Carroll Area FFA has had this lease with the City of Carroll for a number of years.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the FFA lease with the City of Carroll. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
D. Approve Shared Transportation Director Agreement with Glidden-Ralston:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a shared transportation director agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Glidden-Ralston Community School District. This would be a continuation of a current agreement.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the sharing agreement with the Glidden-Ralston Community School District for a Transportation Director. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
E. Approve Shared Transportation Maintenance Agreement with Glidden-Ralston:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a shared transportation maintenance agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Glidden-Ralston Community School District. This would be a continuation of a current agreement.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the shared transportation and maintenance agreement with Glidden-Ralston. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for Food Service:
Gary Bengtson presented a purchasing agreement with the AEA for the purchase of food and food service supplies. This agreement would be for the 2021-2022 school year and is a continuation of previous agreements.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for the 2021-2022 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
G. 2021-2022 Cooperative Sharing Athletic Programs:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following athletic sharing agreements for the 2021-2022 school year:
• Girls’ Golf – Carroll High School (host school), and Ar-We-Va Community Schools.
• Girls’ Soccer – Carroll High School (host school), and Ar-We-Va, Coon Rapids, and Glidden-Ralston Schools
• Girls’ Swimming and Diving – Carroll High School (host school), and Ar-We-Va, Coon Rapids-Bayard, Denison-Schleswig, East Sac, Glidden Ralston, Guthrie Center (ACGC), IKM-Manning, Kuemper Catholic, Sioux Central, and South Central Calhoun.
• Girls Cross Country – Host School Kuemper Catholic
• Girls Tennis – Host School Kuemper Catholic
• Boys’ Golf – Carroll High School (host school), and Ar-We-Va Community Schools.
• Boys’ Soccer – Carroll High School (host school), Ar-We-Va and Glidden-Ralston.
• Boys’ Swimming and Diving – Carroll High School (host school), and Ar-We-Va, Coon Rapids-Bayard, Denison-Schleswig, East Sac, Glidden Ralston, Guthrie Center (ACGC), IKM-Manning, Kuemper Catholic, and South Central Calhoun.
• Boys Cross Country – Host School Kuemper Catholic
• Boys Tennis – Host School Kuemper Catholic
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the 2021-2022 athletic sharing agreements. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- 2021 Carroll High School Graduates:
Dr. Berlau presented the following list of 2021 graduates contingent on them meeting Carroll Community School District graduation requirements:
Gracie Sue Alspach, Isabella May Armitage, Jocelynn Shae Becker, Haley Nicole Berger, Tyson James Bordenaro, Vanessa Raven Breedlove, Katelyn Marie Bretey, Ashley Marie Brincks, Michael James Brinker, Hannah Maureen Bush, Halley Kay Butler, Hannah Aleah Casebeer, Colby Dale Christensen, Ella Rose Collison, Darian Andrew Cortez, Alexander Ryan Crawford, Abbigail Elisabeth Danner, Trevor Jerome Danner, Caroline Grace Dieter, Abraham Sterling Dirkx, Kayla McKenzie Dreessen, Adut Kuek Dut, Bethany Nicole Eddington, Molly Kate Emery, Victor Esteban Esquivel, Alexis Lynn Ewoldt, Abby Nichole Farrell, Ravyn Lee Fasbender, Tory Alan Feldman, Gage Michael Felix, Chloe Marie Gallegos, Perla Galvan Hidalgo, James Matthew Hinners, Ross Michael Hinners, Treyton Michael Goins, Dylan Lee Gottsch, Jared Thomas Gottsch, Skylar Grace Gregory, Matthew Allen Haars, Ethan Michael Hacker, Gabriella Jo Hammer, Jaxon David Harms, Melina Rose Hedke, Ella Claire Heiderscheit, Payton Michael Janning, Emmanuel Goanar Jioklow, Ryan Joe Johnston, Brock Kelin Jones, Kyra Ryann Kane-Stewart, David James Kelly, Kayden Paul Kent, Maurecia Ann King, Emily Ann Kitt, Jaxson Wayne Kuhlmann, Linda Luann Laffoon, Nolan Philip Landauer, Kennedy Lynn Lein, Amy Lepe, Hannah Jacalyn Lindberg, Isaac Iowa Lo, Da’Shaun Demarion Lyons, Racheal Lane Malone, Ryan Austin McLaughlin, William Gerald Meiners, William Patrick Meiners, Alice Rose Mendoza, Cameron Isaac Mendoza-Watson, Kristin Jo Millermon, Haven Alexander Mueggenberg, Adam Kenneth Nees, Alexis Joy Nehring, Brady Grant Nelson, Emma Renee Nelson, Ty Mathew Nissen, Trevor Alan Nulle, Deng Atem Nyock, Blake Joseph Obrecht, Erin Rae Olberding, Mitchell Dean Owen, Samantha Lynn Palmer, Connor Jo Peterson, Gabriel Bryce Pettitt, Grace Bethany Pettitt, Layne Alexis Prichard, Savannah Rose Quandt, Valerie Liliana Ramos, Kendra Sue Riesberg, Tyler John Riesberg, Cole Rylan Roberts, Cade Christopher Schable, Annabella Marie Schechinger, Thomas Edward Schneider, Claudia Marie Schroeder, Collin James Schultes, Chelsey Rose Schulz, Degan Will Schweitzer, Slade Austin Sibenaller, Emerald Elizabeth Siepker, Gracie Elizabeth Simmons, Tyler Jackson Smith, Nicholas John Sorenson, Bailey Jane St. Peter, Benjamin John Stangl, Paris Rose Strunk, Laura Elizabeth Sweeney, Trinity Lanae Tassell, Charles Stanley Teggatz, Hayden Jonathan Thooft, Ryan Conley Tindall-Burbank, Emily Luise Trecker, Jack Andrew Troutman, Evan Jacob Underberg, Marsia August Vaughn, Carter William Vonnahme, Alexander Gordon Wade, Bryce Joseph Walker, Emily Rose Weber, Madelynne Alexis Weitl, Evan Jackson Wernimont, Nicole Marie Wiese, Elizabeth Mackenzie Wiltse, and Brianna Lea Wuebker.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the list of 2021 graduates pending that they meet all graduation requirements of the Carroll Community School District. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Staffing Plan for 2021-2022:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed staffing plan for the 2021-2022 school year. The plan included the following:
• Fifth Grade – add one section for a total of six sections
• Nurse – Maintain the nurse position added last year. That position was originally added as a one year position.
• Preschool – add one section due primarily to an increase in three year old students.
- Middle School Counselor – add one counselor at the middle school level for a total of two
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to add one nurse on a one year contract, one preschool teacher, and one counselor at the middle school. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- PreSchool Calendar for 2021-2022:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following adjustments to the 2021-2022 school calendar for the 4-year-old preschool program:
• Start Date – the start date for preschool would be September 1, 2021.
• Staff Training Days with no students present:
September 15, 2021 February 9, 2022
October 20, 2021 March 30, 2022
November 17, 2021 April 20, 2022
December 15, 2021 May 11, 2022
January 12, 2022
It was moved by Jennifer Munson moved to approve the modifications to the preschool calendar for the 2021-2022 school year. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Agreement with ISU for Student Teachers in CCSD Classrooms:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented an agreement with Iowa State University which would allow for the placement of student teachers in Carroll Community School District classrooms. No action is needed because it is a five year agreement and has already been approved.
- Board Policy Reviews:
- First Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board policies:
• 705.2 – School Bus Safety Restraints
• 813.1 – Suspension & Debarment of Vendors & Contractors
• 815R2 – Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board policies 705.2, 813.1, and 815R2. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Second Reading of Board Policies:
• 420 – Jury Duty
• 423 – Gifts to Employees
• 428 – Substance Free Workplace
• 429 – Use of Tobacco Products
• 430 – Holidays (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
• 432 – Workers Compensation
• 434 – Service Recognition
• 436 – Universal Precautions
• 437 – Hazardous Chemical Disclosure
• 460 – Classified Employee Defined
• 461 – Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, and Selection
• 421 – Pay Deductions – Delete
• 421R1 – Pay Deductions Regulations - Delete
• 462 – Classified Employee Employment - Delete
• 463 – Classified Employee Assignment - Delete
• 464 – Salary Schedules (Non-Bargaining Personnel) – Delete
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the second reading of Board policies 420, 423, 428, 429, 430, 432, 434, 436, 437, 460, 461, 421, 421R1, 462, 463, and 464. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Business Office Report:
- Review of FY2019 Audit:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed the 2019-2020 audit recently issued by Nolte, Cornman, and Johnson of Newton, Iowa. He detailed some the financial data contained in the report and highlighted the deficiency sited by the auditors and reviewed proposed corrective action by the district.
- Release of Bid Documents for Carroll High School Roof Project:
Dr. Berlau presented bid documents for the roofing project at Carroll High School.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to release the bid documents for the high school roof project. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Request Permission to Seek Bids for School Buses:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Jeff Cullen is requesting permission to seek bids on three school buses.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to grant permission to seek bids on three school buses. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Budget Update Reports:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed several financial reports with the Board.
- May Regular Board meeting – May 17, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.
Suggestions for May 17th Board Meeting:
- Reports from Building Principals
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.4.29
Minutes - 2021.4.29Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 29, 2021
12:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson and Karen Friedlein. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, and Gary Bengtson. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
Jennifer Munson moved to approve the agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Ratify 2021-2022 Contract with CEA:
Gary Bengtson reported the district had reached a tentative agreement with the Carroll Education Association for the 2021-2022 contract year. The agreement includes the following:
Base Increase: Teachers - $1,057.00 Nurses - $919.00
Step Advance for all Members Additional Top Step on Each Lane
Schedule C – Fixed Dollar Positions Increase the Same Percent as the Base
Duration of One Year
Mr. Bengtson stated the settlement is slightly under the state average with over eighty school districts currently reporting.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement with Carroll Education Association as stated. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Karen, Onica Nays: None
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 12:06 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.4.7
Minutes - 2021.4.7Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 7, 2021
10:00 a.m. Music Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Music Room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and LeAnn Kock.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Closed Session – Director of Business Affairs Interviews:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Cindy Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 10:01 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting open at 10:53 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 10:53 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.4.8
Minutes - 2021.4.8Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 8, 2021
12:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and LeAnn Kock. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jen Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Public Hearing on FY 2021-2022 Certified Budget:
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2021 certified budget open at 12:02 p.m.
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the proposed FY 2022 budget with the Board. The budget proposes a total tax rate of $9.57 per thousand dollars of valuation which is up approximately three cents from the current fiscal year. The rate for the 2019-2020 fiscal year was $9.78 per thousand dollars of valuation.
Dr. Berlau stated he had not received any written comments on the budget. There being no other comments, Ms. Friedlein declared the public hearing closed at 12:05 p.m.
Adoption of FY 2021 Certified Budget:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the FY 2022 certified budget as proposed and file with the county auditor. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Personnel Report:
- Resignations:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following resignations:
• Kathy Halbur wishes to resign from her K-3 music instructor position as well as her PLC leader position. Kathy has worked for CCSD for 23 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
• Shirley Snyder wishes to resign from her teacher associate position June 30, 2021. Shirley has been a substitute teacher for CCSD for twenty-four years and a contracted teacher associate for five years. She has also worked during the summer months as a custodian. Approval of the resignation is recommended.
• Bob Snyder wishes to resign from his custodial position at Carroll High School effective June 30, 2021. Bob has worked for CCSD for eight years. Approval of his resignation is recommended.
• Kaitlynn Kaufman wishes to resign from her Assistant Volleyball coaching position. Approval of her resignation is recommended.
• Marc Renning wishes to resign from his Assistant Varsity Girls Basketball coaching position. Marc has coached girl's basketball for eight years. Approval of the resignation is recommended.
• Lauren Opperman wishes to resign from her 9th grade Volleyball Coaching position. Lauren has coached volleyball for two years. Approval of the resignation is recommended.
- Approvals for Employment:
Dr. Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
• Casey Berlau is recommending Karinne Tharaldson for the Director of Teaching and Learning position effective July 1, 2021. Ms. Tharaldson is a graduate of the The University of Iowa with degrees in English and Secondary Education. She received her master's degree from Western Illinois University with an Educational Administration degree. She is expected to receive her Superintendent's certification from University of Northern Iowa in the fall of 2021. Ms. Tharaldson most recently worked for Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency as a School Improvement Administrator. If approved she would receive $95,000 per year and be under a twelve-month contract. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Lauryn Hilger for the Middle School Special Education Strategist II Instructor position. Lauryn is a graduate of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education with Strategist I and Coaching endorsements. Ms. Hilger will complete her Master's Degree in Special Education in May 2022. If approved Lauryn would be on the BA+15 lane at Step 6. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Nicole Pietig for the 4th Grade Instructor position. Nicole is a graduate of The University of Iowa where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. If approved Nicole would be on the BA lane at Step 0. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Mikayla Overturf for a 4th Grade Instructor position. Mikayla is a graduate of The University of Northern Iowa where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. She earned her Master's degree in teaching from Drake University. Mikayla has one year of teaching experience in third grade at East Sac Community School. If approved Nicole would be on the MA lane at Step 2. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Holly Smith for the Student Information Specialist/Administrative Assistant position. If approved Holly would be paid $15.50 per hour and would work 8 hours per day. This is a twelve-month position.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Krystal Childress for a special education Teacher Associate position at Fairview. If approved Krystal will work 6.75 hr/day and be paid $11.80/hour (the beginning wage of $11.50/hour plus $.30/hour for an AA degree). Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Jackeline Hernandez Miranda for an Assistant Custodian position at CHS (evening shift). If approved Jackeline would work 8 hr/day and 5 day/week and would be paid $12.00/hour. If approved she would start April 12th. Approval is recommended.
- Notice of Transfers:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommended transfers for approval:
- Patrick Rabbitt has approved the transfer of Tina Netusil to a second grade teaching position.
- Patrick Rabbitt has approved the transfer of Breeley Cleveland from 4th grade to a kindergarten teaching position.
- Patrick Rabbitt has approved the transfer of Tina Luchtel from a K-4 Online Supervising teacher to a second grade teaching position.
- Patrick Rabbitt has approved the transfer of Erin-Jane Stevens from a 4th grade teaching position to a kindergarten teaching position.
- Tammie McKenzie and Jerry Raymond have approved the transfer of Ann Vincent to the CHS Spanish instructor position.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the resignations, recommendations of employment with the addition of up to $4,000 in moving expenses for Karinne Tharaldson, and notice of transfers. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Onica Ulveling and Duane Horsely left the meeting due to prior commitments.
Closed Session – Director of Business Affairs Interviews:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 12:18 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Karen Nays: None
Board President Jennifer Munson declared the meeting open at 12:58 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 12:59 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.4.9
Minutes - 2021.4.9Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 9, 2021
9:00 a.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Conference Room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau. Others present: Lynn Nulle.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Karen, Jennifer Nays: None
Interview for Director of Business Affairs:
The Board and Dr. Casey Berlau interviewed Lynn Nulle for the position of Director of Business Affairs.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.5.16
Minutes - 2021.5.16Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 16, 2021
5:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Conference Room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, and Karen Friedlein. Duane Horsley joined the meeting via telephone. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consider Changes to Return to Learn Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported that on Friday the Iowa Department of Public Health sent out new guidelines and the Iowa Department of Education also communicated with schools that these guidelines had been sent. Dr. Berlau stated he is recommending the Return to Learn Plan be revised as a direct result of the new guidance from the Iowa Department of Health. He recommended the district follow the new guidance and remove the mask requirements in school buildings and on school grounds.
Dr. Casey Berlau stated there is still some uncertainty regarding wearing of masks on school buses because of some federal directives.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the recommendations as stated to remove the mask requirement. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: Cindy
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 5:06 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.5.17
Minutes - 2021.5.17Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 17, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Tammie McKenzie, Patrick Rabbitt, Jeff Dvorak, Jeff Cullen, and Craig Rowedder. The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda as presented. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the April 22, 2021 and April 29, 2021 Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $155,877.74
Student Activity Fund $19,726.65
Physical Plant and Equipment Levy $3,439.72
Local Option Sales Tax $50,955.74
Nutrition Fund $35,405.09
- Resignations:
- Field Trips:
- Agreement with SAI for Mentoring and Induction Program for 2021-2022
- Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
- School Board Appreciation Month:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated that May is School Board Appreciation month and he thanked the Board members for all they do for the children in the community and the critical decisions they have been faced with this year.
- Public Comment:
Glen Babb, who was on Zoom, asked the Board why they held a meeting on Sunday night to reverse their decision on the need for students to wear masks at school. Karen Friedlein responded that with the changes announced by the Department of Health on Friday and the fact that this meeting already had a full agenda the decision was made to hold a special meeting to address that issue.
Open Public Hearing on High School Roofing Project:
Board President Karen Friedlein opened the public hearing on the proposed roofing project at Carroll High School at 5:39 p.m. Jeff Dvorak briefly explained the project which would include replacing approximately 40,000 square feet of roof at the high school. The project would change the roof from a ballasted roof to a fully adhered roof.
There being no comments on the proposed project, Board President Karen Friedlein closed the public hearing at 5:42 p,m.
Consider Approval of Bid for High School Roof Project:
Jeff Dvorak presented the following bids on the high school roofing project:
For Sure Roofing – Des Moines, Iowa $362,314.00
Whitehawk Construction – Omaha, Nebraska $321,500.00
North Cedar Service – Mason City, Iowa $232,270.00
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the bid from North Cedar Services of Mason City, Iowa to repair Section 5 and Section 6 of the high school roof for a bid of $232,270.00. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Facilities Report:
Jeff Dvorak reviewed a Five-Year Facilities Plan with the Board in addition to a Five-Year Pavement Management Program.
- Technology Report:
Craig Rowedder reviewed the current use of technology in the district as well as future technology trends and needs.
Ratify 2021-2022 Contract with CESA:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the recent tentative agreement with the Carroll Education Support Association. The agreement calls for an $.80 per hour increase for teacher associates and a $.65 per hour increase for all transportation drivers. The proposed contract would be for a two-year period with wages for the 2022-2023 to be determined later. The total package cost of the agreement is 2.97% or $71,096.00.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to ratify the 2021-2022 contract with the Carroll Education Support Association. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
There were no donations for the month.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented for approval:
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Rachel Wittry, Ann Nuemann, Shelley Helmich, and Renee Friedrichsen for Summer Skills positions.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending the following TLC positions to be filled by Carroll Middle School staff: PLC Leaders: Rachel Brincks, Tom Borchers, Jesse Strong, Christena Miller, Linsey Pick, Peggy McDonald, and Rachel Wittry. TLC Oversight Committee: Jodi Handlos
• Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend the following people for the following TLC positions at Carroll High School.
Instructional Coach: Becky Boes and Kelli Schulz
PLC Leaders: Shelley Helmich, Brian Grooms, Bob Pauk, Nicole
Cote, and Doug Leiting.
District Oversight: Kim Renning
• Patrick Rabbitt would like to recommend the following people for the following TLC positions at Fairview and Adams Elementary:
Instructional Coach: Ryan Simmelink
PLC Leaders: Holly Warnke, Candice Ostrich, Kalee Vonnahme, Peggy Hamilton, Sara Hamilton, Carrie Hampton, Karla Flattery, and Beckie Roberts.
District Oversight: Jodie Guddall and Ashlea Ahrenholtz
Mentor Teacher: Amanda Warnaca
• Randy Bissen is recommending Kim Renning for the Varsity Volleyball Assistant position. If approved she would be on Step 27 of the salary schedule and would receive $4,592.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Kim Renning for a Summer School position at Carroll Middle School.
New Position:
Patrick Rabbitt is requesting the addition of a special education teacher associate position at Fairview for 2021-2022 due to the enrollment of a new student.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations with the new position. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
B. Non-Bargaining Wages and Salaries:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a recommendation to approve a pool of funds for non-bargaining staff totaling $90,163.62 or a total increase of 2.93%.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the recommended increases for all administrators, except the superintendent, custodians, secretaries, food service, and others for a total of $90,163.63. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Starting Pay for 2021-2022:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented proposed starting pay and substitute wages for the 2021-2022 school year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the proposed starting and substitute wages for the 2021-2022 school year. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Administrative Report:
- Superintendent and Building Principals Reports:
Dr. Berlau reported that the district has spent their share of CARES funds for COVID-19 relief in the amount of $191,544.00. The district has $76,400.00 in GEER I funding of which purchase orders are being prepared currently. In addition, the district will have $871,531 in ESSR II funds available and $1,957,334 in ESSR II funds. These funds will be on a reimbursable basis with some restrictions for learning recovery.
Tammie McKenzie updated the Board on activities at the high school. She also recognized the substitute teachers utilized by the high school during the school year.
Patrick Rabbitt reviewed happenings at Fairview Elementary and Adams Elementary. He highlighted the success of the elementary track meet held recently at the stadium.
- Transportation Agreement with Region XII COG:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a transportation agreement with Region XII Council of Governments. This agreement is a continuation to an existing agreement the district has with Region XII.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the transportation agreement with Region XII Council of Governments. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Consider approval of District Career Guidance Plan:
Tammie McKenzie presented the District’s Career Guidance Plan which is required under Senate File 2392. This is the first of two parts of the plan and deals with Career and College Readiness. The plan was developed by a committee of district staff as specified in the legislation.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the District Career Guidance Plan for 2021-2022. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Consider Agreement for Leader In Me Program for 2021-2022:
This item was tabled.
- Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following job descriptions
• Preschool Instructor – This is a new job description for the position of preschool instructor.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the job description for the position of preschool instructor. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nayes: None
• Counselor Carroll Middle School – Dr. Berlau presented a revised job description for a Carroll Middle School Counselor position.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the job description for the
Carroll Middle School Counselor position. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Second Readings of Board Policies for Review:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the second reading of the following Board policies:
• 705.2 – School Bus Safety Restraints
• 813.1 – Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure
• 815R2 – Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts – New
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 705.2 – School Bus Safety Restraints, 813.1 – Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure, and 815R2 – Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Board Policy Review:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the first reading of the following Board policies:
• 468 – Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation
• 470 – Classified Termination of Employment
• 471 – Staff Reduction Through Termination
• 472 – Sick Leave (NonBargaining Personnel)
• 473 – Personal Leave (NonBargaining Personnel)
• 474 – Bereavement Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board policies 468 – Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation, 470 – Classified Termination of Employment, 471 – Staff Reduction Through Termination, 472 – Sick Leave (NonBargaining Personnel), 473 – Personal Leave (NonBargaining Personnel), 474 – Bereavement Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel). Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay:
- Boiler Repair at Adams Elementary:
Jeff Dvorak presented the following two bids to retube the boiler at Adams Elementary School:
Capital City Boiler and Machine Works
Retube One Boiler $14,360.00
Retube Two Boilers $27,735.00
C.H. McGuiness Company
Retube One Boiler $13,950.00
Retube Two Boilers $26,900.00
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the bid from C.H. McGuiness to retube two boilers at Adams Elementary School at a cost of $26,900.00. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Technology Purchases:
Craig Rowedder presented a proposal to purchase nine Clevertouch interactive screens of which two would be located in Fairview Elementary, Adams Elementary, and Carroll Middle School and three in the Carroll High School.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to purchase nine Clevertouch screens at a cost of $62,546.58 from the ESSER II account. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposal to purchase 300 Chromebooks which is the district’s typical annual purchase. The bids were as follows:
CDW-G - 300 HP Chromebooks $73,500.00
Sterling - 300 HP Chromebooks $78,645.00
Trafera - 300 HP Chromebooks $69,900.00
It was moved by Duane Horsley to purchase 300 Chromebooks at a price of $69,900.00. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Bid for Updating Software for HVAC Controls at CHS:
Jeff Dvorak presented a quote from Carroll Control Systems for the Automation Server to AS-P Controller Upgrade at cost of $6,250.00. He also presented a second quote to remove the existing pneumatic controls off the library make up air, boiler room make up air, and obsolete Alerton controls on the kitchen make up air for a cost of $7,250.00.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the bid for Option 1 at a cost of $6,250.00 and Option 2 at a cost of $7,250.00. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- School Bus Bids:
Jeff Cullen presented the following bids for three 77 passenger conventional buses bid both with and without under storage.
Truck Center Companies
No Under Storage $111,230.00
With Under Storage $113,340.00
Hoglund Bus Company
No Under Storage $106,000.00
With Under Storage $109,500.00
School Bus Sales Company
No Under Storage $105,981.00
With Under Storage $108,961.00
Mr. Cullen recommended the bid from Hoglund Bus Company due to the fact that the district already has a large number of IC buses which many parts will interchange, they can be serviced locally, and the small difference in price between them and School Bus Sales. He recommended one bus have the under storage and two without.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the purchase of three buses from Hoglund Bus Company for a total cost of $321,500. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Fees – Textbook Fee/Electronic Textbook Fee:
This item was tabled until the regular June Board meeting.
- Budget Reports:
Gary Bengtson briefly reviewed the budget reports but stated that due to the date of the Board meeting this month personnel costs for May are not included.
- Last Day of School – May 28th
- Regular June Board Meeting – June 21st
- Special Board Meeting – End of Year Bills – June 28th – Noon
Suggestions for June 21st Board Meeting:
- Approve Student and Staff Handbooks for 2021-2022:
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and this session will also be closed to comply with confidentiality of personnel records requirements. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 8:44 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting open at 9:34 p.m.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 9:34 p.m. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.6.22
Minutes - 2021.6.22Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 22, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room in Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Nicole McCarville, Tammy McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Jeff Cullen, Larry Lesle, Jeff Dvorak, Patrick Rabbit, Crystal Boes, Ryan Simmelink, Ashley Wuebker, Kyle Stevens, and Jenny Grossman. Other guests present were members of the press and a representative from Walsh.
Approval of Agenda:
Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda as presented. Onica seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the May 16th, May 17th, and June 3rd, 2021 Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $697,998.86
Student Activity Fund $17,475.73
Management Fund $0.00
Debt Service Fund $800.00
Local Option Sales Tax $43,909.72
Nutrition Fund $51,734.88
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $9,741.94
- Resignations:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
Public Forum:
Gary Bengtson was recognized by Board President Karen Friedlein for his 32 years of service to the district and board.
There were no donations this month.
Personnel Report:
A. Approval for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
- Randy Bissen is recommending Lauryn Hilger for the JV volleyball coaching position. Lauryn has 2 years of HS volleyball coaching experience, as she was the freshman coach/assistant varsity coach at Skutt High School. Lauryn also played 4 years of college volleyball at Northwestern College. She will be a great fit to our volleyball program. If approved she would be on Step 3 and would be paid $3,169. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Mr. Tom Borchers for the CMS Counseling Position at Carroll Middle School. Mr. Borchers has 9 years of experience as a counselor and 15 years of experience as a Social Studies teacher at CCSD. If approved Mr. Borchers's salary would remain the same as his teaching contract based on the 2021-2022 Salary schedule. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Mr. Josh Peter for a 7th grade Social Studies instructor position at CMS. Josh is a graduate of Iowa State University where he earned his Bachelor's of Science degree in History (5-12 Endorsements). Josh will begin his first year of teaching this fall. If approved Josh would be on the BA step 0 and receive a base pay of $33,226, plus $594 TSS Indexed, plus $5,819 TSS Fixed for a total of $39,639 salary. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kara Neville for an elementary teaching position (2nd grade) at Fairview. Kara has thirteen years of teaching experience and if approved would be on step 26 of the MA lane of the salary schedule and would receive $59,769 (Base of $53,002 plus TSS indexed of 948 plus TSS fixed $5,819). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Jaxon Heinz for the 4th/5th Grade PE teacher and Student Assisted Study Hall Coordinator at CMS and Adams Elementary for the 2021-2022 school year. Jaxon is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa where he earned his Bachelor's of Arts degree in Physical Education (K-12 Endorsement). Jaxon has 1 year of teaching experience. If approved Jaxon would be on the BA step 3 and receive a base pay of $35,213 plus $630 TSS Indexed plus, $5,819 TSS Fixed for a total of $41,662 salary. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Renee Andersen for an elementary teaching position (PreSchool) at Fairview. Renee has 4 years of teaching experience and if approved would be on step 9 of the BA lane of the salary schedule and would receive $45,685 (Base of $39,166 plus TSS indexed of 700 plus TSS fixed $5,819). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Kalina Johnson for the RN position at Carroll High School. If approved Kalina would be on Step 37 of the Nurse salary schedule and would receive $41,728. Kalina has experience working as an RN with children and teenagers. Approval is recommended.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Kyndra Joslin for the Employee Benefits Coordinator position. Kyndra currently works at New Hope Village as the representative payee coordinator/community living supervisor. If approved Kyndra would receive $18.75 per hour and would work 260 days/year. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending the following TLC positions to be filled by CMS staff: Mentors: Amy Madsen and Alison Weber. Jerry is recommending Tonia Onken and Nathan Wall for TLC Mentor positions at Carroll Middle School. Both Tonia and Nathan will be mentoring first-year/new to the profession teachers at CMS for the 2021-2022 school year. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Nicole Martin for the Middle School 7th Grade Science position at CMS for the 2021-2022 school year. Nicole is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa where she earned her Bachelor's of Arts degree in Education (5-12 Science Endorsement). Nicole has 7 years of teaching experience. If approved Nicole would be on the BA step 15 and receive a base pay of $43,119 plus $771 TSS Indexed plus, $5,819 TSS Fixed for a total of $49,709 salary. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Tammie McKenzie is recommending Kaitlynn Kaufman for a PLC Leader position at CHS. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Gail Nabity for special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Nabity would be paid $12.25 (the base pay for special education teacher associate) and would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Deb Mohr for special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Mohr would be paid $12.50 (the base pay of $12.25 plus $.25 cents for 6 years of experience) and would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Catherine Peterson for special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Ms. Peterson would be paid $12.25 (the base pay for special education teacher associate) and would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Joan Schlie for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Ms. Schlie would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.25 (the base pay for special education teacher associate). Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Holly Tigges for a special education teacher associate position (Preschool) at Fairview. If approved Ms. Tigges would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.25 (the base pay for special education teacher associate). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Jennifer Brinkman for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Ms. Brinkman would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.45 (the base pay of $12.25 plus $.20 cents for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kacie Felix for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Ms. Felix would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.25 (the base pay for special education teacher associate). Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kaitlin Haukap for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview (Preschool). If approved Ms. Haukap would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.80 (the base pay of $12.25 plus $.25 cents for experience plus $.30 cents for a BS degree). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Javid Arkland for the position of Transportation Wash Technician. If approved Javid would work 7 Hrs/Day, 4 Days/Week at $8.68/Hr through August 20th. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Denice Badding for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview (Preschool). If approved Ms. Badding would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.50 (the base pay of $12.25 plus $.25 cents for 7 years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Marissa Kennebeck for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Ms. Kennebeck would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.55 (the base pay of $12.25 plus $.30 cents for a AA degree). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending David Oswald for a custodial position at Carroll High School. If approved he would work from 3:30PM to 12:30AM and would be paid $12.50 per hour. Approval is recommended.
It was motioned by Jennifer Munson to approve the recommendations for employment. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follow:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Superintendent Contract:
The Superintendent Contract was reviewed as part of the May 17th board meeting and was presented for approval. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the superintendent contract with a 7/1/21-6/30/22 salary of $167,064.41. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Transportation Report:
Jeff Cullen presented his plans for transportation for the 21-22 school year. The plan is for buses to be back at full capacity unless guidelines from the state change before the start of the year, with 70 in town stops and 120 rural stops and no restrictions on distance from school for pickup.
- Leader in Me Presentation:
Patrick Rabbit, Crystal Boes, Ashley Wuebker, Kyle Stevens, Jenny Grossman, and Ryan Simmelink presented on the Leader in Me social emotional learning program that they would like to implement at Fairview and Adams elementary buildings. The program would supplement some of their current SEL programs. The program is a 3 core (year) program to implement with a Year 1 cost of $26,998.72 and Year 2 and 3 cost of $21,614.76 per year. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the use of the Leader in Me program with a Year 1 cost of $26,998.72. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. The motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Administrative Report:
- Superintendent’s Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau informed the board of a program with BVU, with no cost or requirements by the district, that offers reduced tuition rates to our staff for classes through BVU. Dr. Berlau also presented the district’s draft Utilization of Funding Plan for the ESSER III funds. The draft is for review of the board and will be modified and presented at a future meeting for the August deadline with the state.
- Administrator Reports:
Each of the 3 building principals presented their reports in writing covering end of year activities and summer school numbers.
- Teacher Leadership Stipend Amounts for 2021-2022
Dr. Berlau presented a proposal to increase the TLC Stipends for the 2021-2022 year by 5%. The amounts have not been increased since the implementation of TLC 5-7 years ago. The cost of the stipends for the 2020-2021 year was $105,800. The increase of 5% would bring the amount for 2021-2022 to $111,090 if the number of leaders/coaches remained the same. The school is projecting one less instructional coach in 2021-2022 due to various staffing needs so the actual projected cost with the 5% increase is $103,440. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to increase the TLC stipends by 5% for the 2021-2022 school year. The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley. The motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Approval of Agreement with Manson Northwest Webster CSD for the North Central Consortium:
Dr. Berlau presented the Agreement for Enrollment of Nonresident Students into the North Central Consortium School with Manson Northwest Webster CSD as the fiscal agent for the program. The agreement provides an option to CCSD when there are students in our district whose behavior, social, or emotional needs cannot be met by CCSD with the goal of the consortium to support the student in building skills to return to the resident district. CCSD has had at least on student enrolled in the consortium for at least portions of the last two school years. Our 2020-2021 fee was $28,000 Consortium Education Payment and $5,000 Consortium Rent. MNW has revised the fee schedule for the 2021-2022 year to be based on enrollment size and based on our enrollment size, our 2021-2022 Consortium Education fee would increase to $64,000 and rent would remain at $5,000. The agreement is setup so that CCSD would pay the education fee upfront and then based on final student days attended, a final bill would be determined that could lead to additional cost or a refund. It was moved to Duane Horsley to approve the agreement for the North Central Consortium at a cost of $64,000 for education costs and $5,000 lease/rent for the 2021-2022 year. The motion was seconded by Karen Friedlein. The motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Handbook Revisions:
- CMS Staff Handbook:
- CMS Student Handbook:
- CHS Student Handbook:
- CHS Staff handbook:
- FV and AES Staff Handbook:
- FV and AES Student Handbook:
- Coaches Handbook
- Tiger Zone Handbook
Dr. Berlau and building principals presented changes to student and staff handbooks. The Coaches Handbook was tabled and will be reviewed in July. The Board raised a few questions which the building principals answered. There were also a few revisions that the Board recommended the team clear up and refine in certain places.
- Adoption of Tiger Zone Employee Handbook:
Patrick Rabbit presented the new Tiger Zone Employee Handbook.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the handbook revisions in E, except for the Coaches Handbook, with changes as stated and the adoption of the Tiger Zone Employee Handbook. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
- Present District Hiring Manual:
Dr. Casey Berlau provided a draft hiring manual to the board. The manual will be presented for approval at a future meeting.
- Appoint Level II Investigator for 2021-2020:
Dr. Berlau recommended the district continue to continue the agreement with the Carroll Police Department and appoint them as the Level II Investigator for the district should such service be needed.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Carroll Police Department as the district’s Level II Investigator for the 2021-2022 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Job Descriptions:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the job description for a Transportation Wash Technician. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Transportation Wash Technician job description. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Dr. Berlau also presented the revised job description for the Executive Adminstrative Assistant to the Superintendent. The board recommended a few minor wording revisions. Jennifer Munson moved to approve the Executive Administrative Assistant job description with the minor wording changes as stated. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Board Policy Review – Second Reading:
Dr. Berlau presented the following policies for their second reading:
- 468 – Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation
- 470 – Classified Termination of Employment
- 471 – Staff Reduction Through Termination
- 472 – Sick Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
- 473 – Personal Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
- 474 – Bereavement Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
It was moved by Cindy Johson to approve the board policies presented for second reading. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Request permission to seek quotes for trainer services for 2021-2022:
Dr. Berlau discussed with the board our current use of training staff at events. Currently, the district contracts for athletic training services at home varsity football games. Dr. Berlau shared some benchmarking that was done with other local and conference districts and discussed the district’s desire to get bids from area providers for possibly providing athletic training services at additional sporting events and levels. The Board agreed that the district should seek bids for these training services.
- Approve Admission Prices to events for 2021-2022:
Dr. Berlau presented a proposal to increase pricing from $3 (senior citizen) and $5 adult/kids 5+ to $4 and $6 respectively for high school activities for the 2021-2022 school year. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the increase in admission prices for the 2021-2022 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
Business Office Report:
- Budget Updates:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the budget reports through activity posted in June as of the board meeting date. He compared the actual expenses to the published budget for the 4 categories of Instruction, Support Services, Non-Instruction and Other. All 4 categories actual are currently projected under published budget but updated June payroll could change the numbers slightly. Mr. Bengtson also reviewed the Revenues and Expenses by fund compared to the line item budget and there were no concerns noted.
- Consider request to dispose of four school buses:
Dr. Berlau presented a request from the transportation department to dispose of four buses through the use of an online auction.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the request for the district to dispose of four buses through the use of an online auction. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
- Summer Projects:
Carpet Replacement Bids – Jeff Dvorak presented a proposal for carpet replacement in various places at CHS. Bids received were Carpet One - $30,489.10, J.P. Flooring - $38,736.39, and Flooring America - $27,789.05. Jeff recommended the bid from Flooring America. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Flooring America bid for $$27,789.05 for carpet replacement at Carroll High School. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
Exhaust fan repair/replacement at Carroll High School – Jeff Dvorak presented information regarding some HVAC/exhaust fan plans for improvements suggested by System Works after their evaluation of the high school building. One bid has been received from Carroll Control Systems and Jeff is waiting on one more bid, so bids will be presented at a future meeting.
D. Consider quotes for cameras at Adams Elementary:
Dr. Berlau presented two bids for cameras at Adams Elementary. One bid was from Walsh Door & Security for $56,835 for 24 cameras, licensing, server, materials and labor. The second bid was from ByteSpeed for 29 cameras, 5 year licensing, materials and labor for a cost of $62,536.05. Craig Rowedder’s recommendation is the ByteSpeed bid due to the software being on the cloud and being the same as others installed elsewhere in the district. The board had questions regarding the bids so the item was tabled and will be on the June 28, 2021 board meeting agenda.
E. Fees – Textbook Fee/Electronic Textbook Fee: Activity Pass Price:
Dr. Berlau provided the recommendation that textbook fees should remain unchanged and the Activity Pass Price would increase from $40 to $50 for the 2021-2022 year. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the recommended textbook fees with no change and the increase in the Activity Pass Price to $50. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
F. Parking lot maintenance quotes
Jeff Dvorak presented two quotes for parking lot maintenance at Adams Elementary, Fairview Elementary, and portions of Carroll Middle School. Bargen submitted a quote for $132,995 for the work and M.R. Paving & Excavating submitted a quote for $148,050. Alternatively, both bidders submitted quotes to include all of the Middle School pavement repairs. Bargen’s quote was $194,196.15 and M.R Paving’s quote was $215,950.00. Jeff recommended going with the quote from Bargen and including all of the middle school if possible. It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the bid from Bargen for pavement work at Adams Elementary, Fairview Elementary, and all of Carroll Middle School areas for a cost of $194,196.15. The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley. The motion passed by roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy Nays: None
G. Cement Work – CMS North driveway
Jeff Dvorak presented the estimate for the addition of a concrete driveway on the north end of Carroll Middle School. It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the bid by KNB LLC for adding a cement drive at Carroll Middle School at the cost of $9,043. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. The motion passed by roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
H. Consider approval of study of HVAC system in Kindergarten and Preschool pods at Fairview Elementary
Jeff Dvorak presented a request for approval of an HVAC study at Fairview Elementary by System Works at a cost of $6,500. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the HVAC study at Fairview Elementary by System Works at a cost of $6,500. The motion was seconded Duane Horsley. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
- Resolution to approve Nicole McCarville as signer at banking institutions:
The Board resolved that Nicole L McCarville to be added as an authorized signer on Carroll Community School District banking and investment accounts. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the resolution that Nicole McCarville be added as a signer on district banking and investment accounts. The motion was seconded by Cindy Johnson and the motion carried by roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
- Special Board Meeting – June 28, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
Suggestions for July 19th, 2021 Board Meeting:
- 2021 – 2022 Legislative Priorities
- Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3)
- Issue of Warrants Resolution
- Milk and Bread Bids
- Zoom meeting with Team Works on board and district goals setting, mission, vision, etc.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.6.3
Minutes - 2021.6.3Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 3, 2021
10:30 p.m. High School Gymnasium, Carroll High School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. in the gymnasium of Carroll High School. Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff present: All staff members.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the agenda. Jennifer Munson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Presentation of Service Pins/Plaques:
The Board viewed the presentation of service pins/plaques.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 p.m. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes -2021.1.18
Minutes -2021.1.18Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 18, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
1. Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members answering role were: Onica Ulveling, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Jerry Raymond, Ann Neumann, Crystal Boes, Ryan Simmelink, Patrick Rabbitt, Tammie McKenzie and Diane Renneke.
2. Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane to approve the agenda. Onica seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Karen, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
B. Approve Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the December 14, 2020 Board meeting
- Resignations
- Field Trips
- Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Jennifer, Duane, Onica Nays: None
3. Public Hearing on 2021-2022 School Calendar:
Board President Karen Friedlein declared the public hearing on the proposed 2021-2022 school calendar open at 5:34 p.m.
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the proposed 2021-2022 calendar with the Board. As presented the calendar is 1,141 hours during the school year. The minimum requirement is 1,080 hours. Dr. Berlau stated he had not received any written comments on the calendar. There being no other comments, Ms. Friedlein declared the public hearing closed at 5:38 p.m.
4. Public Forum: No one had submitted a topic for board discussion.
5. Approve Donation:
Dr. Berlau reported that The Trinity Episcopal Church of Carroll would like to donate $500 to be used by the Carroll Community School District. It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the donation. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
6. School Improvement
Patrick Rabbit, Crystal Boes and Ryan Simmelink reported on gaps in achievement due to COVID. The information presented compared fall of 2019 scores through 2021. There was a slight dip on the scores but students have recovered according to current FAST assessment data. With some of the online learners back in the classroom the winter scores have shown significant student improvement.
Jerry Raymond presented CMS assessment information. He stated that 31 students have returned to in-person learning. He reported a very slight dip in NWEA testing scores. He and Ann Neumann explained that CMS staff are targeting small group instruction so teachers can focus on students needing extra help.
Tammie McKenzie and Beckie Boes reported on comparative data by grade level at CHS from one year ago until now. CHS staff are working on challenging kids based on their performance. Reading scores show the strength of our language arts program. Reading specialists are working with a few students on reading intervention. Teachers and counselors are working on college readiness, career exploration, and emotional support of students. There are currently 28 high school students online. Eleven have returned to in-person learning. The Student Assisted Study Hall (SASH) is available to help students who are struggling.
7. Approve Voluntary Retirements:
The Board reviewed the financial information provided by Gary Bengtson regarding the costs and potential savings to the district if the retirement requests were approved. The payout to the retirees, if approved, would be from the Management Fund. The following nine individuals have submitted applications for voluntary retirement:
Bill Baddeley – Bill wishes to resign from his instructor position as well as his track and football coaching positions and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan. Bill has worked for the district for 41 years (starting in 1980). He began his employment with CCSD as teacher and basketball coach in 1980. In addition to his teaching, throughout the past 41 years, Bill has coached basketball, football and track as well as having been an activity bus driver. Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Doug Sweeney – Doug wishes to resign from his Vocal Music Instructor position at Carroll High School, effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan. Doug has worked for the district for 33years (starting in 1988). Prior to teaching at CCSD Doug taught for four years in the Stuart-Menlo CSD. During his tenure Doug has taught at Middle School and High School levels. Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Gary Bengtson – Gary wishes to resign from his Director of Business Affairs position and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective June 30, 2021. Gary has worked for the district for 32 years (starting in 1989). Prior to coming to CCSD Gary was Executive Director at Region XII Council Of Governments in Carroll. Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Kandi Millard – Kandi wishes to resign from her Elementary Instructor position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Kandi has worked for the district for 29 years (starting in 1992). Prior to coming to CCSD Kandi taught for seven years at Wings Park Elementary School in Olewine, Iowa. Kandi taught middle school Special Education when first hired at CCSD. Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Elaine Lietz – Elaine wishes to resign from her Employee Benefits Coordinator position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective June 30, 2021. Elaine has worked for the district for 27 years (starting in 1994). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Denise Ayers – Denise wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Denise has worked for the district for 27 years (starting in 1994). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Deb Fish – Deb wishes to resign from her Spanish Instructor position and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Deb has worked for the district for 22 years (starting in 2000). In addition to her teaching role Deb has been the Newspaper Advisor. Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Lois Dentlinger – Lois wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position contingent upon being approved for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Lois has worked for the district for 18 years (starting in 2003). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Laurie Custer – Laurie wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position, effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year and apply for the CCSD Voluntary Retirement Plan. Laurie has worked for the district for 15 years (starting in 2006). Approval of voluntary retirement request and resignation is recommended.
Motion was made by Jennifer Munson to approve the nine Voluntary Retirement requests. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
8. Personnel Report:
- Recommendations for Employment:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:
The Administrative Team is recommending Steven Bieret for the CCSD Remote Learning Coordinator position for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. If approved Steven would be on Step 0 of the BA lane with a starting base salary of $32,037 plus Teacher Salary Supplement money of $6,242 for a total of $38,279. If approved for this position he would start retroactive January 4, 2021, with the contract being prorated for the remainder of the school year. Approval is recommended.
Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kirstin Tuel for the general education teacher associate position (Kindergarten) at Fairview. If approved she would be paid $11.74/hour (the beginning wage for regular education TA ($11.24) plus $.30 for having an AA degree plus $.20 for two years of experience) and would work 6.75 hr/day. Approval is recommended retroactive to January 18, 2021
B. Reassignment:
Gary Bengtson recommended that Nancy O'Brien be reassigned from the CMS Kitchen Manger position to the food service "traveling sub" position.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Duane, Jennifer Nays: None
9. Administration Report:
- Report from Superintendent:
- Update on Return to Learn Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported on the updated Return to Learn Plan. Dr. Berlau's recommendation is to keep our Return to Learn Plan in place as is, meaning masks are required for students and staff. This plan, as it is currently, gives us the best chance to have students in school and able to participate in activities. We will continue to monitor the situation and if it makes sense to make changes to our plan we will bring the recommendation to the school board for consideration. We currently have 9 students in quarantine and 2 staff in quarantine so the trend is definitely going in the right direction.
C. COVID Related Leave Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau reported on the COVID Related Leave Plan. Under the Leave Plan staff will carry forward any unused days of paid FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) leave and will be allowed to use any unused FFCRA days as paid COVID-19 related leave. Staff were allowed a total of 10 days of FFCRA paid leave that could have been used prior to December 31, 2020. Therefore, staff members will not be eligible for more than 10 days of combined paid FFCRA leave and paid COVID-19 leave under this plan. Staff that have not used 10 days for COVID related issues would carry forward 10 days and they would be available to them to use in 2021. This expires on June 30, 2021. If a staff member tests positive then sick leave applies.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the COVID Related Leave Plan. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Karen, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
Dr. Berlau stated that an interest survey went out to staff regarding whether or not they would be interested in receiving the COVID vaccine. He and the nurses are working the Carroll County Public Health for those staff who wish to receive the vaccine.
10. 2021-2022 Staffing Plan:
Dr. Berlau provided information regarding the number of sections per grade level compared to the number of FTE's. The board gave Dr. Berlau permission to move forward with advertising and hiring for a Director of Teaching and Learning.
11. 2021-2022 District Calendar:
Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the proposed 2021-2022 calendar with the Board. As presented the calendar is 1,141 hours during the school year.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the 2021-2022 Calendar. The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
12. Second Reading of Board Policies:
The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:
408 Credit Card for Fuel
408.1 Credit Card Use
408R1 Credit Card Use Regulation
409 Employee Use of Cell Phones
412 Annuities
414 Activity Pass
415 Unused Vacation
416 Employee Records
416R1 Employee Personnel Records Regulation
419 Absence Without Pay
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of board policies. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Jennifer Nays: None
13. First Reading of Board Policies:
501 Compulsory Attendance
503 Entrance Admission
529 Search and Seizure
539 Corporal Punishment
539.1 New-Physical Restraint and Seclusion
572 Student Special Health Services
609 Special Education
625 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
627 Virtual/Online Learning
815.1 Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedures
826 Financial Records
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board Policies. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Jennifer, Duane Nays: None
14. Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay – Pressure Washer for the Transportation Dept.:
Dr. Casey Berlau stated the District is considering replacing the pressure washer at the Transportation Dept. Four companies have submitted bids:
Hundermark Cleaning Systems - $7,005.00
Iowa Small Engine - $6,575.49
Eagle Pressure Washer - $7,121.49
Hotsy Equipment - $7,528.50
In addition there will be a small fee to relocate the new pressure washer to the north wall of our building. The current pressure washer is located on the west wall and moving it to the north wall will allow more room, we would gain around four feet of space to accommodate the larger buses.
Jeff Cullen, Transportation Director, recommended the bid from Iowa Small Engine. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the bid from Iowa Small Engine. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Jennifer, Duane, Karen Nays: None
B. Request to seek bids for a small vehicle:
Dr. Berlau informed the board that one of our older vans needs a new transmission and the cost of this repair compared to replacing it with a newer van would be more cost effective. The board gave Dr. Berlau permission to obtain bids for a small van or small SUV.
C. Consider Proposal from FRK Architects and Engineers for services:
The discussion on this item was in regard to a roof replacement at Carroll High School. Duane Horsley said that in looking at roof replacement it would make sense to consider the air quality improvement at the same time. The board agreed this would make sense. Since no information was available from FRK by the time of the meeting no action was taken on this topic.
- SBRC Application - Woodward Academy Consortium Special Ed Administrative Costs:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to approve the SBRC Application for Administrative Costs with Woodward Academy.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the SBRC Application for Administrative Costs with Woodward Academy. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica Nays: None
- Approve School Budget Discussion:
This item was tabled until a future meeting
- Conventions/Meetings:
Suggestions for February 15th Board Meeting:
- Board Policy Review
- Superintendent Evaluation
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes -2021.6.28
Minutes -2021.6.28Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 28, 2021
12:00 p.m. Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Cindy Johnson (via phone), Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein. Board members absent were: Onica Ulveling, Jennifer Munson. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Nicole McCarville, LeAnn Kock, Craig Rowedder, and Jeff Dvorak. There were representatives present from both Walsh and ByteSpeed.
Approval of Agenda:
Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda as presented. Cindy seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
Review/Approve End of Year Bills:
Gary Bengtson reviewed the end of year bills with the Board in the following amounts:
General Fund $70,688.61
Management Fund $168,526.00
Local Option Sales Tax $43,264.75
Student Activity Fund $2,961.33
School Nutrition Fund $470.32
Duane Horsley motioned to approve the bills as presented. Karen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Karen, Cindy Nays: None
- Resignations:
The following resignation was presented for approval:
• Ashley Webber wishes to resign from her Prom Sponsor position. Approval of recommendation is recommended.
- Recommendations for Employment
The following recommendations for employment were presented for approval:
• Randy Bissen is recommending Joshua Lucken for 7th grade boys basketball coaching position. Josh has one year of basketball coaching experience and if approved would be on Step 3 of the salary schedule and would receive $1,902. Approval is recommended.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending Marcia Mendoza for a special education teacher associate position at CMS. If approved, Marcia would be paid $12.25 per hour and would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Tammie McKenzie is recommending Samantha Vonnahme for a teacher associate position at CHS. Samantha has her degree in Early Childhood Education from DMACC and has a year TA experience with the Ankeny community school district. Samantha is a 2006 graduate of Carroll High School. If approved, she will be paid $12.29 (base for gen ed TA $11.99 plus $.30 for two year degree). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
• Jerry Raymond is recommending the following TLC positions to be filled by CMS Staff: Mentors: Tonia Onken, Amy Madsen, Alison Weber and Nate Wall. Approval is recommended.
- Contract Modifications:
The following contract modification is recommended for approval:
• Mary Kohorst’s hourly wage be adjusted from $19.60 to $20.75. This adjustment is due to adjustments made to the job description. Approval of contract modification is recommended.
• Jennifer Dentlinger’s contract was adjusted from an 11-month contract to a 12-month contract. The hourly rate of pay will remain the same, $13.15 per hour. The reason for this recommendation is based on the work that is needed through the summer months to prepare for the upcoming school year. Approval of contract modification is recommended.
Duane Horsley motioned to approve all items on the personnel report. Cindy seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Cindy, Duane Nays: None
HVAC Upgrades at CHS
Jeff Dvorak updated the board that he was still waiting on a second bid the HVAC upgrades at CHS so the item is tabled to a later meeting.
AES Camera Bids
Two bids for cameras at Adams Elementary were presented by Craig Rowedder. Walsh Door & Security submitted a bid for $56,835 which included on premise server stored software and ByteSpeed submitted a bid of $62,536.05 which included cloud based storage and 5 year licensing of the software. Craig recommended the ByteSpeed bid to be consistent with cameras/software in place at Fairview, its ease of access by authorized administrators and it doesn’t require server space. It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve Craig’s recommended bid from ByteSpeed for a cost of $62,536.05. The motion was seconded by Karen Friedlein. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen Nays: None
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 12:19 p.m. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes 2021-22 School Year
Minutes 2021-22 School Year Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 06/11/2021 - 11:13Minutes - 2021.07.19
Minutes - 2021.07.19Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
July 19, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, and Karinne Tharaldson. Others present: a representative from Carroll Broadcasting and a representative from the Daily Times Herald.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica Nays: None
Presentation: A representative from Team Works International joined the meeting via Zoom to present to the Board a proposal for helping the District and Board with a three year strategic plan. Team Works is going to send an updated proposal for the Board to consider at a future meeting.
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the June 22nd and June 28th Board meetings
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $464,733.50
Student Activity Fund $2,470.10
Management Fund $169,668.10
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $35,191.21
Local Option Sales Tax $167,995.00
Nutrition Fund $50,097.35
- Resignations:
- Memorandum of Understanding for Retired and Volunteer Program:
- Agreement with DMACC for 4+ Transitional Services:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the consent agenda. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen Nays: None
Public Forum:
There were no public comments.
There were no donations to present.
Personnel Report:
- Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Elise Soyer for a 1st grade teaching position at Fairview. If approved, Elise would be on Step 10 of BA lane of the salary schedule and would receive $46,356 (base of $39,825 plus $712 TSS indexed and $5,819 TSS fixed). Elise will also receive a $2,000 signing bonus to be paid over two years. Elise has 9 years of experience and has most recently taught first grade at Kuemper. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbit is recommending Shelby Johnson for a 2nd grade teaching position at Fairview. If approved, Shelby would be on Step 7 of the BA lane of the salary schedule and would receive $44,344 (base of $37,848 plus $677 TSS indexed and $5,819 TSS fixed) plus a $2,000 sign on bonus to be paid over two years. Shelby has 3 years of experience. Shelby has been teaching at Southwest Valley Schools in Farnhamville. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbit is recommending Liz Heinrichs for a 4th grade teaching position at Adams. If approved, Liz would be on Step 0 of the BA lane of the salary schedule and would receive $39,649 (base of $33,236 plus $594 TSS Indexed and $5,819 TSS fixed). Liz is a graduate of University of Northern Iowa. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbit is recommending Kelsey Dentlinger for a Special Ed TA position at Fairview. If approved, Kelsey would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $12.25 per hour (the base pay for special ed TA). Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Jessica McKinney for a Special Ed TA position at Fairview. If approved, Jessica would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $12.50 per hour (the base pay for special ed TA at $12.25 plus $0.25 for six years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Krystal Childress for a regular education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School for the 2021-2022 school year. If approved, Krystal would be paid $12.54 per hour (base regular ed TA pay of $11.99 plus $0.30 per hour for holding an Associate’s degree, plus $0.25 per hour for 10 years of experience). If approved, she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbit and Jerry Raymond are recommending Betty Tigges for a Severe Profound TA position at CMS. If approved, Betty would work 7 hours per day and be paid $13.62 per hour (the base pay for Severe Profound TA of $13.32 plus $0.30 per hour for a 2-year degree). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Stacy DeYoung for a Special Ed Teacher Associate (Preschool) position at Fairview. If approved, Stacy would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $12.55 per hour (base for Special Ed TA of $12.25 plus $0.30 for a two year degree). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Stephanie Conger for a contracted Bus Driving position for an AM & PM route, upon completion of her CDL. If approved, Stephanie would work approximately 3 hours per day at $19.22 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Kelli Schulz for a freshmen volleyball coaching position. Kelli has 12 years of experience as a volleyball coach and if approved would be on Step 20 of the salary schedule and would receive $4,177. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Brian Grooms for the assistant varsity football position. Coach Grooms has been our freshman football coach for the past two years. He has worked hard in his current role and has gone above and beyond for the football program to show that he is ready for the varsity level. He has great rapport with the current coaching staff and is a positive leader with the high school athletes. If approved, he would be on Step 17 of the salary schedule and would receive $3,999. Approval is recommended.
Contract Modification:
- Sara Anderson is recommending that Lori Tigges’ letter of assignment be modified from 185 days to 220 days. Approval of contract modification is recommended.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the recommendations for employment. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane Nays: None
Administration Report:
- District Hiring Manual:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the district hiring manual for review. Some questions and changes were brought up by board members. Dr. Berlau will revise the manual for the items discussed and present at a future meeting for approval.
- 2021-2022 Coaches Handbook:
The coaching manual needs further revision and will be brought for approval at a future meeting.
- Approve Carroll Education Support Association (CESA) Handbook:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the CESA handbook for review and approval. It was noted that the only major change was that unused personal days at the end of the year will be paid out. It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the CESA Employee Handbook. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy Nays: None
- Board Policy Review:
The following board policies were presented for review with no changes:
483 - Licensed Employee Defined
489 - Employee Conduct and Appearance
493 - Licensed Employee Publication or Creation of materials
494 - Licensed Employee Tutoring
496 - Summer School Licensed Employees
497 - Student Teachers
499 - Suicide Prevention and ACES Training Requirements
E. Board Policy Revisions:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:
430 - Holidays (Non Bargaining Personnel)
482 - Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, and Selection
490 - Resignation - Licensed Personnel
491 - Licensed Employee Suspension
498 - Staff Technology Use and Social Media Networking
F. Approve the removal of board policies:
The Board reviewed the following policies for removal from the board policies:
475 - Relations to Pupils and Public
477 - Substitutes
484 - Assignment - Licensed Employee
492 - Licensed Personnel Professional Development
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the review of and waive 2nd reading of policies 483, 489, 493, 494, 496, 497, 499, approve the first reading of policies 430, 482, 490, 491, 498, and approve removal of policies 475, 477, 484, 492. The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley and passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
G. Affirmative Action Coordinators:
Dr. Casey Berlau recommended Crystal Boes as the Affirmative Action Coordinator with Nicole McCarville serving as the Alternate.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the Affirmative Action Coordinator and Alternate as presented. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica Nays: None
Administrative Assignments:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following appointments for the 2021-2022 school year.
• Education Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator – Crystal Boes
- Section 504 Coordinator – Crystal Boes
• Abuse of Students by Employees Level I Investigators – Hunter Harmening and Karinne Tharaldson; Level II Investigator – Carroll Police Department
• Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer – Crystal Boes and Jeff Dvorak
• Homeless Liaison – Jill Greiman
• Deputy Principals*
Fairview – Crystal Boes and Karinne Tharaldson
Adams Elementary – Crystal Boes and Karinne Tharaldson
Carroll Middle School – Jill Greiman
Carroll High School – Larry Lesle and Randy Bissen
Deputy Superintendent* – Nicole McCarville and Karinne Tharaldson
Deputy Activities Director* - Larry Lesle and Tammie McKenzie
* Deputy is defined as the administrator-in-charge during the absence of the regular administrator.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the administrative appointments as presented for the 2021-2022 school year with the addition of Karinne Tharaldson as a Level I Investigator of abuse and replacement of Karinne Tharaldson as Deputy Principal at Fairview and Adams in place of Dr. Berlau. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen Nays: None
J. IASB Legislative Priorities:
Dr. Berlau presented his recommendations for the 2021-2022 IASB Legislative Priorities and after some the discussion, the Board agreed on which priorities to submit to IASB as the district’s priorities.
Business Office Report:
- Appointment of Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3):
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to appoint Nicole McCarville as the Board Secretary/Treasurer. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane Nays: None
Karen Friedlein administered the oath of office to Nicole McCarville.
B. Issue of Warrants Resolution:
Nicole McCarville presented the Issue of Warrants Resolution for fiscal year 2021-22 for approval. Duane Horsley moved to approve and read the following:
“The Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District hereby authorizes the Board Secretary to issue warrants when the Board is not in session for the payment of utilities, freight, drayage, express, postage, salaries, state and federal taxes, FICA, IPERS, CEA and CESA dues, employee annuities, United Way contributions, health insurance premiums, Carroll Recreation Center dues, advance transportation expenses, registration fees and related costs, court-ordered garnishments, and previously approved contracted expenses.”
Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy Nays: None
C. Bank Depositories:
Nicole McCarville presented a resolution naming bank depositories for 2021-2022:
“Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District in Carroll County, Iowa approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of the Iowa Code. The Board Secretary is hereby authorized to deposit District funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below:
Depository Name Home Office Balance
United Bank of Iowa Ida Grove, IA $7,000,000
AvailaBank Carroll, IA $3,000,000
Iowa Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,500,000
Commercial Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,000,000
Bank of the West San Francisco, CA $1,000,000
Templeton Savings Bank Templeton, IA $1,000,000
Westside State Bank Westside, IA $1,000,000
Breda Savings Bank Breda, IA $1,000,000
INVESTMENTS (not required)
Iowa Schools Des Moines, IA $7,500,000
Joint Investment Trust
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Carroll Community School District's Board of Directors adopted at a meeting of said public body, duly called and held on the 19th day of July 2021, a quorum being present, as said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and is now in full force and effect.”
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Bank Depository Resolution for 2021-2022. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
D. Tires Bids:
Dr. Berlau reported that two tire bids were received by the district for 24 tires for the 2021-2022 school year. Bauer Built Tire Company bid $3,676 and Performance Tire bid $4,632.16.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to award the tire bid to Bauer Built Tire Company for $3,676. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica Nays: None
- Preschool Agreement with Kuemper:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed preschool agreement with the Kuemper Catholic Schools. The only change in this agreement over last year is to update the figures on the last page.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the proposed preschool agreement between the Carroll Community School District and Kuemper Catholic Schools for the 2021-2022 school year. Cindy Johnson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen Nays: None
- Ag Program Agreement with Kuemper:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a sharing agreement between Carroll Community School District and Kuemper Catholic School System for the sharing of services, operating expenses and equipment for Kuemper students to participate in the Carroll district’s agriculture classes and FFA chapter. The agreement lays out the responsibilities of each party for the 2021-2022.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agreement for agriculture classes and FFA between CCSD and Kuemper. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane Nays: None
- Approve Lease with Carroll Booster Club:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the lease agreement for the Carroll Booster Club to lease the concession stands on Carroll Community School District property for the 2021-2022 year for a rental fee of $100.00
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the lease agreement between the Carroll Community School District and Carroll Booster Club for the 2021-2022 year. The motion was seconded by Cindy Johnson and passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy Nays: None
- Capital Outlay:
Radon Mitigation bid for Adams Elementary – Dr. Casey Berlau presented the one bid that was received for the radon mitigation work needed at Adams Elementary from Selgrade Construction at a cost of $8,950.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the radon mitigation bid from Selgrade Construction at a cost of $8,950. Duane Horsley seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer Nays: None
HVAC Upgrades at Carroll High School – Dr. Casey Berlau presented a bid from Carroll Control Systems for HVAC updates and repairs based on a System Works evaluation. The cost of the Carroll Control Systems bid was $21,050.00. The District attempted to get a 2nd bid but did not receive others.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the bid from Carroll Control Systems for HVAC work at Carroll High School at the cost of $21, 050. The motion was seconded by Onica Ulveling and passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica Nays: None
- Milk Bids
Nicole McCarville presented the bids for milk products for the 2021-2022 school year. The district received bids from Anderson Erickson and Kemps. The Anderson Erickson bid was lower on all products and gave a bid for each of the products requested. Kemps bid did not have prices for some products, as they do not offer those.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the Anderson Erickson bid for milk products for the 2021-2022 school year. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and the motion approved on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen Nays: None
- Bread Bids
Nicole McCarville presented the bids for bread. Only one bid for bread products for the 2021-2022 school year was received, which is common with what other area districts are experiencing. The bid received was from Bimbo Bakery and a bid was provided on all products requested with the exception of junior hamburger buns, which they have discontinued.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to accept the bread product bid from Bimbo Bakery for the 2021-2022 school year. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane Nays: None
- Budget updates
Nicole McCarville presented various budget reports for the district as of June 2021, with not all fiscal year numbers being final as additional revenue and journal entries are received/posted. Each fund’s total expenditures were under budget in comparison with the line item budget and the total expenditures by category were under the published budget.
- New Teachers Report August 16th, 17th, 18th
- All Staff Report – August 19
- August Board Meeting – August 9th
- School Board Election Nomination Filing Period – Aug. 23rd – Sept. 16th with elections on November 2nd
- August 25th – First Day of School with Students
Suggestions for August 9th, 2021 Board Meeting
- ESSER III Plan for Approval
- Review 700 Series of Board Policy Manual
- Facility Master Plan discussion/request for proposals
It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.08.09
Minutes - 2021.08.09Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 9, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Tammie McKenzie, Patrick Rabbit, Jerry Raymond and Karinne Tharaldson. Others present were members of the press from Daily Times Herald, Carroll Broadcasting, and Carroll Area Access Television. The following community members were also present: Roxanne Aden, Shannon Wittrock, Casie Forke-Burke, Candace Gross, Steve Stypa, Shari Stypa, Tyler Nelson, Keith Vonnahme, and Samantha Vonnahme.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the July 19, 2021 board meeting
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $264,404.84
Student Activity Fund $11,620.79
Scholarship Trust Fund $1,000.00
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $47,479.76
Local Option Sales Tax $96,041.53
Nutrition Fund $45,869.24
- Resignations:
The following resignations were presented for approval:
- Sarah Fineran wishes to resign from her special education teacher associate position.
- Randy Mantz wishes to resign from his bus driving position effective August 20, 2021.
- Memorandum of Understanding with Head Start
- DMACC Observations Contract
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda with the exception of the DMACC Observations Contract as that was not available at the time of the meeting. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
Public Forum:
There were no public comments.
McDonald’s asked to donate 50 backpacks filled with school supplies. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the donation. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane
Personnel Report:
- Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Jennifer Brinkman for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Jennifer would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.45 (the base pay of $12.25 plus $0.20 for experience). Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbit is recommending Cheyenne Pitsenbarger for a severe/profound teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Cheyenne would receive $13.32 (the base pay for SP TA). If approved she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Tanya Jackson for a special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School. If approved Tanya would be paid $12.75 per hour (Beginning wage of $12.25 per hour plus $.30 per hour for holding a para-educator's certificate plus $.20 for two years’ experience). If approved she would work 6.75 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Chad Seddon for an 8 hour custodial position at CHS. If approved Jeff would work eight hours per day and be paid $12.75 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Matthan Kots for our assistant boys and girls swimming positions. Matthan has no years of paid experience but was an assistant girls’ soccer coach for us last season and did a good job working with Coach Perkins and the soccer girls. He will work well with Head Coach Deb Danner. If approved he would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $1,828 for Assistant Boys Swimming coaching. If approved he would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $1,828 for Assistant Girls Swimming coaching. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommed Gary Magill for a freshman football position. Gary has been a JH football coach for us and has done a great job of developing players and getting them ready for high school football. He will be a great asset at the freshman level. If approved, he would be on Step 25 of the salary schedule and would receive $4,474. Approval is recommended.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Melissa Nystrom for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll High School. If approved Melissa would be paid $12.85 per hour (Beginning wage of $12.25 per hour plus $.30 per hour for holding a standard teaching license plus $.30 for years’ experience). If approved she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
Contract Modification:
- Sara Anderson is recommending Carly Tigges for the 7-hour all around foodservice position starting August 19, 2021. Carly has previous foodservice experience and took on additional roles last year. She will learn how to work in every kitchen and train with the kitchen managers so she can cover if a kitchen manager is gone. She will train more with Infinite Campus and be able to cashier at any building as well. Sara recommends her pay to be $14.50 per hour. Her hours will be 7:30 to 2:30. When covering for a kitchen manager her hours will be 6:30 to 2:30. Approval of modification is recommended.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy
Administration Report:
- Superintendent Report: Dr. Casey Berlau had Karinne Tharaldson present on some initiatives that she is working through with building principals for gathering data on instructional strategies and learning targets. This will involve some teacher/student observation in order to help the district identify some goals for various instructional support areas.
- District Hiring Manual:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the district hiring manual for review. Karen recommended the following change to the manual: Page 12 #6 interview process “To serve on the interview committee, each person must be able to participate in each interview, not be related to any candidate, not participate in a social relationship with any candidate that could cause a conflict of interest, nor appear to benefit in any fashion from the hiring of any candidate.” Jennifer Munson moved to approve the district hiring manual with the recommended change and Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer
- Return to Learn Plan:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the district’s return to learn plan for review and approval. The plan includes masks being optional in the buildings and no contact tracing for positive COVID cases within the school. Casey recommended one change to the plan from what was presented and that is that the plan should reflect that masks are required on buses due to the federal public transportation order. Cindy Johnson moved to approve the return to learn plan with the edit that masks are required on the buses to comply with the federal public transportation guidance. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the plan for how the district will utilize the ESSER III funding available which included feedback from staff, administrators, students and families, with focus areas on learning loss recovery and mental health. Jennifer Munson moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the ESSER III plan as presented. The motion pass on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
- Carroll Education Association 2021-2022 Employee Handbook
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the employee handbook for the 2021-2022 year for the Carroll Education Association for approval. Jennifer Munson moved to approve the CEA handbook and Duane Horsley seconded the motion. The motion pass on roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane
- Obsolete Assets
Dr. Casey Berlau requested permission to dispose of obsolete equipment and furniture. Cindy Johnson moved to allow the district to dispose of obsolete equipment and furniture and Duane Horsley seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy
- District Facility Plan
Dr. Casey Berlau discussed seeking bids for a district facility plan. Cindy Johnson moved to allow the district to seek out bids for a master facility plan and Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed on roll call vote as follows: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer
- Board Policy Revisions:
The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:
203 - Responsibilities of Board Members
240 - Public Participation in Board Meetings
307 - Superintendent Evaluation
307R1 - Superintendent Evaluation Regulation
312 - Administrator Evaluation
518 - Open Enrollment Transfer Procedures as a Receiving District
519 - Open Enrollment Transfer Procedures as a Sending District
It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of policies 203, 215, 216, 240, 240R1, 307, 307R1, 312, 518, 519. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
H. Board Policy Revisions – 2nd Reading:
The Board held a second reading on the following board policies:
430 - Holidays (Non Bargaining Personnel)
482 - Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, and Selection
490 - Resignation - Licensed Personnel
491 - Licensed Employee Suspension
498 - Staff Technology Use and Social Media Networking
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the second reading of policies 430, 482, 490, 491, 498. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
I. Approve a student for graduation from CHS:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve Caleb Bradley for graduation from Carroll High School. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane
Business Office Report:
- Tuck-pointing Bids for Adams Elementary:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a bid for tuck-pointing services at Adams Elementary. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the bid from KARR Tuckpointing in the amount of $34,948. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy
B. Budget updates
Nicole McCarville presented various budget reports for the district for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 as well as an update on the spending of ESSER/GEER funds.
- New Teachers Report August 16th
- All Staff Report – August 19
- School Board Election Nomination Filing Period – Aug. 23rd – Sept. 16th, September 21st – Candidate withdrawal deadline, with elections on November 2nd
- August 25th – First Day of School with Students
- September 1st – First Day of School for Preschool
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Karen Friedlein, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.08.23
Minutes - 2021.08.23 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 09/06/2021 - 08:19Minutes - 2021.09.23
Minutes - 2021.09.23Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
September 23, 2021
5:00 p.m. Media Center, Carroll High School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center at Carroll High School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Patrick Rabbitt, Jerry Raymond, Cayla Morton, Dennis McCartan, Kristi Shanks, Jeff Cullen, Jeff Dvorak, Kaitlyn Kaufman, Tony Hooper, Nicole Cote, and Patty Groves. Others present: Nathan Konz, Rebecca McKinsey, Salissou Sani Saidou, Kristen Lundstrom, Ashley Schable, Candace Gross, Jen Sibenaller, Amy Wiederien, Keely Sinnard, Al Sterns, and Katie Kruse.
Carroll High School Principal Tammie McKenzie and Director of Facilities Jeff Dvorak gave a tour of the high school
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the August 9, 2021 and August 23, 2021 Board meetings:
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $233,949.74
Student Activity Fund $43,522.80
Local Option Sales Tax $51,439.97
Nutrition Fund $32,246.50
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $35,977.86
Scholarship Trust Fund $1,000.00
- Procurement Report:
- Wage reports for 2021-2022:
- DMACC Pre-Education Program Observation Contract:
- Principals Report:
- Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
Public Forum:
Candace Gross addressed the Board about representing a group of the public about their concerns regarding an item on the personnel report. They encouraged the Board to remove the item from the personnel report when considering recommendations for approval.
Transportation Report:
Transportation Director Jeff Cullen gave an update on transportation, including increased numbers of students transported and CCSD bus drivers seeing an increase in violations by other drivers in relation to bus safety and traffic laws.
What’s Happening in the Classroom:
Tammie McKenzie gave an update to the board regarding some things going on at Carroll High School. Cayla Morton and some of her vocal students gave a performance to the board, the science department teachers presented on their curriculum and the two high school guidance counselors gave an update on some online and classroom tools they have been working on to improve access and communication regarding resources available.
Consider Request for Out of State Field Trip:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the request for an out of state FFA field trip for a national FFA conference. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane
Sharing Agreement for Food Service Director with Ar-We-Va
Nicole McCarville presented the sharing agreement for the food services director position with Ar-We-Va. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the sharing agreement with Ar-We-Va for the Food Service Director. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy
Personnel Report:
A. Employment Resignations:
- Gail Nabity wishes to resign from her Special Ed. teacher associate position at CMS. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Melissa Owen wishes to resign from her special ed. teacher associate position at Fairview effective October 1st. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Paul Dern wishes to resign from his noon bus-driving route. He wishes to continue as a morning and afternoon contracted driver. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Jessica McKinney wishes to resign from her SE Teacher Associate position at Fairview. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Shelley Helmich wishes to resign from her Freshman Girls' Basketball Coaching position at CHS contingent upon being names the Head Assistant Girls Basketball Coach. Approval of resignation is recommended.
B. Recommendations:
- Sara Anderson is recommending Vicki Keller for a Food Service position retroactive to August 19th in the Fairview and High School kitchens. If approved, Vicki would work 4.5 hours per day and be paid $11.00 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Jackeline Hernandez for a special education teacher associate position at CMS. If approved, Jackeline would work 6.25 hours per day and be paid $12.25 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Jennifer Brincks and Kelly Borchers for TLC Mentor positions at Carroll Middle School. Mentor teachers receive $2,100 per year. Approval is recommended.
- Pattrick Rabbitt is recommending Sara Hamilton, Kelly Perrin, and Joelle White for Mentor Teacher positions. Mentor teachers receive $2,100 per year. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Bill Baddeley for the MS football position. He has coached JH football for us and if approved, he would be on Step 49 and receive $3,538. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Bill Baddeley for the Assistant HS boys track position. He has coached HS track for several year and if approved would be on step 49 and receive $4,914. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Nicole Martin for the 7th grade girls’ volleyball position. Nicole was the 9/JV and assistant varsity volleyball coach for Kuemper for 7 years. If approved, she would be on Step 8 and receive $2,080. Approval is recommended.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Shelley Helmich for the Head Assistant Girls Basketball coaching position. If approved, Shelley would be on Step 33 and receive $4,948. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Kristi Shanks and Kaitlynn Kaufman for shared Student Senate sponsor positions. Kristi would be on Step 0 and receive $499 and Kaitlyn would be on Step 1 receiving $508. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Al Sterns for a special ed. teacher associate position. Al would ride the bus with a student 2.5 hours per day and be paid $12.25 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Ashley Moore for AM crossing guard position at Fairview. She will receive a $125 stipend. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Katie Boell for a Special Ed teacher associate (Preschool) position at Fairview. If approved should receive $12.50 per hour ($12.25 base pay for special ed. plus $0.25 for 7 years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Brian Mentzer for the Noon Route Bus Driver Position vacated by Paul Dern. If approved, Brian would work approx. 1.6 hours per day on the Noon Route and hourly rate of pay is $19.32 per hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to September 7th.
- Sara Anderson is recommending two students for the Work Study program with CCSD Food Service Department. If approved one student will work 1 hour daily at CHS and the other student will work 1.75 hours at Fairview. Approval is recommended.
C. Contract Modifications:
- Jerry Raymond is recommending that Sam Pingleton, Amanda Kendall, and Cathy Smith's hours be increased to 7 hours per day retroactive to August 25th. Approval of modification is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending that Kim Cleveland be issued a new letter of assignment to reflect her duties as a severe profound teacher associate retroactive to August 25th. This is an increase of $1.07/hour. Approval of modification is recommended.
- Steph Conger was approved for a contracted bus driving position in June. She should have been approved to receive the signing bonus of $1,000 plus the $500 stipend drivers receive when they have completed 17 hours of required bus driver training. Approval of modifications is recommended.
- Ashley Weber is transferring to a Severe Profound Teacher Associate position at Carroll High School effective September 16th which results in a $1.07/hour wage increase to $13.82/hour. Approval of modification is recommended.
- Nicole McCarville is recommending modifying Jen Dentlinger's letter of assignment from Administrative Assistant to the Transportation Director to Transportation and Student Information Specialist retroactive to 9/1/21 with a pay rate of $17.50/hour. Approval of modification is recommended.
- Nicole McCarville is recommending modifying Sara Anderson's Food Services Director letter of assignment from 240 days to 260 days with 20 paid vacation days and an increase in salary from $63,050 to $70,000 to include the sharing agreement duties with Ar-We-Va. Approval of modification is recommended.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the resignations, hiring recommendations and contract modifications. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer.
Nicole McCarville reviewed the following donation with the Board:
•Western Iowa Networks donated 3 hotspots to be used at the Carroll Athletic Stadium in the ticket booths and press box.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the donation. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
Administration Report:
- Superintendents’ Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau gave a short report on our COVID status and that most cases at the time of the meeting are at the middle school. He has also been working on a request for proposal on a district-wide facilities study.
- Consider agreement with TeamWorks International:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the agreement with TeamWorks International for a strategic plan with the board and administrators. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
- Discussion on Ar-We-Va sharing agreement for students:
The board, High School Principal Tammie McKenzie, Director of Teaching and Learning Karinne Tharaldson, and Dr. Casey Berlau discussed various items at the high school, including curriculum, scheduling, classroom numbers, etc. The board requested some various reporting from the district for future meetings. There was no action necessary or requested on the sharing agreement.
Closed Session – Litigation:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5 1 (c) to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane. Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 7:27 p.m.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to return to open session. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy. Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting open at 7:38 p.m.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Jennifer Munson to approve the settlement agreement discussed in the closed session. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer
Administration Report:
- Consider revision to job description :
Dr. Casey Berlau presented a job description for the Transportation and Student Information Specialist that combined the Administrative Assistant to the Transportation Director and the Student Information Specialist jobs into one. It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the job description and the motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
- First Reading of Policies:
The board held the First Reading of the following policies:
700 - Statement of Guiding Principles
701 - School Food Services
702 - Scope of Program
703 - Financial Support
704 - Eligibility for Free Meals or Meals at a Reduced Cost
704.1 - Eligibility for Meals at a Reduced Cost Regulation
704.2 - Meal Charges
705 - Student Transportation Program
705.1 - School Bus Safety Instruction
706 - Transportation of Out-of-District Students
707 - Transportation in Inclement Weather
708 - Bus Service Eligibility
- Policies Recommended to waive the 2nd reading:
The board reviewed the following policies and recommended waiving of the 2nd reading:
421 - Employee Expression (New Policy)
473 - Personal Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
521 - Student Expression and Student Publications
578.1 -Student Wellness Plan Regulation
647 - School Ceremonies and Observation (New Policy)
816 - Disposition of Obsolete Equipment
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the first reading of policies under E with minor wording changes to policy 707 and waive the 2nd reading of policies under F. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
- Board Policy Revisions - 2nd Reading
203 - Responsibilities of Board Members
240 - Public Participation in Board Meetings
307 - Superintendent Evaluation
307R1 - Superintendent Evaluation Regulation
312 - Administrator Evaluation
518 - Open Enrollment Transfer Procedures as a Receiving District
519 - Open Enrollment Transfer Procedures as a Sending District
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the 2nd reading of policies under G. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane
Business Office Report:
A. FY 2021 Annual Settlements:
Nicole McCarville presented the FY 2021 Annual Settlement Report. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to receive and file the Annual Settlements Report. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy
- Certified Annual Report:
Nicole McCarville provided the FY2021 Certified Annual Report and reviewed summary comparison information with the board. It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to receive and file the 2020-21 Certified Annual Report. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Onica, Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer
- Special Education Supplement for 2020-21:
Nicole McCarville reviewed the 2020-21 Special Education Supplement with the Board. The preliminary balance in the special education program on June 30, 2021 was -$524,971 compared with a balance of -$707,099 for the previous year. It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to request modified allowable growth and supplemental aid for the special education deficit of -$524,971. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Karen, Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica
- FY 21 Annual Transportation Report:
Nicole McCarville presented the FY 21 Annual Transportation Report.
- Bid for Employee Assistance Program:
Nicole McCarville presented a proposal from Employee & Family Resources (EFR) for an Employee Assistance Program for a district employee benefit program. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the EAP benefit with EFR at a cost of $21.60/employee and the motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Duane, Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen
- Permission to Seek Bids for Snow Removal Services
Nicole McCarville asked the board for permission to seek bids for snow removal services on district property. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Duane Horsley to allow the district to seek bids for snow removal and the motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Onica, Karen, Duane
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2021.10.21
Minutes - 2021.10.21Minutes
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
October 21, 2021
5:15 p.m. Media Center, Carroll Middle School
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Media Center at Carroll Middle School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Kelli Schulz, Ryan Simmelink, Rachel Brincks, Jesse Strong, Christena Miller, Tom Borchers, and Todd Tidgren. Others present: Nathan Konz from Carroll Broadcasting, Chris Rodman, and other members of the public.
Carroll Middle School Principal Jerry Raymond gave a tour of the middle school.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Jennifer, Karen, Onica, Cindy
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the September 23, 2021 Board meetings
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund: $183,843.82
Student Activity Fund: $16,324.68
Management Fund: $2,602.06
Local Option Sales Tax: $121,020.00
Nutrition Fund: $58,259.20
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy: $2,585.62
C. Resignation
D. Fundraiser List
E. Agreement with St. Anthony’s for trainer services for varsity football
F. Field trip request
G. Principal Reports
H. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane
Abstain: Jennifer
New Teachers and Professional Development:
Karinne Tharaldson, Kelli Schulz and Ryan Simmelink gave a brief update on professional development and presented the new teachers to the district.
Public Forum:
Chris Rodman, parent of a CHS senior who open-enrolled in from another district this year, introduced himself to the board with a little background for an item that will be on the November agenda regarding his son's participation in the upcoming wrestling season.
What’s Happening in the Classroom:
Tom Borchers, CMS guidance counselor, gave a brief update on things happening within the guidance program at CMS this year. Rachel Brincks, Jesse Strong and Christena Miller gave some information about instructional observations and data that their leadership team has been working on this year. Todd Tidgren presented on the use of IXL and the tools available within the program to assess whether students are performing above or below grade level in math and what specific math related topics or skills they can work on to improve their scoring and achieve the next level.
Dr. Berlau presented donation requests:
- Carroll Rivalry Cup - $1,800 to the Activity Fund to be shared between girls and boys golf.
- Keith and Maureen Freese - $500 to Carroll Area FFA
- Landus Coop -$750 to Carroll Area FFA
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the donations. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane, Jennifer
Personnel Report:
- Jeff Dvorak recommended David Hedke for an 8 hour custodial position at CHS retroactive to September 27th at a rate of pay of $12.75 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen recommended Tim Austin for the driver position to Fort Dodge from CMS daily contingent upon completion of the stop class and background check. If approved, Tim would drive approximately 5 hours per day and be paid $19.22 per hour. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen recommended Josh Sporrer for an 8th grade girls’ basketball coaching position. Josh has no years of paid experience and if approved, would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule, receiving $1,795. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen recommended Trace Murray for the 9th grade girls’ basketball coaching position. Trace has seven years of paid experience and if approved, would be on Step 15 of the salary schedule, receiving $3,018. Approval is recommended.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the hiring recommendations. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Jennifer, Karen
Administration Report:
A. Superintendents’ Report:
Dr. Casey Berlau gave a short report on the RFP that is out regarding a master facility plan, info on vape detectors, and other minor items.
B. Consider additional DMACC course:
Dr. Berlau and Tammie McKenzie presented a request to approve the Calculus 2 course through DMACC for 2nd semester. It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the course. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Jennifer, Karen, Onica
C. Curriculum Mapping Platform:
Karinne Tharaldson presented two bids for curriculum mapping platforms, one from Chalk for $8,750 for the first year and one from Atlas for $10,215 the first year. Based on various factors and what her team has seen of the platforms, Karinne recommended the Chalk bid. It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the bid from Chalk for $8,750. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Jennifer, Karen, Onica, Cindy
D. IASB Delegate:
The board appointed Duane Horsley as the delegate to the IASB delegate assembly with Onica Ulveling as the alternate.
E. Carroll County Conference Board appointment:
The board appointed Cindy Johnson as the board’s representative on the Carroll County Conference Board.
F. First reading of policies:
705.2 - School Bus Passenger Restraints
709 - Bus Service - Special Education Program
709.1 - Transporting of Students by Employees
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the first reading of these policies. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane
G. Removal of board policy:
710 - Determination of distance
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the removal of this policy. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane, Jennifer
H. Second Reading of Policies:
700 - Statement of Guiding Principles
701 - School Food Services
702 - Scope of Program
703 - Financial Support
704 - Eligibility for Free Meals or Meals at a Reduced Cost
704.1 - Eligibility for Meals at a Reduced Cost Regulation
704.2 - Meal Charges
705 - Student Transportation Program
705.1 - School Bus Safety Instruction
706 - Transportation of Out-of-District Students
707 - Transportation in Inclement Weather
708 - Bus Service Eligibility
421 - Employee Expression (New Policy)
473 - Personal Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
521 - Student Expression and Student Publications
578 - Student Wellness Plan
578.1 -Student Wellness Plan Regulation
615 - Physical Education
622 - Private Instruction
647 - School Ceremonies and Observation (New Policy)
803 - Transfer of Funds
816 - Disposition of Obsolete Equipment
It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the second reading of these policies. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Duane, Jennifer, Karen
I. Update on high school class data
Tammie McKenzie presented some info on course numbers, class sizes, number of electives and number of DMACC classes available at the high school.
J. Sharing Agreement with Ar-We-Va for speech
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the sharing agreement with Ar-We-Va for the co-curricular speech program. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Jennifer, Karen, Onica
K. Voluntary Retirement
The Board discussed voluntary retirement for 2021-2022 and requested some additional information from Dr. Berlau regarding updating language in the plan for rehiring teachers back. The item will be discussed in November.
L. Evaluation templates
The board reviewed three different levels of administrative evaluation templates made available by IASB.
Business Office Report:
A. Snow removal bids:
Dr. Berlau discussed the snow removal bids that were received. The bid from Vonnahme was most in line with the bid request and was recommended for approval. It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the bid from Vonnahme. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Duane, Jennifer, Karen, Onica, Cindy
B. Carroll high school parking lot design bid:
Dr. Berlau presented a bid from JEO consulting in the amount of $8000 for design services related to the expansion of the access lane at CHS. It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Jennifer Munson to approve the JEO bid. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Jennifer, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane
C. Certified enrollment:
Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville presented the certified enrollment data that was certified in October. Certified enrollment for October 1, 2021 was 1670.63 compared to 1707.08 from the previous year.
D. Financial reports:
Nicole McCarville presented financial reports as of activity posted 10/20/21 for FY 22.
Closed Session:
At 9:06 PM, it was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to go into closed session for the superintendent's evaluation under the provisions of code of Iowa 21.5.1.i: to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless an era parable injury so that individuals reputation and that individual request a close session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane, Jennifer
At 9:45 PM it was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to exit the closed session. The motion was approved unanimously.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2021.11.15
Minutes - 2021.11.15Minutes
Board of Directors’ Organizational Meeting
November 15, 2021
6:25 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call to Order:
Board Secretary Nicole McCarville called the meeting to order at 6:23 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School and presided over the meeting. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Duane Horsley (via Zoom), Karen Friedlein, and Kristen Lundstrom (board member elect). Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, Craig Rowedder, Kirk Christensen, Roxanne Aden, and Carla Hensen. Others present: Nathan Konz, Amy Whitver, Kris Boeckman, Sarah Stortz, Jennifer Munson, Drew Munson, Jane Demey, and Dylan Demey.
New Board Members Oath of Office:
Board Secretary McCarville administered the oath of office to elected board members Kristen Lundstrom and Duane Horsley.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Organizational Meeting:
- Election of Officers –
- President: Board Secretary McCarville asked for nominations for the office of President. Nominations received: Cindy Johnson. All board members unanimously voted for Cindy Johnson to serve as president for the 21-22 year. Secretary McCarville administered the oath of office to newly elected Board President Cindy Johnson.
- Vice President: Board Secretary McCarville asked for nominations for the office of Vice President. Nominations received: Onica Ulveling. All board members unanimously voted for Onica Ulveling to serve as Vice President for the 21-22 year. Secretary McCarville administered the oath of office to newly elected Vice President Onica Ulveling.
President Cindy Johnson took over presiding the organizational meeting.
- Establish Regular Meeting Schedule for 2021-2022
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to hold regularly scheduled board meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month at 5:30p.m in the Board Room at Adams Elementary with the continued agenda structure of consent agenda and topics for discussion listed. The motion passed unanimously.
- Code of Ethics: The board reviewed policy 211 Code of Ethics for their role as board of directors of CCSD.
- Committees/Appointments for 2021-2022: The following committees/appointments were recommended by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein. The motion was unanimously approved by the board:
- Transportation Committee: Jeff Cullen and Karen Friedlein
- School Improvement Team: Kristen Lundstrom and Onica Ulveling
- IASB Legislative Network Liaison: Cindy Johnson
- Negotiations Teams:
- CEA: Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein, Nicole McCarville, Casey Berlau
- CESA: Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein, Nicole McCarville, Casey Berlau
- Labor Committee: Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein
- Calendar Fact-Finding Committee: Kristen Lundstrom
Public Forum:
Carroll High School students Drew Munson and Dylan Demey addressed the board regarding the 7 class requirement in the handbook as well as the PE requirement. They presented recommended revisions to the handbook and asked that the board put an agenda item on the December regular board meeting to discuss.
Two donations were presented for acceptance: $1,500 from Leer, Inc. to the general fund and scrap metal from Ty Healy/Biokinemetrics to the agriculture sciences program. It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to accept the donations. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Report:
A. Superintendent Report: Dr. Berlau presented some updates on the facility master planning RFP, COVID numbers in the district, the OSHA vaccine ETS, and possible dates for working sessions with TeamWorks and IASB for board development/strategic planning. Karinne Tharaldson gave an update on professional development activities that have been going on in the district.
B. Early Graduation: CHS Principal Tammie McKenzie presented the following list for graduation at semester pending completion of graduation requirements: Brooke Fortner, Jordan Johnston, Allison Rickers, Chloey Steffes, Dani Loneman, Josh Chumbley, Alanna Schuur, David Gonzales, Rebecca Armentrout, Jacey Vonnahme, Zachary Tornow, Damarius Billmeier, Chase Dirkx, Donte Fennell, Austin Fisher, Celeste Gonzales-Galvan, Alex Jansonius, and Kyle McKinsey. It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the list for graduation pending completion of graduation requirements. The motion passed unanimously.
C. General Accreditation Exemption: It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Kristen Lundstrom to apply for the General Accreditation Standard Exemption for physical education for the 2022-2023 year for grades 9 through 12. The motion passed unanimously
D. Teacher Associate Agreements with Kuemper: It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the teacher associate agreements with Kuemper and the motion passed unanimously.
E. AEA Board of Director Ballot for Director District #3: It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the AEA Board of Director Ballot for Director District #3 presented by Karen Friedlein. The motion passed unanimously.
F. First Reading of Board Policies: The following policies were presented for their first reading:
708 - School Student Transportation Eligibility
708R1 - Student Conduct on School Transportation
708.1R1 - Use of Recording Devices on School Buses Regulation
712 - Extra-Curricular Activities - Bus Service
714 - Summer Program Bus Service
717 - General Specifications for New Buildings and Sites
721 - Employee-Owned Furnishings and Equipment In Buildings and Work Areas
722 - Asbestos Containing Materials
924.1 - Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowd funding
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the first reading of the policies. The motion passed unanimously.
The following policies were recommended to be deleted:
711 - Exceptions to Distance Requirement
715 - Transportation Insurance Program
715R1 -Transportation Insurance Program Regulation
716R1 - Maintenance Program Regulation
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the removal of these policies. The motion passed unanimously.
Business Office Report:
- SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request:
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the filing of the SBRC modified supplemental aid request in the amount of $140,960 for open enrolled out students. The motion passed unanimously.
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the filing of the SBRC modified supplemental aid request in the amount of $3,035.34 for LEP instruction beyond 5 years. The motion passed unanimously.
- Request for Modified Allowable Growth for LEP Excess Costs:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the request for modified allowable growth for LEP Excess Costs of $14,997.21. The motion passed unanimously.
- Capital Outlay:
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Kristen Lundstrom to approve the bids for 5 separate projects related to the food service program to be paid by the nutrition fund:
Fairview Braising Pan – Rapids Wholesale = $22,727
CHS Braising Pan and Storage – Rapids Wholesale = $40,741
CMS Heated Cabinet and Storage – Rapids Wholesale = $21,191
CHS Dry Storage and Shelving – Rapids Wholesale = $13,273
Adams Heated Cabinet – Rapids Wholesale = $3,100
The motion passed unanimously.
- Food Service wage adjustment:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the proposal from Nicole McCarville and Sara Anderson for an increase in wages for food service department staff for a total projected cost to the 21-22 fiscal year of $29,717. The motion passed unanimously.
- Bus Drive Incentive:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the proposal from Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville for an incentive to bus drivers driving routes, not to exceed $29,000 total for the 2021-2022 year. The motion passed unanimously.
- Permission to obtain bids for a Special Education Bus:
Dr. Berlau requested permission to obtain bids for a Special Education Bus equipped with an appropriate lift to meet the needs of some of our students. It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the request to seek bids and the motion passed unanimously.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
November 15, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call to Order:
Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley (via Zoom) and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville (Board Secretary), Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, Craig Rowedder, Kirk Christensen, Roxanne Aden, and Carla Hensen. Others present: Kristen Lundstrom, Nathan Konz, Amy Whitver, Chris and Sara Rodman, Kris Boeckman and Sarah Stortz.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Closed Session:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to enter into closed session at 5:31p.m. under Iowa Code 21.5(1)i “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session”. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. The board returned to open session at 5:45p.m.
Consider Approval of Resignation and Separation Agreement:
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the resignation received from the contracted CCSD employee with last day employed of 2/4/22. The motion passed unanimously.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to accept and approve the separation agreement between CCSD and the resigning employee. The motion passed unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the October 21, 2021 Board Meeting
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $254,917.36
Student Activity Fund $32,979.99
Management Fund: $878.59
Local Option Sales Tax $19,130.42
Nutrition Fund $47,901.12
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $3,481.87
Scholarship Fund $1,749.76
Debt Service Fund (UMB) $329,665.20
C. Resignation
D. Principal Reports
H. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Consider Recommendation from Superintendent to Waive Ineligibility Period for Open Enrolled Student in to CCSD:
Dr. Berlau recommended waiving the ineligibility period for a CCSD student open-enrolled in from East Sac County School District for the 21-22 school year wishing to participate in wrestling. The waiver is a newer rule in Iowa and applies in this case if both the boards of the resident and receiving districts agree to waive. The resident district waived the ineligibility period at one of their previous meetings. It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to waive the ineligibility period for this student. The motion passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
- Voluntary Retirement: After discussion of CCSD’s voluntary retirement plan, it was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Cindy Johnson to not offer the voluntary retirement benefit for the end of the 21-22 school year. The motion passed unanimously.
- Stadium-Video Board: Board President Friedlein recommended the board discuss the video board of the stadium. After discussion of the logo on the video board, it was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Karen Friedlein to remove the Carroll Tiger logo from the video board and work with Kuemper and the Chamber to find a different logo to put up. The motion passed unanimously.
- Second Reading of board policies: It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the second reading of policies:
- 705.2 School Bus Passenger Restraints
- 709 Bus Service – Special Education Program
- 709.1 – Transporting of Students by Employees
The motion passed unanimously.
- Personnel:
- Patrick Rabbitt recommended Jade Worley for a severe and profound 6.75 hour teacher associate position at Fairview at a rate of $13.52/hour ($13.32 severe & profound base plus $0.20 for experience).
- Randy Bissen recommended Josh Lucken for the Freshmen Baseball coaching position. Josh has 3 years of experience coaching baseball and would be on Step 7 receiving $2,839.
- Randy Bissen recommended Josh Peter for a 7th Grade Girls’ Basketball coaching position. Josh has no previous basketball coaching experience and would be on Step 0 receiving $1,795.
- Randy Bissen recommended Kirk Christensen for a 7th Grade Boys’ Basketball coaching position. Kirk has 15 years of basketball coaching experience and would be on Step 31 receiving $2,898.
- Jeff Cullen recommended Steph Conger for a noon bus route, increasing her contract by 2.5 hours per day at her current route rate of $19.22/hour
Contract Modification:
- Jerry Raymond recommended that Tanya Jackson’s letter of assignment be increased 15 minutes per day to 7.25 hours to be at school with a student who has a one-to-one assignment.
- Randy Bissen recommended Amy Madsen for a volunteer position with the middle school cheerleaders.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Cindy Johnson to approve the hiring recommendations, contract modification and volunteer. The motion passed unanimously.
Review Election Results:
Board Secretary McCarville reviewed the November 2nd, 2021 CCSD Board of Director election results. Results were as follows:
Duane Horsley – 1,506 votes
Kristen Lundstrom – 1,534 votes
Jennifer Munson – 1,221 votes
Salissou Sani Saidou – 594 votes
Scattering – 32 votes
Total – 4,887 votes
The results were canvassed on November 8, 2021 and approved by the Carroll County Board of Supervisors and ex-officio County Board of Canvassers. It was declared that Duane Horsley and Kristen Lundstrom were duly elected for the office of CCSD Board of Director for the term of 4 years. Board President and other board members thanked Jennifer Munson for her years of services to the CCSD Board.
It was moved by Jennifer Munson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.11.29
Minutes - 2021.11.29Minutes
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
November 29, 2021
04:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 04:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Nicole McCarville. Others present: Nathan Konz, Amy Whitver.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund: Alliant Energy, natural gas $758.63 Education, services $8,750.00
Woodriver Energy, natural gas $9,490.09
Total $18,998.72
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the bill list. The motion passed unanimously.
The following resignation was presented for approval:
- Paul Dern wishes to resign from his bus driving position.
The following hiring recommendation was presented:
- Jake Gute was recommended for hire as the fall play musical director/pit orchestra lead.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Proposal for Facility Master Plan for Carroll CSD:
Dr. Casey Berlau presented the facility committee’s recommendation to accept the Facility Master Planning proposal from DLR Group at a cost of $28,000. It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the bid from DLR Group at a cost of $28,000 for Facility Master Planning services for the district. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 4:37p.m. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2021.12.15
Minutes - 2021.12.15 mkohorst@carro… Tue, 12/14/2021 - 16:12Minutes - 2021.12.20
Minutes - 2021.12.20Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
December 20, 2021
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School and presided over the meeting. Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein, and Kristen Lundstrom. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, and Patrick Rabbitt. Others present: Nathan Konz, Trevor Babcock.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the November 15, 2021 Regular Meeting, November 15, 2021 Organizational Meeting and November 29, 2021 Special Meeting
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $231,533.46
Student Activity Fund $42,571.97
Local Option Sales Tax $58,355.63
Nutrition Fund $45,216.77
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $7,330.28
Debt Service Fund $800.00
C. Resignations
D. Principal Reports
E. Contract for Fire Inspection Services
F. Board Policy Revisions (2nd Reading)
708 - School Student Transportation Eligibility
708R1 - Student Conduct on School Transportation
708.1R1 - Use of Recording Devices on School Buses Regulation
712 - Extra-Curricular Activities - Bus Service
714 - Summer Program Bus Service
717 - General Specifications for New Buildings and Sites
721 - Employee-Owned Furnishings and Equipment in Buildings and Work Areas
722 - Asbestos Containing Materials
924.1 - Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowd funding
G. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Public Forum:
Nobody addressed the Board for the public forum.
A donation from the Breda American Legion Auxiliary Unit 607 for $50 to the CHS Media Center was presented for acceptance. It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to accept the donation. The motion passed unanimously.
Personnel Report:
- Patrick Rabbit is recommending Megan Dentlinger for a Severe Profound- Special Ed teacher associate position at Fairview and if approved would work 6.75 hours per day. She would be paid $13.52 per hour (the beginning wage of $13.32 for sever profound plus $0.20 for 2 years of experience). Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Jill Grabenbauer for a special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School and if approved she would work 7 hours per day. She would be paid $12.75 per hour (the beginning wage of $12.25 for special education plus $0.30 for holding a degree plus $0.20 for 4 years of experience). Approval is recommended.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the recommendations and the motion passed unanimously.
What’s Happening in the Classroom
CHS student Sophia Polking presented to the board regarding 2 statewide leadership opportunities that she is participating in.
Administrative Report:
A. Superintendent Report
B. Board Calendar for the rest of 2021-2022
The board discussed the calendar for the rest of the 2021-2022 school year, including adding a work session to the calendar each month on the first Monday of the month. The work session will be used to discuss (but not act) on topics that are on the month’s regular meeting agenda.
C . Board Committees
The board discussed the committee of the board and possibly adding a community engagement committee.
D. Consider request from MidAmerican Energy for an Easement: Dr. Berlau presented an easement request from MidAmerican for a utility project they are working on. It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the request and the motion passed unanimously.
E. Consider reversing the April 2020 suspension of Board Policy 508 Graduation Requirements for a CHS Diploma, Board Policy 508.R1 Course Requirements for a CHS Diploma, and Board Policy 508R2 Course Requirements for a Career Diploma. Dr. Berlau recommended the reversal of the suspension of these policies. It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to reverse the suspension of the 508, 508.R1 and 508R2 and the motion passed unanimously.
F. Board Policy Revision- 1st Reading
The following policies were presented for 1st reading of revisions:
107 Assistance Animals
201 Organization of the Board of Directors
525 Student Complaints and Grievances
472 Sick Leave
DELETE: 318 Communication Channel
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the first reading of the policies listed with the deletion of policy 318. The motion passed unanimously.
Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay:
- Website Hosting – Dr. Berlau presented bids for a new website hosting platform that also integrates with an app. Dr. Berlau and Craig Rowedder recommended the bid from Apptegy at a cost of $17,900. It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the bid from Apptegy for $17,900. The motion passed unanimously.
- Bus Bids – Dr. Berlau presented bids for a new special education bus. Dr. Berlau and Jeff Cullen recommended the bid from Hoagland at a cost of $130,000. It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the bid from Hoagland for $130,000. The motion passed unanimously.
- At-Risk/Dropout Prevention funding application for 2022-23:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the modified supplemental amount of $543,304 for at-risk/dropout prevention funding. The motion passed unanimously.
- Budget Updates
- Resolution for authorized signers on banking/investment accounts:
“The CCSD Board resolves that Cindy Johnson, Board President, be added as an authorized signer on district banking and investment accounts in place of past president Karen Friedlein. Other authorized signers are David Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, and LeAnn Kock.” The resolution was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling and passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2021.12.22
Minutes - 2021.12.22 mkohorst@carro… Mon, 12/20/2021 - 10:22Minutes - 2021.12.8
Minutes - 2021.12.8Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting & Work Session
December 8, 2021
05:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board Vice President Onica Ulveling called the meeting to order at 05:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Karinne Tharaldson, Patrick Rabbitt, Crystal Boes and Jill Greiman. Visitor present was Dennis Cheesebrow with TeamWorks International.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Work Session:
The Board and administrative team went into a work session with TeamWorks International on strategic planning. Board President Cindy Johnson arrived to the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 8:07p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2021.12.9
Minutes - 2021.12.9Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting & Work Session
December 9, 2021
05:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 05:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Karinne Tharaldson, Crystal Boes and Jill Greiman. Visitor present was Dennis Cheesebrow with TeamWorks International.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Work Session:
The Board and administrative team went into a work session with TeamWorks International on strategic planning.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.1.17
Minutes - 2022.1.17Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School and presided over the meeting.
Public Forum:
No one present to address the Board for the public forum.
Roll Call:
Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom and Onica Ulveling.
Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Tammie McKenzie, Patrick Rabbitt, Jerry Raymond, Karinne Tharaldson and LeAnn Kock. Others present: Nathan Konz and Trevor Babcock.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Horsley, seconded by Ulveling, to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the December 8, 2021 and December 9, 2021 Meetings/Work Sessions and December 20, 2021 Regular Meeting.
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $739,532.91
Student Activity Fund $37,693.83
Nutrition Fund $36,819.89
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $2,585.68
C. Resignations
D. Board Policy Revisions (2nd Reading)
The following policies were presented for 2nd reading of revisions:
107 – Assistance Animals
201 – Organization of the Board of Directors
212 – Exempt Meetings
236 – Board meeting Agenda
239 – Closed Sessions
525 – Student Complaints and Grievances
910 – Employee Complaints
472 – Sick Leave
E. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
On a motion by Horsley, seconded by Friedlein, the Consent Agenda was approved as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Follow Up on District Mission, Vision, Beliefs:
The Board tabled until February 7th, 2022 Work Session.
Personnel Report:
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Kayla Dammann for a special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School and if approved would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
- Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Cassandra (Kayce) Pudenz for a special education teacher associate at Fairview and if approved she would work 6.75 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Blake Fiferlick for an AM and PM contracted bus driving position and, if approved, would work approximately 4 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Margaret Gruba for the shuttle driver position and, if approved, would work approximately 5 hours per day. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Clare Nagl for an activity bus driver position pending receipt of a DOT physical and a clear background check. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Gary Magill for an activity bus driver position pending receipt of a DOT physical and a clear background check. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend John Bernholtz for an activity bus driver position pending receipt of a DOT physical and a clear background check. Approval is recommended.
It was moved by Horsley, seconded Friedlein to approve the recommendations. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Administrative Report:
- Superintendent Report
- Consider approval of revisions to Teacher Leadership and Compensation Plan
It was moved by Friedlein, seconded by Horsley, to approve the revisions to the Teacher Leadership and Compensation Plan with future changes. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Consider approval of staffing plan for 2022-2023
It was moved by Horsley, seconded by Ulveling, to approve the staffing plan for 2022-2023. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
D. Consider approval of Job Descriptions:
Teacher – Media Specialist
Teacher – Science – Elementary
Teacher – Industrial Arts
Teacher – Transitional Kindergarten
Teacher – Physical Education
Teacher – Elementary Interventionist
Social Worker – District
Curriculum Coordinator
Curriculum Lead
Instructional Mentor
It was moved Friedlein, seconded by Horsley, to approve the Job Descriptions as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Consider approval of Athletic Sharing Agreement: Audubon – Girls Soccer
It was moved by Horsley, seconded by Ulveling, to approve an Athletic Sharing Agreement with Audubon CSD for Girls Soccer. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Consider approval of date, place and time for public hearing on the 2022-2023 School Calendar
It was moved by Ulveling, seconded by Friedlein, to approve Monday, February 21st at 5:30 P.M. in the Board Room, Adams Elementary for the public hearing on the 2022-2023 School Calendar. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Consider approval of new courses for the 2022-2023 school year
It was moved by Ulveling, seconded by Lundstrom, to approve the new courses for the 2022-2023 school year as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Approve resolution to request additional funding for statewide voluntary preschool enrollment increase in the 2021-2022 school year
It was moved by Friedlein, seconded by Ulveling, to approve the resolution to request additional funding for statewide voluntary preschool enrollment increase for the 2021-2022 school year. The resolution is as follows: “As part of the district's response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for funding related to FY22 SWVPP increased enrollment in the amount of $75,883.50.” The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Consider request to revise board policy 509 – Registration Requirements and Case Load
It was moved by Horsley, seconded Friedlein, to approve a revision to board policy 509 – Registration Requirements and Case Load. The motion failed on a 3-2 vote with Horsley and Friedlein voting in favor and Johnson, Lundstrom and Ulveling voting against.
- Consider reversing the Suspension of Board Policies: 555 Commencement; Suspension of Board Policy 915R2 – Use or Rental of CHS Gymnasium
It was moved by Horsley, seconded by Lundstrom, to reverse Board policy 555 Commencement and Suspension of Board Policy 915R2 – Use or Rental of CHS Gymnasium. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Board Policy Review - 1st Reading
The following policies were presented for 1st reading of revisions:
800 Statement of Guiding Principles
801 Planning the Budget
802 Budget as a Spending Plan
803 Transfer of Funds
804 Fund Balance Reporting
805 Local – State – Federal – Miscellaneous Revenue
808 Cash in School Building
809 Gifts, Grants and Bequests
810 Depository of Funds
811 Investments
812 Emergency Repairs
It was moved by Ulveling, seconded by Friedlein, to approve the first reading of the policies listed. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Delete 502R3 Request for Remote Learning
Delete 718 Placement of Christmas Decorations in School Buildings
Delete 807 Sale and Purchase of Goods and Services
It was moved by Horsley, seconded by Ulveling, to approve the deletion of policies 502R3, 718 and 807. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
- February 1 – Iowa Association of School Board’s Day on the Hill
- February 7 – Board work session
- February 14 – No School – Professional Development
- February 28 – Board Work Session on Superintendent Evaluation
- March 7th and 10th – Parent Teacher Conferences
- March 11 – No School – PreWorked Contract Day
It was moved by Friedlein, seconded by Ulveling, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 P.M. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.1.3
Minutes - 2022.1.3Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes
January 3, 2022
5:30 P.M. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School and presided over the meeting.
Roll Call:
Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson and Onica Ulveling.
Board members absent: Kristen Lundstrom.
Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie and LeAnn Kock.
Others present: Roxanne Aden, Ann Slechta, Kyle Stevens, Carla Henson, Sara Anderson, Sandra Redlinger, Drew Munson, Dylan DeMey, Mike McCaffrey, Amy Whitver, Nathan Konz and Trevor Babcock.
Approval of Agenda:
The Board agenda was approved on a motion by Friedlein, seconded by Ulveling. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Consider Adoption of Board Policy 413.1 – Employee Vaccination/Testing Requirements:
After discussion the Board elected not to take action on the policy. A meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, January 10, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. to consider this policy.
Work Session:
- Learning pathways and increasing academic requirements and supports in the Carroll CSD.
- Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) plan.
- Staffing Plan for 2022-23.
On a motion by Ulveling, seconded by Friedlein, unanimous consent, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 P.M.
Minutes - 2022.2.21
Minutes - 2022.2.21Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
February 21, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School and presided over the meeting. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Patrick Rabbitt, Jeff Dvorak and Tom Borchers. Others present as members of the public: Amy Whitver, Trevor Babcock, Kris Boeckman, Roxanne Aden, Jennifer Holm-Gradoville, KC Meiners.
Public Forum:
Nobody addressed the Board for the public forum.
Roll Call:
Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Duane Horsley, Kristen Lundstrom, Karen Friedlien, and Onica Ulveling
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing:
Karen Friedlien moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to open the public the hearing on the 2022-2023 school calendar. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. No comments or discussion was presented on the calendar as presented. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlien seconded to close the public hearing on the 2022-2023 school calendar. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
CEA Opening Proposal:
Tom Borchers, representing the Carroll Education Association “CEA”, presented the CEA’s opening offer for the 2022-2023 wage negotiations with an opening offer of a 5% package increase and recognizing the CEA as the bargaining unit through 2024.
CCSD Opening Proposal to CEA:
Dr. Berlau presented the CCSD opening offer to CEA of a $110 base wage increase (total package of 1.5% or $170,822, assuming at 6.7% insurance increase) for a one year agreement thru 6/30/2023.
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of the January 3, 2022 and January 17, 2022 meetings
B. Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $363,420.38
Student Activity Fund $29,128.09
Management Fund $2,143.00
PPEL Fund $325,982.22
Local Option Sales Tax $13,743.48
Nutrition Fund $53,222.80
C. Resignations
D. Field Trips
E. Board Policy Revisions (2nd Reading)
800 Statement of Guiding Principles
803 Transfer of Funds
805 Local - State - Federal - Miscellaneous Revenue
809 Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
F. Reports from Superintendent, Director of Teaching and Learning, and Building Principals
G. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlien to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Donations from the Trinity Episcopal Church for $500 to Fairview Elementary, Tom & Sherry Reiter for $50 to the CMS Media Center in memory Mary Keat, and from Subway for $439.50 for the sandwiches for wrestling officials/workers at the CHS wrestling invite were presented for acceptance. It was moved by Karen Friedlien and seconded by Onica Ulveling to accept the donation. The motion passed unanimously.
Personnel Report:
1. Randy Bissen is recommending Ann Vincent and Kim Lee for Prom Coordinator positions. If approved each would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $831. Approval is recommended.
2. Jeff Dvorak is recommending Eric Hahn for the snow removal position. Eric is currently a MS coach for us. If approved Eric would be paid $13.00 per hour. Approval is recommended.
3. Jeff Dvorak is recommending Jeff Tiefenthaler for a custodial position at Carroll High School. If approved Jeff would work 8 hours per day and receive $12.75 per hour. Jeff would fill an open evening shift. Approval is recommended retroactive to January 19th.
4. Jeff Cullen is recommending Amber Arkland for the Bus Washing Technician position. If approved Amber would work 2 to 3 Hours per day at $10.00. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
5. Jill Greiman and Karinne Tharaldson are recommending Carol Crampton for the District Social Worker position. Carol has 29 years of experience in the mental health and counseling field. If approved Carol would be on Step 30 of the BA lane of the 2022-2023 salary schedule. The wage on the 2021-2022 salary schedule would be $59,769 (Base of $53,002, TSS of $948, and TSS of $5,819). If approved she would work 190 days. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
6. Pat Rabbitt is recommending Brooke Eischeid for the Transitional Kindergarten position. Brooke has 4 years of experience. If approved Brooke would be on Step 9 of the BA lane of the 2022-2023 salary schedule. The wage on the 2021-2022 salary schedule would be $45,685 (Base of $39,166, TSS of $700, and TSS of $5,819) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. If approved she would work 190 days. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
7. Randy Bissen is recommending Jaxon Heinz for the Head Girls Golf Position. He has 0 years paid experience but was an all-conference golfer in high school, golfed a semester at college, and is a scratch golfer now. He will do a great job leading our girls’ golf program. If approved he would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $3,324. Approval is recommended.
- Crystal Boes is recommending Carrie Hampton for the Elementary Science instructor position. Carrie is currently on Step 7 of the BA lane of the salary schedule and if approved would be on Step 8 of the BA lane of the 2022-2023 salary schedule for this position. Approval is recommended.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlien to approve the recommendations and the motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Report:
A. Discussion of District Mission, Vision and Values
B. Job Descriptions
Dr. Berlau presented two revised job descriptions for the Secretary – Elementary Building and Head Custodian for Middle School and Fairview positions. The board reviewed the descriptions and with two minor recommendations (adding computer skills to the secretary position and adding the word safe in a sentence in the custodian position), it was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlien to approve the job descriptions. The motion passed unanimously.
C. 2022-2023 School Calendar
Dr. Berlau presented the 2022-2023 school calendar that was developed by the calendar committee representing CCSD, Kuemper and Ar-We-Va staff and families. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlien seconded to approve calendar as presented.
D. Approve School Improvement Advisory Council: Dr. Berlau presented the School Improvement Advisory Council members for approval. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlien seconded to approve the committee as presented.
E. Consider request to dispose of 2003 Freightliner School Bus. Dr. Berlau asked for board approval to dispose of a 2003 Freightliner School Bus through the use of an online auction service. Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to allow the district to dispose of the 2003 Freightliner thru the use of an online auction service.
Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay:
- Tractors – Jeff Dvorak presented two bids for a new multipurpose tractor to replace an existing older tractor due to maintenance costs and performance issues. He presented a bid from Rueters for $47,792 and from John Deere for $54,115. He also presented a lease option from Rueters for an additional tractor that would allow for more flexibility and efficiency from his staff for a cost of $20/engine hour for approximately 100-150 engine hours. It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the Rueters bid for the Kubota MX6000 at $47,792 as well as the lease at $20/engine hour for a CaseIH Farmall 115A. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
- Bus Bids – Dr. Berlau presented a bid for installation of a new projector and mount for the CHS auditorium. DB Acoustics provided bids on three different projectors and it was recommended based on our usage to use an 8000 lumen projector. The bid for the 8000 lumen projector with installation and wireless connection for presenting was $16,895. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlien seconded to approve the bid. The motion passed unanimously.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.2.7
Minutes - 2022.2.7Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting & Work Session
February 7, 2021
05:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 05:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Karinne Tharaldson, Patrick Rabbitt, and Crystal Boes. Public members Cassie Burke and Candace Gross were present.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Work Session:
The Board and administrative team went into a work session with a presentation from the Elementary admin team and then discussion on the District Mission, Vision, and Values.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 6:51p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.3.21
Minutes - 2022.3.21Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
March 21, 2022
5:30 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
- CALL MEETING TO ORDER – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM
- PUBLIC FORUM – Nobody address the Board for the public forum.
- ROLL CALL – Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Karen Friedlein, and Duane Horsley. CCSD Administrators present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Tammie McKenzie, Karinne Tharaldson, and Jerry Raymond. Others present (staff and public): Justin McCool, Trevor Babcock, KC Meiners, Todd Louwagie, Carmen Schimmer, Todd Schimmer, Roxanne Aden, Cathy Smith, Deb Grote, Carla Henson, Debbie Mohr, Tanya Jackson, Beth Wenck
- APPROVE AGENDA – Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- CESA OPENING PROPOSAL – Todd Louwagie of ISEA representing CESA presented the opening offer for 2022-2023 with: $1.00 increase to starting and current wages for Teacher Associates, an increase from $0.30 to $0.50 for certificate bonus for Teacher Associates, a $1.00 increase to starting wages for the Route and Activity Drivers, and a range of $0.25-$9.20 of current Route Driver wages for a total salary increase for the group of 8.48% and package increase of 8.09% (or $211,616.14).
- CARROLL CSD OPENING PROPOSAL – Dr. Berlau presented the CCSD opening offer to CESA for the 2022-2023 school year which included a $0.05 across the board increase for a package increase of 1.74%.
- APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH CARROLL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION FOR 2022-2023 – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the CEA contract for 2022-2023 which included $825 increase to base wages for a salary package increase of 2.55% and package increase of 3.31% and cost of $375,233. The motion passed unanimously.
- Minutes from February 7, 2022 and February 21, 2022
- Bill List General Fund #1, General Fund #2, Activity Fund #1, Activity Fund #2
- Resignations
- Items withdrawn from Consent Agenda
- Field Trips- None presented
- Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals
- Agreement with University of Northern Iowa to host student teachers
- Agreement with Morningside University to host student teachers
- Agreement with The Regents Alternative Pathway to Iowa Licensure (RAPIL)
- AEA Purchasing Agreement - The food service department has the opportunity to enter into an agreement with AEA to purchase food and equipment at reduced rates.
- Board Policy Review - The board will have a First Reading of the following board policies:
913- Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
914- Public Conduct on School Premises
915- Use or Rental of Facilities
916- Loan of School Equipment
Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
- DONATIONS Steve Klocke would like to donate record boards to be posted in the wrestling room in memory of his father, George Klocke. Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to accept the donation. The motion passed unanimously
1. Jerry Raymond is recommending Steven Bieret for the CMS 8th Grade Social Studies teacher position for the 2022-2023 school year. Steven is a graduate of Buena Vista University in Secondary Education in All Social Sciences (Grades 5-12). If approved Steven would be on the BA step 2 receiving a salary of $41,964 ($35,527 base plus $618 TSS plus $5,819 TSS). Steven will also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
2. Casey Berlau is recommending Daniel Cordova Gonzalez for an ESL Instructor position for 2022-2023. Daniel received his BA from Universidad Madero and his MA from Universidad de las Americas. Daniel has been teaching at Kuemper High School and prior to that he taught at Eastern Iowa Community College. If approved Daniel would be on the MA lane Step 10 receiving a salary of $50,235 ($43,657 base plus $759 TSS plus $5,819 TSS). Daniel will also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended.
3. Randy Bissen is recommending Brian Grooms for a 7th grade boy's track coaching position. Brian has no pervious paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would be paid $1,662. Approval is recommended.
4. Randy Bissen is recommending Tyler Swope for a Middle School boy's track coaching position. Tyler has no pervious paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would be paid $1,662. Approval is recommended.
5. Randy Bissen is recommending Josh Peter for a Middle School boy's track coaching position. Josh has no pervious paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would be paid $1,662. Approval is recommended.
1. The board approved Carrie Hampton on February 21, 2022 for the Elementary Science position for the 2022-2023 school year. The board approved Carrie at Step 8 of the BA lane for 2022-2023. Teachers are not advancing a Step for 2022-2023 so Carrie will be on Step 7 for 2022-2023.
1. Rachel Wittry will move to the CHS Special Education - Strat I position at CHS for the 2022-2023 school year.
2. Jodi Handlos will move from her 6th grade instructor position to the CMS STEM position for the 2022-2023 school year
1. Randy Bissen is recommending Samantha Vonnahme as a volunteer with the girl’s golf program. Approval of volunteer is recommended.
Duane Horsley motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
- Job Description Review:
1. Teacher - Middle School Social Studies
2. Teacher - STEM
3. Sponsor: Mock Trial at CMS
4. Sponsor: Mock Trial at CHS
5. Sponsor: History Day
6. Director of Special Education
7. Elementary Principal
Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein moved and seconded, respectively, to approve the job descriptions. The motion passed unanimously.
- Consider New Courses for CHS – Tammie McKenzie, CHS Principal, presented a proposal to offer 2 new science classes and 4 new Physical Education classes for the 2022-2023 school year. Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the proposed CHS classes for the 2022-2023 year. The motion passed unanimously.
- DMACC Courses of 2022-2023 – The proposed DMACC course offerings for 2022-2023 were presented. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the DMACC courses for the 2022-2023 year. Kristen Lundstrom abstained from voting. The motion passed 4-0.
- Administrative Structure Plan for 2022-2023 school year – Dr. Berlau presented his plan for administrators for the 2022-2023 year with the resignation of 2 building principals and the CHS Student Services Coordinator. His plan presented included replacing the Student Services Coordinator with an Assistant Principal or Dean of Students at CHS. For the elementary schools, he proposed going from a Principal and Assistant Principal covering both Fairview and Adams to a Principal at Fairview and a Principal/Director of Special Education position for principal duties at Adams and Director of Special Ed duties for the entire district. Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the proposed administrator plan for 2022-2023. The motion passed unanimously.
- FFA Farm Leases for 2022
1. Farm Lease with Kuemper
2. Farm Lease with Todd Rueter
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the farm leases with Kuemper and Todd Rueter. The motion passed unanimously.
- Present draft of 2022-2023 Certified Budget – Nicole presented the draft of the 2022-2023 certified budget, which shows a property tax levy of 9.48541 compared to levy rate from FY22 of 9.4685.
- Set date, time and location for public hearing for certified budget – The Board set a public hearing date and time of Wednesday April 6th at 12:00 PM at the Adams Elementary Board Room for the FY23 certified budget as well as the FY22 revised budget.
- Bids for gate replacement at bus barn
Bid #1 – American Fence Co $18,433
Bid #2 – Tigges Overhead Doors $12,110.06
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the bid from Tigges Overhead Doors for $12,110.06 for the gate replacement at the bus barn. The motion passed unanimously.
- Budget Reports
13. ADJOURNMENT – Cindy Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 PM, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.3.7
Minutes - 2022.3.7Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting & Work Session
March 7, 2021
05:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 05:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present were Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, and Kristen Lundstrom. Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein were absent. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Karinne Tharaldson, and Nicole McCarville. Others present: KC Meiners, Trevor Babcock, Amy Whitver, Roxanne Aden, Candace Gross, and Sara Anderson.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Kristen Lundstrom to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Personnel Report:
Dr. Berlau presented the following personnel recommendations:
1. Kelly Borchers wishes to resign from her Academic Competitions Moderator position.
2. Shelley Helmich wishes to resign from her 7th grade volleyball coaching position.
3. Sonia Walsh wishes to resign from her positions as: Head Drama, Assistant Large Group Speech Coach, Assistant Individual Speech Coach. Sonia has worked in these positions for 11 years.
4. Bob Brown wishes to resign from his bus driving position. Bob has driven bus for CCSD for 8 years.
1. Karinne Tharaldson is recommending Kelli Schulz and Ryan Simmelink for Curriculum Coordinator positions for 2022-2023. If approved Kelli and Ryan would receive $15,000 in addition to their teaching contract salary.
2. Karinne Tharaldson is recommending Sandy Kluver and Linsey Pick for Instructional Mentor positions for 2022-2023. If approved Sandy and Linsey would receive $10,000 in addition to the teaching contract salary.
3. Karinne Tharaldson is recommending Doug Leiting, Jennifer Swope, Karla Flattery, Trace Murray, Tom Borchers, Kelly Borchers, Nicole Cote, Lindsay Conley, Renee Friedrichsen, Jesse Strong, Peggy McDonald, Jodi Handlos, Rachel Wittry, Holly Warnke, Breeley Cleveland, Kalee Vonnahme, Sara Hamilton, Heather Cornelius Tina Luchtel, Joelle White, and Carrie Hampton for Curriculum Lead positions for 2022-2023. If approved they would receive $5,000 in addition to their teaching contract salary.
4. Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kelly Perrin for Elementary Interventionist position. Kelly is currently on Step 37 of the BA lane of the salary schedule and if approved would be on Step 37 of the BA lane of the 2022-2023 salary schedule for this position.
5. Jerry Raymond is recommending Jacob Thompson for the CMS 1.0 FTE Physical Education teacher position for the 2022-2023 school year. Jacob will graduate from Buena Vista University in May, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education along with a coaching endorsement. The wage on the 2021-2022 salary schedule would be $41,649 (Base of $33,236, TSS of $594, and TSS of $5,819) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. If approved he would work 190 days.
6. Jerry Raymond is recommending Keli Ballantine for the CMS 1.0 FTE STRAT II teacher position for the 2021-2022 school year. Keli will graduate from Buena Vista University in May, with an endorsement in Special Education. She currently holds a degree in Elementary Education. The wage on the 2021-2022 salary schedule would be $41,649 (Base of $33,236, TSS of $594, and TSS of $5,819) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. If approved he would work 190 days.
7. Randy Bissen is recommending Tony Hooper for assistant varsity track coaching position. Tony has 7 years of paid coaching track coaching experience and if approved would be on Step 15 of the salary schedule and would receive $3,234.
Onica Ulveling moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the personnel report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Board Member Duane Horsley joined the meeting at 5:45PM
Work Session:
The Board and administrative team went into a work session on the FY23 draft budget, discussing enrollment projections, expense assumptions, and other factors impacting the FY23 budget.
Staff Retention Bonus:
Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville presented some information on Governor Reynolds’ Teacher Retention Payment that pays eligible teachers a bonus of $1,000 based on certain eligibility requirements. They also discussed their ESSER funding balances and various costs for providing an incentive to other staff not covered under the Teacher Retention Payment. Duane Horsley moved to pay, using ESSER funds as applicable:
- Teachers already receiving the Teacher Retention Payment under Governor Reynolds plan an additional $1,000
- Staff under contract under the CEA not eligible for the Teacher Retention Payment, CESA staff with a contract/letter of assignment, Non-Bargaining staff with a letter of assignment, and Administrators/Directors with a contract/letter of assignment for FY21-22 who are currently employed in good standing with intentions to finish the school year a payment of $2,000;
- Substitutes who have worked at least 5 days in the FY21-22 school year, coaches and sponsors that are not eligible in the previous categories a payment of $500
for a total estimated cost of about $504,000. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 6:27p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.4.18
Minutes - 2022.4.18 mkohorst@carro… Fri, 03/25/2022 - 08:01Minutes - 2022.4.21
Minutes - 2022.4.21Minutes
Carroll Community School Board of Directors’ Regular Meeting
April 21, 2022
5:30 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
Due to the large number of people in attendance for the public forum, the meeting was temporarily moved to the Adams Elementary Cafeteria to accommodate all in attendance.
- CALL MEETING TO ORDER – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30.
- PUBLIC FORUM – The following individuals addressed the Board regarding concerns they have regarding the District: Becky Boes, Kaitlynn Kaufman, Stacey Muhlbauer, Casie Forke-Burke, Candace Gross, Kari Trecker, Pam Austin and Erin Comstock. At the conclusion of the public forum, the meeting returned to the Board Room to continue the business portion of the open meeting.
- ROLL CALL – Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling (via phone), Karen Friedlein, Kristen Lundstrom, and Duane Horsley. CCSD Administrators present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, and Patrick Rabbitt. Many members of the public and media were also in attendance in person and via Zoom.
3. APPROVE AGENDA – Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
1) Minutes from March 7, 2022, March 21, 2022, April 4, 2022 and April 6, 2022.
2) Bill List
General Fund $228,808.19
Activity Fund $51,411.10
SAVE Fund $6,790.00
Management Fund $339.90
PPEL Fund $2,600.89
Food Service Fund $66,198.07
3) Resignations
1. Jennifer Rohrbeck wishes to resign from her Preschool special education teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
2. Melissa Nystrom wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS contingent upon being approved for the 6th grade instructor position.
3. Allison Ergenbright wishes to resign from her 6th-12th grade Family and Consumer Science teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
4. Peg Hamilton wishes to resign from her elementary teaching position at Fairview at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
5. Rick Hamilton wishes to resign from his bus driving position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
6. Kierra Greene wishes to resign from her elementary teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
7. Chelsea Bissen wishes to resign from her high school teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
8. Jennifer Swope wishes to resign from her high school teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
9. Darby Skillern wishes to resign from her elementary teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
10. Brianne Hogenson wishes to resign from her middle school science teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
11. Cayla Morton wishes to resign from her 6-12 Vocal Music teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
12. Paula Finken wishes to resign from her Tiger Zone teacher associate position. She wishes to remain in her teacher associate position (6.75 hours/day) at Fairview.
13. Jaxon Heinz wishes to resign from his freshman boys’ basketball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the JV boys’ basketball coaching position.
14. Josh Peter wishes to resign from his 7th grade girls’ basketball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the 8th grade girls’ basketball coaching position.
15. Michele Jacobson wishes to resign from her position as K-4 music teacher at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
4) 2nd reading of Board Policies:
913- Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
914- Public Conduct on School Premises
915- Use or Rental of Facilities
916- Loan of School Equipment
1st Reading of the following Board Policies:
917 - Use of School Facilities by the City of Carroll
917 R1 - Use of School Facilities by the City of Carroll-Regulation
919 -Use of School Facilities/Buses by Law Enforcement Emergency Preparedness Groups During a Disaster
920 - Use of School Facilities for Camps or Clinics by other than school personnel
921 - Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment
922 - Public Performances by Students
923 - Money Raising Activities in the Schools
924.1 - Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowdfunding
926 - Unmanned Aircrafts - Drones
927 - Parent and Family Engagement Policy
928 - District Operation During Public Emergencies
928R1 - District Operation During Public Emergencies - Regulation
Recommendation to Delete the following policy:
918 - Use of School Facilities by Communities in the District Other Than the City of Carroll
5) Administrative Reports:
Director of Teaching and Learning Report
Elementary Principal’s Report
Middle School Principal’s Report
High School Principal’s Report
6) Items withdrawn from Consent Agenda
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
5. APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH CARROLL EDUCATION SUPPORT ASSOCIATION FOR 2022-2023 Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the agreement with the Carroll Education Association for 2022-2024, which is a two year agreement and includes an $0.85 increase to the base each year and agreed upon wage adjustments for bus drivers, totaling a 6.23% increase in wages and 6.33% package increase. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
6. ADJUSTMENT TO CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY STIPENDS: AGREEMENT WITH CARROLL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the adjustment to the co-curricular fixed stipend position amounts under the Carroll Education Association. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
7. NON-BARGAINING WAGES Duane Horsley motioned and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the non-bargaining wages proposed by labor/finance committee of Dr. Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein as follows: Custodial – 6.33% package increase, Secretarial – 6.33% package increase, Miscellaneous – 6.71% package increase, Food Service – 5.85% package increase (after 6.28% increase on 11/1/2021), Directors – 3.94% package increase, and Administrators, excluding the superintendent – 3.31% package increase. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
8. DONATIONS The CHS Student Senate recently held a “Penny Wars” fundraiser with the proceeds to go to the district towards expenses with the CHS Butterfly Garden and the fundraiser raised $250. Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to accept the $250 donation to be used towards the CHS Butterfly Garden. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Melissa Nystrom for the 6th Grade Classroom teacher position at CMS for the 2022-2023 school year. Melissa is a graduate of Northwestern College with a B.A. degree in Elementary Education. If approved Melissa would be on the BA lane step 6 receiving a salary of $44,721 ($38,237 base plus $665 TSS plus $5,819 TSS). Melissa will also receive a $2,000 signing bonus to be paid over two years. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond and Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Wayne Lu for the 7-12 Instrumental Music position at the CCSD. He has 17 years of experience in public education, 5 years at the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities School of Music, and 1 year as a Professor of horn at Waldorf University. He is an accomplished musician (French Horn) and composer of music and has earned his degrees from the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign and MN - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. If approved he would be on Step 18 of the MA+30 lane and be paid $58,506 and receive a $2,000.00 signing bonus to be paid over two years ($51,786 base plus $901 TSS plus $5,819 TSS). Wayne would receive the stipends for 9-12 Instrumental Music, 7-8 Instrumental Music and 1/2 of Summer Band in addition to the $60,506. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Hannah Pettit for the 5-8 Counseling position at CMS for the 2022-2023 school year. Hannah received her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Ohio, Miami University, and will be receiving her School Counseling degree from the University of Iowa in May of 2022. If approved Hannah would be on the MA step 1 receiving a salary of $44,032 ($37,560 base plus $653 TSS plus $5,819 TSS) plus a $2,000 signing bonus to be paid over two years. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Chloe Gallegos for the 9th grade softball coaching position. Chloe has no prior paid coaching experience. If approved she would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $2,563. Approval is recommended.
- Crystal Boes and Patrick Rabbitt are recommending Kelly Stitz for the elementary Administrative Assistant position at Fairview. If approved Kelly would be paid $13.10 per hour and would work eleven months out of the year. ($13.10 is based on 2021-2022 base pay). Kelly would work eight hours per day. She has previously worked at CCSD as Student Information Specialist and thus has knowledge of Infinite Campus. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Jaxon Heinz for the JV boys’ basketball coaching position. If approved Jaxon would be on Step 1 and would receive $3,137. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Josh Peter for the 8th grade girls’ basketball coaching position. If approved Josh would be on Step 0 and would receive $1,845. Approval is recommended.
8. Jerry Raymond is recommending David Reis for the 5-8 Physical Education position for the 2022-2023 school year. David graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a BS in education and has 8 years of teaching experience. If approved David would be on BA step 9 receiving a salary of $46,788 ($40,269 base plus $700 TSS plus $5,819 TSS) plus a $2,000 signing bonus to be paid over two years. Mr. Reis will apply for a conditional license as he works towards his physical education endorsement. Mr. Reis's contract is contingent on being released from his current teaching contract at the Denison Community School district. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
9. Casey Berlau is recommending Crystal Boes for the Gr. 3-4 Principal and District Special Education Director position. If approved her contract would be a 12 month contract with 20 vacation days. If approved her salary would be $103,000. If approved she would begin July 1, 2022.
1. Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Trace Murray for the elementary (PK-4) Physical Education teacher position (TK-4). Approval of transfer is recommended.
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the personnel recommendations and transfer. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
A. FFA Lease with City of Carroll – Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the FFA Lease with the City of Carroll. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
B. Consider Renewing Cooperative Shared Transportation Director Agreement with Glidden Ralston
C. Consider Renewing Shared Transportation Maintenance Agreement with Glidden Ralston
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve both the Shared Transportation Director Agreement and Shared Transportation Maintenance Agreement with Glidden Ralston. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
D. Consider Job Descriptions:
- Middle School Teacher
- Large Group Speech Sponsor
- Individual Speech Sponsor
- Assistant High School Principal
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the job descriptions. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
E. 2022 - 2023 Cooperative Sharing Athletic Programs
Golf - AWV Swimming - ACGC, AWV, Denison, Glidden, East Sac County, South Central Calhoun, KHS, CR-Bayard
Soccer - South Central Calhoun
Tennis - Kuemper: Kuemper is host school
Cross Country: Kuemper: Kuemper is host school
Golf - AWV
Swimming - ACGC, AWV, Denison, Glidden, East Sac County South Central Calhoun, KHS, CR-Bayard
Soccer - CR-Bayard, AWV, Glidden
Tennis - Kuemper: Kuemper is host school
Cross Country: Kuemper: Kuemper is host school
Karen Friedlein moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the 2022-2023 athletic sharing as presented. The motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.
F. Approval of 2022 Graduates pending meeting the graduation requirements of the CCSD – Tammie McKenzie presented the following list of graduates for May 2022 pending meeting the graduation requirements for CCSD as projected:
Siena Zaeda Argarin, Joselyn Lucia Ayala, Vanessa Del Carmen Ayala, Christian Michael Best, Kailee Jean Birch, Ian Kyle Blackburn, Brody Joseph Boell, Noah Christopher Boell, KalebyEugene Booth, Bryce William Bowman, Alyssa Whitney Brant, Gracie Jeanne Brincks, Riley Marie Brincks, Cassandra Marcia Brown, Devon Raymond Butcher, Gus Paul Collison, Lydia Rose Daniel, Cristina Del Angel, Dylan Ethan DeMey, Elsie Jane Dirkx, Zachary Robert Dirkx, Carter Frank Drake, Eduardo Gabriel Enriquez Rivas, Austin James Fineran, Emily Teresa Freese, Logan Lawrence Fricke, Lucas Lee Gay, Tayonna Zane Gotto, Treven Jeffrey Haberl, Hunter Jay Hansen, Trevor Jacob Hansen, Isabella Marie Hedke, Abigail Michelle Heinrichs, Cody James Helvik, Caleb Joel Hendersen, Micah James Henderson, Brielle Johrden Hinners, Haley Jordan Hoffman, Carson Scott Janning, Conner Robert Jensen, Hannah Rae Jorgensen, Nyawra Dalil Clement Jul, Jordan Joseph Kelly, Heather Elizabeth Kennebeck, Kate Suzanne Kersey, Jayden Janice Kirsch, Addison Marissa Klocke, Caden Thomas Kock, Hope Marie Leber, Elijah Kolacia Lee, Kaitlyn Doreen Leiting, Ethan Matthew Lengeling, Josef Marthinus le Roux, Marissa Marie Lilly, Chloe Grace Ludwig, Nicholas Stephen Macke, Cole Matthew Madden, Nolan Ray Mohr, Tyler Robert Mollhoff, Madison Michelle Moore, Bret Joseph Muhlbauer, Andrew Sterling Munson, Evan Daniel Nelson, Connor Matthew Noess, Gavin David Pedelty, Dillan Reily Peplinski, Mary Katherine Perkins, Savannah Kay Peters, Tanner Adam Pontow, Brittan Elizabeth Pudenz, Saige Catherine Quandt, Kelsie Marie Reicks, Anthony Allan Richardson, Remy Lee Richardson, Sterling Daniel Rodman, Allyson Jane Roiland, Gage Leon Rotert, Ryan James Rustvold, Everett Jon Sampson, Ethan Douglas Sargent, Olivia Jean Schmidt, Brooklyn Kae Schulte, Christopher Nicholson Schwabe, Todd Matthew Sheeder, Connor Eugene Slagle, Jordan Lynn Sporrer, Caden Daniel Stageman, Isaiah Matthew Stark, Alexia Jean Marie Thornock, Samantha Jean Tidgren, Ryan David Tunning, Hayli Reed Van De Walker, McKenna Margaret Vincent, Ashton Nicole Vogl,Sara Marie Vonnahme, Emersyn Joy Walsh, Abigail Elizabeth Warner, Mercedes Ann Warnke, Clayton John Weitl, Paige Lane Williamson, Faith Ann Winebrenner, Erin Lynne Winker, Alexander Joseph Wuebker, Shady Elijah Acosta, Carter Kenneth Spies, Gage Marcus McCord, Jomol Tiwan Fluker, Gabriel Miguel Jacobs.
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the 2022 graduates as presented, pending final completion of CCSD graduation requirements.
G. Adjustment to previously approved 2022-2023 Calendar – Dr. Berlau presented a revised 2022-2023 calendar for approval as the previously approved calendar had some errors to dates in November. The revised calendar now sets the last day of school for the 2022-2023 year as May 26th, prior to Memorial Day. Karen Friedlein moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the 2022-2023 calendar as revised and presented. The motion passed unanimously.
H. Superintendent Evaluation Timeline – The board discussed the timeline of the superintendent’s evaluation, with the May 2nd work session reserved for this topic and to continue at the May regular Board Meeting if needed.
I. Talented and Gifted staffing for 2022-2023 school year – Kelly Borchers presented a proposal to the board outlining her desired plan for the Talented Gifted program, including a staffing proposal to add 1.0 FTE for the program in 2022-2023. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the proposal to add 1.0 FTE for Talented and Gifted for the 2022-2023 year. The motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.
A. Quotes on Phone System – Dr. Berlau presented two quotes for a replacement phone system to upgrade district phones to Voice over IP. The Communication Innovators quote for the work was $92,624 which includes phones at a cost of $84.75 each and the wiring installation. The Western Iowa Networks quote, with a phone cost of $98/phone, totaled $91,860 with wiring and installation. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to accept the bid from Western Iowa Networks for a total equipment and installation quoted cost of $91,860.
B. Air Conditioning Project – Dr. Berlau presented a proposal from Farris Engineering to proceed with the formal bid process for the HVAC work that the district is considering at CMS and Fairview. The cost for Farris to assist with Construction Documents, Bid Assistance and Construction Administration is $35,800. Karen Friedlein moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the proposal from Farris Engineering to assist with the forma bid process for the HVAC work at CMS and Fairview. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
C. High School Parking Lot Project – Dr. Berlau presented an estimate of costs from JEO Consulting for the CHS exit/entrance lane expansion project, and the district was seeking approval from the board to proceed with formal bid process for the project. The engineer’s estimate of probably costs ranged from $185,000 to $285,000 depending on which specifications the district proceeds with. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the district proceeding with the formal bid process with the assistance of JEO for the CHS Parking lot entrance/exit lane expansion. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Starting and Substitute Pay Rates for 2022-2023 – Dr. Berlau presented the 2022-2023 starting and substitute pay rates that were discussed with the labor committee of Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein. Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the rates for 2022-2023. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
E. Budget Update Reports – Nicole McCarville presented budget report updates through April.
- May 2, 2022 - Work Session - 5:30
- Regular Board Meeting - May 23, 2022 - 5:30 pm.
- IASB Renewal – The 2022-2023 IASB Renewal was presented for informational purposes since the services received from them support our Board of Directors.
ADJOURNMENT Karen Friedlein moved to adjourn at 7:32 pm, Duane Horsley seconded. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.4.4
Minutes - 2022.4.4Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting & Work Session
April 4, 2021
05:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 05:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Work Session:
The Board and administrative team went into a work session representatives from the Iowa Association of School Boards on superintendent evaluation standards and changes.
It was moved by Cindy Johnson and seconded by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 7:28p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.4.6
Minutes - 2022.4.6Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting & Public Hearings
April 6, 2021
12:00 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Board members present Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Nicole McCarville. Others present: KC Meiners and Trevor Babcock (via Zoom).
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Public Hearing on CCSD’s FY22-23 Published Budget:
Cindy Johnson opened the public hearing at 12:01p.m.
Nicole McCarville presented the FY22-23 budget with a published tax rate of $9.48541 per $1,000 taxable valuation. There were no comments or questions.
Cindy Johnson closed the public hearing at 12:02 p.m.
Approval of 2022-2023 District Certified Budget:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the 2022-2023 certified budget as published. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Public Hearing on CCSD’s FY21-22 Amended Budget:
Cindy Johnson opened the public hearing at 12:02p.m.
Nicole McCarville presented the FY21-22 budget amendment showing an amended increase in expenditures of $1,515,000 due to higher spending of available ESSER funds than originally projected. The amendment will have no impact on property tax levies. There were no comments or questions.
Cindy Johnson closed the public hearing at 12:03 p.m.
Approval of 2021-2022 Amended Budget:
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the 2021-2022 amended budget as published. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Consider Approval of 2022-2023 Budget Guarantee Resolution:
Duane Horsley moved to approve the budget guarantee resolution as follows: “Be it Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District, will levy for property tax for fiscal year 2022-2023 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa.” Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed as follows:
Ayes: Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Karen Friedlein, Karen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley
Nays: None
Personnel Report:
The following personnel recommendations were presented:
- Korey Jeschke wishes to resign from his Physical Education teaching position as well as his coaching positions at the end of the 2021-22 school year. Korey has worked for the district for 24 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Kristi Peters wishes to resign from her School Counselor position at CMS at the end of the 2021-22 school year. Kristi has worked for CCSD for 32 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Mark Peters wishes to resign from his 6th grade instructor position at the end of the 2021-22 school year. Mark has worked for CCSD for 33 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Ashley Bargman wishes to resign from her middle school special education teaching position at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Ashley has worked for the district for 2 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Brian Grooms wishes to resign from his PE and Health Education teaching position at CHS as well as his JV Boys Basketball, Middle School Track and JV Boys Baseball coaching positions. Brian has worked for CCSD for 3 years. Approval of resignations is recommended.
- Kyle Stevens wishes to resign from his PE teaching position at Fairview and Adams Elementary. Kyle has worked for CCSD for 2 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Kim Lee wishes to resign from her Prom sponsor position effective after the 2022 prom is held. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Ann Vincent wishes to resign from her Prom sponsor position effective after the 2022 prom is held. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Josh Sporrer wishes to resign from his eighth grade girls' basketball coaching position. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Erin Comstock for the summer school position at Carroll High School to take place June 6-June 24 from 8:00-11:30 M-F. Approval is recommended.
- Bryce Abbas will transfer to the open sixth grade position. Approval of transfer is recommended.
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel report. The motion passed unanimously.
Employee Benefits:
- Nicole McCarville presented a recommendation to the board for moving to a partial self-funded health plan for the 2021-2022 benefit year. The plan would stay with WellMark and the employee’s current deductibles, out of pocket maximums and coverage terms would not change, but the district would be buying a $5,000/$10,000 plan. The district (not the employee) would be responsible for claims over the employee’s deductible/out of pocket max until the $5,000/$10,000 limit, and then WellMark would start paying. By doing this, the district will see a decrease in premiums. The recommendation includes a 30% accrual for claims. Employee and employer share of premiums will decrease for the 2021-2022 benefit year. Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the partial self-funded health plan. The motion passed unanimously.
- Nicole McCarville presented a recommendation to the board for a district sponsored and district paid Long Term Disability plan. The quote presented included an annual cost of $9,625 for coverage of administrators and teachers, or an annual cost of $18,874 for all full-time employees (30+ hours/week). The rates have a 3 year rate guarantee. The district currently has voluntary (employee paid) plan that 21 employees participate in. Duane Horsley moved to approve the Long-Term Disability district paid plan to cover all full-time employees at an annual cost of $18,874.00 and Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 12:33p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.5.2
Minutes - 2022.5.2Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 2, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Patrick Rabbitt, and Crystal Boes.
Roll Call: Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, Onica Ulveling. Absent: None.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Personnel Report:
The following personnel recommendations were presented:
- Jeff Tiefenthaler wishes to resign from his custodial position at CHS effective 4-25-22. Jeff has worked at CCSD for two months.
- Karen Sturm wishes to resign from her secretary/central printing worker position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Karen has worked for CCSD for 3 years.
- Brittany Latch wishes to resign from her Social Studies teaching position at CHS. Brittany has taught at CHS for 6 years. She is leaving teaching and has no plans to return to it.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Taylor Schulte for the CMS Cheerleading Sponsor position. Taylor will be sponsor for basketball, football and wrestling. If approved Taylor would receive $2,400.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Steven Bieret for the History Day Sponsor position. If approved Steven would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive $1,367.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Kristi Shanks and Kaitlynn Kaufman for prom sponsor positions for 2022-2023. If approved Kristi would be on Step 0 and would receive $1,007 and Kaitlynn would be on Step 0 and would receive $1,007.
- Dr. Casey Berlau would like to recommend Kourtney Abbotts for the High School Principal position. Kourtney has worked in several different leadership roles in the Council Bluffs CSD most recently serving as assistant high school principal at Thomas Jefferson High School. If approved, she would receive a contract for beginning July 1, 2022 and work 240 days for a salary of $115,000. Kourtney would also receive full family health insurance and cell phone stipend of $25 per month. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Erin Comstock for the CHS Summer School teaching position for June 6th to June 14 from 8:00-11:30 a.m. M-F. Approval is recommended.
- Dr. Casey Berlau is recommending an increase to Jeff Dvorak's monthly cell phone reimbursement from $30 to $50 and also adding $25 monthly cell phone reimbursement to Mark Skillen, Jered Olberding, Jon Kitt, and Doug Hoffman in lieu of a CCSD issued cell phone due to the on call nature of their job and to report/document maintenance issues.
- Dr. Casey Berlau is recommending contract revisions to the student senate contracts for Kaitlynn Kaufman and Kristi Shanks for 2022-2023. The recommendation is that Kaitlynn and Kristi each receive the full stipend for this position.
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the personnel report. The motion passed unanimously.
Consider Funding Request for Merchants Park from the City of Carroll
Dr. Berlau presented a request from the City of Carroll to provide $10,000 in funding to the City of Carroll for their projected $921,800 renovation of Merchants Park, to be paid in two $5,000 installments, one each in FY23 and FY24. CCSD uses Merchants Park for its home baseball games. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the $10,000 funding request to the City of Carroll to be used towards renovations of Merchants Park. The motion passed unanimously.
Work Session – Preschool Presentation
Patrick Rabbitt and Crystal Boes gave a presentation on the current state of the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program, some background information, and the desired state of the SWVPP which include some scheduling changes the district is considering.
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to go into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i: “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.” The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
At 7:48 PM, it was moved by Duane and seconded by Karen to end the closed session and return to open session. The motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Kristen Lundstrom to adjourn the meeting at 7:49p.m. Unanimous approval.
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Carroll Community School Board of Directors’ Regular Meeting
May 23, 2022
5:00 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
1. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING – Board President Cindy Johnson opened the public hearing at 5:00
p.m. regarding the parking lot entrance/exit work to be done at CHS. There were no comments or
questions from the public.
2. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGU – Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing closed at 5:02 p.m.
and called the meeting to order
3. PUBLIC FORUM –Casie Forke-Burke addressed the board.
4. ROLL CALL – Board members present: Cindy Johnson (via zoom), Onica Ulveling, Karen
Friedlein, and Duane Horsley (via zoom). Board member Kristen Lundstrom was absent. CCSD
Administrators present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie
McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Crystal Boes and Patrick Rabbitt. Members of the public and media
were also in attendance in person and via Zoom.
5. APPROVE AGENDA – Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the
agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
6. PRESENTATIONS – The Carroll FFA Chapter and CHS Paws Dance Team both gave presentations
to the board regarding their activities over the past year.
A. Minutes from April 21, 2022 and May 2, 2022.
B. Bill List
General Fund $399,757.85
Activity Fund $33,462.58
SAVE Fund $20,084.33
PPEL Fund $51,695.50
Food Service Fund $61,004.80
PPEL Bond $627,400.00
Sales Tax Rev Bond $278,769.10
C. Resignations
1. Jill Grabenbauer wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Carroll
Middle School. Jill has worked for CCSD for one year.
2. Kelli Schulz wishes to resign from her TLC Curriculum Coordinator position due to
her transfer to the High School Business and Media Manager position.
3. Janie Siepker wishes to resign from her food service worker position effective June
30th. She will help with the Summer Meal program in June. Janie has worked for
CCSD for 8 years.
4. Kristen Tuel wishes to resign from her teacher associate position. Kristen has
worked for CCSD for 2 years.
5. Matthan Kots wishes to resign from his assistant girls and assistant boys swim
coaching positions. Matthan has coached swimming for one year.
6. Jaxon Heinz wishes to resign from the girls' golf position contingent on getting the
boys golf position.
7. Mindy Stout wishes to resign from her Tiger Zone teacher associate position. She
will continue to work in food service.
D. Items withdrawn from Consent Agenda
E. Agreement with SAI for Mentoring and Induction Programs for 2022-2023
F. Consider 3-year agreement with BVU for Student Teachers
G. Agreement with Region XII for FY23
H. Director of Teaching and Learning and Building Principal Reports
I. 2nd reading of Board Policies:
917 - Use of School Facilities by the City of Carroll
917 R1 - Use of School Facilities by the City of Carroll-Regulation
919 -Use of School Facilities/Buses by Law Enforcement Emergency Preparedness Groups
During a Disaster
920 - Use of School Facilities for Camps or Clinics by other than school personnel
921 - Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment
922 - Public Performances by Students
923 - Money Raising Activities in the Schools
924.1 - Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowdfunding
926 - Unmanned Aircrafts - Drones
927 - Parent and Family Engagement Policy
928 - District Operation During Public Emergencies
928R1 - District Operation During Public Emergencies - Regulation
J. 1st Reading of the following Board Policies:
813 - Purchasing Policy Code
813R1 - Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure
813R2 - Using Federal Funds In Procurement Contracts
814 - Purchase Orders
815 - Approval of Payment for Goods and Services
816 - Disposition of Obsolete Equipment
817 - Lease, Sale, or Disposal of Real Property and Personal Property With a Unit Price Over
819 - Payroll Periods
820 - Payroll Deductions
Policies recommended to be deleted:
813E1 - Fraud Reporting Policy
818 - Unpaid Warrants
K. Field Trip
Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed
8. DONATIONS – There were no donations presented for approval
1. Casey Berlau is recommending Amy Collison for the Assistant High School Principal
position. Amy received her master's degree from Truman State University and her
Administration endorsement from University of Northern Iowa. Amy has most recently
worked at the Linn Mar School District where she served as an instructional coach at Oak
Ridge Middle School. Prior to being an instructional coach she was an English Teacher at
Linn-Mar High School. She is excited about the opportunity to join Carroll High School. If
approved, she would receive a contract that begins July 1, 2022 and work 240 days for a
salary of $82,000. Amy would also receive full family health insurance and cell phone
stipend of $25 per month. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear
background check.
2. Jerry Raymond and Tammie McKenzie are recommending Christine Pottebaum for the
CHS/CMS Family & Consumer Science position for the 2022-2023 school year. Christine
has a Bachelor's Degree in Human Services and Psychology from Buena Vista University. If
approved Christine would be on the BA step 0 and would receive a salary of $41,586 (Base
of $34,173, TSS $5,819, TSS 594, $1,000 signing bonus). Signing bonus of $1,000 paid
Sept. 2023. Approval is recommended contingent on Christine receiving an approved
verification of work experience for Career and Technology Education Authorization from the
Iowa Board of Educational Examiners and upon receipt of a clear background check.
3. Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Amy Madsen for the CHS Social Studies
position contingent on her obtaining her conditional licensure for All Socials Studies
endorsement. Amy has spent the past 3 years as the 7th/8th grade Social Studies instructor at
CMS. She will teach Geography, American History, Economics and Psychology. If approved
Amy would be on the MA+30 Step 34 and would receive a salary of $69,533 ($62,625 base +
$5,819 TSS + $1,089 TSS). Approval is recommended.
4. Tammie McKenzie and Jerry Raymond are recommending Tami Meiners for the CHS/CMS
Music position for the 2022-2023 school year. Tami has a Bachelor of Science degree from
Northwest Missouri State University in Music Education. If approved Tami would be on the
BA step 31 and would receive a salary of $71,779 (Base of $55,173, TSS $5,819, TSS 960,
Gr. 9-12 Vocal Music $7,724 and Gr. 7-8 Vocal Music $1,103 and $1,000 signing bonus).
Signing bonus of $1,000 paid Sept. 2023. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt
of a clear background check.
5. Jerry Raymond is recommending Callie Haupert for the CMS 5th Grade position for the
2022-2023 school year. Callie will be graduating from the University of Northern Iowa with
a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education in May 2022. If approved Callie would be on
the BA step 0 and would receive a salary of $42,586 ($40,586 + $2,000 signing bonus). The
salary will be $41,586 (Base of $34,173, TSS $5,819, TSS 594, $1,000 signing bonus).
Signing bonus of $1,000 paid Sept. 2023. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt
of a clear background check.
6. Jerry Raymond recommending Renee Friedrichsen and Keli Ballantine for the 5th through
7th grade Summer Skills Teaching positions at Carroll Middle School. These teachers will
provide instruction to students who are not proficient in Reading and/or Math. Dates are May
31-June 3, June 6-9, and June 13-16.
7. Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Ashley Becker for a second grade instructor position.
Ashley has ten years of teaching experience at Odebolt Arthur Battle Creek Ida Grove
Schools. If approved she would be on the BA Lane and Step 11 and would receive $49,167
(Base of $41,624, TSS $5,819, TSS 724, $1,000 signing bonus) Signing bonus of $1,000 paid
Sept. 2023. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
8. Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Bob Pauk as a curriculum lead for the 22-23
school year. If approved he would receive $5,000 for this position. Approval is
9. Randy Bissen is recommending Kaitlynn Kaufman for the head drama sponsor. She has
communication/theater and performing arts background and 3 years of paid experience
working in the Papillion Lavista and Charter Oak Ute school districts. If approved she
would be on Step 4 and would receive $2,582. Approval is recommended.
10. Casey Berlau is recommending a stipend of $2,183 for Craig Rowedder for coaching Jr. High
11. Randy Bissen is recommending Jaxon Heinz for the boy’s golf position at Carroll. He took
over the girl’s golf program last year so he will have one year paid experience. Jaxon did a
great job leading our girl’s golf program this year. If approved Jaxon would be on Step 1
and would receive $3,485. Approval is recommended
12. Randy Bissen is recommending Josh Lucken for the Audio/Visual Event Manager position.
He will work closely with Kelli Schulz and Randy to help run and manage the livestreaming
at our events. If approved Josh would receive the stipend of $2,594. Approval is
13. Randy Bissen is recommending Jake Thompson for a Jr. High Volleyball coaching position.
If approved Jake would be on Step 0 and would receive $1,845. Approval is recommended.
14. Tammie McKenzie is recommending Bill Polking for a high school curriculum lead position
for the 2022-2023 school year. If approved he would receive $5000.
15. Tamie McKenzie is recommending Karen Raymond for a high school curriculum lead
position for the 2022-2023 school year. If approved she would receive $5000.
1. Jodie Guddall will transfer to a Special Education position at Adams Elementary (Gr. 3/4).
2. Nicole Pietig will transfer to a 3rd grade instructor position.
3. Kelli Schulz will transfer to the High School Business and Media Manager position.
4. Bev Schmitt-Kirsch will transfer to a Transitional Kindergarten position.
Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations and
transfer. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
A. Consider use of buses for Carroll Summer Fun Camp – Onica Ulveling motioned and Karen
Friedlein seconded to allow the Carroll Summer Fun Camp use of district buses between June 14th and
July 15th for various outings within the Carroll area. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Consider use of buses by the Carroll Area Child Care Center and Preschool – Duane Horsley
motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve CACCCP’s use of buses for select dates during
the summer. Motion pass unanimously.
C. Lease with Carroll Booster Club for Concession Stand – Onica Ulveling moved and Karen
Friedlein seconded to approve the lease for the 22-23 year. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Consider approval of Tiger Zone Employee Handbook – Duane Horsley moved and Karen
Friedlein seconded to approve the Tiger Zone Employee Handbook. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Consider approval of the Preschool Employee Handbook – Onica Ulveling moved and Karen
Friedlein seconded to approve the Preschool Employee Handbook. The motion passed unanimously
via roll call vote.
F. Approval of 2022-2023 Preschool Calendar – Patrick Rabbitt and Crystal Boes presented their
proposed 2022-2023 preschool calendar, which moves preschool to a 4 day week instead of a 5 day
week that has been used in the past, with each Monday reserved for professional development for the
preschool staff to meet the standards of the IQPPS requirements. Duane Horsley moved and Onica
Ulveling seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Preschool Calendar. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Consider approval of revised job descriptions - Dr. Berlau presented job descriptions for
Custodian-Part-Time, Central Printing/Records Administrative Assistant, Media Specialist, TLC
Oversight Committee Member, TigerZone employee, and Drama Coach-head. Karen Friedlein moved
and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the job descriptions with the exception of the TLC Oversight
Committee Member description which needed some edits after review. The motion passed
H. District Career Guidance Plan – Tammie McKenzie presented the District’s Career Guidance
Plan, which is an annual DOE requirement. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to
approve districts career guidance plan. The motion passed unanimously.
A. Consider Agreement with Frontline for Onboarding Software – Nicole McCarville presented a
quote in the amount of $4,200 implementation cost and $9,449 Year one license cost for Frontline
Central, a platform for onboarding new employees to streamline processes in the district office and
have more documents available electronically. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded
to approve the implementation of the software. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Consider Lease Agreement with Merchants Park – Dr. Berlau presented a lease with the City
of Carroll for use of Merchants Park for CHS home baseball games. Karen Friedlein moved and
Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the lease. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
C. Consider Approving 3 Year MOU with Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) –
Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the MOU with RSVP. The motion
passed unanimously.
D. Fees for 2022-2023 year – Nicole McCarville presented the proposed fees for
textbooks/electronic textbooks for the 2022-2023 year and noted no changes from the 2021-2022
year. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the 2022-2023 textbook fees.
Motion passed unanimously.
E. 2022-2023 Meal Prices – Nicole McCarville presented the proposal from Sara Anderson, Food
Service Director, for breakfast and lunch prices for the 2022-2023 year. The proposal included a
$0.10 increase to breakfast and lunch prices for students and $0.25 increase to adult paid meals. Meal
prices at CCSD had not been increased the previous 2 years so the recommendation was due to
increase in food costs and to also keep up with the recommended calculation for charged meals versus
state/federal reimbursed meals. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the
proposed 2022-2023 meal prices. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
F. Copier Bids – Nicole McCarville presented two bids on leased copy machines and servicing of
those machines within the district. Access Systems bid 8 machines at $1,989.46/month for 3 year
term and Copy Systems Inc. bid 8 machines at $1,987.37/month for a 3 year term. The district
currently leases from Access systems for copiers and Copy Systems Inc. for a postage machine.
Nicole recommended approval of the bid from Copy Systems Inc. due to positive references for both
the machines and the service and the lower bid price. Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley
seconded to accept the bid from Copy Systems Inc. for 8 copy machines and servicing for the district.
The motion passed unanimously.
G. Consider joining Iowa Local Government Risk Pool for Natural Gas and Participation in the
2022-2023 Agreement – Nicole McCarville presented a proposal from WoodRiver Energy for a
natural gas pool called Iowa Local Government Risk Pool, which is a 28E entity, and consists of Iowa
school districts that pool together to lock in natural gas prices for the entire year in order to help with
budgeting for natural gas costs and in time, keep costs consistent. As a member of the pool, the
District would pay one cost up front ($191,388) for all of its natural gas for the 2022-2023 year which
is based on historical consumption, a current locked in price, and a markup for the 28E entity, instead
of paying the gas monthly with volatility in pricing unknown. At the end of the year, if the pool’s
margin exceeds a certain percent, the pool pays a portion of that price back to districts. Nicole
presented the application to join the 28E pool, the required board resolution to join the pool and the
2022-2023 participation agreement for approval. The State Auditor’s Office has also issued opinions
that the annual cost of participation is a qualified management fund expense. Duane Horsley moved
and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the application to join the Iowa Local Government Risk
Pool, motion passed unanimously. Duane Horsley moved to adopt the board resolution presented and
Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously via roll call vote. Duane Horsley moved
and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the Participation Agreement for the 2022-2023 year, motion
passed unanimously
H. Equipment Breakdown Insurance – Nicole McCarville shared information regarding the
renewal of the Equipment Breakdown Insurance with Specialty Underwriters, noting that there is an
increase in premium due to increase in utilization of the insurance.
I. Consider quote for air conditioning in the Adams Library – Dr. Berlau presented a quote from
Carroll Control Systems in the amount of $11,920 for purchase and installation of an air conditioning
unit in the Adams Library. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to accept the bid,
motion passed unanimously.
12. CLOSED SESSION – SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION – Due to not all board members
being present and for time purposes, the remainder of the superintendent evaluation was tabled until a
special meeting to be held on June 2, 2022 at 5:30p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn at 6:57 pm, Karen Friedlein seconded. Unanimous
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Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 2, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau.
Roll Call: Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling. Absent: None.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Personnel Report:
- Tyler Swope wishes to resign from his teacher associate position as well as his wrestling and coaching positions. Tyler has worked for CCSD for 4 years. Approval of resignations is recommended.
- Amanda Warnaca wishes to resign from her Special Education teaching position. Amanda has worked for CCSD for 4 years. Amanda submitted her resignation prior to the deadline for teacher contracts to be turned in. Her resignation has not gone to the board before now. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Molly Benson wishes to resign from her accompanist position. Molly has been an accompanist for the district for 14 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Matthan Kots wishes to resign from his Assistant Girls' Soccer coaching position. Matthan has coached at CCSD for two years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Kristen Staiert for 9-12 Physical Education at CHS. Kristen has one year of experience at Adair Casey School where she also coached Volleyball. Ms. Staiert has also worked for 5 years at AmeriServ International as the Day Hab Coordinator in Council Bluffs and The Area Director of Growth and Development. Kristen also has 3 years of experience as an Implementation Trainer for Therapy Services in Waterbury, CT. If approved, Kristen would be paid:
BA Lane, Step 1 - 34,850.00
TSS Fixed - 5,819.00
TSS Indexed - 606.00
Signing Bonus of 2,000 to be paid over the time period of 2 years
Year 1 = 41,275.00 + 1,000.00 signing bonus
Approval is recommended.
- Tammie McKenzie would like to recommend Cindy Lehrkamp for 9-12 Physical Education and Health. The recommendation is that Cindy receive a letter of assignment and not a new teacher contract.
BA Lane, Step 35 Base Salary = 57,883
TSS Fixed = 5,819
TSS Indexed = 1007
Total = $64,709
Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Javid Arkland for the Bus Wash Technician position. If approved he would work 7:00AM to 3:00PM and be paid $12.00 per hour. He will work seven hours per day and four days per week. Approval is recommended.
- Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend John Jorgenson for the CMS and Fairview Head Custodian position. John has worked for the district for 33 years as an Assistant Custodian at CMS. John will work 7:00AM to 4:00PM with 1 hour off for a break. He will work 260 days/year. Jeff recommends that he be paid $20.00 per hour. John is very dependable and dedicated to CCSD. Approval is recommended.
- Nicole McCarville would like to recommend Katrina Vonnahme for the Central Printing/Records Administrative Assistant position. She has worked for the district as a Teacher's Associate in the past and more recently as a central printing substitute. She would begin August 15, 2022 at $14.15/hour. Approval is recommended.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend Sue Ruch for the Fairview Elementary Principal position. This will be a one year, interim position. If approved Sue would receive a salary of $105,000 and family insurance paid. The contract length will be 240 days from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. Approval is recommended.
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the personnel report. The motion passed unanimously.
Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation
At 5:38 PM, Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to go into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i: “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.” The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
At 8:09 PM, Cindy Johnson declared the meeting open.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 PM. Unanimous approval.
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Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 6, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order:
Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Jill Greiman, Patrick Rabbitt, Crystal Boes, Kelli Schulz, Ryan Simmelink, Linsey Pick, Sandy Kluver, and Tom Borchers. Trevor Babcock, Casey Meiners and Amy Whitver from the press were also present.
Roll Call: Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling. Absent: None.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
CHS Driveway Project Bids
Dr. Berlau presented the three bids received for the CHS Driveway Project. All bids met specifications and were considered. Bids received were: Precision Concrete Services (Total bid = $333,406.30), Smith Concrete Service ($311,738.00) and Ten Point Construction ($184,824.22). With the large difference between the low bid and others, the team present at the bid opening (which included a rep from JEO Consulting) confirmed that the bids were on the same specs. Dr. Berlau shared that Ten Point is also doing work for the city of Carroll this summer and would be able to complete the project by the start of school. Duane Horsley moved to accept the bid from Ten Point Construction at a total bid of $184,824.22 and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
Work Session
The Building Administrators and Teaching & Learning team presented an overview of district assessment data, including FAST, NWEA, and ISASP. They also talked about strategies to improve the assessments going forward, the team’s focus for the 2022-2023 year and updates on work completed in the 2021-2022 year.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM, seconded by Karen Friedlein. Unanimous approval.
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CCSD Board of Directors’ Regular Meeting
October 17, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
CALL MEETING TO ORDER – President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
PUBLIC FORUM – Amy Dea, Cindy Scaturico, and Roxanne Aden addressed the board regarding their concerns over material in the media centers.
ROLL CALL – Board members present were President Cindy Johnson, Vice President Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom and Duane Horsley. Board member Karen Friedlein was absent.
APPROVE AGENDA – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Leer Corporation donated $1,500 to the District and the Food Bank of Iowa would like to donate food to the Tiger Cupboard food pantry. Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to accept the donations. The motion pass unanimously on a roll call vote.
PRESENTATION – Sandy Kluver presented the new teachers and gave an overview of the supports provided to new teachers in the district from the teaching and learning team.
PERSONNEL REPORT – Dr. Berlau presented the following:
1. Ashley Webber wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS.
2. Doug Leiting wishes to resign from his 9th grade football coaching position at the end of the 2022 season.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Tami Meiners for the Assistant Large Group Speech Coach position as well as the Assistant Individual Speech Coach position at $1,367 for the Asst. Large Group position (Step 0) and $1,230 for the Asst. Individual position (Step 0).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Jeff Hughes for the CHS Mock Trial Coach position at $1,220 (Step 1).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Matt Reicks for the CMS Mock Trial Coach position at $854 (Step 0).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend David Reis for the 8th grade boys' basketball position at $1,845 (Step 0.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Karli DeMoss for the boys' swimming assistant position at $1,880 (Step 0).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Samantha Vonnahme for the Girls' Wrestling coaching position at $4,784, (Step 0).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Joe Daniels for the Middle School Wrestling coaching position. Joe will also be assisting the Girls' Wrestling program on Saturdays when there are tournaments. Joe would be paid $1,845 (Step 0) for middle school wrestling and $500 for assisting with CHS girls on Saturdays.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Jeff Booher for a noon bus driving position, for an additional 1.8 hours per day on days there is preschool.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Margaret Gruba for a contracted bus driving position for a special needs route and approximately 5.25 hours/day and she would qualify for a $1,000 sign on bonus.
- Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend Ron Vonnahme for a snow removal position on an as needed basis. If approved he would be paid $15/hr.
- Jerry Raymond would like to recommend Liz Moreland for a special education teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School for 7 hours per day and she would be paid $13.05 (the base pay for SE TA). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Jordan Janssen for a two-hour per day general education teacher associate position at Fairview for 2 hours a day, in addition to her current bus driving position. Her TA rate would be $12.79/hour.
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Jill Woodward for a volunteer in a fourth grade classroom. She would work with students for reading support.
- Randy Bissen is recommending modifying Terry Rabbitt's letter of assignment as accompanist from a maximum of 236 hours to a maximum of 320 hours per year. She will be accompanying the show choir and 2 of our accompanists from last year are no longer working for the district.
- Casey Berlau is recommending modifying Michele Jacobsen's contract to include 4th grade music at Step 10 for a stipend of $136.
- Casey Berlau is recommending modifying Tami Meiners’ contract to include grade 6 Vocal Music at Step 31 for a stipend of $184.
- Casey Berlau is recommending modifying Kyla Schafer’s contract to be modified from grades 5th and 6th vocal music to only 5th grade on Step 13, which reduces the stipend from $287 to $143.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending modifying Jordan Janssen's bus driving contract to 4.75 hours per day.
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Minutes from September 19, 2022 and October 3, 2022
- Bills: General - $427,589.12; PPEL - $132,660.20; Nutrition - $68,384.11; SAVE - $232,708.19 ; Activity $24,359.73
- Administrative Reports
- Board Policy Revisions
First Reading of the following policies:
410 Compliance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
465 Insurance (Non-bargaining Personnel)
508 Graduation Requirements
623 Dual Enrollment
624 International Study
625 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
626 Foreign Students
627 Virtual/On-Line Courses
628 Instructional Materials Selection
628R1 Instructional Materials Selection Regulation
629 Instructional Materials Inspection
630 Objection to Instructional and Media Center Materials
630R1 Objection to Instructional and Media Center Materials Regulation
630E1 Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee
630E2 Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
630E3 Sample Letter to the Individual Challenging Instructional Materials
630E4 Request to Prohibit a Student from Checking Out Specific Media Center Materials
631 Media Centers
644 Student Health Service
906 Public Examination of School District Records
924 Student Fund Raising
924R1 Student Fund Raising Regulation
924.1 Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowdfunding
Second Reading of the following policies:
472 Sick Leave (Non Bargaining Personnel)
473 Personal Leave (Non Bargaining Personnel)
474 Bereavement Leave (Non Bargaining Personnel)
566E1 Controlled Substance Log
566E2 Consent for Student to Self-Administer Asthma Medication
566E3 Administering Medication in School: Parent Letter
566E5 Authorization-Asthma or Airway Constricting, or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form
613E1 Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form
617 Basic Instructional Program
618R1 NEW: Academic Freedom Regulation
619R1 Teaching about Religion Regulation
620 Program for Gifted and Talented Students
621 Program for Students at Risk
621.1 Individualized Instruction
622 Competent Private Instruction
Recommendation to delete the following policy:
Discussion was held regarding a proposed change to 628R1 brought to the board by board member Duane Horsley. Onica Ulveling moved to approve the consent agenda with the change recommended to 628R1 to be considered by the policy committee. Duane Horsley seconded and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Discuss Voluntary Retirement Plan for 2022-23 – no action taken
- Consider approval of plan for tuition reimbursement – Dr. Berlau presented a plan for tuition reimbursement for staff in certain pre-approved situations where certification is being sought for an area of need. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the tuition reimbursement proposal. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Discuss Revenue Purpose Statement and Instructional Support Levy renewal – no action taken
D. Appoint Carroll County Conference Board Representative – Onica Ulveling moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to appoint Cindy Johnson to the Carroll County Conference Board. The motion pass unanimously on a roll call vote.
E. Sharing Agreement with Ar-We-Va CSD for Speech (Co-curricular program) – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the sharing agreement with Ar-We-Va for speech. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
F. Library and Instructional Material Reconsideration Committee – Dr. Berlau noted that the committee members appointed District leadership are: Bob Pauk (licensed staff), Amy Collison (administrator), an AEA staff person to be named (serve as a media center representative), Ashley Danner (student) and Joe Kimball (student). Recommendations for the board appointed community members are Dave Hagen, Jean Guy and Thetia Polking, with Karen Scolton serving as an alternate if the need arises. Onica Ulveling moved to appoint the recommended community members to the committee and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
G. Superintendent evaluation process and timelines for 2022-2023 – Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the evaluation process and timeline. The motion pass unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Snow removal bids – only one bid has been received, no action taken
- Bid for intercom system at Carroll Middle School – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the bid from Rankin for $17,692.30 to update the intercom system at CMS. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Consider quote for services from the Donovan Group – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the bid from Donovan Group for $2,500/month to provide communication/marketing services to the District.
D. Certified Annual Report, Special Education Supplement and Transportation Report – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to accept the filing of the Certified Annual Report. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Special Ed Deficit - Request for Allowable Growth & Supplemental Aid -
CLOSED SESSION - SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION – At 7:30 p.m. Onica Ulveling moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to go into closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i. to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records.
At 8:50 p.m., the meeting was declared open
ADJOURNMENT – At 8:50 p.m., Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.10.24
Minutes - 2022.10.24 mkohorst@carro… Wed, 11/16/2022 - 09:14Minutes - 2022.10.3
Minutes - 2022.10.3Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Work Session
October 3, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Roll Call: Board members present: Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling; Board member Karen Friedlein was absent.
Dr. Casey Berlau, Board Secretary Nicole McCarville and the following administrators were also present: Karinne Tharaldson, Kourtney Abbotts, Jerry Raymond, Crystal Boes, and Sue Ruch. Several community members were in attendance, along with representatives from Carroll Broadcasting, Daily Times Herald and Carroll Area Access Television.
Board Policy Review – discussion by board members and administrators was held on the policies listed below. Dr. Berlau gave updates on recommended changes to some of the policies from a recent Iowa Association of School Boards Policy Primer as well as some of the discussion points that came out of an earlier policy committee meeting reviewing the 600 series of policies.
- 221 Development of Policy
- 222 Adoption of Policy
- 226 Review and Revision of Policy
- 628 Instructional Materials Selection
- 629 Instructional Material Inspection
- 630 Objection to Instructional Materials
- 631 Media Centers
Adjourn: Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn a 6:38pm and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. Unanimous approval
Minutes - 2022.11.21
Minutes - 2022.11.21Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Regular Meeting
November 21, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
CALL MEETING TO ORDER – President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
PUBLIC FORUM – Jill Johnston, Summer Parrott, Becky Boes and Jack Friel addressed the board regarding their views on the recent objections made to the district of certain books in the media center. Amy Dea addressed the board regarding her objection to certain books in the media center.
ROLL CALL – Board members present were President Cindy Johnson, Vice President Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Karen Friedlein and Duane Horsley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the agenda with the change of moving item 12-Recommendation from Reconsideration Committee up between items 4 and 5. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
RECOMMENDATION FROM RECONSIDERATION COMMITTEE – Onica Ulveling moved to accept the reconsideration committee’s recommendation to keep the book “Sold” in the CHS media center with no restrictions. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-2 with members Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom and Cindy Johnson voting in favor and member Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein voting against.
DONATIONS – Nicole McCarville presented four donations for approval: $5,000 from Brian Keat to CMS to be used in the areasof STEM and/or science in memory of his mother, Mary Keat, a former 5th grade teacher at CCSD; a 1999 EZ Go Golf Cart from the Carroll County Ambulance Service to the district for the stadium facility; $100 to the Tiger Cupboard from the CMS Courtesy Committee; and $100 from Rachel Brincks to the Tiger Cupboard. Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to accept the donations. The motion pass unanimously on a roll call vote.
PRESENTATION – Members of the Carroll Area FFA gave a presentation on their recent trip to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis as well as an update on their tractor restoration project.
PERSONNEL REPORT – Dr. Berlau presented the following:
1. Melvin Buse wishes to resign from his Seasonal/Grounds Custodial position effective November 30th.
2. Keaton Snyder wishes to resign from his custodial position effective November 15th.
3. Ali Hike wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Adams Elementary effective Nov. 24th.
4. Mollie Lappe wishes to resign from her assistant drama director position at CHS.
5. Joey Lappe wishes to resign from his set construction position at CHS.
6. Kim Fields wishes to resign from her food service position. She wishes to be put on the sub list.
7. Cheyenne Lewis wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Fairview effective December 16th.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Dave Miller for a morning and afternoon shuttle route (school van). If approved he would work 5 hours per day and be paid $20.02 per hour. Dave qualifies for the $1,000 sign on bonus.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Nora Dirkx for a sub and activity bus driving position pending her acquiring her CDL training.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Kevin Wenck for a morning and afternoon contracted route. If approved he would work 5 hours per day and be paid $20.02 per hour. Kevin qualifies for the $1,000 sign on bonus.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jacki Sorenson for a teacher associate (special education) position at Fairview Elementary. If approved Jacki would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $13.05 per hour and is retroactive to Nov. 8th.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Sarah Klocke for a teacher associate (special education) position at Fairview Elementary. If approved Sarah would work 6.75 hours per day and be paid $13.55 per hour (the base pay of $13.05 plus 30 cents/hour for education plus 20 cents/hour for experience.
- Kourtney Abbots would like to recommend Xavier Hernandez for a general education teacher associate position at CHS retroactive to November 16th. If approved Xavier would work 7 hours per day and be paid $13.29 per hour (the base pay of $12.79 plus 30 cents/hour for education plus 20 cents/hour for experience).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Jake Gute for the fall play musical director lead. Randy is recommending Jake be paid $1,196 which is equivalent to .035 of Step 0 on the base of the salary schedule.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Matthew Janssen for a snow removal operator position pending a clear background check. If approved he would receive $15 per hour and work on an as needed basis.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Joe Brincks for a snow removal operator position pending a clear background check. If approved he would receive $15 per hour and work on an as needed basis.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Nicole Martin for the JH wrestling position. If approved Nicole would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would receive 1,845.
- Crystal Boes is recommending Shirley Snyder as a volunteer in third and fourth grade classrooms.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Sarah Tiefenthaler, Mikala Landon, Emily Rose Drees, Shellene Feld, and Jessica Brown as volunteers in the T2K classrooms at Fairview.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Trish McNamara's Letter of Assignment be modified from 4 hours per day to 5 hours per day.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending a $25 monthly cell phone reimbursement for Jennifer Dentlinger due to her on-call type duties related to transportation, such as calls from drivers related to their routes, activity drivers on evenings/weekends, and other emergency calls for local and state contacts related to district transportation.
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Minutes from October 17, 2022 and November 7, 2022 board meetings and November 7, 2022 reconsideration committee meeting
- Bills: General - $297,994.36; PPEL - $4,667.30; Nutrition - $57,339.13; SAVE - $58,359.92 ; Activity $52,078.35; Management - $8,884.00; UMB Bond Payments - $43,775 (PPEL) & $281,229.40 (SAVE)
- Administrative Reports
- Board Policy Revisions
First Reading of the following policies:
633 Use of Information Resources
633R1 Use of Information Resources-Regulations
636 Advertisements in School Publications
Second Reading of the following policies:
410 Compliance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
465 Insurance (Non-bargaining Personnel)
508 Graduation Requirements
623 Dual Enrollment
624 International Study
625 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
626 Foreign Students
627 Virtual/On-Line Courses
628 Instructional Materials Selection
628R1 Instructional Materials Selection Regulation
629 Instructional Materials Inspection
630 Objection to Instructional and Media Center Materials
630R1 Objection to Instructional and Media Center Materials Regulation
630E1 Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee
630E2 Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
630E3 Sample Letter to the Individual Challenging Instructional Materials
630E4 Request to Prohibit a Student from Checking Out Specific Media Center Materials
631 Media Centers
644 Student Health Service
906 Public Examination of School District Records
924 Student Fund Raising
924R1 Student Fund Raising Regulation
924.1 Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowdfunding
Discussion was held regarding questions Karen Friedlein had on policy 628R1. Onica Ulveling moved to approve the consent agenda as is and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Discuss Voluntary Retirement Plan for 2022-23 – no action taken, thus no voluntary retirement incentive will be offered for FY23 end of year.
LEASE AGREEMENT WITH MERCHANTS PARK – Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the lease with the City of Carroll for use of Merchants Park for CHS baseball. The motion passed unanimously.
LEASE WITH CITY OF CARROLL FOR INDOOR SWIMMING POOL – Dr. Berlau and board members had some questions on some of the language in the lease as it was presented so no action was taken on the lease. CCSD will work with the city to get the lease updated.
ADJOURNMENT – At 7:21 p.m., Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.11.7
Minutes - 2022.11.7Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Work Session
November 7, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Roll Call: Board members present: Duane Horsley (via Zoom), Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Karen Friedlein; Board member Onica Ulveling was absent.
Approve the Agenda: Duane Horsley moved to approved the agenda and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. Unanimous approval.
Facility Study Discussion – DLR Group presented information on the Facility Study work they have completed and their preliminary recommendations. The DLR Group representatives and board members discussed the study, asked questions and discussed next steps.
Adjourn: Karen Friedlein moved to adjourn a 6:48pm and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2022.12.19
Minutes - 2022.12.19Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Regular Meeting
December 19, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
CALL MEETING TO ORDER – President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
PUBLIC FORUM – Roxanne Aden, Amy Dea and Madeline Parrott addressed the board.
ROLL CALL – Board members present were President Cindy Johnson, Vice President Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom, Karen Friedlein and Duane Horsley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Onica Ulveling moved to approve the agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
RECOMMENDATION FROM RECONSIDERATION COMMITTEE – Kristen Lundstrom moved to accept the reconsideration committee’s recommendation to keep the book “Red Hood” in the CHS media center with no restrictions. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-2 with members Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom and Cindy Johnson voting in favor and member Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein voting against. Onica Ulveling moved to accept the reconsideration committee’s recommendation to keep the book “The Haters” in the CHS media center with no restrictions. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-2 with members Onica Ulveling, Kristen Lundstrom and Cindy Johnson voting in favor and member Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein voting against.
PRESENTATION – Sponsor Jeff Hughes and members of the Carroll High School debate team gave a presentation on the styles of debate and their recent accomplishments at the various debate tournaments that the team has participated in.
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON A/C PROJECT AT FAIRVIEW AND CMS – President Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing open at 5:59PM for public comment on the air conditioning project that was put out to bid. No public comments heard.
CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – President Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing closed at 6:00PM.
BIDS FOR AIR CONDITIONING PROJECT AT FAIRVIEW AND CMS – Dr. Berlau presented the bids that were received for the air conditioning project. Farris Engineering helped with the bid documents, bid review, etc. and although only one bid was received from Carroll Controls for $609,700, Farris representatives confirmed that the bid met the specs and confirmed the bid received seemed appropriate based on current pricing but could potentially come down with some value engineering. Nicole McCarville provided some information on funding sources available, including federal ESSER funding that the Department of Education has approved for use on this project due to the improved air quality that the air conditioning would provide. Duane Horsley moved to accept the bid from Carroll Controls with Dr. Berlau to work with Farris Engineering on value engineering. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Nicole McCarville presented six donations for approval: money from an anonymous donor towards the cost of a refrigerator for the Tiger Cupboard; a used chest freezer from Nicole and Chad Martin for Tiger Cupboard; the book “Walking Through the Fire: My Fight for the Heart and Soul of America” from Roxanne Aden for the CHS Media Center; the book “Unstoppable” by Roxanne Conlin for the CHS Media Center; 100 bottles of Gatorade from Pepsi for the basketball and wrestling programs; and $50 from the Breda American Legion Auxiliary for educational materials. The books to be donated to the CHS Media Center were reviewed according to Policy 628 – Instructional Materials Selection and were deemed appropriate for the CHS Media Center. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to accept the donations. The motion pass unanimously on a roll call vote.
PERSONNEL REPORT – Dr. Berlau presented the following:
- Marissa Kennebeck wishes to resign from her special education teacher associate position at Fairview.
- Jerry Raymond would like to recommend Marcia Mendoza for a Special Education Teacher Associate and Shuttle Monitor position at Carroll Community School District. If approved Marcia would be paid $13.05 per hour and she would work 8 hours per day and 5 days per week. Marcia would ride with students being transported to an alternate program and also work in the CCSD buildings in the Special Education program.
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Taryn Kendall for a .5 Severe & Profound and .5 Special Education Teacher Associate position at Adams Elementary. If approved Taryn would be paid half of her day at $14.12/hour and half of her day at $13.05/hour and she would work 6.75 hours per day and 5 days per week. Approval is recommended retroactive to 12/6/22.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Angela Brincks for a .5 Special Education Teacher Associate and .5 Severe and Profound position at Fairview Elementary. If approved Angela would be paid $13.05/hour for the SE and $14.12 for the S & P position. If approved she would work 6.75 hours per day. Approval is recommended retroactive to 12/12/22.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Michael Hogan for a custodial position at CHS. Michael has been subbing for several months. If approved Michael will work 8 hours per day and be paid $13.60/hour. Michael will also receive $1,000 signing bonus.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Kaitlynn Kaufman for the spring head drama position. If approved she would receive $2,582.
- Jordan Petersen is currently half-time SE TA and half-time S & P TA at Fairview. Mrs. Ruch would like to modify her letter of assignment and have her work full-time as S & P TA.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Marcie Hircock, Brianne Roehrig, Abby Gute Ashley Kasperbauer, Kenzie Kennebeck, and Ashlee Pudenz as a volunteers at Fairview pending receipt of clear background checks.
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Minutes from November 21, 2022 and December 5, 2022 board meetings and November 21, 2022 and December 7, 2022 reconsideration committee meetings
- Bills: General - $201,025.23; PPEL - $21,422.59; Nutrition - $49,126.58; SAVE - $20,022.88 ; Activity $65,660.05; Management - $52,386.25;
- Administrative Reports
- Little Tiger Preschool Handbook
- Board Policy Revisions
First Reading of the following policies:
637 Class Size
638 Field Trips and Excursions
638.1 Off-Campus Emergency Procedures
639 Student Production of Materials and Services
640 Assemblies
641 Early Release for Seniors
642 Student Guidance and Counseling Program
642.1 Animals in the Classroom
643 Building Assistance Teams
645 Permanent Records
646 Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms
647 School Ceremonies and Observances
Second Reading of the following policies:
633 Use of Information Resources
633R1 Use of Information Resources-Regulations
636 Advertisements in School Publications
Onica Ulveling discussed some questions on policies 638 and 639 which Dr. Berlau will look into. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the consent agenda. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A. Early Graduates: Mrs. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending that Carter Allman and Timberlen Koch be approved for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the graduates. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
B. Job Descriptions: Teacher: PE, Strength and Conditioning (9-12); Technology Technician – Dr. Berlau presented the revised job descriptions. Karen Friedlein moved to approve the job descriptions with the addition of strength and conditioning experience preferred but not required to the PE job description and Onica Ulveling seconded. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
C. Safety Protocols - Recommendations from the Safety Committee – Onica Ulveling moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to accept the recommendations from the safety committee for the emergency/safety plan. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
D. Consider approval of district at risk plan – Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the presented district at risk plan. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Bid for AutoScrubber - Jeff Dvorak is recommending that an Auto Scrubber be purchased from Carroll Cleaning Supply for $8,870. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the purchase. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
B. At-Risk/Dropout Prevention funding for 2023-2024 – Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the request for modified supplemental amount associated with the at-risk/dropout prevention program in the amount of $548,647 for 2023-2024. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
ADJOURNMENT – At 7:09 p.m., Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.12.5
Minutes - 2022.12.5Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Work Session
December 5, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Roll Call: Board members present: Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, Karen Friedlein, and Onica Ulveling.
Approve the Agenda: Karen Friedlein moved to approve the agenda and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Review & Discuss Financial Indicators – Dr. Berlau and board treasurer Nicole McCarville presented information on various enrollment/financial indicators, including student demographics, certified & actual enrollment, tax rates, unspent authorized budget, solvency, and percentage of annual authority spent.
Review of At-Risk Program and Interventions – Karinne Tharaldson (Director of Teaching and Learning), Sandy Kluver (Teaching and Learning team member), Kelly Borchers (Gifted and Talented Instructor), Hunter Harmening (Juvenile Court Liaison), Daniel Cordova (English as a Second Language Instructor), Carol Crampton (District Social Worker), Kourtney Abbotts (High School Principal) and Amy Collison (High School Assistant Principal) presented to the board their Professional Learning Community team, goals, strategies and interventions for identifying and serving all students in the district for at-risk prevention, intervention, and enrichment.
Adjourn: Karen Friedlein moved to adjourn a 7:10pm and Onica Ulveling seconded. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2022.7.18
Minutes - 2022.7.18Minutes
CCSD Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
July 18, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Public Forum: There were no public comments.
Roll Call: Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Donations: A donation from Walsh Productions LLC to the drama department was presented and the donation has an approximate value of $5,700, consisting of adult costumes, props, set pieces, electric keyboard, microphone and mic stand. Onica Ulveling moved to accept the donation and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Presentation: The Teaching and Learning team along with the building administrators presented information on the ISASP testing data from 2021-2022.
Policy Discussion: The Board discussed policy 809 Gifts, Grants and Bequests and 712 Extra-Curricular Activities- Bus Service. No action was taken.
Board Consideration of Complaint: Board President Cindy Johnson gave a statement regarding a complaint brought to the board. All board members received the detailed report of the investigation into the complaint as well as Dr. Berlau’s recommendations as a result of that investigation. Karen Friedlein moved to: amend Dr. Berlau’s recommendations regarding the complaint to reflect a pause on topic #3 & 4 written in the complaint recommendation summary page for a minimum of one year; to accept the remainder of the recommendations regarding the complaint as written and presented; and to direct Dr. Berlau to take action consistent with the recommendations and provide information to the Board as appropriate regarding the progress of action on the recommendations. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the June 20th and June 27th Board meetings
- Bill listings in the following amounts:
General Fund $316,075.27
Student Activity Fund $8,521.57
Management Fund $243,644.25
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy $93,189.70
Scholarship Trust Fund $800.00
Local Option Sales Tax $45,204.43
Nutrition Fund $56,734.23
- Resignations: None
- Ar-We-Va Food Service Directory Sharing Agreement
- Board Policy Review
1st Reading
210 Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest
406 Child Abuse Reporting
566R1 Administration of Medication to Students Regulation
708 School Student Transportation Eligibility
718 Radon Mitigation
718R1 Radon Mitigation Regulation
2nd Reading
203 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
821 Secretary’s Monthly Report
822 Publication of Financial Reports
824 Audits & Audit Committee
825 District Records
826 Financial Records
829 Capital Assets Management System
831 Insurance Program
833 Debt Management & 833R1 Post-Issuance Compliance Regulation for
Tax-Exempt Obligations
407 Employee Travel Compensation
466 Vacations (Non-Bargaining)
806 Expenditures for a Public Purpose & 806R1 Use of Public Funds Regulation
807 Internal Controls & 807R1 Internal Controls Regulation
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Administrative Report: Dr. Berlau gave a short update, including an updated district leadership organizational chart, brief introduction to tuition reimbursement plan for staff in certain situations, and a discussion on Policy 528 Smoking Drinking Drugs. No action was taken on these topics.
District Vehicle Replacement Plan: Dr. Berlau presented Jeff Cullen’s 2022-23 district vehicle plan which included a proposal of selling 3 passenger (non-bus) vehicles, reassigning 4 current vehicles and purchasing 2 new suburbans. For buses, he recommended selling 3 vehicles and get quotes for 3 new buses. The suburbans would be purchased in the 22-23 year and bus orders are projecting about 1 year lead time so the 3 buses would be purchased in the 23-24 year. Karen Friedlein moved to approve the vehicle replacement plan as presented and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Job Description – Debate Coach: Dr. Berlau presented the job description for the position of Debate Coach. Karen Friedlein motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the job description. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Administrative Assignments: Dr. Berlau presented the recommended 2022-2023 administrative assignments.
- Affirmative Action Coordinators – Crystal Boes, alternate – Nicole McCarville
- Education Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator – Crystal Boes
- Section 504 Coordinator – Crystal Boes
• Abuse of Students by Employees
Level I Investigators – Hunter Harmening and Karinne Tharaldson, alternate – Kristi Shanks;
Level II Investigator – Carroll Police Department
• Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer – Crystal Boes and Jeff Dvorak
• Homeless Liaison – Jill Greiman
• Migrant Liaison – Jill Greiman
• Deputy Principals*
Fairview – Crystal Boes and Karinne Tharaldson
Adams Elementary – Crystal Boes and Karinne Tharaldson
Carroll Middle School – Jill Greiman and Karinne Tharaldson
Carroll High School – Amy Collison and Karinne Tharaldson
• Deputy Superintendent* – Nicole McCarville and Karinne Tharaldson
• Deputy Activities Director* - Amy Collison and Kourtney Abbotts
* Deputy is defined as the administrator-in-charge during the absence of the regular administrator.
Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the assignments as proposed. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
IASB Legislative Priorities: Dr. Berlau presented his recommendations for the 2022-23 IASB Legislative platform to include Preschool Funding, Mental Health Services, Market-Competitive Wages, Teacher Recruitment and Licensure, and Supplemental State Aid. Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the priorities as recommended. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Personnel Report:
- Approvals for Employment:
The following recommendations for employment were presented:
- Crystal Boes is recommending Dexter Fonz Siarez for a 4th Grade teaching position. Fonz has a Master's Degree in Elementary Education. Fonz has seven years of teaching experience in Cebu City, Philippines. If approved Fonz would receive a salary of $48,857. Also a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in September 2022, and another $1,000 received in September 2023. Approval is recommended contingent upon Fonz obtaining an Iowa teaching license.
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Kristin Promes for the teacher associate position. Kristin would work half time as Special Ed TA and half time as S & P TA. Kristin has most recently worked at Drake University. Special Ed TA $13.35 and S & P TA $14.42. If approved she would work a total of 6.75 hr/day. Approval is recommended.
- Jerry Raymond would like to recommend Joshua Ahrens for a 1-to-1 special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year. If approved Joshua would be paid Special Ed TA $13.55. If approved she would work a total of 7 hr/day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jordan Petersen for a teacher associate position. Jordan would work half of her day as a Special Ed TA and the other half as a Severe Profound TA at Fairview. If approved Jordan would work 6.75 hr/day and be paid Special Ed TA $13.65 per hour and Severe and Profound TA $14.72 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Sarah Carstens for a general education teacher associate plus one hour per day 6:45AM to 7:45AM in Tiger Zone (Gen Ed TA) position. Sarah would work 7.75 hr/day. If approved Sarah would be paid General Ed TA $13.04 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Samantha Vonnahme for the varsity girls' golf coaching position at Carroll High School. Samantha has no paid golf coaching experience but was a volunteer with the girl’s golf program last year. If approved Samantha would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,417. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Karli DeMoss for the assistant girls' swimming coaching position at Carroll High School. Karlie has no paid swimming coaching experience. If approved Karli would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $1,880. Approval is recommended contingent upon Karli obtaining her coaching authorization
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Stephanie Jorgensen for the varsity girls' soccer coaching position at Carroll High School. Stephanie has no paid soccer coaching experience. She is a CHS alumni and was on the first girls' soccer team at CHS. If approved Stephanie would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,759. Approval is recommended contingent upon Stephanie obtaining her coaching authorization.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Cody Wardell for the assistant varsity football coaching position at Carroll High School. Cody has no paid football coaching experience but was a volunteer with the football program last year. If approved Cody would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,076. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Josh Lucken for the JV varsity baseball coaching position at Carroll High School. Josh coached freshman baseball last year and helped out at the varsity level this past year. He will do a great job at his new position. If approved Josh would be on Step 8 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,563. Approval is recommended
Contract Modification:
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Wanita Dentlinger for a Sped TA position at CMS. Wanita currently works as a Sped TA at AES. If approved Wanita's hours would increase from 6.75 hr/day to 7 hr/day. Approval of transfer is recommended.
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the recommendations for employment and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Business Office Report
Approval of District Audit for FY21: Nicole McCarville presented the district’s FY21 audit completed by Nolte, Cornman & Johnson PC. Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to accept the audit. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Appointment of Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3): It was moved by Onica Ulveling to appoint Nicole McCarville as the Board Secretary/Treasurer. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Cindy Johnson administered the oath of office to Nicole McCarville.
Issue of Warrants Resolution: Nicole McCarville presented the Issue of Warrants Resolution for fiscal year 2022-23 for approval. Duane Horsley moved to approve the resolution as follows: “The Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District hereby authorizes the Board Secretary to issue warrants when the Board is not in session for the payment of utilities, freight, drayage, express, postage, salaries, state and federal taxes, FICA, IPERS, health insurance premiums, other payroll deductions (United Way, 403b, court-ordered garnishments), advance transportation expenses, registration fees and related costs, and previously approved contracted expenses.” Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Bank Depositories: Nicole McCarville presented a resolution naming bank depositories for 2022-23 with the following limits:
Depository Name Home Office Balance
United Bank of Iowa Ida Grove, IA $8,000,000
AvailaBank Carroll, IA $4,000,000
Iowa Savings Bank Carroll, IA $3,500,000
Commercial Savings Bank Carroll, IA $1,000,000
Bank of the West San Francisco, CA $1,000,000
Templeton Savings Bank Templeton, IA $1,000,000
Westside State Bank Westside, IA $1,000,000
Breda Savings Bank Breda, IA $1,000,000
INVESTMENTS (not required)
Iowa Schools Des Moines, IA $7,500,000
Joint Investment Trust
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the resolution. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Tires Bids: Dr. Berlau reported that two tire bids were received by the district for 18 tires for the 2022-23 school year. Bauer Built Tire Company bid $3,033.72 and Performance Tire bid $3,451.00. Duane Horsley moved to accept the bid from Bauer Built Tire and Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Preschool Agreement with Kuemper: Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed preschool agreement with Kuemper Catholic School. The only changes in the agreement were updating of the funding amounts for the year and change in administrators of both schools. It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the proposed preschool agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Kuemper Catholic School System for the 2022-23 school year. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Ag Program Agreement with Kuemper: Dr. Casey Berlau presented the sharing agreement between Carroll Community School District and Kuemper Catholic School System for Kuemper students to participate in the Carroll district’s agriculture classes and FFA chapter 2022-23. It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agreement for agriculture classes and FFA between CCSD and Kuemper and Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Milk Bids: Nicole McCarville presented the bids for milk products for the 2022-23 school year. The district received bids from Anderson Erickson and Kemps. The Anderson Erickson bid was lower on all products and gave a bid for each of the products requested. It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the Anderson Erickson bid for milk products for the 22-23 school year. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Bread Bids: Nicole McCarville presented the bids for bread. Only one bid for bread products for the 22-23 school year was received, which is common with what other area districts are experiencing. The bid received was from Bimbo Bakery. It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to accept the bread product bid from Bimbo Bakery for the 2022-23 school year. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Budget updates: Nicole McCarville presented various budget reports for the district as of June 2022, with not all fiscal year numbers being final as additional revenue and journal entries are received/posted.
Adjournment: It was moved by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.8.1
Minutes - 2022.8.1Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Work Session
August 1, 2022
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Roll Call: Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom (via Zoom), and Onica Ulveling
Closed Session: It was moved by Karen Friedlein to go into closed session at 5:31PM under Iowa Code “To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds.” Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Cindy Johnson declared the meeting open at 5:45PM.
Consider Request to Reinstate Eligibility: Onica Ulveling moved to grant the student request to regain eligibility for extracurricular activities as well as co-curricular activities with the understanding that any further violations of the district code of conduct will result in loss of eligibility for extracurricular and co-curricular activities for the remainder of the student’s enrollment at Carroll High School. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Consider Approval of Handbook Revisions: Sue Ruch presented revisions to the Little Tiger Preschool handbook, TigerZone Employee Handbook, and TigerZone Parent Handbook. The TigerZone handbooks were updated to reflect new times that TigerZone would be available, also reflecting a change in the cost associated with that time change, and allowing 16 year olds to be employed in TigerZone due to a change in rules by DHS at the state level. Karen Friedlein move to accept the handbook revisions and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Consider Approval of Job Descriptions: Sue Ruch presented a revised job description for TigerZone associate to reflect the change in age requirement from 18 years old to 16 years old. Duane Horsley moved to approve the job description and Onica Ulveling seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Personnel: The following resignations and recommendations were presented:
- Patty Murphy wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position at Adams Elementary. Patty has worked for CCSD for 11 years.
- Jennifer Brinkman wishes to resign from her Special Education Teacher Associate position at Fairview Elementary. Jennifer has worked for CCSD for 1 year.
- Cathy Grossman wishes to resign from her Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll Middle School. Cathy has worked for CCSD for 3 years.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Leah Nuthman for the CMS 5-8 Art teaching position. Leah has a Bachelor's Degree in Art Education from the University of Florida. Leah has a total of 8 years of teaching K-8 Art education. If approved Leah would be on the BA + 15 step 10 of the Salary Scale and would receive a salary of $49,857 ($42,302 salary + 5,819 TSS Fixed + 736 TSS Indexed + $1,000 signing bonus). The total signing bonus will be $2,000, with $1,000 being received in September 2022, and another $1,000 received in September 2023.Approval is recommended contingent on Leah receiving a clear background check and obtaining a valid Iowa teaching license.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Jeff Booher for a contracted bus driving position. Jeff is currently a Sub driver. He has his STOP Classes all up to date. If approved he would work approximately 3.2 hours/day and would receive $20.02 per hour plus the $1,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Josh Lucken for a Junior High football coaching position. Josh coaches JH basketball and JV baseball for us and has a good relationship with the JH students as he teaches at the middle school. Josh will work great with Coach Baddeley. Josh has 0 years of paid experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would receive $1,845. Approval is recommended.
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Marissa Alexander for a special education teacher associate position at Adams Elementary. If approved she would work 6.75 hours/day and would receive $13.05 (the base pay for special education TA). Marissa has no paid experience working with children. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the resignations and recommendations. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Work Session:
- Board Policy Review – Duane Horsley moved to accept revisions to board policy 413 reflecting the addition of TigerZone employees for required pre-employment physical. Karen Friedlein seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Vision, Mission, Beliefs and Strategic Plans – The Board and administrators discussed the items but not action was taken.
- Board Governance Plan 2022-2023 – Dr. Berlau presented the draft Board calendar and governance plan.
Duane Horsley moved to adjourn at 7:05PM and Onica Ulveling seconded. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.8.22
Minutes - 2022.8.22Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors Meeting
August 22, 2022
5:30 p.m., Adams Elementary Board Room
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
PUBLIC FORUM – Community member Amy Dea addressed the board with concerns regarding certain books in the district.
ROLL CALL – Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Onica Ulveling moved to approve the agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
DONATION – Duane Horsley moved to accept three donations presented and Onica Ulveling seconded. Donations presented: a Tiger picture from Dan, Ron, Judy and Sherry Pomeroy to honor the CHS classes of 1963, 1967, 1969, and 1975; backpacks with supplies to Fairview from Walmart Vision Center; and 6 pairs of socks and shoes, 14 backpacks and many school supplies from Shoe Sensation. Motion passed unanimously.
PRESENTATION – DLR Group recently worked with a facility team at the district and presented their initial recommendations.
PERSONNEL REPORT – Dr. Berlau presented the following personnel recommendations:
- Lynne Dvorak wishes to resign from her Teacher position at Fairview Elementary. Lynne has worked for CCSD for 28 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Brock Jones wishes to resign from his Assistant Softball coaching position. Brock has coached softball for six years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Nathan Wuebker wishes to resign from his teacher associate position at CMS. He was approved for hire in June. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Amy Wallace wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at AES effective September 11th. She has worked for CCSD for 4 years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Lisa Leiting wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS. Lisa has worked at CHS for ten years. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Fonz Siarez was offered a 4th grade teaching position contingent upon his receiving a valid Iowa teaching license. CCSD wishes to rescind this offer of employment.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Haley Pudenz for a 1-to-1 special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year for $13.05/hour for 7 hours per day.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Kristina Hoyle for a 1-to-1 special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year for $13.05/hour for 7 hours per day.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Jeanette Bender for a 6th grade teaching position on the BA Lane, Step 4 for total salary of $43,343. Also a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in September 2022, and another $1,000 received in September 2023. Approval is recommended contingent upon Jeanette obtaining an Iowa teaching license.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Zoe Myers for a TigerZone teacher associate position. Zoe is a Carroll High School student and would work 3 hours/day at $12.79/hour.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Gabrielle Olberding for a TigerZone teacher associate position. Gabrielle is a Carroll High School student and would work 3 hours/day at $12.79/hour.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Hailey Klocke for a TigerZone teacher associate position. Hailey is a Carroll High School student and would work 3 hours/day at $12.79/hour.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Kim Fields for a 7-hour food service position in the food service program at CMS at $12.75 per hour.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Maggie Pauley for volunteer position with the Dance program. Approval of volunteer is recommended.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Don Meyer for volunteer position with the Ag/Welding class taught by Doug Leiting. Mr. Meyer is an EMT/firefighter/CPR instructor, as well as many years in EMS and fire safety.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Carri Sturm's hours be increased from 6.5 to 7 hours/day and becomes the 2nd in charge at CMS with her pay to be $15.35/hour starting retroactive to August 1st.
- Sara Anderson is recommending Mary Vaughan's hours be increased from 6 to 6.25 hours/day 180 school days per year. Mary's hourly rate of pay will not change.
- Crystal Boes is recommending the following contract modifications for Teacher Associates: Allison Hike was Sped TA will be S & P, Kindra Prebeck was Sped TA will be 1/2 Sped and 1/2 S & P, Jessica Montalbano was S & P will be 1/2 Sped and 1/2 S & P, Brooke Kerkhoff was Sped will be 1/2 Sped and 1/2 S & P, Jennifer Lohrmann was Sped will be S & P, Katie Boell was PreK will be S & P, Marissa Alexander was Sped at AES will be S & P at Fairview
- Sue Ruch is recommending Stacey DeYoung for a TigerZone teacher associate position for 1.25 hr/day. If approved she would receive $13.09/hr while working in TZ. ($12.79 plus $.30 for AA degree). Approval is recommended.
Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. Motion passed unanimously.
- Items withdrawn from consent agenda
- Minutes from July 18, 2022 and August 1, 2022
- Bills:
General $214,099.93
Management $499,586.25
PPEL $20,072.54
Scholarship $400.00
Nutrition $180,404.75
SAVE $118,917.61
Activity $21,290.37
- Resignations
- Superintendent’s Report
Director of Teaching and Learning Report
CHS Principal’s Report
CMS Principal’s Report
Adams Principal’s Report
Fairview Principal’s Report
- Memorandum of Understanding with Head Start
- DMACC Observation Contract
- Board Policy Revisions
First Reading of the following policies:
712 - Extra Curricular Activities - Bus Service
600 Statement of Guiding Principles
601 School Calendar
602 School Day
603 Curriculum Development
604 Curriculum Implementation
605 Curriculum Evaluation
606 Pilot-Experimental-Innovative Projects
608 Summer School Instruction
609 Special Education
912 Senior Citizen Activity Pass
Second Reading of the following policies:
210 Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest
406 Child Abuse Reporting
566R1 Administration of Medication to Students Regulation
708 School Student Transportation Eligibility
718 Radon Mitigation
718R1 Radon Mitigation Regulation
Recommendation to Delete:
607 Education Equity
Onica Ulveling moved to approve the consent agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Agreement with St. Anthony Hospital for Athletic Training Services – Karen Friedlein moved to approve the agreement and Onica Ulveling seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Transportation maintenance agreement with Kuemper – Duane Horsley motioned to approve the agreement and Onica Ulveling seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Appoint delegate to IASB delegate assembly – Onica Ulveling moved to appoint Duane Horsley as the IASB delegate with Onica Ulveling as the alternate. Karen Friedlein seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- High School Student Handbook revisions – Onica Ulveling moved to approve the CHS student handbook revisions and Karen Friedlein seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve 2022-2023 Coaches Handbook – Duane Horsley moved to approve the coaches’ handbook and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Proposal for Girls Wrestling Program – Karen Friedlein motion to approve the addition of Girls Wrestling as a school sponsored activity. Onica Ulveling seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- Consider approval of district mission, vision, values – Karen Friedlein moved to approve the district mission, vision and values and Kristen Lundstrom seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- 2022-2023 Superintendent Goals – Karen Friedlein moved to approve the 22-23 superintendent goals as presented by Dr. Berlau and Onica Ulveling seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Teacher Quality Committee – Duane Horsley moved to approve the Teacher Quality Committee recommendation as presented and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- SIAC Committee – no action was taken in regards to this item.
- Budget Updates
- Consider approval of bids on buses and suburban’s – Dr. Berlau presented bids for suburbans and buses. Jeff Cullen put out a bid request for 2 suburbans and no bids were received so Jeff was able to find 2 suburbans at Karl Chevrolet for $45,346.80 each plus $250.00 each for backup alarms. Bid specs for the buses were sent out for 1 lift bus and 2-77 passenger buses with specific requirements requested and with the expected production/delivery time of a year so purchase will likely be for the 23-24 year. Two bids were received: Hoagland’s bid was complete while Thomas’ bid was missing a few things and not all parts met the bid specs. Lift bus: Thomas = $137,791; Hoagland = $141,000. 77-passenger bus: Thomas = $130,913/bus; Hoagland = $135,000/bus. The other thing to note is that Hoagland buses are familiar to our mechanics and can be taken locally for repairs while Thomas buses would need to go to Des Moines for repair. Therefore, Jeff Cullen recommends approval of the Karl Chevrolet quote for the suburbans for purchase now and approval of the Hoagland bid for ordering now. Duane Horsley moved to accept the Karl Chevrolet suburban quote and the bid from Hoagland for 3 buses. Karen Friedlein seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- Consider quote for the purchase of Clever Touches – The district received a quote for 20 clever touches for $151,111.34, which includes the equipment, speakers, wall mounts and installation. Dr. Berlau’s recommendation is to purchase half of those this fall. Karen Friedlein moved to approve purchase of 10 clever touches at approximately $75,000 and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT – Karen Friedlein moved to adjourn at 7:32pm, Onica Ulveling seconded and there was unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2022.9.22
Minutes - 2022.9.22Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors Meeting
September 19, 2022
5:30 p.m., Adams Elementary Board Room
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
PUBLIC FORUM – Community member Amy Dea addressed the board with questions regarding her concerns communicated during the August 22, 2022 meeting. Board President Cindy Johnson gave a statement in response to the concerns brought to the board at the August 22, 2022 meeting
ROLL CALL – Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Onica Ulveling moved to approve the agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
PRESENTATION – FFA members Kaden Schoenfeld and Brandon Bohac presented a proposal to the board seeking approval to complete a tractor restoration project. They also informed the board that a potential donor had come forward with a proposal to donate a tractor to the project. The FFA committee had come up with a budget, detailed plan on the restoration, and reasons for wanting to complete the project.
DONATION – Duane Horsley moved to accept the donation of a Farmall H tractor from Dave Miller to the Carroll Area FFA and approval of the FFA’s tractor restoration project. Kristen Lundstrom seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
PERSONNEL REPORT – Dr. Berlau presented the following personnel recommendations:
- Jade Worley wishes to resign from her S & P teacher associate position effective Sept. 21st. Jade has worked for CCSD for one year. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Patrick Henderson wishes to resign from his bus driving position effective September 20th. Patrick has driven bus for 5 years. Approval of resignation is recommended. Patrick wishes to remain as an activity driver.
- Gary Magill wishes to resign from his 8th grade boys' basketball coaching position contingent upon his being approved for the freshman boys' basketball coaching position. Approval of resignation is recommended.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend Robert Jackson for a custodial position at CMS. If approved Robert would work 3:30PM to 12:30AM and would be paid $13.60/hour. Recommendation is made retroactive to September 1st. Robert will also receive $1,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend Keaton Snyder for a custodial position at CHS. If approved Keaton would work 3:30PM to 12:30AM and would be paid $13.60/hour. Recommendation is made retroactive to September 1st. Keaton will also receive $1,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Kelli Meyer for a Special Education Teacher Associate position at Fairview. If approved Kelli would work 6.75 hours/day and would be paid $13.25/hour (Base of $13.05 for SE plus $.20 for experience). Recommendation is recommended. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Danielle Rossiter for a severe profound teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. If approved she would work 6.75 hours/day and would receive $14.12 (the base pay for severe profound TA). Danielle has no paid experience working with children. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Stefanie Jorgensen for a 7th grade girls' basketball coaching position. Stef has no paid basketball coaching experience but played a year of college basketball and has coached many youth teams. She is a Carroll Alumni and will work well with Coach Kock to help develop our youth program. If approved she would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would make $1,845. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Gary Magill for the freshman boys' basketball coaching position. Gary has coached 8th grade basketball for us in the past and has a good relationship with the kids as he coaches freshman football and varsity boys soccer for us as well. If approved he would be on Step 25 and would receive $3,578. Approval is recommended.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Jeff Hughes for the debate sponsor position. Jeff has 10 years paid experience with debate. He coached speech and debate for 2 years in Missouri and then coached debate and student Congress 8 years at KCHS. We are excited to start a debate team at CHS and Jeff will do a great job getting the program started. If approved he would be on Step 10 of the salary schedule and would be paid $1433. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Danny Bruggeman for a volunteer in the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) program. He would also like to eat lunch with high school students occasionally. Approval of volunteer is recommended.
- Linsey Pick currently has a contract for Instructional Mentor. Casey Berlau would like to recommend that Linsey be approved for a Curriculum Coordinator position. Approval is recommended.
- Sara Anderson is recommending a contract modification for Janet Olerich for an increase of hours from 3.0 hours to 3.75 hours per day, 180 days per year retroactive to Sept 1, 2022. Approval is recommended.
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. Motion passed unanimously.
- Items withdrawn from consent agenda
- Minutes from August 22, 2022
- Field Trip
- Bills:
General $258,529.68
Management $52,256.25
PPEL $7,591.92
Nutrition $76,520.92
SAVE $75,442.65
Activity $27,260.49
- Administrator Reports
Superintendent’s Report
Director of Teaching and Learning Report
- Agreements for approval
Consider Agreement with Secure Shred
Plains Area Mental Health Agreement
- Board Policy Revisions
Second Reading of the following policies:
566 – Administration of Medication to Students
712 - Extra Curricular Activities - Bus Service
600 Statement of Guiding Principles
601 School Calendar
602 School Day
603 Curriculum Development
604 Curriculum Implementation
605 Curriculum Evaluation
606 Pilot-Experimental-Innovative Projects
608 Summer School Instruction
609 Special Education
912 Senior Citizen Activity Pass
- First Reading of the following policies:
472 Sick Leave (Non Bargaining Personnel)
473 Personal Leave (Non Bargaining Personnel)
474 Bereavement Leave (Non Bargaining Personnel)
566E1 Controlled Substance Log
566E2 Consent for Student to Self-Administer Asthma Medication
566E3 Administering Medication in School: Parent Letter
566E5 Authorization-Asthma or Airway Constricting, or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form
612 Citizenship
613 Health Education
613E1 Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form
614 Career Education
615 Physical Education
616 Global Education
617 Basic Instructional Program
618 Academic Freedom
618R1 NEW: Academic Freedom Regulation
619 Teaching About Religion
619R1 Teaching About Religion Regulation
620 Program for Gifted and Talented Students
621 Program For Students At Risk
621.1 Individualized Instruction
622 Competent Private Instruction
Recommendation to Delete the following policies:
566E1 Record or the Administration of Medication to Students
566E3 Authorization-Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self-Administration Consent Form
566E4 Parent Letter for Administering Medication in School
611 Teaching Controversial Issues
611R1 Teaching Controversial Issues Regulation
622E1 Private Instruction
- Wage Reports
- Fundraisers for 2022-2023
Onica Ulveling moved to approve the consent agenda and Duane Horsley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A. Consider approval of FFA tractor restoration project – see above under Donations
B. Consider approval of School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the SIAC as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Consider approval of revisions to district return to learn plan – Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the plan as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Consider approval of district and building school improvement Goals for 2022-2023 – Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the district and building goals for 2022-2023 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Consider activity worker pay for 2022-2023 – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to increase activity worker pay from $10/hour to $12.50/hour. The motion passed unanimously.
F. Consider approval of revision to CESA Handbook – Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the CESA Handbook changes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
G. Consider approval of revision to CEA Handbook – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the CEA Handbook changes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
- FY 22 Annual Settlements – Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to accept and approve the FY22 Annual Settlement report from Board Secretary Nicole McCarville as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
B. FY 22 Certified Annual Report (CAR) – Due to Department of Ed portal issues, the department of education extended the deadline for the CAR to September 27th so CCSD had not yet certified the CAR, Special Ed Supplement or Annual Transportation Report as of the date and time of the meeting.
C. FY 22 Special Education Supplement to (CAR) – See B
D. Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for a Special Education Deficit – See B
E. FY 22 Annual Transportation Report – See B
F. Financial Updates including ESSER funds
G. Consider granting permission to seek snow removal bids – Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded granting CCSD permission to seek bids for snow removal. The motion passed unanimously
ADJOURNMENT – Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn at 7:15pm, Karen Friedlein seconded and there was unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.1.16
Minutes - 2023.1.16Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors Regular Meeting
January 16, 2023
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30p.m.
PUBLIC FORUM – Taylor McCormick addressed the board with concerns he had on a bussing incident with his children.
ROLL CALL – Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Motion by Karen Friedlein and second by Onica Ulveling to approve the agenda. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE RECONSIDERATION COMMITTEE – Motion by Kristen Lundstrom and second by Onica Ulveling to accept the recommendations from the reconsideration committee to keep Crank by Ellen Hopkins and Damsel by Elana Arnold in the CHS Media Center. The motion passed 3-2 with Kristen Lundstrom, Onica Ulveling, and Cindy Johnson voting in favor and Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein against.
DONATIONS – Farm Credit Services of America would like to donate $500 to needy families lunch accounts and Duane and Kris Horsley would like to donate the following six books by Lane Walker: Legends of the Ghost Buck, The Hunt for Scarface, Terror at Deadwood Lake, The Boss on Redemption Road, The Day it Rained Ducks, and The Lost Deer Camp. Motion by Karen Friedlein and second by Onica Ulveling to accept the donations. The motion passed unanimously with Duane Horsley abstaining.
PERSONNEL REPORT – The following recommendations were made:
- Jerry Raymond wishes to resign from his middle school principal position at the end of his 2022-2023 contract. Jerry has worked for CCSD for 19 years.
- Scott Duhrkopf would like to resign at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Scott has taught at CCSD for 25 years.
- Kim Nees would like to resign at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Kim has taught at CCSD for 32 years.
- Karen Raymond would like to resign at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Karen has taught at CCSD for 17 years.
- Dennis McCartan would like to resign at the end of the 2022-2023 school year from his high school counselor position, his weight room coordinator position as well as his junior high girls' track coaching position. Dennis has taught and coached at CCSD for 22 years.
- Kaitlynn Kaufmann has requested a transfer from high school science to high school math.
- Anderson is recommending the following contract modifications due to a resignation of a 7 hour position in the fall and reorganization of duties, all effective January 1, 2023:
A. Carri Sturm increase letter of assignment from 7 hours to 7.25 hours per day.
B. Joni Wanninger increase letter of assignment from 7.5 hours to 7.75 hours per day.
- Carly Tigges increase letter of assignment from 7 hours to 7.75 hours per day.
1. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Jenny Lu and Sean Canuso as volunteers in the Fine Arts Program at Carroll High School contingent on receipt of a clear background check.
2. Sue Ruch is recommending Jenna Lambertz as volunteer in the T2K classrooms at Fairview.
Duane Horsley motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel report. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
Minutes from December 19, 2022 and Reconsideration Committee Meetings
Bills: General ($388,512.37); PPEL ($2,642.73); Nutrition ($32,468.86); SAVE ($8,870); Debt Service ($800); Activity ($17,801.17)
Administrative Reports
First Reading of the following policies:
900 Statement of Guiding Principles
902 Releases to News Media - Internal Unit News
903 Release to New Media - Board Matters
632 Homework
632.R1 Homework Regulation
500 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students
501 Compulsory Attendance
502 Student Absences - Excuses
503 Entrance - Admissions
Second Reading of the following policies:
637 Class Size
638 Field Trips and Excursions
638.1 Off-Campus Emergency Procedures
639 Student Production of Materials and Services
640 Assemblies
641 Early Release for Seniors
642 Student Guidance and Counseling Program
642.1 Animals in the Classroom
643 Building Assistance Teams
645 Permanent Records
646 Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms
647 School Ceremonies and Observances
Policies Recommended to be deleted:
501R1 Attendance Cooperation Process
501R2 Compulsory Attendance Regulation
502R1 Middle School and High School Attendance
502R2 Elementary Attendance
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the consent agenda. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
A. Consider approval of staffing plan for 2023-2024 - Duane Horsley motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve staffing plan for 2023-2024. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
B. Consider approval of date, place and time for public hearing on the 2023-2024 School Calendar – Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to set the public hearing for the 2023-2024 School Calendar at 5:35PM on Monday, February 20, 2023 in the Adams Elementary Board Room. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
C. Consider approving Amended Educational Service Agreement with DMACC – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the ESA with DMACC. The motion passed 3-0 with Kristen Lundstrom and Karen Friedlein abstaining.
D. Consider renewing MOU with New Hope Village regarding providing emergency and temporary shelter in the event of a disaster – Onica Ulveling motioned and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the MOU with New Hope Village. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
E. Consider appointing the Carroll Times-Herald as the official newspaper for the school district for 2023. Onica Ulveling motioned and Duane Horsley seconded to name the Carroll Times Herald as the official newspaper for required publications of the district. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
F. Job Descriptions – Karen Friedlein motioned to approve the Middle School Principal and Senior Class Sponsor job descriptions with a minor change to the goal of the principal and removal of salary from the sponsor description. Onica Ulveling seconded and the motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.
A. Approve contract with Farris Engineering for Air Conditioning project for Fairview and CMS – Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to give board president Cindy Johnson approval to sign the contract with Farris Engineering once the contract has been updated to reflect changes suggested by our attorney. Unanimous approval via roll call vote.
B. Budget Reports
ADJOURNMENT – Onica Ulveling moved to adjourn at 6:50PM and Karen Friedlein seconded, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.1.30
Minutes - 2023.1.30Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 30, 2023
12:00 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Roll Call: Board members present: Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Karen Friedlein. Board member Onica Ulveling was absent.
Approve the Agenda: Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Consider approval of iJAG Agreement – Duane Horsley motioned and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the iJAG Agreement between CCSD and Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Consider approval of Job Descriptions – Karen Friedlein motioned and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the iJAG 11th and 12th Grade Education Specialist job description. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Karen Friedlein motioned and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the Behavior Interventionist-District job description. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Personnel Report – Dr. Berlau presented the following personnel recommendations:
1. Renee Anderson wishes to resign from her preschool teaching position effective January 24th. Approval of resignation is recommended.
2. Joshua Lucken wishes to resign from his middle school (7th grade) boys’ basketball coaching position. Approval of resignation is recommended
1. Sue Ruch is recommending Kristin Promes for a Strategist II Special Education position at Fairview Elementary for the 2023-24 school year. It is anticipated that Kristin will receive a Teacher Intern License in June. It is also anticipated that she will earn a Master of Arts in Teaching, SPED: Instructional Strategist II BD/LD and ID endorsements May 2024. If approved she would be on Step 0 of the BA+15 lane of the 2023-2024 salary schedule. Approval is recommended.
2. Sue Ruch is recommending Patrick Henderson as a Severe/Profound teacher associate at Fairview. If approved he would work 6.75 hours/day and would be paid $14.72/hour. (Base for S & P is $14.12, plus .30 for college, plus .30 for 11 years of experience.) Approval is recommended retroactive to January 24.
3. Randy Bissen is recommending Jake Gute for the Assistant Drama Coach/Sponsor for the fall musical. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would receive $1,367 (this amount represents the 22-23 salary schedule. This may change for 2023-2024 pending CEA negotiations). Approval is recommended.
4. Randy Bissen is recommending Zach Kaufman for the set construction position for the fall and spring plays/musicals. If approved he would receive $1,216 for the spring 2023 play. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
5. Randy Bissen is recommending Bill Polking for the assistant drama position for
Spring 2023. He would be Kaitlynn Kaufman's assistant for the spring play. If approved he would be on Step 2 and would receive $1,421. Approval is recommended.
1. Casey Berlau is recommending that Jodie Guddall be reimbursed up to $300 per credit hour for tuition she paid to obtain a Special Education endorsement. Approval of reimbursement is recommended.
2. Casey Berlau is recommending that Keli Ballantine be reimbursed up to $300 per credit hour for tuition she paid to obtain a Special Education Strategist II endorsement. Approval of reimbursement is recommended.
Duane Horsley moved to approved the personnel recommendations and Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Adjourn: Karen Friedlein moved to adjourn at 12:22 pm and Duane Horsley seconded. Unanimous approval.
____________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2023.1.30
Minutes - 2023.1.30 mkohorst@carro… Thu, 03/02/2023 - 07:06Minutes - 2023.2.27
Minutes - 2023.2.27Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
February 27, 2023
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Public Forum: No members of the public addressed the board.
Roll Call: Board members Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom and Onica Ulveling were all present.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Recommendation from the Reconsideration Committee: Onica Ulveling moved to approve the recommendation from the reconsideration committee’s February 20, 2023 meeting to keep the books A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, and A Court of Frost and Starlight in the CHS media center. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion. The motion on A Court of Thorns and Roses and A Court of Frost and Starlight passed on a vote of 4–1 with Karen Friedlein voting No. The motion on A Court of Mist and Fury passed on a vote of 3-2 with Karen Friedlein and Duane Horsley voting No.
Opening Offer for 2023-2024 from CEA: CMS Teacher and CEA representative Jesse Strong presented the opening negotiation offer for 2023-24 from CEA with an increase to base salary of $38,000 and total package excluding insurance of $810,237.57 or 8.30%.
Opening Offer for 2023-2024 from CCSD to CEA: Dr. Berlau presented the opening offer to CEA from CCSD for 2023-24 with an increase to base salary of $35,000 and total package excluding insurance of $182,857.94 or 2.02%.
Presentation: School Improvement Advisory Council parent members Sondra Rierson and Lindsay Haukap presented to the board regarding the recent SIAC meeting content around the district/building strategic plans and the committee’s appreciation for the data, goals, and work being addressed in the buildings and shared with SIAC members. They discussed some of the conversations that have happened at SIAC meetings around mental health, professional development, rigor of the coursework, and closing the campus at the high school to increase instructional time.
Open Public Hearing on the Proposed 2023-24 School Calendar: President Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing open at 5:47 p.m. No members of the public addressed the board regarding the calendar. Dr. Berlau highlighted the main changes with the schedule, including conference weeks having just one night of conferences and March having a full spring break week.
Close Public Hearing: President Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing closed at 5:49 p.m.
Consider Approval of 2023-2024 School Calendar: Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the 2023-2024 School Calendar as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Donations: Onica Ulveling motioned and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the following donations: Woodmen of the World, Arcadia Unit - breakfast and office supplies for the staff at CMS for Feb. 13th PD day; Kas Clausen - $250 to The Tiger Cupboard; and Delta Dental - 144 toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss to each Fairview and Adams Elementary. The motion passed unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
- Items withdrawn from consent agenda
- Minutes from January 16, 2023, January 30, 2023, Reconsideration Committee Minutes February 20, 2023
- Bill List – General Fund- $728,936.21; PPEL- $5,322.41; Nutrition- $49,305.79; Activity Fund - $24,410.10
- Administrative Reports
- Director of Teaching and Learning
- Fairview Elementary Report
- Adams Elementary Report
- Middle School Report
- High School Report
- Job Description: Teacher: Title I
- Board Policy Review
- First Reading of Board Policies
514 International Students In Student Foreign Exchange Program
515 Homeless Children and Youth
- Second Reading of Board Policies
900 Statement of Guiding Principles
902 Releases to News Media - Internal Unit News
903 Release to New Media - Board Matters
632 Homework
632.R1 Homework Regulation
500 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students
501 Compulsory Attendance
502 Student Absences - Excuses
503 Entrance - Admissions
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Personnel Report:
- Michelle Jacobson wishes to resign from her T2K-4th grade music instructor position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Michelle has worked at CCSD for two years.
- Kristen Campbell wishes to resign from her high school physical education teaching position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Kristen has taught at CCSD for one year.
- Kyla Schafer wishes to resign from her 4-6 Music position at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Kyla has worked for CCSD for 11 years.
- Pam Austin wishes to resign from her Business Teaching position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Pam has worked for CCSD for 7 years.
- Hailey Klocke wishes to resign from her Tiger Zone teacher associate position effective February 1st.
- Jordan Janssen wishes to resign from her special education teacher associate position at Fairview effective February 14th. She will continue to be under contract as a bus driver.
- Doug Hoffmann wishes to resign from his custodial position effective March 25th. Doug has worked for CCSD for sixteen years.
- Mark Skillen wishes to resign from his custodial position effective February 28th, 2023. Mark has worked for CCSD for 13 years.
- Crystal Boes is recommending Amber Gross for a fourth grade teaching position. Amber is a graduate of Iowa State University and is currently working on her Master's Degree in Literacy Education at Morningside University. Amber is currently teaching at Logan-Magnolia CSD. If approved Amber would be on Step 3 of the BA+15 lane of the 2023-2024 salary schedule. Signing bonus of $2,000 is also recommended.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Joyce Bierl for the Senior Class Sponsor position. If approved Joyce would receive $1,000.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Trevor Joiner for the PE/Strength and Conditioning teaching position as well as Weight Room Coordinator position. Trevor has most recently been teaching at Des Moines Public Schools. If approved he would be on Step 5 of the MA lane of the 2023-2024 salary schedule. Signing bonus of $2,000 is also recommended.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Xavier Hernandez for the high school PLTW/Science teaching position. Xavier has most recently been substitute teaching at CCSD. Xavier is a graduate of West Texas A & M University with a degree in biology. He is currently in the RAPIL (Regents Alternative Pathway to Iowa Licensure) program. If approved he would be on Step 0 of the BA lane of the 2023- 2024 salary schedule. Signing bonus of $2,000 is also recommended. Approval is recommended contingent upon his receiving CTE Endorsement.
- Sue Ruch is recommending DeAnn Leiting for a Behavioral Interventionist position. DeAnn has a BA from Buena Vista University and Master of Social Work Degree from University of Iowa. She has served as a School Social worker at Ar-We-Va, Heartland Family Service in Harlan, and at Heartland AEA. She has also served as a therapist for Senior Life Solutions and Seasons Center for Behavioral Health. Most recently she has worked at Prairie Lakes AEA (Pocahontas) and the Audubon/Coon Rapids CSD. If approved DeAnn would be paid $64,709. Signing bonus of $2,000 is also recommended.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Samantha Block for the high school counselor position. Samantha is a graduate of Buena Vista University and has a master's degree in Professional School Counseling. She has most recently been working as a counselor at Newell-Fonda School. If approved Samantha would be on Step 8 of the MA lane of the 2023-2024 salary schedule. Signing bonus of $2,000 is also recommended.
- Craig Rowedder is recommending Cody Wardell for the Technology Technician position. If approved Cody would work 40 hours/week and be paid $20/hour, starting March 1, 2023.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Nathan Wuebker for a special education teacher associate at Fairview. If approved Nathan would be paid $13.35 per hour. (Base for Sped TA $13.05 plus thirty cents for 14 years of experience). If approved he would work 6.75 hours per day and begin working March 6th.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Abby Munson for a regular education teacher associate position at Fairview (TigerZone). If approved Abby would be paid $12.79 per hour, the base TA pay. If approved she would work 2.25 hours per day and 3 to 4 days/week. If approved she would start March 7th.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending that Margaret Gruba's teacher associate contract be modified from 4 hours/day to 5.25 hours/day. Margaret's schedule changed when she began driving bus for CCSD in addition to working as a TA at CMS.
- Kristen Promes was approved for a Special Education Teaching position for 2023- 2024. Casey Berlau is recommending that Kristen receive a $2,000 signing bonus in addition to her 23-24 salary.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending that Kristi Shanks contract be amended to add an extended 15 days to her contract for the 2023-2024 school year. Kristi will be taking on some of the student scheduling duties that Mr. McCartan previously did.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend the following as volunteers at Fairview: Lindsay Haukap, Courtney Cook, Tasha Goecke, Alicia Patrick, Amanda Halbur, Maria Cullen and Shellie Haluska. Approval of volunteers is recommended contingent upon receipt of clear background checks.
Administrative Report:
A. Approve Wellness Committee – Dr. Berlau discussed with the wellness policy and the related wellness committee. The current board policy committee that includes district staff, parents/community members, board members, and students along with the food service director, PE and nursing staff, will serve as the wellness committee and will complete the triennial assessment of the policy goals at an upcoming policy committee meeting.
B. CHS Course Handbook for 2023-2024 – CHS Principal Kourtney Abbotts presented the CHS course handbook for 2023-2024 noting that pieces related to DMACC course offerings are not yet final. She discussed the pathways concept that is being implemented. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the CHS course handbook. The motion carried unanimously.
C. Staffing Plan – Dr. Berlau discussed staffing plans for the upcoming year and where the district currently stands for hiring positions that had been previously approved by the board.
Business Office Report:
- Capital Outlay:
- Garden Tractor – this was tabled to a future meeting.
- Change Order on Air Conditioning Project at CMS and FV – The Board reviewed the AIA Document and Carroll Control Systems change order documents, noting that the original contract value of the project of $609,700 is decreasing by $63,600 due to value engineering for a revised contract price of $546,100. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded the change order reducing the project by $63,600. The motion carried unanimously.
- Instructional Support Levy (ISL) Renewal – The board discussed the election timing for the ISL renewal as well as the extension for the Revenue Purpose Statement for the SAVE fund dollars. The board is tentatively planning on putting the ISL renewal on the November 7th, 2023 election.
- Budget Updates
- Resolution for interfund balance transfers: For the year ending 6/30/22, the preliminary interfund balances due from the Nutrition Fund and TigerZone were $113,033.46 and $47,557.37. At the completion of our FY22 audit, the nutrition fund and TigerZone fund must pay those interfund balances to the general fund with board resolution. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to pay the interfund balances due to the General fund from the Nutrition and TigerZone funds for the final FY22 audited interfund balances up to the preliminary amounts presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Closed Session for Superintendent Evaluation: At 6:57 p.m., Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to enter closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i.: “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.” The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
At 8:02 p.m., President Cindy Johnson declared the meeting open.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Unanimous approval. The board then entered an exempt session to discuss negotiation strategy.
Minutes - 2023.2.6
Minutes - 2023.2.6Minutes
CCSD Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 6, 2023
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary School
Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.
Roll Call: Board members present: Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, and Karen Friedlein. Board member Kristen Lundstrom was absent.
Approve the Agenda: Karen Friedlein moved to approve the agenda and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Presentations – Preschool teachers Sarah Buswell, Holly Warnke, and Jill Weber gave a presentation to the board on the statewide voluntary preschool program at Fairview, including their use of the professional development Mondays, the functional goals/data they collect and how they use different teaching/learning methods for student engagement. Brooke Eischeid and Bev Schmitt-Kirsch then presented on the new Transition to Kindergarten (T2K) program they teach, including program qualifications, comparison of their day to preschool and kindergarten, and end of year goals/expectations.
Review Curriculum Purchase Plan – Karinne Tharaldson, Linsey Pick, and Ryan Simmelink reviewed the curriculum that has been purchased from 2020-2023 and what areas they are looking to update/replace curriculum for in 2023-2026. The reviewed the process for curriculum selection and where in the process they are for the areas they are looking to update first.
Discussion – Instructional Support Levy – Dr. Berlau gave some information on the Instructional Support Levy that is currently set to expire on June 30, 2025, including the board procedures needed to renew as well as possible timelines based on the various election dates available.
DLR Group Facility Study – DLR Group reviewed the recommendations from the facility study with the board and the group held a discussion on the various items to consider along with the next steps to proceed.
Adjourn: Duane Horsley moved to adjourn at 8:11 p.m. and Onica Ulveling seconded. Unanimous approval.
___________________________ _____________________________
Cindy Johnson, President Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Approved: _____________________
Minutes - 2023.3.20
Minutes - 2023.3.20Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
March 20, 2023
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Public Forum: No members of the public addressed the board.
Roll Call: Board members Karen Friedlein (via zoom/phone), Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, and Onica Ulveling were all present. Kristen Lundstrom was absent.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Approve agreement with the Carroll Education Association for 2023-2024: Dr. Berlau presented the tentative agreement with the CEA for 2023-2024, which included discontinuing the traditional lane/step salary schedule, an increase to base salary to $38,000 and a total salary (with TSS, IPERS, and FICA) of 2.71% and 5.87% with insurance included. It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve agreement with CEA for 2023-2024. The motion passed unanimously.
Field Trip – FFA State Convention: FFA Advisor Brady Eischeid was seeking approval from the board for members of the Carroll Area FFA chapter to attend the FFA State Leadership Conference in April in Ames, which would include an overnight stay due to the schedule. Onica Ulveling moved to approve the overnight trip and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Donations: Dr. Berlau presented donations of: $1,000 from the Carroll Rivalry Club to the CHS Golf programs, a new clarinet and new flute from Kim Reiter to the CHS band programs, and plaques with the stadium historical information from Mike McCaffrey. Mike McCaffrey and Vick Gach gave a short presentation on the information that would be included and showed examples of the plaques. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the donations. The motion passed unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
- Items withdrawn from consent agenda
- Minutes from February 6, 2023, February 27, 2023, and March 6, 2023
- Bill List – General Fund- $210,600.67; Management - $52,256.25; PPEL- $3,795.50; Nutrition- $50,481.39; SAVE - $4,565 Activity Fund - $21,158.68
- Administrative Reports
- Director of Teaching and Learning
- Fairview Elementary Report
- Adams Elementary Report
- Middle School Report
- High School Report
- Agreements
- TAP Agreement
- University of Northern Iowa Student Teacher Agreement
- Morningside student teacher agreement
- Memorandum of Understanding with RSVP Volunteers
- AEA Purchase Agreement for food services
- Board Policy Review
Second Reading of Board Policies
- International Students In Student Foreign Exchange Program
- Homeless Children and Youth
First Reading of Board Policies
- Student Release During School Hours
- Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District
- Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District
- Student Expression and Student Publications
523 Student Appearance
525 Student Complaints and Grievances
526 Student Lockers
527 Weapons
528 Smoking, Drinking, Drugs
528R1 Smoking, Drinking, Drugs -Regulation
Recommendation to Delete the Following Policies
520 Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures As An Alternative Receiving District
522 Foreign Students
Form accompanying 528R1 - Student Referral to New Opportunities
- Job Descriptions – Head Custodian Carroll High School, Head Custodian Adams Elementary, Head Custodian Fairview Elementary and Middle School
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the consent agenda as presented with two recommended modifications to the job descriptions. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Personnel Report:
1. Jake Thompson wishes to resign from his physical education teaching position as well as his MS Volleyball coaching position at CMS at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
2. Jen Dentlinger wishes to resign from her Transportation and Student Information Specialist position effective March 21st.
3. Catherine Peterson wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS effective 3-13-23.
4. Marcia Mendoza wishes to resign from her TA shuttle position effective March 17th. She wishes to remain working as a TA in the classroom.
5. Brooke Kerkhoff wishes to resign from her TA position effective March 24th.
6. Gabby Olberding wishes to resign from her TA (Tiger Zone) position effective March 9th.
1. Casey Berlau is recommending Scot Aden for the Middle School principal position. Scot is a graduate of Saint Ambrose University with a BA in Physical Education. He is a graduate of Drake University with a Masters in Educational Leadership. He has served as principal at Atlantic Community School District, Cherokee Community School District, and Gladbrook Reinbeck School. If approved he would work a 240 day contract and be paid $123,000. Scot will also receive up to $5,000 for moving expenses. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
2. Kourtney Abbotts is recommended William DJ Shull for the 9-12 Physical Education teaching position at CHS. William expects to graduate in May with his BS in Kinesiology and Health from Iowa State University. If approved he would receive $44,545 (Base of $38,000 plus $6,545 TSS) - BA lane of the salary schedule, plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
3. Sue Ruch is recommending Danielle Buhs for a FV Preschool teaching position. Danielle is a graduate of University of Northern Iowa with a BA in Early Childhood. She also has a Master of Arts from University of Northern Iowa in Early Childhood Education. Danielle has experience teaching preschool, second and third grades. If approved she would be on the MA lane and would receive $53,941 (Base of 47,059 plus $6,882 TSS) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
4. Jerry Raymond is recommending Kyle Grossnickle for the 5-8 CMS Instrumental Music position. Kyle will be graduating from Iowa State University in May with a bachelor's degree in Music. If approved he would receive $44,545 (Base of $38,000 plus $6,545 TSS) BA lane of the salary schedule, plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
5. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Chloe Brown for a High School Math teaching position. If approved Chloe will be Step 0, MA and would receive $47,470 (Base of $40,925 plus $6,545 TSS) plus a sign on bonus of $2,000. Chloe is a graduate of Iowa State with a BS in Math and will receive her master's degree in May 2023 in Math education. Chloe has been a sub teacher at Southeast Polk junior high. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
6. Randy Bissen is recommending David Reis for the freshmen baseball coaching position as well as the assistant girls’ soccer coaching position. If approved David would receive $2,563 for the freshmen baseball position and $2,563 for the assistant girls’ soccer coaching position. Approval of coaching positions is recommended.
6. Jerry Raymond is recommending Jane Heithoff for an accompanist position for the 5-6th grade concert in May. Jane will work on an as needed basis and the rate of pay will be $20/hour. Approval is contingent on a clear background check.
1. Randy Bissen is recommending Eric Nagl as a volunteer with the JV and Varsity baseball programs. Approval of volunteer is recommended.
2. Randy Bissen is recommending Brock Jones as a volunteer with the softball team. Brock was a softball coach for us the past few years. He will serve as a volunteer instead of a paid coach due to his work schedule.
1. Jerry Raymond has approved the transfer of Matt Reicks from middle school special education teaching, Strategist II, to the 8th grade, Strategist I, special education teaching position.
2. Crystal Boes and Sue Ruch have approved the transfer of Kara Neville to the Title Reading and Math position.
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Report:
A. Snow Makeup Day Plan – Dr. Berlau presented his plan for the missed time due to snow days and early outs/late starts. He recommended making May 26th a full day, adding May 30th as a full student day, adding May31st as a student day with a 2 hour early out and then June 1, 2 and 5 as staff contract days. Onica Ulveling moved to approved the 2022-2023 calendar revisions and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously
B. Little Tiger Preschool Handbook revisions – Fairview Elementary principal Sue Ruch presented some revisions to the preschool handbook resulting from a recent preschool quality review. Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the revised preschool handbook. The motion carried unanimously.
C. FFA Farm Leases – Dr. Berlau presented farmland leases for the Carroll Area FFA chapter from the City of Carroll, James Auen, and two with Region XII. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the leases. The motion passed unanimously
Business Office Report:
- Present Draft of 2023-2024 Certified Budget and Amended FY23 Budget: Board Secretary Nicole McCarville presented a draft of the FY23-24 budget, which shows a proposed property tax levy of $9.88719/1,000 valuation.
- Set date, time and location for public hearing on the FY24 certified budget and FY23 budget amendment – The Board set the public hearing for April 17th at the regular April board meeting with a hearing time of 5:45PM in the Adams Elementary board room.
- Capital Outlay – Dr. Berlau presented two bids for a new garden tractor: Rueter’s $18,200 and John Deere $14,600. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to accept the bid from John Deere for $14,600. The motion passed unanimously.
- Consider request to seek bids for 3 bus purchases in the 2024-2025 school year – the board gave verbal approval to seek bids for 3 buses to be purchased in 2024-2025.
- Consider approval of Local Government Risk Pool Agreement: Nicole McCarville presented the FY24 LGRP agreement for natural gas, noting a decrease in the annual premium to $136,533.02. Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the agreement. The motion passed unanimously.
- Budget Reports
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.3.24
Minutes - 2023.3.24Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
March 24, 2023
12:00 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Board members Duane Horsley, Kristen Lundstrom, Onica Ulveling, and Cindy Johnson were present. Karen Friedlein was absent.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda and seconded by Kristen Lundstrom. The motion passed unanimously.
Consider Offering a Stipend to Staff for Early Return of 2023-2024 Contracts.
The Board discussed offering a retention payment for staff that turn their 23-24 contracts/letters of assignment in within 5 school days of them being sent. Board secretary/treasurer Nicole McCarville gave some budget information on possible categorical balances/funds that could be used to pay for the stipend. The board considered a stipend amount of $250 and $500 and the different categories of staff to include. Duane Horsley motioned to provide a $500 retention bonus for returning staff that turn in their contracts/letters of assignment within 5 school days of them being sent out and including all full-time or regularly scheduled staff (excluding non-staff coaches/sponsors, substitutes, and others not regularly scheduled) which would be a maximum cost of $133,500 if all eligible staff met the timeline. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Adjournment – Duane Horsley moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to adjourn at 12:21 p.m. with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.3.6
Minutes - 2023.3.6Minutes
Board of Directors Work Session
March 6, 2023
5:00 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Board members Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom and Onica Ulveling were all present.
Approval of Agenda:
It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Micah Henderson for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. Micah is a CHS graduate. If approved he would be paid $13.05/hour and would work 6.75 hours/day.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Shannon Heisterkamp for a first grade teacher position at Fairview. Shannon is a graduate of The University of Northern Iowa. She has most recently been employed at Coon Rapids-Bayard CSD. If approved she would be on Step 22 of the BA+15 lane of 2023-2024 schedule and would receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Crystal Boes is recommending Morgan Irlbeck for an elementary teaching position at Adams Elementary. Morgan is a graduate of Iowa State University. She has most recently been employed at the Des Moines CSD as a first grade teacher and also as a K-5 Interventionist. If approved she would be on Step 8 of the BA lane of 2023-2024 schedule and would receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Casey Berlau approved Rachel Wittry’s transfer from a Special Ed teaching position at Carroll Middle School to a Special Ed teaching position at Carroll High School for the 2023-24 school year.
Duane Horsley moved to approved the personnel recommendations and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Review/Discussion on Facilities and Budget
- Facility Plan – The board discussed the recent recommendations from DLR Group regarding the district’s facility needs and plans. Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville gave some preliminary information on possible ways to pay for a project, including borrowing capacity against SAVE dollars, a voted PPEL levy and General Obligation bond. They also discussed adding the Revenue Purpose Statement to the November 7th ballot for the extension of SAVE funding, which just gives the public the opportunity to approve the appropriate uses for SAVE funding. After discussion, the board’s initial priorities are to first complete projects that can be financed by borrowing against SAVE (rather than increasing property tax levies) and starting with a bus facility project and possibility including other projects at Fairview or other buildings built in with it.
- Instructional Support Levy - The board discussed the requirements necessary for getting the ISL renewal on the November 7, 2023 election ballot. Discussion around some strategies for communicating information about the ISL to the public also took place.
- Certified Budget Timeline – The board discussed the necessary steps to the certified budget process. Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville updated the board on the change to the filing timeline this year due to the late changes to property valuation rollbacks impacting the FY24 budgets. With the certification deadline of April 30th, the board will receive a preliminary budget at the March 20th meeting and tentative public hearing date of April 17th at the regularly scheduled board meeting for that month.
Adjournment – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to adjourn at 5:56 p.m. with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.4.10
Minutes - 2023.4.10Minutes
Carroll CSD Board of Directors Meeting
April 10, 2023
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Board members Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, and Onica Ulveling were all present. Kristen
Lundstrom and Karen Friedlein were absent.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the
Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Personnel Report:
1. Amy Baxter wishes to resign from her high school English teaching position at the end of the
2022-2023 school year. Amy has worked for CCSD for two years.
2. Crystal Boes wishes to resign from her Adams Elementary principal position. Crystal has worked
at CCSD for 4 years.
3. Steph Conger wishes to resign from her bus driving position effective April 21, 2023. Steph has
worked for CCSD for two years.
4. Melissa Ehlers wishes to resign from her special education teaching position at CHS. Melissa
has worked for CCSD for 22 years.
5. Chloe Gallegos wishes to resign from her 9th grade softball coaching position contingent upon
being approved for the JV softball coaching position.
6. Rachelle Heilesen wishes to resign from her teaching position at CMS. Rachelle has worked at
CCSD for two years.
7. Shelley Helmich wishes to resign from her Carroll High School teaching position at the end of the
2022-23 school year. Shelley has worked at CCSD for four years. She wishes to maintain her
assistant girls’ basketball coaching position.
8. Doug Leiting wishes to resign from his Carroll High School teaching position as well as his middle
school girls’ track coaching position at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Doug has worked at
CCSD for fifteen years.
9. Patty Mishark wishes to resign from her Carroll Middle School teaching position at the end of the
2022-23 school year. Patty has worked at CCSD for eight years.
10. Theresa Pauk wishes to resign from her school nurse position at the end of the 2022-23 school
year. Theresa has worked for CCSD for five years.
11. Liz Moreland wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS effective 3-22-23. Liz
has worked for CCSD for 1 year.
12. Rachel Wittry wishes to resign from her special education teaching position at CMS. Rachel has
taught at CCSD for four years.
1. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Amy Holst for an Art Instructor position at CHS. Amy has
been working as a sub teacher at OABCIG as well as Ridgeview Community Schools. Amy has
experience working in graphic design for law firms and newspapers. If approved Amy would be
on the BA lane. She has no full-time years of teaching experience. If approved she would be paid
$44,545 (Base of $38,000 plus $6,545 TSS). Signing bonus of $2,000 is also recommended.
2. Sue Ruch is recommending Abigail Riley for the T2K- 4th grade vocal music position. Abigail is a
graduate of Belmont University in TN with a degree in Music Education - Vocal Emphasis. Abigail
taught K- 8th grade vocal and instrumental music at the Schleswig Community District for the
past two years. Prior to that she taught at Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools for three years. If
approved, Abigail would receive a salary of Base of $38,625 + (TSS) $6,676 = $45,301. It is also
recommended that she receive a Music Program Stipend of $773 (K-3) + $129 (4th) = $902.
Abigail would receive a signing bonus of $2,000. Approval is recommended contingent upon
receipt of a clear background check.
3. Jeff Dvorak is recommending Randy Tryon for a summer mowing position. If approved he will
make $ 13.25 per hour.
4. Jeff Dvorak is recommending Michael J. Klemmensen for the High School Head Custodian
position. He will work 6:30 am – 3:30 pm, M-F. He will receive $20.00/hour and time and 1⁄2 for
hours worked over 40 hours. He will work 260 days/year. He will receive full family insurance paid
by the district. He will receive a $25 per month phone reimbursement and a $2,000 signing
5. Randy Bissen is recommending Chloe Gallegos for the JV softball coaching position. Chloe has
one year of softball coaching experience and if approved would receive $3,137 (2023 season:
based off of 2022-2023 negotiated agreement).
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. The
motion passed unanimously.
Work Session Items:
A. District Safety Updates – Dr. Berlau gave a brief update to the board regarding safety measures
being reviewed and implemented within the district based on the external safety evaluation of all of
our attendance centers and indicated that the board will be seeing quotes for various pieces related
to safety in the near future.
Kristen Lundstrom joined the meeting at 5:27p.m.
B. Curriculum Materials Discussion – Karinne Tharaldson, Director of Teaching & Learning, Linsey
Pick, Curriculum Coordinator, Sue Ruch, Fairview Principal, and teachers Breely Cleveland,
Heather Arguello, and Nicole Martin presented to the board regarding the detailed work that the
teaching and learning team, as well as administrators, curriculum leads and other teachers, have
been working on in regards to the selection of new curriculum for elementary phonics and writing
and secondary English Language Arts, Math and Science. They reviewed the detailed steps
they’ve followed in accordance with Policy 628, including the timelines of the work, the individuals
involved and the processes they’ve followed. The team then presented their recommendations to
the board for each area, why the recommendations rose to the top from the options reviewed and
the quotes for the cost of the selections. The presentation and recommendations started and
ended with the CCSD Mission, Vision, and Values to emphasize the goals behind the team’s desire
to update curriculum for these areas.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 6:34 p.m.
Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.4.17
Minutes - 2023.4.17Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
April 17, 2023
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Public Forum: Sara Woerdehoff addressed the board regarding concerns on curriculum.
Roll Call: Board members Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom and Onica Ulveling were all present.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Recommendation from the Reconsideration Committee: Onica Ulveling moved to approve the recommendation from the reconsideration committee’s March 29, 2023 meeting to keep the books Breathless by Jennifer Niven and The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle in the CMS Media Center. Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 in favor of approving the recommendation with Duane Horsley voting No.
Public Hearing on FY23-24 Published Budget: Cindy Johnson opened the public hearing at 5:50 p.m. and there were no comments or questions heard. The public hearing closed at 5:51 p.m.
Public Hearing on FY23 Published Budget Amendment: Cindy Johnson opened the public hearing at 5:51 p.m. and there were no comments or questions heard. The public hearing closed at 5:51 p.m.
Consider approval of the FY24 Certified Budget: Duane Horsely moved to approve the published FY24 budget which sets a property tax rate of $9.88719/$1,000 valuation and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Consider approval of the FY23 Amended Budget: Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the FY23 amended budget, which increases the Total Support Services expenditures by $800,000 to account for new transportation vehicles and the HVAC project funded by ESSER, noting the budget amendment does not change property taxes. The motion passed unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
- Items withdrawn from consent agenda
- Minutes from March 20, 2023, March 24, 2023, April 10, 2023 board meetings and March 29, 2023 Reconsideration Committee
- Bill List – General Fund- $288,186.32; PPEL- $3,242.03; Nutrition- $51,896.93; Activity Fund - $42,042.84
- Administrative Reports
- Director of Teaching and Learning
- Fairview Elementary Report
- Adams Elementary Report
- Middle School Report
- High School Report
- Agreement with Timberline Billing Services
- Board Policy Review
Second Reading of Board Policies
- Student Release During School Hours
- Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District
- Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District
- Student Expression and Student Publications
523 Student Appearance
525 Student Complaints and Grievances
526 Student Lockers
527 Weapons
528 Smoking, Drinking, Drugs
528R1 Smoking, Drinking, Drugs -Regulation
First Reading of Board Policies
529 Search and Seizure
529R1 Search and Seizure Regulation
529E1 Search and Seizure Checklist Exhibit
530 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
530R1 Interviews With Students
531 Use of Motor Vehicles
533 Care of School Property/Vandalism
534 Use of Bicycles
535 Attendance Center Assignment
Recommendation to Delete the Following Policies
532 Student Due Process Rights
It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Kristen Lundstrom to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.
Non-Bargaining Wages: Dr. Berlau presented the non-bargaining wage proposal from the labor management committee which consists of Dr. Berlau, Nicole McCarville and board members Cindy Johnson and Kristen Lundstrom. Duane Horsley motioned to approve the wages as presented and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Donations: Dr. Berlau presented the following donations: Randi and Ryan Boell would like to donate Popcorn and “mixins” to the CHS staff; Marcy and Nate Puck would like to donate lunch for the CHS staff; Kourtney and Brett Abbotts would like to donate Beyond the Bread Creations for the CHS staff; Toni and Jamie North would like to donate cookies and Lemonade to the CHS staff; Amy and John Collison would like to donate snacks to the CHS staff; Trinity Episcopal Church’s congregation would like to donate $500 to the Tiger Cupboard program. Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the donations. The motion passed unanimously.
Personnel Report:
- Margaret Gruba wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS effective April 20th contingent upon being approved for a noon bus driving position.
- Vicki Keller wishes to resign from her food service position effective March 30, 2023. Vicki has worked at CCSD for two years.
- Cindy Lambertz wishes to resign from her food service position at the end of the 22-23 school year. Cindy has worked for CCSD for 22 years.
- Trace Murray wishes to resign from his elementary teaching position, curriculum lead as well as his freshmen girls' basketball coaching positions at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Trace has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Tami Meiners wishes to resign from her Assistant Individual Speech and her Assistant Large Group speech sponsor positions.
- Bill Polking wishes to resign from his Head Large Group Speech sponsor position.
- Kristi Shanks wishes to resign from her Student Council sponsor position at the end of the 22-23 school year.
- Sandy Davis wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Sandy has worked for CCSD for three years.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Margaret Gruba for a noon route. Margaret currently drives a SE morning and afternoon route and this would be in addition to her current driving duties.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Maggie Hannasch for the High School ELA teaching position. Maggie has most recently taught at East Sac County Schools. If approved she would be paid $45,778 (Salary plus TSS) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Crystal Boes is recommending Dayton Ross for a 4th grade teaching position. If approved he would be paid $44,545 (Salary plus TSS) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Nancy Stark for a Special Education –Strategist I teaching position at CHS. If approved she would be paid $61,994. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending that John Jorgenson's Head Custodian contract be modified to include $25.00 per month phone reimbursement in lieu of a district provided phone beginning in March 2023.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Randi Boell as a volunteer with the Mock Trial program. Approval of volunteer is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Josh Sporrer as a volunteer softball coach. Josh was a JR basketball coach for us a few years ago and will work well with our student-athletes.
1. Jerry Raymond is recommending Josh Lucken for a transfer to the MS Math position.
Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Report:
A. FFA Lease with Kuemper
B. FFA Lease with Todd Rueter
Duane Horsley motioned to approve both FFA leases and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Consider Renewing Cooperative Shared Transportation Director Agreement with Glidden Ralston
D. Consider Renewing Shared Transportation Maintenance Agreement with Glidden Ralston
Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the both transportation related agreements with Glidden Ralston. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Consider Job Descriptions:
Director of Special Education
Transition Alliance Program (TAP) Coordinator
Duane Horsely moved to approve the job descriptions and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
F. 2023 - 2024 Cooperative Sharing Athletic Programs
Girls Swim: ACGC, Denison-Schleswig, South Central Calhoun, Kuemper, Coon Rapids Bayard, East Sac County, ArWeVa, Glidden, Green County
Girls Soccer: Coon Rapids Bayard, ArWeVa, Glidden
Girls Golf: AwVeVa
Boys Swim: ACGC, Denison-Schleswig, South Central Calhoun, Kuemper, Coon Rapids Bayard, East Sac County, ArWeVa, Glidden, Greene County
Boys Golf: ArWeVa
Onica Ulveling moved and Kristen Lundstrom seconded to approve the sharing agreements. The motion passed unanimously.
G. Consider approval of agreement with DMACC for concurrent enrollment courses for 2023-2024 school year. Duane Horsley moved to approve the DMACC agreement for concurrent enrollment and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed 4-0 with Kristen Lundstrom abstaining.
H. Approval of 2023 Graduates pending meeting the graduation requirements of the CCSD: Brian De Jesus Aldana, Javid Jack Arkland, Shayne Marie Aschinger, Isabella Mae Baldus, Alec Lee Ball, Briana Faith Beckman, Bryce David Berlau, Nathaniel Brian Beyerink, Brayden Kenneth Blunk, Maia Marie Boell, Olivia Claire Boes, Miles Keith Bogue, Brandon John Bohac, Michaela Jean Bradley, Drake Edward Burnette, Haley Jo Bush, Gage Christopher Butcher, Mackenzie Rae Case-Johnson, Melissa Soad Chacon Gomez, Jeep James Clark, Payton Ann Cote, William Eugene Croghan, Andres Cruz, Ashlee Victoria Danner, Rose Elizabeth Danner, Makinnon Scott Davis, Liliana Elizabeth Diehl, Andrew John Deiter, Jonathan Eason, Maliki Dean Fritz, Jireh Arek Gallegos, Tanner Nichlos Gotto, Amber Marguerite Grell, Ava Carol-Gene Gross, Avery Brynn Haakenson, Andrea Kristine Hackfort, Treva Aubrey Hahn, Zachary Ryan Harkrider, Daniel Kenneth Harrison, Ty David Hawkinson, Blake Thomas Heiman, Joewie Lil Heithoff, Emma Jean Hinners, Trey William Hunter, Hannah Marie Julich, Kylie Lynn Kelly, Karsyn Michael Kent, Joe Riley Kimball, Makalei Renae Kofron, Kailey Renae Kramer, Jack William Ladwig, Wyatt Andrew Ladwig, Elisha Grace Lo, Tyson Jacob Lundstrom, Jocelyn Jo Malloy, Ronald James Mapes, Arnabella Rae Martin, Meghan Kennedy McGuill, James Connor McGuire, Rachel Marie Mead, Lydia Catherine Meiners, Gage Musfeldt, Koby Jeff Nehring, Wade Anthony Obrecht, Richard Ochiti Oringa, Madeline Jo Parrott, Ryalynne Mae Perez, Isaac Samuel Perry, Sophia Faye Polking, Vincent Lee Prine, Brooke Catherine Reiling, Seth Dale Reineke, Kaine Breckin Reiter, Keena Reiter, Keeley Mariah Reiter, Serenity Marie Richards, Kiley Leane Riesberg, Alexis Victoria Romick, Andrea Carlin Sander, Camryn Tennelle Schable, Kenedy Rose Schaefer, Rylie Jo Schagt, Kaden Joseph Schoenfeld, Trevor Jackson Schroeder, Seth William Schulz, Bennett Jerome Schweers, Dreylen Vaughn Schweitzer, Macy Lynn Schwering, Hannah Katherine Shanks, Keegan Evan Shield, Dominick Preston Sims, Alek Braedon Sinnard, Shay Alexandra Sinnard, Blake Aden Slater, Aubrie Grace Snyder, Connor Michael Stark, Jacie Jo Sturm, Carlee Christine Svoboda, Matthew Bernerd Swift, William Christopher Teggatz, Kennedy Christina Thein, Landon Ray Thornock, Madison Elizabeth Thornock, Austin Jay Tigges, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Tigges, Ximena Alejandra Torres-Ruiz, Bryton Wesley Treadway, Macy Elizabeth Tunning, Madison Rae Tunning, Seth Richard Tunning, Mason Dwight Vought, Markus Anthony Wagner, Taylor Lynn Wallace, Macey Lea Weber, Jack Carlton White, Kaylyn Nicole Wiederin, Colton Dwayne Wieland, Liliana Mia Wiltse, Alayna Katherine Wittrock-Enenbach, Grace Louise Wuebker.
Onica Ulveling motioned to approve the graduates pending meeting the CCSD graduation requirements and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion passed unanimously
I. 2023-2024 PreSchool Calendar – Karen Friedlein motioned to approve the FY24 preschool calendar as presented and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
J. Curriculum Purchase
Elementary Reading - Really Great Reading; Being A Writer
Mathematics - Illustrative Math
English Language Arts – StudySync
Duane Horsley motioned to approve the curriculum purchases as reviewed at the April 10th work session and presented for approval at this meeting. Onica Ulveling seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Office Report:
- Review District Audit for FY22: Board Secretary Nicole McCarville presented the audit report and related letters to the board for the FY22 audit including a review of internal control recommendations and the district’s response to those recommendations. Onica Ulveling motioned to accept the FY22 audit and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Starting and Substitute Pay Rates for 23-24 – Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the starting and sub pay rates as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
- Budget Updates
- Capital Outlay –
- Door Locks for Adam and Fairview – Duane Horsley moved to approve the bid from Doors Inc for $11,630 at Adams and $10,296 at Fairview with a second by Karen Friedlein. The motion passed unanimously.
- Carpet Replacement at CHS – Karen Friedlein moved to approve the bid from JP Flooring for $25,000 and Duane Horsley seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Milestone software renewal for cameras at CHS/Stadium – Onica Ulveling moved to accept the renewal for the software from Walsh in the amount of $10,605 and Karen Friedlein seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.5.1
Minutes - 2023.5.1Minutes
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
May 1, 2023
5:30 p.m. Board Room, Adams Elementary
Call Meeting to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Board members Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom and Onica Ulveling were all present.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Personnel Report:
- Julie Chumbley wishes to resign from her Special Education TA position as well as her TigerZone Director position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Julie has worked for CCSD for eight years.
- Shelley Helmich wishes to resign from her Assistant Varsity Girls basketball coaching position.
- Cathy Smith wishes to resign from her Severe and Profound Teacher Associate position at CMS at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. She has worked for CCSD for twelve years.
- Larry Smith wishes to resign from his contracted bus driving position at the end of the 2022-23 school year. He wishes to remain as a sub and activity driver. Larry has worked for CCSD for seven years.
- Dan Yanda wishes to resign from his special education teacher associate position at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Dan has worked for CCSD for five years.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Javid Arkland for a "Wash Technician Position" for this summer. Javid would work 28 hours/week at $13.00/Hour. Javid would work 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM M-Thurs.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Amy Collison for the Elementary Principal and Director of Special Education position for 2023-2024. If approved Amy would work 260 days per year, be paid $110,000 and would receive 20 vacation days.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Karly Fagan for a Special Ed teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved Karly would work 6.75 hours/day and would be paid $13.30 (beginning pay of $13.05 plus $.25 for experience). Karly has worked for CCSD as a Cheerleading coach for the past five years. Approval is recommended retroactive to May 1st.
- Sara Anderson would like to recommend Kim Fields for the 4.5 hour foodservice position at CMS. Kim has been subbing for foodservice continuously over the last two years and has worked things out with her full time job to be able to work 9:15-1:45 at CMS. If approved she would be paid $13.00 per hour.
5. Randy Bissen is recommending Eric Hahn for the freshmen softball position. He has 0 years paid softball coaching experience. Eric has coached at the youth level for over 12 years and is also a JH wrestling coach for us. He will work well with Coach Gallegos. If approved he would be on Step 0 of the 2022-223 salary schedule and would be paid $2,563.
6. Sue Ruch is recommending Quentin Pinkerton for the T2K- 4th grade physical education teacher position. Quentin is a December 2022 graduate of University of Northern Iowa with a Major in Physical Education and a Minor in Health Education. Quentin completed student teaching at Franklin Elementary and Miller Middle School in Marshalltown. Most recently, he has been a substitute teacher in Marshalltown. If approved, Quentin would receive a salary of $44,545 ($38,000 plus 6,545 TSS). Quentin would receive a signing bonus of $2,000 paid over two years.
7. Jerry Raymond is recommending Cathy Prime for a 5th Grade teaching position at CMS for the 2023-2024 school year. Cathy has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Buena Vista University. If approved Cathy would receive a salary of $46,937 ($45,937 + $1,000 signing bonus). The total signing bonus will be $2,000 with $1,000 being received in September 2023, and another $1,000 received in September 2024. Approval is recommended contingent on Cathy receiving a clear background check and conditional licensure.
8. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Jessica Stangl for the iJAG (Iowa Jobs for Americas Graduates) position at CHS. If approved Jessica would work 260 days per year. Jessica works as a Transitional Living Coordinator at Stepping Stones as well as FSRP- Care Coordinator at Southwest Iowa Family Access Center. Jessica will be employed by iJAG but needs CCSD Board approval. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jerry Raymond is recommending Bryce Abbas transfer to a 5th grade instructor position.
Karen Friedlein moved to accept the personnel recommendations with the approval of Amy Collison contingent on a resignation from her CHS Assistant Principal position. Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Closed Session:
Onica Ulveling moved to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5.1.i “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.” Karen Friedlein seconded and the motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Cindy Johnson declared the meeting open at 6:59PM.
It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.6.22
Minutes - 2023.6.22Minutes
June 22, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
PUBLIC FORUM – Amy Dea and Dan Dirkx each addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:36pm. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Friedlein/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
A. National History Day presentation – History Day sponsor Steven Bieret presented to the board regarding the recent National History Day trip for one of Carroll CSD’s national qualifiers, as well as recorded presentation by the team.
B. Assessment Data presentation – Curriculum Coordinators Ryan Simmelink and Linsey Pick presented the FY23 assessment data for NWEA and ISASP
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, 1st and 2nd readings of board policies, administrator reports, agreements and job descriptions was motioned for approval by Horsley/Friedlein with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to accept the donations of $250 from First United Methodist Church to the Tiger Cupboard and $500 from the Wayne Harmening Estate to the Tiger Cupboard. Unanimous approval by roll call vote
Resignations –
Karinne Tharaldson from Director of Teaching and Learning
Amanda Augustus from her TA position contingent on approval as the After School Program Director
Matt Reicks from CMS Mock Trial sponsor position
Recommendations –
Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Mr. Greg Villegas for the Carroll High School Assistant Principal position. Mr. Villegas served at East Sac County School District in the roles of physical education teacher, curriculum adoption coordinator, and an educational leadership intern. He would receive a contract that begins July 1, 2023 and work 240 days, full family health insurance, cell phone stipend of $25 per month, $88,000 salary and a $2,000 sign-on bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt a clear background check and his release from his contract with East Sac County Schools.
Jerry Raymond is recommending Erin Mendoza for a 6th Grade Teaching position at CMS for the 2023-2024 school year. Erin would receive a salary of $39,000 base plus $6,778 TSS and a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in September of 2023, and the other $1,000 received in September 2024. Approval is recommended contingent on Erin receiving a clear background check.
Randy Bissen is recommending Ryan Simmelink for the JH girls track position and he would receive $1,760.
Crystal Boes would like to recommend Brandy Anderson for an S&P teacher associate position at Adams Elementary. Starting pay will be $15.28/hour (Base pay of 14.98 plus $.30 for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt a clear background check.
Crystal Boes would like to recommend Michelle Schuette for a special education teacher associate position at Adams Elementary. She has 10 years experience. Starting pay will be $14.16/hour (Base pay of 13.91 plus $.25 for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt a clear background check.
Sue Ruch would like to recommend Deb Boell for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. She has 30+ years experience. Starting pay will be $14.21/hour (Base pay of $13.91 plus $.30 for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt a clear background check.
Sue Ruch would like to recommend Caleb Henderson for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview Elementary. Starting pay will be the base pay of 13.91/hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt a clear background check.
Sue Ruch would like to recommend Amanda Augustus for a General Education Teacher Associate: 2.5 hours 10:45 am - 1:15pm at $14.30/hour and Tiger Zone Director: 4.5 hours 1:45pm - 6:15pm at $18.50/hour.
Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Amy Holst for the Yearbook Advisor position. If approved Amy would receive $1,901.
Jerry Raymond would like to recommend the following teachers for TLC positions: Tonia Onken -- Curriculum Lead, Cory Heiman -- Curriculum Lead, Lindsay Conley -- Curriculum Lead, Renee Friedrichsen -- Curriculum Lead, Jesse Strong -- Curriculum Lead, Todd Tidgren -- Curriculum Lead, Nicole Martin -- Curriculum Lead, Steven Bieret -- Curriculum Lead, Tom Borchers -- Curriculum Lead and Kelly Borchers -- Curriculum Lead.
Sue Ruch and Crystal Boes would like to recommend the following teachers for TLC Curriculum Lead positions: PK - Holly Warnke, T2K - Bev Schmitt-Kirsch; 1st - Kalee Vonnahme; 2nd - Tina Luchtel; T2K-4 Sped - Heather Arguello; 3rd - Sara Hamilton; 4th - Joelle White and T2K-4 Specials - Karla Flattery; Interventionist - Kelly Perrin and Kdn - Breeley Cleveland. Approval is recommended.
Karinne Tharaldson would like to recommend the following: Instructional Mentor- Sandy Kluver; Curriculum Coordinator- Ryan Simmelink and Curriculum Coordinator- Linsey Pick. Approval is recommended.
Nicole McCarville would like to recommend Katrina Vonnahme for the Student Information Specialist position, in addition to her current central printing position. She will work 8 hour days August 15th - June 15th and 20-25 hours/week June 16th-August 14th with a rate of $18.00/hour. Approval is recommended.
Nancy Stark was approved for a teaching position at CMS. The signing bonus ($2,000) was not listed on the personnel handout for board approval. It is recommended that Nancy receive the ($2,000 signing bonus).
Sue Ruch and Crystal Boes are recommending the following modifications to Teacher Associates assignments for the 2023-24 school year. If approved their hourly rate of pay will be modified to follow the CESA Handbook.
Jennifer Lohrmann was S/P will move to SE
Marcia Mendoza was Gen Ed will move to SE
Sammy Geist Gen Ed will move to SE
Kindra Prebeck was .5 SE and .5 S/P will move to 1.0 S/P
Karly Fagan was approved for SE will move to S/P
Angie Brincks was .5 SE and .5 S/P will move to 1.0 S/P
Sarah Klocke was SE will move to S/P
Nathan Wuebker was SE will move to Gen Ed
Jacki Sorensen was SE will move to Gen Ed
Jen Brown was SE will move to S/P
Approval of modifications is recommended.
Moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Alternative school (ROAR) plan for 2023-2024 – moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the alternative school plan for 23-24 along with approval of the quote for the door intercom and RS2Card Access for Walsh for $7,906 (from Business Office, Item 3c) with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
2. Consider approval of Career and Academic for the district – moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the career and academic plan for the district with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
3. Consider approval of Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) plan review committee – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the TLC plan review committee with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
4. Consider approval of safety grant agreement – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the safety grant agreement with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
5. Appoint Level II Investigator for 2023-2024- Carroll Police Department – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the Carroll PD as the Level II Investigator for 23-24 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Budget Updates
2. Consider approval of Recommendations for Lunch and Breakfast Prices – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the 23-24 lunch and breakfast prices with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
3. Summer Projects
a. Quotes for fencing at Fairview – no action taken
b. Door position switch quote for all buildings – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the quote from Walsh for $91,749.23 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
c. Quote for door intercom and one door of RS2Card Access – approved with Alternative School Plan above
4. Technology Purchase Quote – no action taken
5. Reading Curriculum - Title, Special Ed and Preschool – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the purchase of reading curriculum for the 3 areas for a total of $19,465.90 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – at 7:47 pm, moved by Horsley/Ulveling to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5.1.i:
To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.
The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
At 8:12pm, President Cindy Johnson declared the meeting open.
At 8:13pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes 2023-24 School Year
Minutes 2023-24 School Year Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 10:42Minutes - 2023-12-21
Minutes - 2023-12-21Minutes
December 21, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Carroll High School Media Center
PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PRESENTATION – Kourtney Abbotts, CHS Principal, and Ruby Morales, TAP Coordinator, gave a presentation over the Transition Alliance Program at CHS that is a joint program between Carroll CSD and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS – The Board reviewed the administrative reports.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – Nov. 20, 2023 Regular Meeting, Nov. 20, 2023 Organization Meeting, Dec 6, 2023
Bills – General ($280,344.92), Management ($61,669.75), PPEL ($2,844.55), Scholarship ($400.00), Nutrition ($56,645.81), Debt Service ($800.00), SAVE ($21,113.06), Activity ($67,380.39)
1st Reading of Policies – 230, 407R2, 550, 560, 561, 566, 567
Policies to Delete – 567E1, 567E2, 567E3
2nd Reading of Policies – 101, 551, 551R1, 553, 554, 555, 556, 556R1, 558, 558R1, 558E1, 558E2, 558E3, 558E4, 558E5, 558E6, 558E7, 558E8
Horsley moved to approve the consent agenda and waive the 2nd reading on policies 230 and 407R2, McCaulley seconded and the motion passed on unanimous roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Phil Ruch would like to donate $1,500 to Tiger Vision; Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the donation with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Jeff Cullen wishes to resign from his Transportation Director position effective June 30, 2024. Jeff has worked for CCSD for six years.
- Kim Fields wishes to resign from her kitchen worker position at CMS effective December 13th. Kim has worked for CCSD for one year.
- Scott Aden would like to recommend Hannah Casebeer for a Special Ed and S & P Teacher Associate position at CMS. If approved Hannah would work 6 hours per day as a Spec Ed TA and 1.5 hours per day as a S & P TA and be paid $14.21 per hour for the Sped time (the base of $13.91 plus $.30 for college) and $15.28 for the S & P (the base of $14.98 for S & P plus $.30 for college). Approval is recommended retro to December 16.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend that Joe Daniels get a $500 stipend to assist with the HS girls wrestling program like last year. He assists on all weekend tournaments and attends practice on Wednesdays when he is not coaching our JH wrestling team.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Mariah Hardy for the high school special education teaching position. Mariah finished her student teaching at Fairview in November. She is a graduate of University of South Dakota with a BS in secondary education speech and special education - Strat 1. Base Salary = $38,000; TSS = 6,545 Total = $44,545. This salary will be prorated due to Mariah working less than a full year. Also a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in April 2024, and another $1,000 received in September 2024. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
- Melanie Girard would like to recommend Deb Mohr for the open 4 hour/day food service position at CMS effective December 14, 2023. Deb currently works 7hr/day as a TA at CMS and would now like to split her time between TA (3.75 hours/day) and food service worker. The food service position she would be filling is open due to another staff member giving their resignation. If approved she would be paid $15/hour for the food service position.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Dawn Prefontaine for the noon bus driving position that was vacated by Sharon Beyer. If approved 2 hours would be added to Dawn's current contract at her current rate of pay ($20.87/hour). Approval is recommended retroactive to Nov. 27th.
- Scott Aden would like to recommend Erica Pegg for a Special Ed Teacher Associate position. If approved Erica would work 7 hours per day and be paid $13.91 per hour. Approval is recommended retro to December 6th.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Emerald Siepker for a Special Ed Teacher Associate position at Adams Elementary. If approved Emerald would work 6.75 hours/day and would be paid $14.21/hour (the base of $13.91 per hour plus $.30 cents for having an AA degree). Approval is recommended retroactive to Dec. 1st.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Hannah Pettit for the JH girls track position. She has no coaching experience but ran track in MS and HS and will work well with the JH athletes with her being a guidance counselor in that building. If approved she would be paid $1,760.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Julie Wood for a High School Family Consumer Science teaching position for the 2024-2025 school year. Julie has a BAE in Vocational Homemaking from Wayne State and a Master's in Health Education from UNI. She also has an ESL endorsement. Julie has most recently been teaching at Denison CSD as FCS Teacher and FCCLA Advisor. If approved Julie would be paid $83,500 (plus 2,000 sign on paid over 2 years) for the 24-25 year (this amount won't change after CEA negotiations in spring). Julie has a Masters +30.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Chris Wood for a High School Industrial Tech teaching position for the 2024-2025 school year. Chris is a graduate of Wayne State College with a Masters in Vocational ED/Industrial Tech ED. He obtained his PK-12 Principal/Special Ed Supervisor authorization from Morningside College. Chris has most recently been teaching K-8 art and middle level Industrial Technology at Charter Oak-Ute CSD. If approved Chris would be paid $83,500 (plus 2,000 sign on paid over 2 years) for the 24-25 year (this amount won't change after CEA negotiations in spring). Chris has a Masters +30.
- Scot Aden is recommending increasing Jackie Hernandez's hours at CMS from 5.5 to 6 hours/day.
Moved by Friel/Johnston approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Early Graduates – Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Kaden VandenBurg, Jaime Castillo, Caiden Vonnahme, Teagan Schwery, Jenna Walker and Jaityn Tigges to be approved for graduation at semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements. Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the early graduates with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Job Description: Transportation Director – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the job description with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider Purchase of School Bus – Jeff Cullen and Dr. Berlau recommended to the board, the purchase of a 2025 IC 77 Passenger Diesel bus from Hoglund bus to replace the bus totaled in the October 2023 accident. CCSD received $81,500 from insurance for the damaged bus and the cost of the stock replacement is $143,000. Because it is a stock bus, it will be available in April (otherwise, bus orders are generally 10+ months out). Due to IC buses being able to be serviced locally (vs at least Des Moines, which means much higher towing/travel costs for maintenance), CCSD did not seek bids from other vendors. It was moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the purchase with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Purchase of Bus Tires - moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the replacement of 4 rear bus tires and 2 van tires with Performance Tire with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Performance Tire was previously awarded the tire bid for the district for the year.
- Donovan Group Agreement Renewal - moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the agreement for $2,500/month (no change from previous year) with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Quote for Go Guardian addition - moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the quote for $5,152 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Quote from Farris Engineering for water heater and new hot water lines at FV - moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the quote professional services on the project for $14,000 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Quote from Voss Lighting for LED lighting in CHS Gym - moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the quote for lighting of $14,270 with expected rebates of $9,989 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Risers Inc. Quote to upgrade motors on CHS gym bleachers - moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the quote for $20,000 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of agreement with DLR Architectural Services Firm – the board reviewed the Agreement between Carroll CSD and DLR Group. McCaulley moved to approve the agreement but after discussion on the fees in the agreement of 7% on New Construction and 8% on Renovation/Remodel, there was no 2nd or action taken with direction to Dr. Berlau to discuss those fees with DLR Group for possible reduction in the rates.
- ISL Resolution – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the full resolution to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program for 10 years following successful passing of Proposition DA on the November 7, 2023 election. The motion passed unanimously with a roll call vote.
- At Risk Plan – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the At Risk Plan with minor wording changes on the offering of summer school. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- At-Risk/Dropout Prevention MSA Request 24-25 – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the request for Modified Supplemental Amount for Dropout Prevention funding of $350,709 with $116,903 local match. The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
- Tuition Reimbursement Agreement - no action taken as the agreement had not yet been turned in
- Request to Dispose of Vending Machine – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the disposition of a vending machine that no longer works and is not needed in the space. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- Business/Finance Report
At 8:13 PM, it was moved to adjourn by Horsley/Johnston, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.10.16
Minutes - 2023.10.16Minutes
October 16, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Friedlein to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, 1st and 2nd readings of board policies, administrator reports, agreements and fundraisers was motioned for approval by Horsley/Ulveling with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes – September 21, 2023 and October 2, 2023
Bills – General ($482,060.69), Management ($28,063.00), PPEL ($1,362.35), Nutrition ($81,730.85), SAVE ($38,365.87), Activity ($36,107.20)
1st Reading of Policies – 520, 521, 536, 536R1, 536.1, 537, 537R1, 539, 539.1, 539R1, 539E1, 539E2, 539E3, 542, 543
2nd Reading of Policies – 108
Recommended Policies to Delete – 540, 540R1, 540E1, 540E2
Administrator Reports – CHS, CMS, AES, FV
Agreements – Swim Team Agreement with City of Carroll, Farm Lease Agreement with City of Carroll, Merchant’s Park Lease Agreement with City of Carroll
CHS Student Handbook modifications
CHS Physical Education Waiver
With the following changes: add levels from model policy for all grades to Policy 520, revise the wording in 536.1 to match the numbering, and withhold the swim agreement for future approval, moved by Horsley/Lundstrom to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Crossroads Nutrition – Herbalife 24 line/hydration drinks to the football team; Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the donation with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Xavier Hernandez wishes to resign from his Science/PLTW teaching position. This is Xavier's second year at CCSD.
- Amy Holst wishes to resign from her Yearbook position.
- Kaitlyn Kaufman wishes to resign from her Student Senate sponsor position at the end of the 23-24 school year.
- Betty Tigges wishes to resign from her Special Education teacher associate position at CMS. Betty has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Samantha Block for the Yearbook position. If approved Samantha would receive $1,747.
- Scot Aden would like to recommend Margaret Gruba for a special education teacher associate position at CMS for 6 hours per week. Margaret will continue her bus driving. If approved Margaret will be paid $14.41/hour (the base pay for SE: $13.91 plus .30 cents for education plus .20 cents for 5 years of experience).
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Christina Laubscher for a special education teacher associate position at Fairview. If approved she would be paid $14.21 (the base level of $13.91/hour plus $.30 for AA degree).
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Ashley Moore for a general education teacher associate and AM crossing guard position at Fairview. If approved she would be paid $13.75. Compensation for AM crossing guard is $125/year. Ashley will start November 1, 2023.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Erin Roberts for a Teacher Associate position at Fairview in TigerZone. If approved Erin would be paid $13.65 per hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to September 27th.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Dawn Profantine for a contracted bus driving position. If approved Dawn would be paid $20.87 per hour and would work approximately 3 hours per day.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Josh Sporrer for the assistant varsity girls' basketball position. Josh has one year of paid basketball experience as he coached 8th grade girls basketball for us two years ago. Josh is also a volunteer for our softball team. If approved he would be paid $3,231.
- Sue Ruch is recommending changing Micah Henderson's Letter of Assignment to full time S & P teacher associate. This will result in an hourly rate increase of $1.07/hour. Sue recommends this become effective Thursday, September 14Th.
- Sue Ruch is recommending changing Caleb Henderson's Letter of Assignment to full time S & P teacher associate. This will result in an hourly rate increase of $1.07/hour. Sue recommends this become effective Monday, September 25.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Maisie Ogren's letter of assignment be modified from S & P TA to Special Ed TA. This will result in an hourly rate decrease of $1.07/hour.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Caitlyn Drees' Letter of Assignment be modified from Special Ed TA to S & P TA. This will result in an hourly rate increase of $1.07/hour.
- Amy Collison is recommending Amy Hinners' Letter of Assignment be modified from Special Ed TA to S & P TA effective 10-1-23. This will result in an hourly rate increase of $1.07/hour.
Moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Retirement Incentive
- Update on ISL and Revenue Purpose Statement
- Sharing Agreement with Ar-We-Va for Speech co-curricular program – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the sharing agreement with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of revisions to District’s Return to Learn Plan – Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the plan with one update to the COVID + section to include 24 hours fever free. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Budget Updates
- Certified Enrollment
- Request for Modified Allowable Growth for Limited English Proficient Excess Costs – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the request for modified allowable growth for excess LEP costs of $17,453.66 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Donation of 2 lunch tables to Carroll Children’s Museum – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the donation to Carroll Children’s Museum with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – At 6:39 pm, it was moved by Ulveling/Horsley to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5.1.i “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.” Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 7:40 pm, the meeting returned to open session and it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.10.2
Minutes - 2023.10.2Minutes
October 2, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Board members present: Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling. Board members absent – Karen Friedlein
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Ulveling/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
WORK SESSION – DLR Group and the board held a work session on the facility plan in regards to a transportation facility.
At 6:32pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.11.20
Minutes - 2023.11.20Minutes
November 20, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
PUBLIC FORUM – CJ Niles addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:33pm. Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, Onica Ulveling and Duane Horsley; absent – Karen Friedlein
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Ulveling/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, 1st and 2nd readings of board policies, administrator reports, agreements and fundraisers was motioned for approval by Horsley/Ulveling with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes – October 16, 2023
Bills – General ($267,507.49), Management ($4,207.00), PPEL ($148,374.34), Nutrition ($68,818.57), SAVE ($28,075.51), Activity ($36,314.23), UMB Debt Service Fund Payments ($283,997.40 and $37,875.00)
2nd Reading of Policies – 520, 521, 536, 536R1, 536.1, 537, 537R1, 537E1, 539, 539.1, 539R1, 539E1, 539E2, 539E3, 542, 543, 547, 548
Policies to Delete – 577
Moved by Ulveling/Horsley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS – The CHS Alumni Association would like to donate $100 to the band department. Moved by Ulveling/Horsley to accept the donation. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote.
- Zoe Meyers wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position in TigerZone effective November 6th.
- Sharon Beyer wishes to resign from the noon bus driving route. She will continue to drive morning and afternoon.
- Sammy Geist wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Fairview. Sammy has worked for CCSD for one and a half years.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Wayne Lu for the 7th grade boys' basketball position pending his coaching authorization license gets renewed. He has 0 years of paid experience. If approved he would receive $1,845.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Kaylie Bricker for the Science/PLTW teacher position at CHS. Kaylie has her substitute authorization and is enrolled at Morningside University and will graduate in December 2023 with a BA in Education with. Base Salary = $38,000; TSS = 6,545 Total = $44,545. This salary will be prorated due to Kaylie working less than a full year. Also a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in March 2024, and another $1,000 received in September 2024. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license. If approved Kaylie would begin teaching on December 1st.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Kaitlyn Shaw for the Special Education teacher, Strategist I position at Fairview. Kaitlyn has a BA from California Baptist University and is attending William Penn University and will graduate in December 2023 with a BA in Education with Strat I endorsement. Base Salary = $38,000; TSS = 6,545 Total = $44,545. This salary will be prorated due to Kaitlyn working less than a full year. Also a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in March 2024, and another $1,000 received in September 2024. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license. If approved her start date would be January 10th.
- Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend Joe Salvatore to fill the Assistant Custodian position at Carroll Middle School that was vacated when Terry Wright transferred to the High School Assistant Custodian position. If approved Joe would be paid $14.00/hour and will work 40 hours/week, M-F, with the opportunity to work OT, at a rate of time and a half per hour. He would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Joe has been subbing and working as a substitute outside custodian for several months.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Bill Polking for the Head Large Group Speech Sponsor position. He resigned from this position last year but has agreed to take over the position again to mentor Maggie Hannasch in hopes of her transitioning into the head sponsor next year. If approved Bill would be paid $4,271.
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Maggie Hannasch for the assistant large group and individual positions. She has 8 years of paid experience being the speech sponsor at East Sac County for the previous 8 years. She will work well with Bill Polking. If approved Maggie would be paid $1,560 for Assistant Large Group and $1,404 for Assistant Individual Speech.
- Dawn Prefontaine was approved for a bus driving position in October 2023. The personnel handout should have listed a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 for completion of successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training.
- Patrick Henderson was approved for a bus driving position in August 2023. The personnel handout should have listed a $2,000 signing bonus.
Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Retirement Incentive – the board discussed whether to offer a retirement incentive for the end of FY24 but did not take action.
Board Member Karen Friedlein joined the meeting at 5:55p.m.
REVIEW ELECTION RESULTS – Board Secretary Nicole McCarville reviewed the election results that had been canvassed by the Carroll County Board of Supervisors, noting that the Instructional Support Levy public measure passed, the Revenue Purpose Statement public measure passed, and the 3 elected board members were Jim Friel, Jill Johnston, and Stacy McCaulley.
Superintendent Berlau and administrators present thanked outgoing board member Karen Friedlein, Cindy Johnson and Onica Ulveling for their dedicated service to Carroll CSD as board members.
At 5:59pm, it was moved to adjourn by Friedlein/Ulveling, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.11.20 Organizational Meeting
Minutes - 2023.11.20 Organizational MeetingMinutes
November 20, 2023 Organizational Meeting
Carroll CSD
Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board Secretary-President Pro Tem Nicole McCarville called the organizational meeting to order at 6:02pm. Board members present: Duane Horsley and Kristen Lundstrom and board members-elect present: Jim Friel, Jill Johnston, and Stacy McCaulley
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Lundstrom to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Oath – Nicole McCarville gave the oath of office to newly elected board members Jim Friel, Jill Johnston and Stacy McCaulley.
- President – Jill Johnston recommended Kristen Lundstrom for President and Jim Friel seconded that recommendation. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Nicole McCarville gave the oath of office for President to Kristen Lundstrom and Kristen took over the meeting as President at that point.
- Vice-President – Stacy McCaulley recommended Jill Johnston serve as Vice President and Jim Friel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously via roll call vote and Nicole McCarville gave the Vice President oath of office to Jill Johnston.
- Establish Regular Meeting Schedule – it was moved by Johnston/Friel to hold meetings the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary with Consent Agenda structure and the motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.
- Committees/Appointments for 2023-24 – It was moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the committee appointments as follows:
Transportation – Duane Horsley
School Improvement – Jill Johnston and Stacy McCaulley
IASB Legislative Network Liaison – Duane Horsley
CEA/CESA Negotiations – Kristen Lundstrom, Jill Johnston
Calendar Face Finding Committee – Kristen Lundstrom
Policy Committee – Stacy McCaulley and Jim Friel
Finance Committee – Jim Friel and Duane Horsley
The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
First Reading of Board Policies – 101, 551, 551R1, 553, 554, 555, 556, 556R1, 558, 558R1, 558E1, 558E2, 558E3, 558E4, 558E5, 558E6, 558E7, 558E8
- Early Graduates – Mrs. Kourtney Abbotts, CHS Principal, is recommending that Ethan Espenhover, Jonathan Friel, Natalie Greisman, Nicole Julich, Zoey Kelly, Chloe Nelson, Kadyn Smith, Julia Stephen, and Kole Vangilder be approved for graduation at semester pending the completion of graduation requirements for CCSD. Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the early graduates pending completion of requirements and the motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.
- Sharing Agreement for Bowling – It was moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the sharing agreement for bowling with Greene County High School as the host school and the motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.
- Agreement with City of Carroll for swimming – It was moved by Friel/Horsley to approved the agreement with the City of Carroll for CCSD’s swimming teams and the motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.
- Quote for transportation software – It was moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the quote from Premier Wireless for transportation technology software with a quoted cost of $74,979.58, which was the lowest quote received and also the vendor preferred after vetting a few options. The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
- DMACC course additions – Mrs. Abbotts asked the board to consider adding DMACC courses Biology 0168, EMT Course, and Introduction to Criminal Justice to the 2nd semester course offerings based on the schedule and demand for the courses. It was moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the course additions and the motion passed 4-0 with Lundstrom abstaining.
- SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request – Nicole McCarville recommended the board approve the request to the SBRC for Modified Supplemental Aid of: $155,416 for open enrolled out students not counted in the previous year and $6,795 for English Language Learner instruction beyond 5 years. It was moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the request and the motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Resolution to transfer interfund payable balances – it was moved by Friel/Horsley to transfer funds from the Nutrition Fund ($73,774.34) and TigerZone Fund ($43,664.29) to pay the balances due to the general fund for allowable costs allocated for FY23. The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
- Quote for new sander – It was moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the quote from Hawkeye Truck Equipment for $8,812 and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
At 7:32PM, it was moved to adjourn by Friel/Horsley, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.12.4
Minutes - 2023.12.4Minutes
December 4, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30PM Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL - Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA - Moved by Horsley/Johnston to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
WORK SESSION - DLR Group, Piper Sandler and the board held a work session on the facility plan in regards to a transportation facility as well as a discussion on high level financing options when it comes to facilities.
At 7:37pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.7.17
Minutes - 2023.7.17Minutes
July 17, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Friedlein to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, 1st and 2nd readings of board policies, administrator reports, agreements and job descriptions was motioned for approval, with exception of policies 104, 613, 628, 628R1, 629, and 630R1 to go to policy committee, by Horsley/Friedlein with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes – June 22, 2023
Bills – General ($455,140.77), Management ($791,334.64), PPEL ($92,753.70), Nutrition ($27,581.80), SAVE ($73,070.23), Activity ($4,676.38)
1st Reading of Policies – 104, 104R1, 406, 430, 462, 463, 508, 522, 522E1, 522E2, 553, 601, 613, 628, 628R1, 629, 630, 630R1, 630E4, 631, 633R1, 644, 644R1
2nd Reading of Policies – None
Administrator Reports – None
Agreements – Student Teaching Agreement with William Penn University
Job Descriptions – None
Resignations –
- Gary Magill from his CHS Teacher Associate position.
- Sara Anderson from her Food Service Director position.
Recommendations –
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Maisie Ogren for a regular education teacher associate position at CHS. If approved she would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $13.95 (Base of $13.65 plus .30 cents for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending the following teachers for TLC Curriculum Lead positions: English - Becky Boes, Math - Amy Brown; STEM - Nicole Cote; CTE -Brady Eischeid; Fine Arts - Kaitlynn Kaufman; Social Studies - Bob Pauk; Concurrent Enrollment - Bill Polking and Apprenticeships/Work-Based Learning - Kelli Schulz.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Todd Tidgren for the position of Activity Bus Driver. If approved Todd would drive for activities at a rate of $16.43/Hr. Approval is recommended contingent upon Todd receiving the required licenses.
- Sara Anderson would like to recommend Cathy Smith for the four-hour food service position at Adams. If approved she would receive $15/hour.
Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Superintendent Goals for 2023-24 – moved by Ulveling/Horsley to approve the superintendent goals as presented for the 23-24 year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Student, Parent, Program and Staff Handbooks – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the Fairview Student/Parent Handbook, Adams Student Handbook and TigerZone Program Handbook as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Administrative Assignments for 2023-24 – moved by Friedlein/Horsley to approve the assignments as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- IASB Legislative Priorities – moved by Ulveling/Lundstrom to approve the IASB Legislative Priorities of Student Achievement, Mental Health, Teacher Recruitment and Licensure, Teacher Professional Development and Retention, and Supplemental State Aid with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- CEA Handbook Revisions – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the revisions in Section 5 and Section 16 of the CEA Handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Memorandum of Understanding with the CEA for TSS – moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the MOU with the CEA for distribution of TSS for the 23-24 year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer – Nicole McCarville was appointed as Board Secretary/Treasurer and Board President Cindy Johnson gave the oath of office.
- Resolution for Issue of Warrants – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the resolution for issuance of warrants as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Bank Depositories Resolution for 23-24 – moved by Horsley/Friedlein to approve the bank depository resolution for 23-24 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Food Services Bids – moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the bread bid from Bimbo Bakeries and milk bid from Anderson Erickson as the sole bids received timely in accordance with the bid request. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- Tire Bids – moved by Horsley/Friedlein to approve the tire bid from Performance Tire for the 23-24 year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Summer Projects
- Cement Work at Adams Elementary – moved by Horsley/Friedlein to accept the bid from KNB LLC for $11,875 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Air Conditioning for Adams Elementary – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the quote of $8,120 for a wall mounted AC unit at Adams Elementary with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Window covering at Fairview – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the quote of $6,988 from I Saw the Sign for tiger logo signage/coverings in the south windows of Fairview Elementary with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Cement Project at Carroll Athletic Stadium – Dr. Berlau presented the possible plan for cement work but quotes were not yet presented.
- Preschool Agreement with Kuemper – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the preschool agreement for 23-24 with Kuemper with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Ag Program Agreement with Kuemper – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the Agriculture Program Agreement with Kuemper for 2023-24 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Resolution ordering an election on a Revenue Purpose Statement on the use of SAVE funds and ordering the publication of a notice of election – moved by Horsley/Lundstrom to approve the resolution as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Resolution to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program and set public hearing – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the resolution as presented and to set the public hearing on the continued participation in the Instructional Support Program for Monday, August 7th at 5:30pm in the Adams Elementary Board Room. The motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
- Budget Updates – Nicole McCarville provided updated budget reports for the FY23 preliminary year end.
At 7:27pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.8.22
Minutes - 2023.8.22Minutes
August 22, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Friedlein to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, 1st and 2nd readings of board policies, administrator reports, agreements and fundraisers was motioned for approval by Horsley/Ulveling with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes – July 17, 2023
Bills – General ($365,579.77), Management ($11,253.69), PPEL ($3,889.15), Nutrition ($26,060.20), SAVE ($153,487.86), Activity ($36,825.03), Scholarship ($400.00)
1st Reading of Policies – 472, 473
2nd Reading of Policies – 104R1, 406, 430, 462, 463, 508, 522, 522E1, 522E2, 553, 601, 630, 630E4, 631, 633R1, 644, 644R1
Administrator Reports – CHS, CMS, AES, FV
Agreements – Affiliation Agreement for Clinical Experience for Nursing Student with University of Iowa, Transportation Maintenance Sharing Agreement with Kuemper, MOU with Head Start, Ar-We-Va Food Service Director Sharing Agreement, SARH Ancillary Athletic Training Services Agreement
Fundraisers List
CEA HANDBOOK REVISION – Moved by Horsley/Lundstrom to approve the CEA handbook revisions around Personal Leave and Family Sick Leave with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CESA HANDBOOK REVISION – Moved by Horsley/Friedlein to approve the CESA handbook revisions around Personal Leave and
Resignations –
- Nathan Wuebker wishes to resign from his teacher associate position at FV. Nathan has worked for CCSD for 1 year.
- Ashley Moore wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at FV. Ashley has worked at CCSD for 2 years.
- Amanda Schultz wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS.
Recommendations –
- Sue Ruch is recommending Lydia Daniel for a special education teacher associate at Fairview for the 2023-2024 school year. If approved Lydia would be paid $14.11 per hour (base pay of $13.91 plus twenty cents for two years of experience) and work 6.75 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Jamie Fraizer for the Special Ed TA position in our ROAR Alternative School. Jamie has a lot of experience working with students with diverse needs and will be an asset goal setting with our students and helping them reach their career diploma. If approved she would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $14.46 (Base of $13.91 plus $.30 for education plus $.25 for experience). Approval is recommended retroactive to August 16th.
- Nicole McCarville would like to recommend Melanie Girard for the Food Service Director position. Her contract will be 260 days/year and includes a $25/month phone reimbursement and 20 paid vacation days. If approved she would be paid $70,000/year.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Doug Hansman for the Seasonal Grounds Custodian. Jeff recommends that Doug received $14.50/hour. He will work Monday through Friday, 8 hours/day, April 1st through November 30th. Doug will receive single health insurance coverage as well as paid leaves as per board policy. Approval is recommended retroactive to August 16th.
- Jeff Cullen would like to recommend Patrick Henderson for the Northeast Rural area of Breda and a portion of the West Central section of the City of Carroll. If approved Patrick would drive approximately 3.75 Hours a day at $21.17/Hr. Patrick currently works for us as a teacher associate and will continue to work in that capacity as well.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Stef Jorgensen for our MS volleyball position. She has 0 years of coaching volleyball experience. She will be coaching 7th grade volleyball with Nicole Martin. If approved she would receive $2,052.
- Scot Aden would like to recommend Courtney Tigges for a General Education TA position at middle school. If approved Courtney would work 7 hours /day and be paid $13.65/hour.
- Sara Anderson would like to recommend Rebecca Wharton-Liechti for the 6.5-hour food service position at CHS. If approved Rebecca would be paid $16.00/hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to August 16th and contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
Volunteer –
- Randy Bissen is recommending Dayton Ross as a volunteer with the football program contingent upon his receipt of a coaching authorization.
Contract Modifications –
- Sue Ruch is recommending that 45 minutes/day be added to Sarah Carstens' letter of assignment. This addition time is for AM and PM supervision.
- Sue Ruch is recommending that 45 minutes/day be added to Jordan Petersen's letter of assignment. This addition time is for AM and PM supervision.
- Sue Ruch is recommending that one hour/day be added to Trish McNamara's letter of assignment. This addition time is for AM and PM supervision.
Moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Student, Parent, Program, and Staff Handbooks – moved by Friedlein/Horsley to approve the CMS Student/Parent Handbook, CMS Staff Handbook, CHS Student Handbook and Coaches Handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Appoint delegate to IASB delegate assembly – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to delegate Duane Horsley to the IASB delegate assembly with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Teach Quality Committee – Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve Superintendent Berlau’s recommendation of Amy Collison, Kourtney Abbotts and Scot Aden as the administrative representatives on the Teacher Quality Committee, with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- SIAC Committee – the committee was discussed but no action taken
- Board Policy Review Committee – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the structure of the board policy committee with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Student Activity Passes – the board discussed the current student activity pass structure and rates but no action was taken on making any changes for the 2023-24 year.
- Job Description: Custodian – Seasonal for Spring, Summer and Fall – moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the job description with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Updates
- Bids for Stadium cement/surface – the bids were discussed and based on the dollar value of the work no action was taken as additional information/bids may be needed
At 6:46pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.8.7
Minutes - 2023.8.7Minutes
August 7, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Resignations –
- Krystal Childress wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS. Krystal has worked for CCSD for 2 years.
- Maisie Ogren wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS. She was approved in July but is no longer going to work at CCSD.
- Brian Mentzer would like to resign from his noon Pre-School Route. He will continue to drive his morning and afternoon routes.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Steven Bieret for middle school Mock Trial sponsor. He has no experience as a Mock Trial sponsor but did participate in Mock Trial in High School and works with the History Day program. If approved he would be paid $880.
- Scot Aden and Jill Greiman would like to recommend Jessie Golwitzer for a Special Ed teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Jessie would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.11 (beginning pay for Special Ed TA $13.91 plus $.20 for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend Tasha Hinners for the part time RN position at the Adams Elementary building. If approved Tasha would be paid $24.50 per hour and would work 4.5 hours per day.
- Scot Aden and Jill Greiman would like to recommend Joslyn Wellman for a Special Ed teacher associate position at Carroll Middle School. If approved Joslyn would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.21 (beginning pay of $13.91 plus $.30 cents for education). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED RESOLUTION: At 5:33p.m., Cindy Johnson declared the public hearing on the proposed resolution to direct the county commissioner of elections to call an election to submit the question of continued participation in the Instructional Support Program on the ballot. Community member Lean Schoenfeld addressed the board in support of the participation in the program and discussed efforts of community members to get support for participation. With no other speakers present, Cindy Johnson declared the hearing closed at 5:36p.m.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Moved by Horsley/Lundstrom to adopt the resolution to direct the county commissioner of elections to call an election to submit the question of continued participation in the instructional support programs and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Moved by Horsley/Ulveling to approve the Food Service Director Job Description as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
BOARD GOVERNANCE PLAN FOR 2023-2024: Superintendent Berlau and board members discussed the board governance plan for the 2023-2024.
At 5:54pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2023.9.21
Minutes - 2023.9.21Minutes
September 21, 2023 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
5:30 PM Adams Elementary
PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling. Board members absent: Duane Horsley
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
PRESENTATIONS – Mr. Wayne Lu, CHS Band Director, gave a presentation on his field trip request for 2 band festivals and Mr. Brady Eischeid, Ag Instructor and FFA Advisor gave a presentation on his field trip request for the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, 1st and 2nd readings of board policies, administrator reports, agreements and fundraisers was motioned for approval by Horsley/Ulveling with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes – August 7, 2023 and August 22, 2023
Bills – General ($270,271.08), Management ($61,594.75), PPEL ($296,198.75), Nutrition ($46,243.70), SAVE ($62,271.80), Activity ($30,588.32)
1st Reading of Policies – 108
2nd Reading of Policies – 472, 473, 104, 542, 543, 613, 628, 628R1, 629, 630R1
Administrator Reports – CHS, CMS, AES, FV
Field Trips – Bethany Lutheran College HS Honor Band Festival, Worlds of Fun Festival of Bands and National FFA Convention
Agreements – Kuemper Teacher Associates, Kuemper Shared Teacher-Librarian, FFA Lease with Region XII COG, Affiliation Agreement with Drake University, TAP FY24 Renewal
Wage Reports
Job Description – Activity Event Manager
DONATIONS – Crossroads Nutrition – Herbalife 24 line/hydration drinks to the football team; Al Short – trunk and contents which include CHS artifacts from the 1920’s/1930’s; Prairie Studies of Briar Cliff University – “On Common Ground” by Ryan Allen & Brian Hazlett. Moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to accept the last 2 donations noted with more information needed on the first donation. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote.
- Jeff Cullen is recommending Sharon Beyer for a noon bus-driving route for an additional 2 hours per day.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Payton Cote for a Severe and Profound Teacher Associate position at CHS for 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.98 per hour (the base pay for S & P). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend Shawn Cullen for an Assistant Custodian Sports Facilities/Grounds position for 8 hours per day and would be paid $18.00/hour plus a $1,000 signing bonus. It is recommended that Shawn receive $25/month for use of personal cell phone.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Stefanie Jorgensen for a Severe and Profound Teacher Associate position at CHS for 7 hours per day and would be paid $15.53 (The base pay of $14.98 plus $.30 for BA degree plus $.25 for 9 years of experience). Approval is recommended retroactive to September 5th.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend Doug Leiting for the Industrial Tech teaching position at CHS with salary of $77,760 plus TSS which is approximately $7,811 and 187 day contract, which includes Professional Development days, leave of 13 sick days and 3 personal days, and all other leave available according to district policy and CEA handbook.
- Scot Aden is recommending Amanda Massie for a Severe and Profound Teacher Associate position at CMS for 7 hours/day and $14.98 per hour (the base pay for S & P). Approval is recommended retroactive to September 6th.
- Sue Ruch and Amy Collison would like to recommend Kara Neville for the Title 1 Curriculum Lead position.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Maisie Ogren for a Severe and Profound Teacher Associate position at CHS for 7 hours/day and $15.28 per hour (the base pay for S & P plus .30 cents for experiences)
- Sue Ruch is recommending Gabby Olberding for a TigerZone TA position. Gabby has previously worked as a TA in TigerZone but resigned so she could participate in the spring soccer season. If approved Gabby would receive $13.70 per hour and 2.25 hours/day 3-4 days/week.
- Melanie Girard is recommending Joan Schlie for a food service position (dishwasher) at Fairview for 2.25 hours/day at $15.00/hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to Sept. 19th.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending that the contract for Ruby Morales as TAP Coordinator be modified from 260 days to 230 days based on our updated understanding of the TAP program requirements with IVRS.
- Sue Ruch is recommending that thirty minutes/day be added to Kelsey Dentlinger's letter of assignment as well as $0.20/hour for experience prior to being hired at CCSD. This additional time is for AM and PM supervision.
- Casey Berlau is recommending that Hunter Harmening receive a stipend of $1,100 for serving as administrative support at the high school from August 23, 2023 through September 1, 2023 while we did not have an assistant principal.
Moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Student Activity Passes
- Update on ISL and Revenue Purpose Statement
- School Improvement Advisory Committee– moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the SIAC committee as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- District Strategic Plan/Goals – moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to approve the district plan/goals as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- FY23 Annual Settlements
- FY23 Certified Annual Report (CAR)
- FY23 Special Ed Supplement
- Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for a Special Education Deficit – moved by Ulveling/Friedlein to approve the request for modified allowable growth for the special education deficit of $186,599.71 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- FY23 Annual Transportation Report
- Budget Updates
- Bids for Stadium cement/surface – bids were received from Badding Construction ($49,240 plus $4.500-$6,000 for stamped/stain depending on color/pattern) and KNB LLC ($60,705 with stained concrete an additional $6,000). Moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to accept the bid from Badding of $49,240 with a max additional of $5,000 for staining/stamping and unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for topographic survey – moved by Friedlein/Ulveling to accept the bid from Sundquist Engineering for $17,600 for a topographic survey of the Fairview Elementary/Bus Barn property with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 7:10pm, it was moved to adjourn, unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024-05.06
Minutes - 2024-05.06Minutes
May 6, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
DONATION – Moved by Horsley/Johnston to accept the donation of lunch from a food truck at CMS one day during teacher appreciation week donated by Jordan Jansen’s Edward Jones office with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Nicole Martin wishes to resign from her 7th grade science teaching position as well as her MS volleyball coaching and MS wrestling coaching positions effective at the end of the 23-24 school year. Nicole has worked for CCSD for 3 years.
- Kaitlynn Kaufmann wishes to resign from her prom sponsor position.
- Kristi Shanks wishes to resign from her prom sponsor position.
- Samantha Vonnahme wishes to resign from her girls' golf coaching position.
- Erin Roberts wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position in TigerZone effective May 22, 2024. Erin has worked at CCSD for one year.
- Jordan Janssen wishes to resign from her bus driving position effective April 29, 2024. Jordan has worked for CCSD for 4 years.
- Jeff Cullen wishes to resign from his Transportation Director position effective April 30, 2024 (an update to the previous resignation date of 6/30/24)
- Janet Olerich wishes to resign from her food service position effective April 30, 2024. Janet will continue to work as a contracted bus driver and will be picking up additional driving duties.
- Marissa Alexander wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position effective April 30, 2024. Marissa has worked for CCSD for 2 years.
- Micah Henderson wishes to resign from his Teacher Associate position effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Micah has worked for CCSD for 2 years.
- Caleb Henderson wishes to resign from his Teacher Associate position effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Caleb has worked at CCSD for 1 year.
- Hunter Harmening wishes to resign from his Juvenile Court Liaison position at the end of his 2023-2024 contract. Hunter has worked for CCSD for 8 years.
- Amy Collison is recommending Abigail Koster for a 4th grade instructor position. Abigail is a graduate of University of Northern Iowa with a BA+15 in Education. She has been teaching at Sioux City CSD since 2021. She has a total of seven years of teaching experience. If approved Abigail would receive $49,250 plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison is recommending Hannah Bush for a 4th grade instructor position. Hannah is a graduate of Northwest Missouri State University with a BA in Education. She has been working at New Opportunities as Head Start Sub. If approved Hannah would receive $47,500 plus a $2,000 signing bonus.
- Sue Ruch and Amy Collison are recommending Emma Schmitz for an Elementary Art Instructor position. Emma is a graduate of Morningside College with a BA in Art Education. She has been teaching at West Bend-Mallard CSD since 2021. If approved Emma would receive $47,500 plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Scot Aden is recommending Holly Kirchhoff for the 5-8 Band/Vocal music position at CMS. Ms. Kirchhoff will graduate from Iowa State University in May. She did her student teaching at Gilbert High School and Roland Story Middle School. If approved she would be paid $47,500 plus a $2,000 signing bonus. She will teach 5-6 Vocal Music ($389), Gr. 5-6 Instrumental Music ($389), and 1/2 of Summer Band Lessons ($1,945). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a valid Iowa teaching license.
- Jennifer Dentlinger is recommending Bryan Holt for a student/supply shuttle contract for 2024-2025 for 1.5 hours per day. If approved he would make the designated wage for student/shuttle driving. During the 2023-2024 school year this amount is $14.73 per hour.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Rylee Ludwig for the Head Varsity Volleyball Position. Rylee is a CHS alumni and has one year of paid experience as she was our JV volleyball coach last year. She was a first team unanimous all-conference player her junior and senior year in high school when her teams won the conference and finished second under Head Coach Kelli Schulz. She was also all-state honorable mention her senior year. We are excited to have Rylee lead our volleyball program.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Brock Jones for a volunteer position with the varsity softball team. He was a volunteer last year with the softball program as well.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Lonnie Miller as a volunteer with our varsity volleyball team. He will be an asset to new coach Rylee Ludwig and will work well with our other coaches in the program.
- Tasha Hinner's hourly rate of pay should be $25.40. This was on the personnel report correctly when she was approved for an RN position but incorrect on her contract. Tasha requests reverting back to 25 hours/week for the 2024-2025 school year. Approval of modifications is recommended.
Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
WORK SESSION – The board discussed and reviewed district paid benefits for administrative staff.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF NON-BARGAINING STAFF WAGE INCREASES AND SCHEDULE C ADJSUSTMENTS FOR 2024-2025 – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the wages of non-bargaining staff for 24-25 as presented. The motion passed 4-1 on a roll call vote with Lundstrom, McCaulley, Horsley, and Johnston in favor and Friel opposed. Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the starting and sub pay for non-bargaining staff for 24-25 with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the Schedule C adjustments as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to go into closed session at 7:19pm under Iowa Code 21.5.1.i “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.”
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION – The Board returned to open session at 8:32pm
At 8:33 pm, it was moved by Horsley/McCaulley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.04.01
Minutes - 2024.04.01Minutes
April 1, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:50 PM or immediately following Public Hearing Meeting
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to
order at 6:52 pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and
Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
1. Michaela Klenk wishes to resign from her 4th grade teaching position as well as her Varsity
Volleyball coaching position effective at the end of the 23-24 school year. Michaela has worked
for CCSD for three years.
2. Kristin Promes wishes to resign from his her elementary Special Education teaching position
effective at the end of the 23-24 school year. Kristin has worked for CCSD for one year as a
Teacher Associate and one year as a Teacher.
3. Amy Holst wishes to resign from her high school teaching position at CHS at the end of the 2023-
2024 school year. Amy has taught at CCSD for one year. Approval of resignation is
4. Bill Polking wishes to resign from his Large Group Speech Head Coach position.
1. Jennifer Dentlinger wishes to recommend Parker Thornock for the Bus Wash Technician
position. If approved he will work 10 hours per week during the school year and during the
summer he will work 28 hours per week at a rate of $13 per hour.
2. Sue Ruch and Amy Collison are recommending Mackenzie Bemis for a T2K-4th grade physical
education position at Fairview and Adams Elementary Schools. Ms. Bemis has three years of
teaching experience and has most recently taught at Des Moines Public Schools. If approved she
would receive $44,827 (2023-24 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended
contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
1. Sue Ruch is recommending Kelsey Dentlinger's hourly rate, for her teacher associate position, be
modified to full-time S&P pay retroactive to Monday, February 26.
1. Sue Ruch is recommending Kara Neville for the Fairview Title I reading position.
approve the job descriptions for the School Counselor-Fairview and Elementary Special Education
Teacher positions with one addition to the special education job description to include “Properly licensed
in Iowa as a special education teacher” under qualifications. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Certified Budget Presentation – Director of Business Affairs Nicole McCarville presented the
draft FY25 certified budget information to the board. The public hearing on the FY25 Certified
Budget will be held on April 22nd at 6:30PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room as part of the
Board’s regular April board meeting.
2. The Board discussed a possible program for including a non-voting student representative on the
board to provide leadership/public service experience. The Board indicated interest and asked
that a policy be brought to the board at a future meeting for consideration.
exempt session a 7:54 to discuss strategy for negotiations. The board returned to open session at 8:48pm.
a bonus for staff who turn in their FY25 contract/letter of assignment within 5 school days of issuance to
employee in the amounts of: $500 for CEA (Teachers, Counselors, Nurses), $500 for regularly scheduled
Route Bus Drivers and Full-time (6+ hours/day) regularly scheduled non-bargaining staff, $250 for
regularly scheduled part-time (<6 hours/day) non-bargaining staff, $600 for CESA (Teacher Associates)
staff who are regularly scheduled full-time (6+ hours/day), $300 for CESA staff who are regularly
scheduled part-time (<6 hours/day). Staff who hold more than one contract/letter of assignment will
receive one bonus (not one for each position) and the bonus does not apply to non-staff coaches/sponsors,
substitutes, activity drivers, and other staff that are not regularly scheduled. The motion passed
unanimously by roll call vote.
At 8:57 pm, it was moved by Horsley/Johnston to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.04.22
Minutes - 2024.04.22Minutes
April 22, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:32pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Johnston to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON FY25 CERTIFIED– President Lundstrom declared the public hearing open at 6:31pm and no public comments were heard.
CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – President Lundstrom closed the public hearing at 6:31pm.
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON FY24 BUDGET AMENDMENT– President Lundstrom declared the public hearing open at 6:32pm and no public comments were heard.
CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – President Lundstrom closed the public hearing at 6:32pm.
APPROVE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL OF THE CARROLL CSD TRANSPORTATION FACILITY AND PROCEED TO THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approved the design developmental submittal and proceed to the construction document phase. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
APPROVAL OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION – (from Business Office – F) Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the geotechnical investigation proposal by Terracon Consultants with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Cathy Prime wishes to resign from her 5th grade ELA teaching position effective at the end of the 23-24 school year. Cathy has worked for CCSD for one year.
- Joslyn Wellman wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS effective April 5, 2024. Joslyn has worked for CCSD for one year.
- Kyle Grossnickle wishes to resign from his 5-8 Band/Music position at CMS effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Kyle has worked for CCSD for one year.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Connie Ankenbauer for the ELL teaching position. Connie has 32 years of teaching experience and a BA+15 degree in Elementary Ed with ESL and Reading endorsements. If approved Ms. Ankenbauer would receive $67,470 (24-25 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Ms. Ankenbauer has most recently taught at Coon Rapids-Bayard CSD as Secondary interventionist, EL Coordinator, ESL teacher, and TAG Coordinator. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Sarah Klocke for the SPED Strategist II teaching position. Sarah has a BA in Sociology from Iowa State and will have a Strategist II BD/LD and ID endorsement this summer. She has BA +15 currently and is working towards a MA at Morningside University. If approved Ms. Klocke would receive $48,900 (24-25 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Ms. Klocke has been working at CCSD as a teacher associate for 2 years.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Kim Needs for the K-12 Media Specialist position. Ms. Needs has a BA degree in Elementary Ed with Special Ed endorsement. She was the children's director for the Norelius Public Library in Denison for two years. She most recently was an Instructional Coach, worked with Curriculum, Data and Assessment, and as the Librarian at Ar-We-Va. She has five year of teaching experience. If approved Ms. Needs would receive $47,500 (24-25 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Carl Kaiser for a Math teaching position at CHS. Carl has 23 years of teaching experience and a MA degree with a 5-12 Math endorsement. If approved Mr. Kaiser would receive $66,250 (24-25 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Mr. Kaiser has most recently taught at West Central Valley CSD as secondary math teacher - Algebra and AP Calculus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Katie Farber for the Elementary counselor position. Kathryn has 12 years of teaching experience and a BA from UNI and her MA in Mental Health and School Counseling from Drake University. Ms. Farber has been the Elementary School Counselor for grades PK-4 at Greene County for the past three years. If approved Ms. Farber would receive $62,000 (24-25 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Crystal Boes for the Director of Student Services position. Crystal has five years of administrative experience. If approved Ms. Boes would receive $109,500 plus a $2,000 signing bonus. She would work a 12-month contract and receive 20 vacation days as well as a $25/month phone reimbursement. If approved her contract would begin on July 1, 2024. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Scot Aden is recommending Rylee Ludwig for the 5th grade writing and ELA teaching position. Rylee is a graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in Elementary Ed. She also has her coaching authorization and is currently our JV Volleyball coach. If approved she would be paid the beginning base pay for 2024- 2025 (47,500) for an individual with a BA plus a $2,000 signing bonus.
- Scot Aden is recommending Craig Braaten for the 7th grade Special Ed teaching position. Mr. Braaten has 16 years of teaching experience and a MA degree in Teaching, Leadership and Learning with endorsements in Emotional BD and LD endorsements. If approved Ms. Braaten would receive $62,000 (24-25 wage) plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Mr. Braaten has most recently taught at Bryon Public Schools as an 8th grade Special Ed teacher and football coach. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check and an Iowa teaching license.
- Amy Collison is recommending Kara Rowedder for the Title: Reading & Math position at Adams Elementary.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Karla Flattery for the Art teaching position at Carroll High School.
Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the personnel report with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – March 18, 2024; March 28, 2024; April 1, 2024
Bills – General ($188,121.32), PPEL ($2,878.91), Nutrition ($41,633.78), SAVE ($161,631.62), Activity ($46,081.78)
2nd Reading of Policies – 572, 572R1, 574, 576, 578, 704.2
Donations – Ruth Lux: $25 to Tiger Cupboard; Larry Devine: $50 to Tiger Cupboard; Teacher Appreciation Weeks Donations: Natalie Forke – Pizza; Nate and Marcy Puck – Lidderdale Catering; Monica and Daniel Clayton – Candy/Snacks; Kourtney Abbotts – Bordenaros Breakfast Rolls and Pasta Bar/Breadsticks; Stacie and Scot Muhlbauer – Ice Cream Bar; Greg Villegas – Breakfast; Toni and James North – Bottled Water; Jamie and Justin McCool – Cookies; Randi and Ryan Boell – Popcorn; Amanda Orton and Brady Brehmer - Pop
1st Reading of Policies – 214, 507, 507R1, 102R1, 102R2, 102E1, 103
Policy to Delete – 510
Request for Transportation – CACCCP is asking for their school age program to use our transportation for July 2nd to Coon Rapids, July 18th to Breda and August 1st to Lake View
Agreements –
- Food Service Director sharing agreement with Ar-We-VA
- Transportation Director sharing agreement with Glidden Ralston CSD
- Transportation Maintenance sharing agreement with Glidden Ralston CSD
- Transportation Maintenance sharing agreement with Kuemper
- Cooperative sharing agreements for activities
Boys Swim: ACGC, AWV, CR-Bayard, Denison-Schleswig, East Sac, Glidden, Greene County, Kuemper, South Central Calhoun
Boys Golf: AWV
Girls Swim: ACGC, AWV, CR-Bayard, Denison-Schleswig, East Sac, Glidden, Greene County, Kuemper, South Central Calhoun
Girls Golf: AWV
Girls Soccer - AWV, CR-Bayard, Glidden
- FFA Lease with Todd Reuter
Moved by Friel/McCaulley with unanimous approval.
- Approval of agreement with CESA – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the agreement with CESA for 2024-25 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of agreement with CEA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agreement with CEA for 2024-25 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of Student/Parent Handbooks – moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve the handbooks as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider revisions to job descriptions – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the job descriptions as presented for the Teacher Associates (General Ed, Special Ed, and Specialized) and Technology Technician as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of the 2024 Graduates - Parker Adams, Amber Arkland, Dillon Arnold, Sienna Becker, Cody Beckman, Sydney Bellinghausen, Skye Bennett, Zoey Bernholtz, Brynn Bowman, Ethan Brincks, Gabrielle Brincks, Madison Brown, Averi Burke, Chase Burnett, Gus Burns, Caeden Canuso, Keagan Case, Titus Casebeer, Katherine Gomez, Elizabeth Chase, Riley Coats, Jacob Comstock, Clayton Daisy, Brandon Daniel, Rojel David, Raquel Del Angel, Zelda DeMoss, Thaddaeus Dirkx, Charles Drees, Levi Dreessen, Mollie Feld, Autumn Fortner, Molly Freese, Yandreana Campechano, Brenna Goins, Colton Hagen, Evan Hammer, Elijah Haulk, Emily Hedman, MacKenzie Heinrichs, Tanner Heithoff, Noah Henson, Serena Hinners, Emma Hoffman, Emma Holmes, Amelia Holt, Dylan Hosenfelt, Rohan Huffman, Philippine Huriau, Parveen Hutcherson, Steven Jacobs, Kloee Jones, Julia Kanne, Jonathan Kendall, Macie Kennebeck, Briella Klocke, Hailey Klocke, Paige Kokenge, Kadyn Krutsch, Karsyn Lampe, Chandler Lee, Noah Lee, Caden Lengeling, Sienna Leymaster, Cooper Ludwig, Walker Lynch, Chase Madden, Juan Maldonado-Silva, Riley Mauro, Katelyn McFarland, Shane McGowan, Alexandria Meiers, Cole Miller, Karlie Muhlbauer, Abbigail Munson, Reed Musselman, Zoe Myers, Riley Nagl, Ryder Nagl, Cael Nelson, Kyler Neppel, Lincoln Neu, Mason Nieland, Ryan North, Zachary Nystrom, Gabrielle Olberding, Lance Olerich, Ethan Osterlund, Kameron Peplinski, Elizabeth Perkins, Paige Potthoff, Thomas Quandt, Chase Ragaller, Chloe Reiling, Carter Riesberg, Justin Riesberg, Tanner Ripley, Erin Roberts, Morgan Roberts, Paige Sargent, Tate Schleisman, Macie Schlesner, Karsen Schoenfeld, Baylie Schulte, Collin Schultes, William Schultes, Lilli Schwarz, Dalton Schwering, Tegan Schwery, Clayton Simons, Jena Snyder, Wyatt Snyder, Aiden Steger, Lexi Steinkamp, Jacob Stork, Tyler Stork, Gavin Sturm, Kaisen Stypa, Christian Taylor, John Teggatz, Brooklynn Troutman, Grant Uhlenkamp, Caleb Vanderheiden, Shawn Vang, Cullen Venner, Elias Villanueva, Furaha Vicent, Hailey Vogl, Caiden Vonnahme, Jenna Walker, Payton Wardell, Jacob Warnke, Kali Warnke, Taelyn Wiederin, Adrienne Wiley. Moved by Friel/Horsley approve the graduates for 2024 pending final completion of requirements with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider summer school/credit recovery plan for CHS – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the CHS summer school/credit recovery plan for summer 2024 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider quotes for CMS Classroom Locks – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to accept the quote from Doors Inc for $15,972 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider Quote for additional cameras at CHS – no action taken
- Consider request to seek bids for Fairview Playground Surface – moved by Friel/Horsley to allow the district to seek bids for playground surfacing at Fairview with unanimous roll call vote.
- Consider request to dispose of school bus – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to allow the district to dispose of a 2010 bus that needs a new engine with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of FY 25 Certified Budget – Moved by Friel/Johnston to approve the FY25 Certified Budget with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Resolution to participate in the Budget Guarantee for FY25 – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the resolution for the FY25 Budget Guarantee with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- FY24 Budget Amendment – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the FY24 Budget Amendment with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Review and accept the FY23 Audit – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to accept the FY23 Audit with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 9:00pm, it was moved by McCaulley/Horsley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.04.25
Minutes - 2024.04.25Minutes
April 25, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
12:00 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 12:00pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston (via Zoom), Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by McCaulley/Horsley to go to closed session at 12:02 pm under Iowa Code 21.5.1.a. to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to by state or federal law to be kept confidential as a condition for the board’s possession or receipt of federal funds. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
RETURN TO OPEN SESSSION – The meeting returned to open session at 12:07 pm.
CONSIDER REQUEST TO RESTORE ELIGIBILITY FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to restore eligibility for extracurricular activities for the student as discussed in closed session. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO TERMINATE A PROBATIONARY TEACHER CONTRACT– Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the recommendation from the superintendent to terminate the probationary contract of Erin Mendoza at the end of the 2023-24 school year. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
At 12:12pm, it was moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.05.20
Minutes - 2024.05.20Minutes
May 20, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley. There were no members of the public present to address the board.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
- Rylee Ludwig wishes to resign from her JV Volleyball coaching position. Rylee has been approved for the Head Varsity Volleyball coaching position.
- Quentin Pinkerton wishes to resign from his T2K-4 PE instructor position. Quentin has worked for CCSD for one year.
- Marissa Kennebeck wishes to resign from her special education instructor position. Marissa has worked for CCSD for one year.
- Kristen Young wishes to resign from her special education teacher associate position. Kristen has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Wayne Lu wishes to resign from his 7th grade boys' basketball coaching position.
- Wanita Dentlinger wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position at CMS. Wanita has worked at CCSD for 4 years.
- Steve Schable wishes to resign from his Head Boys' Track coaching position. Steve has been a track coach for 18 years.
- Jeremy Fender wishes to resign from his student shuttle driving position effective June 1, 2024. Jeremy wishes to remain employed at CCSD as a Special Education Teacher Associate.
- Josh Ahrens wishes to resign from his teacher associate position effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Josh is completing his Masters of Science in school counseling and will be seeking other employment.
- Jerry Spieler wishes to resign from his bus driving position effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Jerry has driven bus for CCSD for 47 years. Jerry wishes to be on the sub and activity driver list beginning with the 24-25 school year.
- Kenny Kennebeck wishes to resign from his bus driving position effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Kenny has driven bus for CCSD for 7 years.
- Abby Munson wishes to resign from her teacher associate position in TigerZone effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Abby has been a TigerZone TA for CCSD for 2 years.
- William Shull wishes to resign from his 9-12 Physical Education teaching position. William has taught at CHS for one year.
- DeAnn Leiting wishes to resign from her Behavior Interventionist position. DeAnn has worked at CCSD for one year.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Jeff Nekuda for the head custodian position at Carroll High School effective June 1, 2024. Jeff has over fifteen years of experience as a school custodian in Nebraska. If approved he would work 8 hours per day and would be paid $22.00 per hour and a $2,000 signing bonus. Jeff would receive single and full family health insurance paid by the district.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Cody Wardell for the Activity Event Stream Manager position. He has worked with Tiger Vision and is familiar with the kids and how the livestreaming works. If approved he would be paid $2,851.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Kaitlynn Kaufman for the student senate position. She was the sponsor last year and has decided to do it again. If approved Kaitlynn would be paid $1,118.
- Sue Ruch and Amy Collison are recommending the following: Elementary Building Team Leaders: Preschool: Holly Warnke; Kindergarten/T2K: Breely Cleveland; First Grade: Kalee Vonnahme; Second Grade: Tina Luchtel; PS - 4th Grade Special Education: Heather Arguello; PS - 4th Grade Student Support Services: Kelly Perrin; T2K - 4th Grade Specials: Carrie Hampton
- Kourtney Abbotts are recommending the following: Special Education – Denise Ragaller, Social Studies - Bob Pauk, Work-Based Learning - Bill Polking At-Risk - Erin Comstock, CTE - Kelli Schulz, Dual-Enrollment - Kristi Shanks ELA - Becky Boes, Fine Arts - Karla Flattery, Math - Amy Brown, and Science - Nicole Cote.
- Sue Ruch and Amy Collison are recommending Jordan Bowers for an Elementary PE Instructor position. Jordan is a graduate of UNI. He has taught at GMGCSD for one year. If approved Jordan would receive $47,500 plus a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Craig Rowedder is recommending Nathan Thomsen for the Technology Technician position. Nathan is a graduate of Buena Vista University with a BS in Computer Science Information. If approved Nathan would receive $21.50 and would work 40 hours/week. He would begin on June 1st. Approval is recommended contingent upon receiving a clear background check.
- Jennifer Dentlinger is recommending that Carla Henson transfer to the Administrative Assistant to the Transportation Department. If approved Carla would work eight hours/day and 11 months/year and be paid $15.75/hour. If approved Carla would begin on July 1, 2024.
- Casey Berlau is recommending that Abigail Riley be given a stipend of $193 for T2-K music concerts for spring 2024.
- Casey Berlau is recommending that Craig Rowedder be given a stipend of $2,319 for coaching middle school track for spring 2024.
- Amy Collison is recommending that Jeremy Fender's Special Education Teacher Associate Letter of Assignment be modified to 7.25 hours/day contingent upon his resignation from student shuttle driving being approved.
- Casey Berlau is recommending a contract modification for Kim Needs, K-12 Media Specialist position. Due to not being licensed with the board of educational examiners, this is a non-bargaining position. Her 24-25 contract will be $48,000 plus a $2000 signing bonus paid over the first year.
Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the personnel recommendations with the exception of the CHS TLC recommendations (#6 under Recommendations), with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by Horsley Johnston to approve the CHS TLC positions as recommended, with the motion passing 4-0 on a roll call vote and member Friel abstaining.
SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT – Board President Lundstrom recommended Dr. Berlau’s contract for superintendent to be a 3 year contract effective 7/1/24, renewable annually, with a 2.5% salary increase for the 24-25 year and increase in the district’s contribution to his TSA to increase to 4% for the 24-25 year. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the recommendation and the motion passed 4-1 by roll call vote with member Friel voting against.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – April 22, 20024; April 25, 2024; May 6, 2024
Bills – General ($255,899.14), PPEL ($4,719.80), Nutrition ($61,146.68), SAVE ($294,322.75), Activity ($45,142.72), Debt Service UMB Bond Payments - $637,875 (PPEL Bond) and $286,316 (SAVE Bond)
1st Read of Policies – 103R1, 104, 104R1, 104E1, 104E2, 105, 107, 108, 524, 564, 565, 566R1, 566E2, 566E4, 567
Policy to Delete – 566E3
2nd Reading of Policies – 214, 507, 507R1, 102R1, 102R2, 102E1, 103
Field Trip – FFA Overnight officer retreat – camping June 13-15
Donations – Rachel Hutchings would like to donate $500 to the CHS Band Program
Agreements –
- Transportation Service Agreement with Region XII
- Carroll Booster Club Lease for use of concession stands
Moved by Horsley/Friel with unanimous approval.
- Approval of agreement with North Central Consortium School – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agreement with NCCS for the 24-25 school year with approval of 4-1 by roll call vote with member Friel voting against.
- Approval of consortium agreement with Grandwood Learning Center – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agreement with Grandwood Learning Center for the 24-25 school year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of the 24-25 Preschool Calendar – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the 24-25 Preschool Calendar as presented, with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of school fees and school meal prices for 2024-25 – moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the 24-25 school fees and meal prices as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of TigerZone handbook for 24-25 – Moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve the handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of ROAR Handbook for 24-25 – Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the ROAR handbook for 24-25 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Transportation Request for Summer Fun Camp – Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the transportation request with a 4-0 approval by roll call vote with member Lundstrom abstaining.
- Approval of DMACC Courses for 24-25 – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the DMACC courses for 24-25 with a 4-0 approval by roll call vote with member Lundstrom abstaining.
- Consider CHS Camera Quotes – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the quote from Walsh Doors & Security for $13,775.45 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider carpet replacement quotes – Moved by McCaulley/Horsley to accept the quote from Prenger’s for CHS carpet replacement for $15,919.90 and JP Flooring for CMS carpet replacement for $86,987.10 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider quote to update elementary writing curriculum – moved by Friel/Horsley to update the elementary writing curriculum to the 3rd edition with a 7 year license for $18,382 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of district career and academic plan – Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the district’s career and academic plan with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider hiring temporary, part-time assistant facilities and grounds director – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the temporary, part-time assistant facilities and grounds director position being advertised for hiring with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Ceiling Tile Repair work at FV – moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the quote from Janning Ceiling Systems for quote #1 for 2x4 ceiling tiles at a quote of $8,875 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DISCUSSION ITEM – The board discussed the timeline requirements for financing/bidding of the proposed transportation facility.
- Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Agreement – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the renewal of the ILGRP agreement for 24-25 for $121,977.68 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Insurance Renewals – the board reviewed the insurance renewal premiums for some of the property and liability insurance coverages
- Budget Reports
At 8:42pm, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.05.31
Minutes - 2024.05.31Minutes
May 31, 2024 Board Meeting – End of Year Staff Recognition
Carroll CSD
11:15 AM, CHS Gym
All 5 board members were in attendance for the Carroll CSD end of year staff recognition from 11:15am – 12:00pm. No formal board meeting took place including no discussion of board items or action.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.06.03
Minutes - 2024.06.03Minutes
June 3, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
- Kim Cleveland wishes to resign from her teacher associate position. Kim has been a teacher associate at CCSD for 4 years.
- Kathy Schamel wishes to resign from her food service position. Kathy has worked at CCSD for seven years.
- Dani Buhs wishes to resign from her Preschool teaching position. Dani has worked at CCSD for one year.
- Sara Smith wishes to resign from her Special Ed teaching position. Sara has worked at CCSD for sixteen years.
- Samantha Block wishes to resign form her Yearbook sponsor position.
- Ashley Wuebker wishes to resign from her elementary counselor position. Ashley has worked for CCSD for eight years.
- Maggie Hannasch wishes to resign from her Assistant Large Group Speech Coach position contingent upon being approved for the Head Large Group Speech Coach position.
- Margaret Gruba wishes to resign from her teacher associate position as well as her bus driving position effective July 25, 2024. Margaret wishes to remain on the substitute and activity bus driver list. Margaret has worked for CCSD for five years.
- Mike Hogan wishes to resign from his assistant custodian position at CHS. Mike has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Amy Collison is recommending Sara Hamilton for 3rd grade Building Team Lead position and Joelle White for 4th grade Building Team Lead position.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Maggie Hannasch for the Large Group Speech Coach position. She has 9 years of paid experience as she was the Large Group Speech Coach at East Sac County for 8 years and was our assistant last year under Bill Polking. If approved she would receive $2,912.
- Kourtney Abbotts and Greg Villegas are recommending Chandler Damewood for the 9-12 PE position. Chandler is a graduate of Buena Vista University and has taught at Alta-Aurelia CSD for one year. If approved he would be paid $47,500 and receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Scot Aden is recommending the following for CMS TLC Lead Teacher Positions: 5th = Mrs. Lindsay Conley, 6th = Mr. Nate Wall, 7th = Mr. Josh Peter, 8th = Mr. Josh Lucken, Math = Mrs. Renee Friedrichsen, Science = Mrs. Melissa Nystrom, ELA = Mrs. Jesse Strong, Social Studies = Mr. Steven Bieret, Special Education = Mrs. Tonia Onken, and Specials = Mrs. Kelly Borchers.
- Scot Aden is recommending that Riley Ludwig transfer from the 5th grade ELA position to our 6th grade ELA position.
- Samantha Block should have 5 days extended contract for $1,147 for 23-24 for her counselor duties. (This is her 23-24 salary before TSS of 43,571 divided by 190 days x 5 days).
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the personnel recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
WORK SESSION – The board participated in a work session with Lou Ann Gvist from the Iowa Association of School Boards on goal setting for the board and district.
At 8:33 pm, it was moved by McCaulley/Johnston to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.06.17
Minutes - 2024.06.17Minutes
June 17, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM, Carroll High School Media Center
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley. There were no members of the public present to address the board.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Friel/Johnston to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH PIPER SANDLER – moved by Johnston/Friel to table the approval of the agreement with Piper Sandler for financing services to the July 15th meeting, with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
PRESENTATIONS – Jessica Stangl gave a presentation on the iJAG program and Ryan Simmelink and Linsey Pick, Curriculum Coordinators, gave a presentation on spring assessment data.
- Mackenzie Bemis wishes to resign from her T2K-4 Physical Education teaching position.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Kelli Schulz for the Yearbook Sponsor position as well as the Tiger Vision Media Manager position. If approved Kelli would be paid $1895 for the Yearbook Sponsor position and $1895 for the Media Manager position.
- Scott Aden would like to recommend Josh Peter and Matt Reicks split the CMS Student Council Position for the 24-25 school year. If approved each would be paid $264.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending that William Shull receive a $500 stipend for coordinating the Special Olympics program at CHS.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Cindy Lehrkamp for the T2K-4 Physical Education position for the 2024-2025 school year. If approved Cindy would be paid $69,000.
- Randy Bissen is recommending that William Shull receive a $1,000 stipend for his girls' golf responsibilities this season.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Bill Polking for the assistant large group speech position. Bill has been our head large group speech sponsor for the past 15 years. If approved he would be paid $2,532.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Becca Steffen for the 7th grade volleyball position. She is our new MS PE teacher and has 0 years paid volleyball coaching experience. She has experience coaching Club Volleyball at Vinton-Shellsburg and Mason City. She played volleyball at NIACC for two years and then played at McPherson College. If approved she would be paid $1,895.
- Jennifer Dentlinger is recommending the following addition to current driver, Joy Booth's, contract: a noon route 10:30a to 12:20p Tues-Fri. If approved Joy would receive her current rate of pay. Jennifer is recommending current substitute driver, Mike Brinker, be approved for a contracted position. If approved he would drive an AM route 6:30a to 8:30a and PM route 2:40pm to 4:40pm and would be paid $21.80 per hour (the base pay of $21.50 plus $.30 for 17 years of experience).
- Scot Aden is recommending Rachelle Heilesen for an 8th Gr. Science Instructor position. Rachelle taught at CCSD for two years and substituted at Denison CSD. If approved Rachelle would receive $47,500 plus a $2,500 signing bonus. The signing bonus would be paid during the 2024-2025 school year. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Molly Lange as a volunteer with our varsity volleyball program. Molly was our head coach for one year in 2020.
Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations with the exception of the recommendation of Kelli Schulz (#1 under Recommendations), with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the recommendation of Kelli Schulz as the Yearbook Sponsor and Tiger Vision Media Manager, with the motion passing 4-0 on a roll call vote and member McCaulley abstaining.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – May 20, 2024; May 31, 2024; June 3, 2024
Bills – General ($589,766.44), PPEL ($52,257.90), Nutrition ($42,775.51), SAVE ($118,537.28), Activity ($20,559.67)
1st Read of Policies – 524R1
Policy to Delete – 200
2nd Reading of Policies – 103R1, 104, 104R1, 104E1, 104E2, 105, 107, 108, 524, 564, 565, 566R1, 566E2, 566E4, 567
Donations – First United Methodist Church of Carroll - $50 to the Tiger Cupboard
Moved by Horsley/Johnston with unanimous approval.
- Resolution to fix a date for a public hearing on the issuance of not to exceed $16,000,000 school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds, in one or more series – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the resolution for the public hearing to be set to 7/15/24 at 6:30pm at the CHS Media Center with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of CEA Handbook – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the CEA Handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Appoint Level II Investigator – moved by Horsley/Johnston to appoint the Carroll Police Department as the Level II Investigator for 2024-25 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of quotes to purchase science kits for grades 6-8, high school biology and high school chemistry – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the science kits ($15,251.04 6-8th and $12,566.08 Biology/Chemistry) with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Technology Purchase Quotes – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the Bluum quote for Clever Touches for $63,904.89 (15 with some to be paid by grants) with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the Sterling Computers quote for 450 Chromebooks for $128,250 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Facilities Quotes – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to accept the quote from Bargen for the Fairview parking lot resurfacing for $53,890 with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by McCaulley/Friel to accept the quotes from Mechanical Sales ($69,000 for equipment and commissioning) and Carroll Controls ($12,200 for labor/materials to install) for replacement of CHS HVAC for the front office/entry areas with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of memorandum of understanding with Latinos in Action – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the MOU with Latinos in Action with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of agreement to add a TAP Specialist – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve adding a TAP Specialist to support the TAP program with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of MOU to participate in Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates (iJAG) – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the MOU with iJAG for the 24-25 year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Approval of agreement with Edgenuity – moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve a one year agreement for 9-12 licensing with CTE with Edgenuity for $21,037.67 with unanimous approval by roll call vote
- Updated Timeline for transportation facility – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to follow DLR Option 1 timeline for the transportation facility bidding/construction with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Follow up from board work session with IASB
- Board report from IASB session Summit on Student Success
- Insurance Renewals – Board Treasurer/Secretary reported the FY25 property and casualty insurance renewals with some alternate quotes available to the district. Moved by Friel/Horsley to purchase an additional $5M in excess liability coverage for $7,539.80 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Reports
- Consider requests to seek bids for small vehicle – moved by Johnston/Friel to seek bids for 2 small vehicles with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider granting permission to dispose of bus #28 – moved by Friel/Horsley to salvage bus 28 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider request to contribute to Merchants Park project – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to commit $5,000 towards the Merchant Park renovation project with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider milk bids – moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the milk bid from Anderson Erickson for the 24-25 school year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bread bids – moved by McCaulley/Horsley to accept the bread bid from Pan-O-Gold for the 24-25 school year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 10:09pm, it was moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.06.28
Minutes - 2024.06.28Minutes
June 28, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
12:00 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm. Board members present: Jim Friel (via Zoom), Jill Johnston (via Zoom), Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley. Board member Duane Horsley was absent
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
END OF YEAR BILLS – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the end of year bills – General Fund $369,785.41; Activity $3,025.67; SAVE $28,445.00; PPEL $143,000.00; Debt Service $800.00; Nutrition $854.85. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
At 12:02pm, it was moved by McCaulley/Johnston to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.1.15
Minutes - 2024.1.15Minutes
January 15, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley. Board member absent: Duane Horsley
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnson/Friel approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PRESENTATION – Sandy Kluver, Instructional Mentor, gave a presentation on her role in the district, including the mentor program for 1st and 2nd year teachers, teacher recruitment, and other aspects of the teaching and learning team.
BOARD DEVELOPMENT – The Board reviewed policies 211, 235, and 240 for information regarding their duties as board members.
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS – The Board reviewed the administrative reports.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – December 21, 2023
Bills – General ($560,102.14), PPEL ($1,699.04), Nutrition ($48,051.38), SAVE ($20,220.56), Activity ($13,265.91)
1st Reading of Policies – 801, 803, 804, 810, 826
Policies to Delete – 802
2nd Reading of Policies – 550, 560, 561, 566, 567
Moved by Friel/Johnson to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS – Moved by Friel/Johnson to approve donations of $500 from Trinity Episcopal Church to Fairview for student needs and $500 from Trinity Episcopal Church to the Tiger Cupboard. Unanimous approval.
- Brian Hogue wishes to resign from his Technology Assistant position effective June 28, 2024. Brian has worked for CCSD as a Technology Assistant for 18 years and as a teacher and coach for 28 years.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Taylor Berger for an Assistant Wrestling coaching position. Taylor has been a volunteer with the wrestling program for the past 6 years. If approved, Taylor would receive $3,076.
- Scot Aden is recommending that Jackie Hernandez's Teacher Associate- Letter of Assignment be modified to Severe and Profound for 6.25 hours per day retroactive at January 3, 2024. Jackie was Special Education at 6 hours/day.
- Scot Aden is recommending that Hannah Casebeer's Letter of Assignment be modified from 6 hours/day as Special Education TA plus 1.5 hours/day as Severe & Profound to all Special Ed TA for 7 hours/day effective December 18, 2023.
- Sue Ruch is recommending that Angie Brincks’ Letter of Assignment be modified from 6.75 hours/day to 5.5 hours/day effective 1-16-24 at Angie’s request.
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the personnel recommendations. Unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of staffing plan for 2024-25 – no action taken
- Consider date, time, and place of public hearing for the 24-25 School Calendar – moved by McCaulley/Friel to hold the public hearing on the 24-25 school calendar on 2/19/24 at 6:30PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of Teacher and Leadership Compensation (TLC) plan revisions – Amy Collison and Wayne Lu, members of the TLC review committee, presented revisions to the TLC plan and TLC positions for 2024-25. Some changes to the plan were discussed. Moved by Johnson/Friel to approve the TLC positions of 4 Instructional Coaches with $15,000 stipend/15 days (full-time TLC position removed from the classroom) and 30 Team Leaders with $5,000 stipend/5 additional days (remain classroom teacher) with the plan to be reviewed at a future meeting after revisions are made. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Consider agreement with DLR Architectural Services Firm – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the agreement with unanimous approval.
- Business/Finance Report was reviewed.
At 8:25 PM, it was moved to adjourn by Johnson/Friel, unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.2.19
Minutes - 2024.2.19Minutes
February 19, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
PUBLIC FORUM – CCSD teachers Becky Boes, Josh Peter, and Jesse Strong addressed the board.
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:38pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Johnson to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2024-25 SCHOOL CALENDAR – President Lundstrom declared the public hearing open at 6:38pm and no public comments were heard.
CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – President Lundstrom closed the public hearing at 6:39pm.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 2024-25 SCHOOL CALENDAR – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the 2024-25 school calendar as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
OPENING OFFER FROM CEA – CEA presented their opening offer of an increase to base wages of $2,555 or 5.74% to $47,100 and a 5.74% increase current CEA staff.
OPENING OFFER FROM CCSD TO CEA – CCSD presented their opening offer to CEA of an increase to base wages of $555 or 1.25% to $45,100 and 1.25% to all current CEA staff, for a total cost of $114,607 or a 1% increase to salary, FICA and IPERS.
OPENING OFFER FROM CESA – CESA presented an opening offer of a 3-year agreement with a Year 1 cost of $125,066 (5.29%) and Years 2 & 3 estimated at $101,238 (4.28%) which includes a $0.75 increase to base wages each year, longevity increases each year and an increase in the differential for a para certificate, sub authorization or educational degree from $0.30 to $0.60.
OPENING OFFER FROM CCSD TO CESA – CCSD presented their opening offer to CESA of a 1% increase to wages for a total cost of $23,689.
PRESENTATION – Curriculum coordinators Ryan Simmelink and Linsey Pick presented the winter testing data to board.
- Chloe Brown wishes to resign from her 5-12 Math/PLTW teaching position at the end of the 23-24 school year. Chloe has taught at CCSD for one year.
- Josh Lucken wishes to resign at the end of the 2023-2024 season from the Audio Visual Coordinator position.
- Gabby Olberding wishes to resign from her Teacher Associate position in TigerZone effective March 7, 2024.
- Hannah Robinson wishes to resign from her elementary teaching position at the end of the 23-24 school year. Hannah has taught at CCSD for five years.
- Kourtney Abbotts and Greg Villegas are recommending Lisa Leiting for an S & P Teacher Associate position at CHS. If approved Lisa would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $15.58/hour (the base of $14.98 for S & P plus $.30 cents for Para Educator Certificate plus $.30 cents for 11 years of experience. Lisa has previously worked for CHS as a TA. If approved she would start on February 23rd.
- Scot Aden is recommending Rebecca Steffen for a CMS Physical Education teaching position starting with the 2024-2025 school year. Rebecca is a graduate of McPherson College with a BS in Physical Education/Health. If approved she would be paid the beginning base pay for 2024-2025 for an individual with a BS plus a $2,000 signing bonus.
- Scot Aden is recommending Dr. James Johnson for an 8th grade Science teaching position starting with the 2024-2025 school year. Dr. Johnson is a graduate of SD- Northern State University with a BS in Chemistry and ND-North Dakota University with a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He has taught at the college level for fifteen years and most recently at the high school level for nine years. If approved he would be paid at the MA+30 lane of 2024-2025 schedule plus a $3,000 signing bonus to be paid over three years with the stipulation that if he were to resign from this position prior to completing three years of service the bonus would be paid back to CCSD.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Ron Vonnahme for seasonal snow removal at $18.00/hour on an as needed basis.
- Jeff Dvorak is recommending Eric Hahn for seasonal snow removal at $18.00/hour on an as needed basis. Approval is recommended
- Amy Collison is recommending Jeremy Fender for a shuttle driver position. If approved Jeremy would shuttle a student(s) 30 hours per week and would be paid $20.87/hour for the driving hours. He will continue to be an S & P TA for 10 hours a week for a total of 40 hours per week. Approval of modification is recommended retroactive to January 3, 2024.
- Amy Collison is recommending adding 5 additional hours per week to Tasha Hinners’ contract. Tasha is the nurse at the Adams Elementary building.
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the personnel report with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – January 15, 2024
Bills – General ($903,187.06), PPEL ($81,317.14), Nutrition ($55,448.49), SAVE ($4,618.75), Activity ($32,912.43)
1st Reading of Policies – 572, 572R1, 574, 576, 578, 704.2
2nd Reading of Policies – 801, 803, 804, 810, 826
Agreements – Morningside Teacher Education Clinic Placement
Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval.
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS – The Board reviewed the administrative reports.
- Consider approval of FFA Lease with James Auen – moved by Horsley/Friel to approve lease with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of CHS Course Handbook for 2024-25 – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the 24-25 CHS Course Handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval for purchase and installation of CHS classroom door locks – moved by Horsley/Friel accept the quote from Walsh Door & Security for $14,275 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of plan for bonus to turn contracts in early – Dr. Berlau and Nicole McCarville presented some projections on the cost as well as possible funding sources but no action was taken.
- Set Public Hearing Date for Proposed Property Tax – Moved by Johnston/McCauley to set the public hearing date on the Proposed Property Tax for FY25 as Monday, April 1st at 6:30pm in the Adams Elementary Board Room. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Budget/Finance Report – no action take
At 8:30pm it was moved to enter closed session by Horsley/Johnston for the superintendent evaluation under Iowa code 21.5.1.i: “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.” The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote and the meeting was declared closed.
At 9:18pm, President Lundstrom declared the meeting open and at 9:19pm, it was moved by Horsley/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.2.27
Minutes - 2024.2.27Minutes
February 27, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
APPROVE SCHEMATIC DESIGN SUBMITTAL OF THE CARROLL CSD TRANSPORTATION FACILITY AND PROCEED TO THE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE – DLR Group presented their schematic design’s for a transportation facility and discussed the portions of the design that would be considered Base, Alternate 1 and Alternate 2 in the design development phase. Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the schematic design submittal and proceed to the design development phase. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR SPENDING FLEXIBILITY ACCOUNT FUNDS FROM UNEXPENDED HSAP FUNDS – Moved by Johnston/Friel to set the public hearing for spending flexibility account funds as Monday, March 18th, 6:30PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF JOB DESCRIPTION – Moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve the Director of Student Services job description with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 7:33pm, it was moved to adjourn by Horsley/Johnston, unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.2.5
Minutes - 2024.2.5
February 5, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to
order at 6:30PM. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, Stacy
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call
Principal/Special Ed Director, reviewed the plan revisions and hiring timelines. There was no action
WORK SESSION – The Board reviewed Budget Updates, the proposed staffing plan for 2024-25 and
recruitment/retention strategies.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE 2024-25 STAFFING PLAN – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to
approve the 24-25 staffing plan as presented by Dr. Berlau with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 8:14pm, it was moved to adjourn by Johnston/Horsley, unanimous approval
Minutes - 2024.3.18
Minutes - 2024.3.18Minutes
March 18, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to
order at 6:32pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and
Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
President Lundstrom declared the public hearing open at 6:33pm and no public comments were heard.
CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – President Lundstrom closed the public hearing at 6:33pm.
PRESENTATION – Curriculum coordinator Linsey Pick and CMS teachers Steven Bieret and Josh Peters
presented on the recommendation of new social studies curriculum.
1. Nancy Diercksen wishes to resign from his her SE Teacher Associate position at CMS effective March
21st. Nancy has worked for CCSD for fourteen years.
2. Jaxon Heinz wishes to resign from his T2K Physical Education teaching position as well as his JV Boys
Basketball and Varsity Boys' Golf coaching positions at the end of the 23-24 school year. Jaxon has
taught physical education for three years, coached basketball for three years and golf for three years.
3. Beckie Roberts wishes to resign from her Title I Reading teaching position at the end of the 2023-2024
school year. Beckie has worked for CCSD for twelve years.
4. James Johnson wishes to resign from his 8th Grade Science teaching position that would have started
with the 2024-2025 school year.
5. Sandra Redlinger wishes to resign from her 7th Grade Special Education teaching position at CMS at
the end of the 23-24 school year. Sandra has taught 7th Grade Special Education for six years.
1. Randy Bissen is recommending Tony Hooper for a JH boys' track coaching position. He has 9 years of
paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be paid $2,075.
Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the personnel report with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board
Minutes – February 5, 2024; February 19, 2024; February 27, 2024; March 4, 2024
Bills – General ($267,538.69), Management ($61,594.75), PPEL ($4,913.89), Nutrition
($59,610.96), SAVE ($68,846.18), Activity ($20,625.25)
2nd Reading of Policies – 572, 572R1, 574, 576, 578, 704.2
Donations - $100 from Brett and Regina Adams for Teacher Appreciation Week
Field Trip Requests – FFA to Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference in Ames April 14-16, CHS
vocal music to Omaha March 24 for performance of The Lion King, and trip to KC next year –
dates TBD
Agreements – UNI Student Teacher Agreement, AEA Purchasing Agreement for food services
Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the consent agenda, with Mrs. Meiners to return at a future meeting with
more specific details on the Kansas City trip request, with unanimous approval.
A. Consider approval of FFA Lease with Kuemper – moved by Friel/Johnston to approve lease with
unanimous approval by roll call vote.
B. Consider approval of Social Studies Curriculum purchase – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve
the purchase of new 5th-12th social studies curriculum from McGraw Hill quoted at 82,107.92 plus
an additional 30 texts for American History for CHS course numbers. The motion passed
unanimously on a roll call vote.
C. Consider quotes for cooling tower repairs
a. CHS – moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the quote from Carroll Controls to replace a
cooling tower at CHS for $82,651 with unanimous approval by roll call vote
b. CMS – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to accept the quote from Carroll Controls to
replace the fill of a cooling tower at CMS for $22,495 with unanimous approval by
roll call vote.
D. Consider approval of additional locks at Adams and Fairview – moved by Friel/Horsley to accept
the quote for additional classroom locks at Adams ($7,382) and Fairview ($1,884) with
unanimous approval by roll call vote.
E. Transportation request for summer for Transition Alliance Program – moved by
Johnston/McCaulley to approve the transportation with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
F. Consider renewing sharing agreement with Ar-We-Va CSD – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to
approve the sharing agreement with Ar-We-Va for FYs 2025-2028 with unanimous approval by
roll call vote
A. Greenhouse facility – the Board, along with Ag teacher/FFA Advisor Brady Eischeid and
butterfly garden volunteer Scott Duhrkopf, discussed the current greenhouse facility and
possibilities regarding the future of the greenhouse in regards to location and remodel versus
building new
B. Follow up from Board work session with IASB
A. Consider listing 3 buses for auction on Purple Wave Auction site – moved by Johnston/Horsley to
approve listing three buses on the Purple Wave Auction site with unanimous approval by roll call
B. Resolution on spending flexibility account funds – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the
resolution to spending the flexibility account funds from excess Home School Assistance
Program source from FY2023 in the amount of $35,269.73 on staff retention efforts. The
resolution passed unanimously by roll call vote.
C. Business/Finance report
D. Set public hearing date for certified budget – moved by Johnston/Friel to set the public hearing on
the FY25 certified budget on April 22, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Adams Elementary board room with
unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 7:57pm, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.3.28
Minutes - 2024.3.28Minutes
March 28, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
4:15 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 4:15pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by Horsley/Friel to go to closed session at 4:16 pm under Iowa Code 21.5.1.c. to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
RETURN TO OPEN SESSSION – The meeting returned to open session at 4:33pm.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT, INCLUDING SEPARATION AGREEMENT, IN RELATION TO MATTERS IN LITIGATION – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to resolve all issues in the litigation items discussed in closed session and as recommended by the District’s insurance carrier to include the mutual termination of the employee’s current contract. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote
At 4:34pm, it was moved by Horsley/Johnston to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.3.4
Minutes - 2024.3.4Minutes
March 4, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/Johnston to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
PERSONNEL REPORT – It was moved by Friel to act on each item listed on the personnel individually and McCaulley seconded the motion, unanimous approval.
- Mike Klemmensen wishes to resign from his head custodian position at CHS effective March 31st. Mike has worked for CCSD for one year. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to accept the resignation with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Becky Boes wishes to resign from her National Honor Society sponsor position at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the resignation with 4-0 approval as Friel abstained.
- Casey Berlau is recommending Jennifer Dentlinger for the Transportation Director position. If approved Jennifer would receive a salary of $75,000 per year. She would receive 10 vacation days and 3 personal days per year. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the recommendation and the motion passed 4-1 with Friel voting against the motion.
- The TLC Committee is recommending the following for Instructional Coach positions for 2024-2025: Ryan Simmelink for Fairview Elementary; Sandy Kluver for Adams Elementary and Special Education; Linsey Pick for Carroll Middle School and Kaitlynn Kaufman for Carroll High School. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the recommendation and the motion passed 4-0 with Friel abstaining.
WORK SESSION – The board participated in a Board Development Workshop with Lou Ann Gvist from the Iowa Association of School Boards.
At 8:38pm, it was moved to adjourn by Johnston/Horsley, unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes 2024-25 School Year
Minutes 2024-25 School YearClick on the meeting date from the list below to view minutes from recent Carroll CSD board meetings.
Minutes - 2024.07.15
Minutes - 2024.07.15Minutes
July 15, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM, Carroll High School Media Center
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PUBLIC HEARING – At 6:31pm, President Lundstrom opened the public hearing on the borrowing of not to exceed $16,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. Many members of the public addressed the board. At 6:46pm, President Lundstrom closed the public hearing after hearing all public comments on the topic.
RESOLUTION – Moved by Horsley/Friel to reject the resolution to proceed with the issuance of not to exceed $16,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, in one or more series. The motion to reject the resolution pass 3-2 with member Johnston and Lundstrom opposing the motion. The board set a special meeting for Thursday, July 18th at 8:15am to discuss the project and to set a public hearing date on a revised maximum borrowing amount for the project.
AGREEMENT WITH PIPER SANDLER – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the agreement with Piper Sandler for financing services with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – June 17, 2024; June 28, 2024
Bills – General ($308,459.88), Management ($245,737.17), PPEL ($99,718.51), Nutrition ($72,880.47), SAVE ($251,955.70), Activity ($6,440.29)
1st Read of Policies – 435, 461, 482, 486, 563, 572R1, 805, 819, 820, 821, 824, 824.1, 924, 924R1
Policy to Delete – 822
Agreements – Training Agreement with DMACC for educational program in Nursing
Superintendent Report
Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS – First United Methodist Church - $50 to the Tiger Cupboard; 712 Women on a Mission members to the Tiger Cupboard: Ann Slechta $100, Natural Look Salon $100, Marie G’Sell $100, Bonnie Jackson $100, Connie Steinkamp $100, Claudia Halbur $100, Mary Greteman $100, Kathryn Clausen $250, Loneman Electric $100, Diane Hagen $100, Becki Miller $100, Vicki Smith $100, Jewel Proctor $100, Cynthia Heuton $100, Cindy Duhrkopf $100, Andrea Flug $100, Jacqueline Reineke $100, Shannon Reising $100, Jean Farner $100, Dawn Koster $100, Allisa Tiefenthaler $100, Lisa Dreesman $100, Katie Jaffe $100, Susan VanDyke $100, Anna Pietig $100, Susan Heiliger $100, Nancy Davis $100, Mary Swanson $100, I Saw The Sign $200, Michelle Sturm $100, Diane Hagen $100, and Adaptive Audiology Solutions $100
Moved by Johnston/Friel to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Jason Tigges for the driver shuttle position (not bus driving). This position will be 6 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Nereida Moreno for a Tier II teacher associate position at Adams. If approved Nereida would work 7.25 hours/day and would be paid $15.06/hour (Base of $14.46 plus $.30 for degree and $.30 for 15 years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Leah Williams for a Tier II teacher associate position at Adams. If approved Leah would work 7.25 hours/day and would be paid $14.66/hour (Base of $14.46 plus $.20 for 5 years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Scot Aden would like to recommend Tiara Janssen for a Tier II teacher associate position at CMS. If approved Tiara would work 6.5 hours/day and would be paid $14.76/hour (Base of $14.46 plus $.30 for education). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend Jeff Cullen for an Assistant Buildings and Grounds position. If approved Jeff would work 4 hours/day and would be paid $24.00/hour.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend William (Bill) Smith for a contracted bus driver position. He has completed his CDL tests and will start the ELDT training. If approved he would be paid $21.50 per hour and would work approximately 6 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon Bill obtaining the required licenses as well as a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch and Amy Collison are recommending Abby Riley for the Specials Building Leadership Team position at Fairview and Adams Elementary buildings.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Sara Smith for a half time elementary special education teacher for the 24-25 school year. If approved she will be paid $31,047 and retain 435 hours of her accumulated sick leave balance.
- Amy Collison is recommending the transfer of Angie Brincks from Fairview Elementary to Adams Elementary as a Tier II teaching assistant. She will work 27.5 hours a week. Approval of transfer is recommended.
- Amy Collison is recommending the transfer of Carrie Hampton to the third grade teaching position at Adams Elementary. Previously, Ms. Hampton has been the elementary science teacher at Fairview and Adams Elementary buildings. Approval of transfer is recommended.
- Melanie Girard would like to recommend an increase to Deb Mohr’s food service hours from 4 hours to 6 hours (7:30am-1:30pm) at the Carroll Middle School effective August 23, 2024. This increase is to fill the void of a resignation of another staff member.
Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
A. Administrative assignments for 2024-2025 – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the administrative assignments with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
B. Consider approval of IASB Legislative Priorities – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to set items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 as the legislative priorities of the board with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Consider revisions to the CESA Handbook – moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the CESA handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
D. Consider Fairview playground resurface bids – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the bid from Gametime for $213,524.45 to resurface the preschool playground with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
E. Consider bids for small vehicle purchase – no action taken
F. Consider bid for a school bus – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the purchase of one 2025 Collins Bus from Hoglund Bus Company for $116,864 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
G. Consider quotes for computer servers – moved by McCaulley/Friel to accept the quote from Oxen Technology for $88,384 for upgrade the districts two main servers with managed services with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
H. Consider approval of preschool agreement with Kuemper – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the preschool agreement with Kuemper with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
I. Consider approval of Ag Program agreement with Kuemper – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the Ag Program agreement with Kuemper with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
J. Consider request to dispose of obsolete equipment – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the disposal of obsolete equipment with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
K. Consider MOU between New Opportunities, Inc. Head Start and CCSD – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the MOU with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3) – President Lundstrom gave the oath of office to Nicole McCarville appointed as Board Secretary/Treasurer.
B. Resolution for Issue of Warrants 2024-2025 – Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the resolution for issue of warrants with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Bank Depositories Resolution for 2024-2025 – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the bank depositories resolution for 2024-25 with a 4-0 roll call vote with member Friel abstaining.
D. Transportation Bid
- Tire Bids – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to accept the tire bid from Bauer Built for the 24-25 year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – At 9:00pm, moved by Horsley/Friel to enter closed session under Iowa Code 21.5(1)(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds. The motion to go into closed session passed unanimously by roll call vote. At 9:24pm, the board returned to open session.
APPROVE EMERGENCY OPERATION PLAN – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the emergency operation plan with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 9:30pm, it was moved by Horsley/McCaulley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.07.18
Minutes - 2024.07.18Minutes
July 18, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
8:15AM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 8:15am. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley (via Zoom), Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO FIX A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE SALES, SERVICES AND USE TAX REVENUE BONDS, IN ONE OR MORE SERIES – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to proceed with the proposed transportation facility base project only, the maintenance facility building and not the cold storage and approve the resolution for public hearing on August 5th at 6:00PM at the Carroll High School Media Center on the issuance of school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds not to exceed $6,000,000. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote.
At 8:31am, it was moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.08.05
Minutes - 2024.08.05Minutes
August 5, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:00 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PUBLIC HEARING – At 6:01PM, the public hearing on the borrowing of not to exceed $6,000,000 in School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds was opened. No public comments were heard. President Lundstrom closed the public hearing at 6:02PM.
CONSIDER RESOLUTION – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the resolution to proceed with the issuance of not to exceed $6,000,000 in School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, and passed unanimously by roll call vote.
WORK SESSION – The board participated in a work session with district administration the district’s goals, district strategic plan, superintendent goals, cell phone policy, and preschool wrap around daycare program
At 7:45 pm, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.08.19
Minutes - 2024.08.19Minutes
August 19, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:15 PM, Carroll High School Media Center
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:20pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to enter closed session under Iowa Code 21.5(1)i to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote and the board entered closed session at 6:22PM.
The Board returned to open session at 6:29PM.
CONSIDER OPEN ENROLLMENT ELIGIBILITY REQUEST – Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the open enrollment eligibility request and the motion carried 4-0 with board member Johnston abstaining.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – July 15, 2024; August 5, 2024
Bills – General ($498,222.55), Management ($580,368), PPEL ($90,901.05), Nutrition ($56,737.48), SAVE ($153,931.25), Activity ($15,361.93)
Policies required to be reviewed annually – 103, 103R1, 556, 556R1, 559, 559R1, 559E1, 561
1st Reading of Policies (waiver 2nd per policy 226) – 217, 401, 402, 424, 472, 473, 501, 502.1, 502R1, 518, 519, 527, 540, 551, 617, 617.1, 644, 701, 717, 817, 825
1st Reading of Policies -303, 306, 307, 309, 310
Policy to Delete – 300, 507, 507R1
2nd Reading of Board Policies – 435, 461, 482, 486, 563, 572R1, 805, 819, 820,821, 824, 824.1, 924, 924R1, 524R1
Agreements – St Anthony Hospital Athletic Training Agreement; TAP Agreement - Renewal
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda except to pull policy 540 from 1st reading with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS – St Anthony Hospital would like to donate 8 used, but good condition, printers to the tech department; Collins Aerospace of Carroll would like to donate school supplies to Adams Elementary; DMACC would like to donate gently used classroom and building furniture to CHS; Planet Fitness and Verizon Wireless would like to donate fitness memberships and technology devices to students to honor students of the month. Moved by Johnston/Friel to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Jordan Bowers wishes to resign from his elementary PE position at FV/AES.
- Chloe Gallegos wishes to resign from her assistant softball coaching position. Chloe has coached for 3 years.
- Kaitlin Haukap wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective August 1st. Kaitlin has worked for CCSD for 3 years.
- Ryne Young wishes to resign as the head baseball coach. Ryne has served as the head baseball coach for the past 6 years.
- Marcia Mendoza wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Fairview. Marcia has worked for CCSD for 2 years.
- Lisa Leiting wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS. Lisa has worked for CCSD for 1 year.
- Becca Steffen wishes to resign from her 7th grade volleyball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the JV Volleyball coaching position.
- Maisie Ogren wishes to resign from her Tier II teacher associate position at CHS. Maisie has worked at CCSD for one year. She wishes to remain on the substitute teacher associate roster.
1. Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Matt Kleinmeyer for a contracted bus driving position. If approved Matt will drive an AM and PM route for a total of approximately 4 hours a day. If approved Mr. Kleinmeyer would be paid $21.70 (the beginning wage of $21.50 per hour plus $.20 per hour for five years of experience). Matt would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
2. Sue Ruch would like to recommend Madison Young for a Tier I teacher associate position at Fairview. The past two school years Madison worked in a preschool program/day care with the Sergeant Bluff Community School District and has worked at a Sioux City daycare for 1.5 years. If approved she would work 7.5 hours/day and would be paid $14.30 (the base level of $14.10 plus $.20 for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
3. Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Taylor Woosley for the position with the TAP Specialist Teacher Associate retroactive to August 14, 2024. If approved she would be paid $15.93 (the base pay of $15.63 plus and $.30 for education) per hour and would work 8 hours per day. She worked at CCSD as a TA prior to going to Glidden-Ralston CSD and working as a sub teacher.
4. Melanie Girard would like to recommend Ruth Kuchel for a 7-hour food service position at Fairview. Ruth has food service experience working as a cook at Ar-We- Va CSD, is ServSafe Certified, and has a background in cashiering. If approved she would be paid $16.00 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
5. Scot Aden would like to recommend Meyling de los Angeles Vilalobos Quant for a Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate position at CMS. If approved she would work 7.25 hours/day and would be paid $15.01 (the base level of $14.46 plus $.25 for experience plus $30 for education). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
6. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Becca Steffen for the JV Volleyball coaching position. Becca has 0 years paid volleyball coaching experience. She has experience coaching Club Volleyball at Vinton-Shellsburg and Mason City. She played volleyball at NIACC for two years and then played at McPherson College. If approved she would be paid $3,159.
7. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Stef Jorgensen for a middle school Volleyball coaching position. Stef has 2 years of volleyball coaching experience. If approved she would be paid $1,972.
8. Randy Bissen is recommending Hannah Pettit for the 7th grade volleyball position. She has 0 years of paid volleyball coaching experience. If approved Hannah would be paid $1,895.
1. Melanie Girard would like to recommend Kitchen Support worker, Jessica Leinbaugh for an increase of hours from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours per day on days school is in session. The additional hour is needed at the Middle School due to a later serving time and clean-up duties needing to be completed.
2. Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend that Tanner Gehling transfer to an eight-hour per day custodial position at CHS and AES. Tanner has previously worked in food service at CMS and Adams as a custodian. Approval of transfer is recommended.
3. Mike Brinker and Bill Smith have recently been approved for contracted bus driving positions. Both Mike and Bill should receive the $2,000 signing bonus. Approval of signing bonuses is recommended.
4. Melanie Girard is requesting a reduction in food service hours from 6.5 to 3 hours/day for Rebecca Wharton-Liechti when school is in session. Melanie is recommending this be approved as she has hired a staff person who was seeking full-time status and therefore Ms. Wharton-Liechti's request does not cause any burden to the food service department. Approval of contract modification is recommended.
5. Melanie Girard is requesting an increase in wage for food service worker, Deb Mohr from $15.75 to $16.00 due to an increase in kitchen responsibilities at CMS.
6. Sue Ruch is requesting modifications to the following TA Letters of Assignment:
Ashley Moore from Tier 1 Teacher Associate to Tier 2 Teacher Associate.
Stacy DeYoung from Tier 2 Teacher Associate to Tier 3 Teacher Associate.
Patrick Henderson from Tier 3 Teacher Associate to Tier 2 Teacher Associate.
Paula Finken from Tier 2 Teacher Associate to Tier 1 Teacher Associate.
Katie Boell from Tier 2 Teacher Associate to Tier 3 Teacher Associate.
7. Kelsey Dentlinger is requesting a reduction in teacher associate hours from 7.25 to 6.75 hours/day. Sue Ruch is recommending this reduction in hours be approved.
Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the personnel recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of district goals – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the district goals with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of 2024-2025 superintendent goals - moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the district goals with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Appoint delegate to IASB delegate assembly – moved by Johnston/Friel to appoint Duane Horsley to the IASB delegate assembly. The motion carried 4-0 with Horsley abstaining.
D. Approve 2024-2025 Teacher Quality Committee – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the committee. The motion carried 4-0 with Friel abstaining.
E. Approve 2024-2025 Board Policy Review Committee – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the board policy committee with McCaulley and Friel serving as board representatives. The motion carried 3-0 with Friel and McCaulley abstaining
F. Consider revisions to high school handbook – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the revisions to the CHS handbook with revisions as discussed and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
G. Approve 2024-2025 Wrap Around Program Handbook – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
A. Budget Updates
B. Establish a bid date of September 12, 2024 at 2pm to receive bids for the Carroll CSD New Transportation Facility Project – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to set the bid date for the transportation project to September 12, 2024 at 2pm at Adams Elementary with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Establish a public hearing date for the Carroll CSD New Transportation Facility Project. – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to set the public hearing on the bids for the transportation project as September 16th at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
D. Consider classified staff bonus pay from state’s HF2612 education support personnel compensation – moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve the resolution for the support staff bonus as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
E. Consider CEA bonus plan – moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the CEA bonus plan as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
F. Consider approval of bonding and disclosure services for transportation facility financing. – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the agreement with Dorsey for bonding and disclosure services with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 7:54PM, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.09.16
Minutes - 2024.09.16Minutes
Carroll CSD
September 16, 2024
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL - President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Board members Friel, Johnston, Lundstrom, and McCaulley were present while board member Horsley was absent.
APPROVE AGENDA - moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PUBLIC. HEARING - FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITY - No members of the public were present to address the board.
CONSIDER BIDS FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITY PROJECT - bids were presented and moved by Friel/McCaulley to table any further action on the bids related to the transportation facility project with unanimous approval.
PRESENTATION - Teacher Eric Nagl and students presented positive feedback in regards to the new electronic device policy. Students also presented the request to add bowling as an approved district-sponsored activity.
Minutes from August 19, 2024; Bill lists; Field Trips for the FFA Invitational in Maryville, MO and National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN; Superintendent, Building/Principal and Department Reports; 1st Reading of board policies 312, 317, 538R1; 2nd Reading of Board policies 303, 306, 307, 309, and 310; Kuemper Teacher Associates Agreements; FY25 Wages Reports
Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS - Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the following donations with unanimous approval: Dr. David Martin would like to donate a flute to the CHS music department; Sharon Eischeid would like to donate $1,000 to the Carroll Ag Dept. in memory of her husband, Ronny; WalMart of Carroll would like to donate school supplies to CHS, CMS, Adams and Fairview Elementary. The supplies included highlighters, pens, markers, crayons, glue and folders; Leer of Carroll would like to donate $1,500 to Carroll High School; The Carroll Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star would like to donate many boxes of crayons and other school supplies to the Fairview School Supply Closet.
- Heather Leiting wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Fairview effective Sept 22nd. Heather has worked for CCSD for 9 years.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Janet Moore for a Tier II teacher associate position at CHS at $14.66 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus twenty cents for experience). If approved she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended retroactive to August 29th.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Bri Beckman for a Tier II teacher associate position at AES at 14.46 (the beginning wage of $14.46). If approved she would work 7.25 hours per day. Approval is recommended retroactive to September 9th.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Emma Hamilton for a Tier I teacher associate position at FV in TigerZone at $14.10 at 2 hours per day and 4 days per week.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jessica Truitt for a Tier II teacher associate position at FV at $14.96 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.30 for AA degree plus $.20 for experience) at 7 hours per day.
- Melanie Girard would like to recommend Alexandra Colbert Reyes for a 3.25 hour/day food service position at CMS. Alexandra has food service experience from her native country in Puerto Rico. If approved she would be paid $15.25/hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to Sept. 11th and contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Amy Madsen for the National Honor Society sponsor position. She served as an NHS Advisor for 5 years when she lived in Kentucky. If approved Amy would be paid $774. Approval is recommended.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Karen Mohr for a Tier II teacher associate position at FV. If approved she would be paid $14.71 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.25 for experience). If approved she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Karleen Weitl for a Tier I teacher associate position at FV in TigerZone. If approved she would be paid $14.10. If approved she would work 2 hours per day and 3-4 days per week. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison would like the Letters of Assignment for Jenni Determann, Tom Feldman, Sally Magner and Emerald Siepker to be increased from 7 hr/day to 7.25 hours/day.
- Sue Ruch is recommending that Amanda Augustus' Letter of Assignment be modified to be 7 hours/day as TigerZone Director. Amanda was previously 2.5 hr/day as Tier I teacher associate and 4.5 hours/day as TigerZone Director.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending that Jeremy Fender's request to transfer to a Tier III TA position at CHS be approved. If approved Jeremy would work 7.5 hours/day. Jeremy's hourly pay will change to $16.43.
- Melanie Girard is recommending that Mary Vaughn's letter of assignment from 6.25 hours per day to 6.75 hours/day.
DISCUSSION ITEM - no discussion held in regards to student activity passes or transportation facility funding.
A. Consider approval of Handbook revisions: Fairview, Adams, Carroll Middle, and Carroll High – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the handbook revisions with unanimous approval.
B. Consider approval of Bowling as an activity at Carroll High School – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve bowling as an activity with unanimous approval.
C. Memorandum of Understanding with Carroll County Communication Center – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the MOU with unanimous approval.
D. Agreement with Plains Area Mental Health – no action taken
E. Quotes for kitchen ovens – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the quotes from Wilson Restaurant Supply for the combi ovens at CHS and FV for 27,789.10 and 23.315, respectively with installation by Goodwin Tucker for $2,860 at each location. The motion passed unanimously.
A. FY 24 Annual Settlements – move by McCaulley/Johnston to accept the annual settlements report with unanimous approval
B. FY 24 Certified Annual Report
C. FY 24 Special Education Supplement to
D. Request For Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for a Special Education Deficit – moved by Friel/Johnston to request modified allowable growth for $387,259.52 from a special ed deficit with unanimous approval.
E. FY 24 Annual Transportation Report
F. Budget Updates
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn at 7:44pm with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024.10.07
Minutes - 2024.10.07Minutes
October 7, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horlsey/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Review and discuss building level goals
- Board Governance Plan for 24-25
- Update on impact of the AEA bill
- Review and discuss administrators and directors employee benefits
- Update on curriculum budget
- Student board member update
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:07pm with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024.10.21
Minutes - 2024.10.21Minutes
Carroll CSD Board of Education
October 21, 2024 at 6:30PM
Adams Elementary Board Room
PUBLIC FORUM - no public comments heard
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
APPOINT STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS CHS Students Claire Pudenz and Lily Campbell were appointed as student board member representatives.
PRESENTATION Carroll Middle School Principal Scot Aden gave an update.
Minutes from September 16, 2024 and October 7, 2024
Bills: General Fund - $367,131.02; Activity Fund - $40,819.42; SAVE - $80,159.81; PPEL - $3,958.85; Nutrition - $65,050.53; Scholarship - $400.00
Field Trip Request – 11/9/24 to Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, MN for the Honor Band Festival.
Student Board Member Reports; Building Principals and Director Reports; 1st Reading of board policies - 210, 213, 216, 217; 2nd Reading of Board Policies – 312, 317, 538R1; Agreements – Plains Area Mental Health; CHS Course listing – addition of DMACC Welding Class for 2nd semester
Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS Bill Evan Foundation, Carroll High School Foundation, Carroll Tigers Booster Club $4,600 each to the Student Activity Fund for free attendance to CCSD events for CCSD students in 24-25; Skip Riordan Memorial - $200 to the Tiger Cupboard; Dallas and Brenda Warnke - $1,000 to Carroll High School; Amy Dea - Pocket Constitutions for 8th grade students; Amy Dea - Book - The Oarsmen Chasing Embers by Glenn Beck for Carroll High School Library
Moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Mindy Stout wishes to resign from her food service position at CMS effective October 15th.
2. Ryan Gallegos wishes to resign from his varsity head softball coaching position.
3. Nereida Hose Moreno wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at AES effective September 20th.
4. Leah Williams wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at AES effective October 10th.
5. Janet Olerich wishes to resign from her bus driving position.
6. Taylor Schulte wishes to resign from her Cheerleading Sponsor position.
7. Joe Daniels wishes to resign from his Middle School wrestling coaching position contingent upon being approved for head girls wrestling coaching position.
8. Cathy Smith wishes to resign from her food service position at Adams Elementary effective Oct. 29th.
9. Carl Kaiser wishes to resign from his high school math teaching position effective Oct. 14, 2024.
10. Sue Ruch wishes to resign from her position as principal at Fairview Elementary at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
11. Mary Anne Pomeroy wishes to resign from her position as teacher associate effective October 31st.
1. Jen Dentlinger would like to recommend Russell Pawletzki for a contracted bus driving position for 5 hours/day at $21.50/hour plus a $2,000 signing bonus.
2. Melanie Girard would like to recommend Janelle Hall for a substitute food service worker position contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
3. Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jerry Raymond for a Tier II teacher associate position at FV at $17.98 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.30 for education, plus $3.22 for experience) for 7 hours/day.
4. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Chandler Damewood for the 7th grade boys' basketball position. Chandler has one year of paid basketball experience and would be paid $1,933.
5. Randy Bissen is recommending Joe Daniels for the head girls wrestling position. Joe has two years of paid experience, as he has been our JH wrestling coach the past two years and would be paid $5,110. He was also paid a small stipend to help with the HS girls wrestling program on the weekend tournaments and when he wasn't coaching at the JH level.
6. Randy Bissen is recommending Dayton Ross for the JV Boys Basketball position. Dayton has 0 years of paid experience and he would be paid $3,159.
7. Randy Bissen is recommending Emma Schmitz for the Assistant Girls Wrestling coaching position. She has 0 years paid wrestling experience and would be paid $3,159. She was a wrestling cheerleader in high school and college and has been around the sport all her life.
8. Amy Collison would like to recommend Breina Bennett for a Tier II teacher associate position at AES for 7.25 hours/day at $14.76 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.30 for education).
9. Scot Aden would like to recommend Karla Stork for a Tier II teacher associate position at CMS for 7.25 hours/day at $14.46 per hour.
10. Amy Collison would like to recommend Edith Gonzalez for a Tier II teacher associate position at AES for 7.25 hours/day at $14.46 per hour.
11. Randy Bissen is recommending Drake Warner as the head boys/girls bowling coach. Drake has 0 years of paid coaching experience but has been bowling in leagues and tournaments since 8th grade. He would be paid $2,808.
1. Melanie Girard would like to recommend that Kim Handlos' request for a transfer to a 7 hour per day food service position at CHS be approved effective retroactive to October 9th. If approved Kim would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $16.00/hour.
2. Scot Aden would like to recommend that Jessie Golwitzer's request for a transfer to Tier I teacher associate media center position be approved effective retroactive to October 9th. If approved $.36 per hour will be deducted from her hourly rate for moving from Tier II to Tier I
3. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Kacie Felix's letter of assignment be modified to a Tier III teacher associate position retroactive to September 3rd and $1.17 will be added to her current hourly pay.
4. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Trish McNamara move from Tier 1 teacher associate position to a Tier III teacher associate position for 45 minutes/day and for a Tier II Teacher associate position for 60 minutes/day at Fairview retroactive to August 23rd.
1. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Andy Kiger as a volunteer for the girls wrestling program. He has worked with our youth wrestling program in the past and will work well with Emma Schmitz and Joe Daniels.
2. Kourtney Abbotts is requesting that Tez Kong serve as a volunteer for the 24-25 school year. If approved, Tez would serve as a building mentor.
3. Sue Ruch is recommending the following to serve as classroom volunteers at Fairview: Megan TenEyck, Kelsey Jaeger, Bailey Rose, Kenzi Wernimont, Leah Riesberg, and Sheridan Guerra.
Moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve all but #5 under recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the recommendation of #5 under recommendations with the motion passing on a 3-2 vote with Horsley, Lundstrom and Friel voting in favor and McCaulley and Johnston against.
- Consider approval of recommendation for School Improvement Advisory Committee – no action
- Consider approval of agreement with the Donovan Group – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve with unanimous approval
- Consider approval to purchase ALEKS – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the purchase with McGraw Hill for a 3 year agreement totaling $15,475.20 with unanimous approval
- Consider approval to purchase math curriculum for district special education – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the purchase with McGraw Hill for $26,211.26 with unanimous approval.
- Consider approval of Food Truck at CHS on Oct. 24 – moved by Horsley/McCaulley with unanimous approval
- Consider approval of agreement with IASB for district needs assessment – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the agreement for $2,050 with unanimous approval.
A. Budget Updates
B. Certified Enrollment
C. Request for Modified Allowable Growth for EL Excess Costs – no action needed
D. Band Instrument Purchases – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the purchase of CMS band instruments from Rieman Music for $20,220 with unanimous approval. Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the CHS tuba purchase from Rieman Music for $6,140 and a French horn from Houghton Horns for $3,500 with unanimous approval.
E. Consider quote for the purchase of a snow plow - Iowa Small Engine $9,137.36
F. Consider quote for new mower for the grounds department – Olsen’s Outdoor $13,700 Dixie Chopper
G. Consider quotes for truck – Champion Ford $44,384 Ford F250
H. Consider quotes for dump trailer – Olsen’s Outdoor $9,788 H&H 14 ft.
I. Consider roofing quotes for Ag. Building – no action
J. Consider quotes for tree removal (ash trees) – Gute Tree Service $10,550 – Remove 21 trees at FV and 1 tree with stump grinding at CHS
Moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the following quotes for items E-J as listed, with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
K. Consider quotes for water heater at CMS- no action
L. Consider quote for small vehicle – moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the purchase of 2 2025 Chevrolet Traverse from Karl Chevrolet for $37,618 each with unanimous approval.
M. Consider quotes for salad bar/serving counters for AES and CMS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the quote from Wilson Restaurant Supply totaling $19,412.66 with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION - STRATEGY SESSION FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITY – At 8:31PM, it was moved by Johnston/McCaulley to go into a closed session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the government body in that litigation. Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote.
Returned to Open Session at 9:41PM
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 9:42PM with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024.10.28
Minutes - 2024.10.28Minutes
October 28, 2024 Special Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
7:00 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:58PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horlsey/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
TRANSPORTATION FACILITY BID DISCUSSION – Russ Carew from Graphite Construction and Eric Beron and Henry Melendrez from DLR Construction were present for the discussion. Under Iowa Code Chapter 26 to inform it’s decision on the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the project,
Board members asked questions of Mr. Carew and Mr. Beron regarding the scope of the transportation facility project, record of reliability in performance of past projects, Graphite Construction’s experience, the AIA305 qualification responses, Graphite Construction’s staffing plans for completion of the project and Graphite’s ability to meet the construction timeline as laid out in the bid documents.
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:01pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is November 4, 2024 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.11.04
Minutes - 2024.11.04Minutes
November 4, 2024 Board Meeting & Work Session
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Friel/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to go into closed session at 6:31PM under Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 6:45PM.
- Take action on bids received for transportation facility – the board reviewed the bid tabulation sheet again and discussed their concerns regarding Graphite Construction with their: 1) experience, including just 1/5 projects in last 4 years with DLR completed on time, the low % of self-performed work for the project along considering past history with oversight of sub-contractors; 2) availability of staff with the number of active projects: 3) timeline since Graphite already indicated they could no longer meet timeline laid out in the bid documents even though the board was still within the 60 day bid award timeframe. Moved by Johnston/Friel to pass the board resolution to award the Transportation Facility project bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Base project bid only to Merit Construction for $4,900,000. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Consider approval of quote for hot water heater for CMS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from Knobbe’s for $17,640 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of SIAC Committee – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the committee as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Piper Sandler Transportation Facility financing – Tim Oswald with Piper Sandler presented various financing options for the project. Moved by Horsley/Johnston to pay 100% cash for the project from PPEL/SAVE funds with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Retirement Incentive Discussion
- Transportation Department Report
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:22pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is November 18, 2024 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.11.18
Minutes - 2024.11.18Minutes – Regular Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
November 18, 2024 at 6:30PM
Adams Elementary Board Room
PUBLIC FORUM - no public comments heard
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes from October 21, 2024, October 28, 2024, and November 4, 2024
Bills: General Fund - $256,976.43; Activity Fund - $55,489.13; Management Fund - $10,766.00; SAVE - $123,716.09; PPEL - $21,769.91; Nutrition - $93,211.62; Debt Service Bond Payments on 12/1/24 - $316,455.10
2nd Reading of Board Policies – 210, 213, 216, 217;
Agreements – Swim Team Agreement with City of Carroll, Sharing agreement for Merchant’s Field with City of Carroll, FFA Lease with City of Carroll
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS The followed donations to the Tiger Cupboard were presented for acceptance: Lion’s Club – toiletry items, Tim and Samantha Schulz – nonperishable food, Claire Pudenz – toiletry items, Robyn Schroeder – toiletry items, Lisa Honold – toiletry items, Larry and Trish Christensen – nonperishable food and toiletry items, Connie Petersen - $200, Caring Hearts – toiletry items.
Moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Ruth Kuchel wishes to resign from her Food Service position at FV.
2. Teresa Tigges wishes to resign from her teaching position at the end of the school year.
3. Nancy Stark wishes to resign from her teaching position at the end of the school year.
4. Stacy DeYoung wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective Nov. 22nd.
5. Jessica Truitt wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective Nov. 19th.
6. Stefanie Jorgensen wishes to resign as a Tier 2 Teaching Associate as well as Substitute Teacher at Carroll High School, effective November 29th.
7. Angie Brincks wishes to resign from her Tier II Teacher Associate position at Adams Elementary effective November 26th.
1. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Craig Rowedder for the JH girls wrestling position. He has one year of paid wrestling coaching experience. If approved he would be paid $1,933.
2. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Nathan Thomsen for the JH boys wrestling position. He has 0 years of paid coaching experience and if approved he would be paid $1,895.
3. Randy Bissen is recommending Hannah Casebeer for the Head Girls Bowling Coach Position. She has 0 years of paid experience and if approved she would be paid $2,808.
4. Melanie Girard is recommending Andy Eissens for a 4-hour Food Service position at Adams Elementary. If approved Andy would be paid $15.50 per hour.
5. Scot Aden is recommending Jennifer Roetman for a Tier II TA position. If approved Jennifer would work 7.5 hours per day and be paid $15.06.
6. Scot Aden is recommending Lisa Wolterman for a Tier II teacher associate position. She has a master's degree and experience subbing as a teacher and teacher associate at CCSD and other schools. If approved Lisa would work 7.5 hours per day and be paid $15.06.
7. Casey Berlau is recommending T.J. Jumper for an interim assistant principal position at CMS from November 18th through approximately December 20th. If approved he would work two days per week and be paid $475/day.
8. Casey Berlau is recommending Abigail Glass for an interim assistant principal position at CMS. If approved she would work three days per week from November 18th until December 20th and then will work five days per week beginning January 2, 2025 through the end of the school year. If approved she would receive $450/day.
9. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Amy Madsen for the Senior Class Sponsor position. She has 0 years of experience in this role and if approved she would be paid $1,038.
10. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Maisie Ogren for a Tier 2 Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll High School. If approved her start date would be December 2nd, she would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.81.
11. Sue Ruch is recommending Zoe Myers for a Tier III teacher associate position. She has previously worked as a teacher associate at CCSD's TigerZone. If approved Zoe would work 7 hours per day and be paid $15.63.
1. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Madison Young's Letter of Assignment be modified to include 2 hours per day and 2 days per week as Tier I General Education TA working in Tiger Zone.
2. Scot Aden would like to recommend that Tanya Jackson's Letter of Assignment be modified to Tier III Specialized Special Education TA retroactive to November 4th.
3. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Sarah Weitl's Letter of Assignment be modified to include .5 hour per day as Tier III Specialized Special Education TA when she fills in for Tier III employees and .5 hour per day as a Tier II Special Education TA when she fills in for a Tier II employee retroactive to Sept. 25th.
1. Sue Ruch would like to recommend Maricruz Avitia, Shirley Snyder and Heather Leiting as volunteers pending receipt of clear background checks.
2. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Jenny Lu and Jacinda Blackwill as volunteers pending receipt of clear background checks.
3. Scot Aden would like to recommend Jared Strong as a volunteer with the Math Counts program.
Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the personnel report and the motion carried with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 6:44pm with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes – Annual Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
November 18, 2024, following Regular Board Meeting
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary-President Pro Tem, called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Election of Officers
- President – Board member Friel nominate board member Horsley for president but Horsley withdrew his name. Board member Johnston nominated board member Lundstrom for president and McCaulley seconded this nomination. Hearing no other nominations, the vote to elect Lundstrom as Board President passed 4-1 with board member Friel voting No. Nicole McCarville administered the oath of office of Board President to Kristen Lundstrom.
- Vice President – Board member Johnston nominated board member Horsley for vice president and McCaulley seconded the nomination. Hearing no other nominations, the vote passed 5-0. Nicole McCarville administered the oath of office of Board Vice President to Duane Horsley.
- Establish Regular Meeting Schedule
- Day – 1st Monday Work Session and 3rd Monday Regular Meeting
- Time – 6:30PM
- Place – Adams Elementary Board Room
- Agenda Structure – use of consent agenda for minutes, bills, policies, agreements
- Committees/Appointments for 24-25 – Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to keep the board representation on committees and board appointments the same as they were for 23-24 for Transportation Committee, School Improvement Team, IASB Network Liaison, Negotiations Team, Calendar Fact-Finding Committee, Finance/Special Projects, and Board Policy Committee. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
BOARD POLICY REVIEW – First reading of policies: 226, 229, and 230
- Approve early graduates – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve Jaden Boulware, Max Bradley, Levi Bender, Lucas Dirkx, Aaron Haberl, Kaden Halterman, Jennifer Magner, Regan Rowedder, Khloe Schroeder, and Lucas Williams, and Ryler Ziegmann be for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider revisions to the district return to learn plan – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the revised plan with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying the job description for Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate-Preschool – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the job description with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying policy 708.1 Student Conduct on School Transportation – no action taken
- Consider offering retirement incentive plan – no action taken
- Consider bids for roof replacement on the Ag Building – moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the bid from BTR Contraction for $24,507 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bids for Phase II of door locks at CHS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from Doors Inc. for $8,201 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for upgrading gym lighting at Adams Elementary – moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the bid from Voss Lighting for $14.965 with a preliminary rebate incentive of $9,565.50 for an expected net cost of $5,399.50 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for repair of Bobcat UTV – moved by Horsley/Johnston to approve the quote from Haley Equipment for $5,506.49 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the request for MSA of $138,817.83 for open enrollment out and $10,252.06 for EL Instruction beyond 5 years with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Resolution for interfund balance transfers – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve interfund transfers of $72,943.26 from the nutrition fund to the general fund for indirect expenses for FY24 and $39,395.85 from the TigerZone fund to the general fund for FY24 direct expenses with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for soil testing for Transportation Facility – moved by Johnston/Horsley to accept the bid from CTS for $26,060 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Dispose obsolete kitchen equipment – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve disposal of obsolete kitchen equipment that has been replaced in the last 3-4 months including coolers and oven by salvaging at Quandt’s with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Reports
CLOSED SESSION – At 8:39PM, it was moved by Johnston/McCaulley to enter into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i: To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 9:06PM.
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Johnston/Horsley to adjourn at 9:06pm with unanimous approval. The next board meeting will be a work session held on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room
Respectfully Submitted,
\s\ Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.12.02
Minutes - 2024.12.02Minutes
December 2, 2024 Work Session
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- State Report Card
- Review the district At Risk Plan
- Staffing plan for 25-26 initial discussion
- Share learning from Iowa Association of School Boards convention
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 8:09pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is December 16, 2024 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.12.16
Minutes - 2024.12.16Minutes - Regular Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
December 16, 2024
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Duane Horsley, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Johnston and Friel were present and Board Member Lundstrom was absent
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION - At 6:32PM, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to enter into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5(1) c: to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the government body in that litigation.. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 6:42PM.
PRESENTATION – Adams Elementary teachers Carrie Hampton and Joelle White along with Adams principal Amy Collison gave a presentation on their use/application of the new science curriculum through Open SciEd.
Minutes – November 18, 2024 Regular and Annual Meetings; December 2, 2024
Bills – General Fund: $187,926.13; Activity Fund: $32,761.05; Management Fund: $74,871.00; SAVE Fund: $79,942.83; PPEL Fund: $42,346.46; Nutrition Fund: $86,184.70
First Reading of Board Policies – 239, 220 (formerly 240R1), 241, 242E1, 245
Recommendation to delete policy – 490
Second Reading of Board Policies – 226, 229, 230
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Non-perishable food to the Tiger Cupboard from First Baptist Church, Amanda Orton/Brady Brehmer, Caring Hearts, Family Resource Center; Gently used chest freezer to the Tiger Cupboard from Natalie Forke; Hygiene items to the Tiger Cupboard from Terryn Schulz; $3,000 to the Tiger Cupboard from Sara and Dennis (Swede) Anderson; $100 to the Tiger Cupboard from Barry and Mary Bruner; $500 to the Tiger Cupboard from Carroll Broadcasting/Kids Christmas Wish; America’s White Table by Margot Raven to the 4th grade classrooms by the Breda American Legion Auxiliary; and $100 in recognition of National Education Week from the Breda American Legion Auxiliary. Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Joyce Bierl wishes to resign from her Administrative Assistant to the Activities Director position at the end of the school year. Joyce has worked for CCSD for nineteen years.
- Scot Aden wishes to resign from his Middle School Principal position effective December 16th.
- Kirk Christensen wishes to resign from his Varsity Girls' Track coaching position. Kirk coached track for twenty-five years.
- Josh Lucken wishes to resign from his assistant baseball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the head baseball coaching position.
- Kayla Damman wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS retroactive to December 10th. Kayla has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Marcia Mendoza for a Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate position at Adams for 7.25 hours/day at $14.82 per hour (the wage she was making when she resigned in August 2024).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Josh Lucken for the head baseball position. He has six years of paid experience. He played college baseball at Northwestern and has been our freshmen baseball coach for one year and our assistant baseball coach the past two years. If approved he would be paid $5,122 (for 2024-2025).
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Anne Kluver for a Tier III Specialized Special Education teacher associate position for 7.25 hours per day at $16.23 ($15.63 + .30 for her AA + .30 for experience).
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Jeff Booher for the Mail/Shuttle route retroactive to December 2nd. If approved Jeff would work 2.5 hours/day on days that school is in session in addition to his contracted bus driving routes and would be paid $15.20/hour for these added hours.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Kevin Alexander for a contracted bus driving position. If approved Jeff would work 4 hours/day and he would be paid $21.70/hour (the base pay of $21.50 plus $.20 for experience). Kevin would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 stipend for successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training. He has a CDL with the proper endorsements.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Ryan Clausen for a contracted bus driving position contingent upon him receiving the school bus and passenger endorsements and a clear background check. He has a CDL license. If approved he would drive 4 hours/day approximately 15 days/month and would be paid $21.75 (the base pay of $21.50/hour plus $.25 cents for 6 1/2 years of experience). Ryan would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 upon successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Zoe Myers' Letter of Assignment be modified to include 2 hours per day and 2 days per week as Tier I General Education TA working in Tiger Zone.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend that the interim middle school principal position be added to Crystal Boes' contract effective December 16th. If approved, her contract for 2024-25 would be revised to $123,723 for the added interim principal duties.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend that TJ Jumper’s agreement for 2 days/week of Assistant Principal coverage at CMS be extended through the end of February.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Dylan Feauto as a volunteer with the high school wrestling program.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Jordan Janson as a volunteer with the 7th grade boys’ basketball team.
Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the Personnel Report with the exception of Mr. Aden’s resignation as CMS Principal. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to reject Mr. Aden’s resignation of CMS Principal effective December 16th as there is no suitable full-time replacement and therefore not a proper release from the signed contract. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- Approve early graduates – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve Nyadeng Tharjiath and Levi Dirkx for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Memorandum of Understanding with Carroll County for emergency shelter or transport – Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the MOU with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider revision to board policy 708.1 Student Conduct on School Transportation – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve 708.1 and 708.1R1 and waiving the 2nd reading with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider stipulation with Graphite Construction – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the parties’ settlement stipulation with Graphite Construction with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider request from iJAG to hold a lunchtime cookie fundraiser on 12/19 at CHS – moved by Friel/Johnston to approve the fundraiser with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying the job description for Administrative Assistant to the Activities Director – moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the revisions with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider quotes for project design and management for the CHS roof replacement project – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from CCG for $16,250 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Sub Rates – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the updated sub rates for kitchen manager and route bus driver with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- At-Risk/Dropout Prevention MSA Request for 25-26 – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the MSA request $541,874 for 25-26 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Reports
ADJOURNMENT – moved by McCaulley/Friel to adjourn at 8:18pm with unanimous approval. The next board meeting will be a work session held on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room.
Respectfully Submitted,
\s\ Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2025.01.06
Minutes - 2025.01.06Minutes
January 6, 2025 Work Session
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Review budget timeline for fiscal year 2026 budget.
- Review board governance plan
- Update on 2025-26 staffing plan
- Bus driver pay
- Needs Assessment results
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:10pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is January 27th, 2025 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary