Minutes 2024-25 School Year
Minutes 2024-25 School YearClick on the meeting date from the list below to view minutes from recent Carroll CSD board meetings.
Minutes - 2024.07.15
Minutes - 2024.07.15Minutes
July 15, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM, Carroll High School Media Center
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PUBLIC HEARING – At 6:31pm, President Lundstrom opened the public hearing on the borrowing of not to exceed $16,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. Many members of the public addressed the board. At 6:46pm, President Lundstrom closed the public hearing after hearing all public comments on the topic.
RESOLUTION – Moved by Horsley/Friel to reject the resolution to proceed with the issuance of not to exceed $16,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, in one or more series. The motion to reject the resolution pass 3-2 with member Johnston and Lundstrom opposing the motion. The board set a special meeting for Thursday, July 18th at 8:15am to discuss the project and to set a public hearing date on a revised maximum borrowing amount for the project.
AGREEMENT WITH PIPER SANDLER – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the agreement with Piper Sandler for financing services with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – June 17, 2024; June 28, 2024
Bills – General ($308,459.88), Management ($245,737.17), PPEL ($99,718.51), Nutrition ($72,880.47), SAVE ($251,955.70), Activity ($6,440.29)
1st Read of Policies – 435, 461, 482, 486, 563, 572R1, 805, 819, 820, 821, 824, 824.1, 924, 924R1
Policy to Delete – 822
Agreements – Training Agreement with DMACC for educational program in Nursing
Superintendent Report
Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS – First United Methodist Church - $50 to the Tiger Cupboard; 712 Women on a Mission members to the Tiger Cupboard: Ann Slechta $100, Natural Look Salon $100, Marie G’Sell $100, Bonnie Jackson $100, Connie Steinkamp $100, Claudia Halbur $100, Mary Greteman $100, Kathryn Clausen $250, Loneman Electric $100, Diane Hagen $100, Becki Miller $100, Vicki Smith $100, Jewel Proctor $100, Cynthia Heuton $100, Cindy Duhrkopf $100, Andrea Flug $100, Jacqueline Reineke $100, Shannon Reising $100, Jean Farner $100, Dawn Koster $100, Allisa Tiefenthaler $100, Lisa Dreesman $100, Katie Jaffe $100, Susan VanDyke $100, Anna Pietig $100, Susan Heiliger $100, Nancy Davis $100, Mary Swanson $100, I Saw The Sign $200, Michelle Sturm $100, Diane Hagen $100, and Adaptive Audiology Solutions $100
Moved by Johnston/Friel to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Jason Tigges for the driver shuttle position (not bus driving). This position will be 6 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Nereida Moreno for a Tier II teacher associate position at Adams. If approved Nereida would work 7.25 hours/day and would be paid $15.06/hour (Base of $14.46 plus $.30 for degree and $.30 for 15 years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Leah Williams for a Tier II teacher associate position at Adams. If approved Leah would work 7.25 hours/day and would be paid $14.66/hour (Base of $14.46 plus $.20 for 5 years of experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Scot Aden would like to recommend Tiara Janssen for a Tier II teacher associate position at CMS. If approved Tiara would work 6.5 hours/day and would be paid $14.76/hour (Base of $14.46 plus $.30 for education). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend Jeff Cullen for an Assistant Buildings and Grounds position. If approved Jeff would work 4 hours/day and would be paid $24.00/hour.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend William (Bill) Smith for a contracted bus driver position. He has completed his CDL tests and will start the ELDT training. If approved he would be paid $21.50 per hour and would work approximately 6 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon Bill obtaining the required licenses as well as a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch and Amy Collison are recommending Abby Riley for the Specials Building Leadership Team position at Fairview and Adams Elementary buildings.
- Sue Ruch is recommending Sara Smith for a half time elementary special education teacher for the 24-25 school year. If approved she will be paid $31,047 and retain 435 hours of her accumulated sick leave balance.
- Amy Collison is recommending the transfer of Angie Brincks from Fairview Elementary to Adams Elementary as a Tier II teaching assistant. She will work 27.5 hours a week. Approval of transfer is recommended.
- Amy Collison is recommending the transfer of Carrie Hampton to the third grade teaching position at Adams Elementary. Previously, Ms. Hampton has been the elementary science teacher at Fairview and Adams Elementary buildings. Approval of transfer is recommended.
- Melanie Girard would like to recommend an increase to Deb Mohr’s food service hours from 4 hours to 6 hours (7:30am-1:30pm) at the Carroll Middle School effective August 23, 2024. This increase is to fill the void of a resignation of another staff member.
Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
A. Administrative assignments for 2024-2025 – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the administrative assignments with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
B. Consider approval of IASB Legislative Priorities – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to set items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 as the legislative priorities of the board with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Consider revisions to the CESA Handbook – moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the CESA handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
D. Consider Fairview playground resurface bids – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the bid from Gametime for $213,524.45 to resurface the preschool playground with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
E. Consider bids for small vehicle purchase – no action taken
F. Consider bid for a school bus – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the purchase of one 2025 Collins Bus from Hoglund Bus Company for $116,864 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
G. Consider quotes for computer servers – moved by McCaulley/Friel to accept the quote from Oxen Technology for $88,384 for upgrade the districts two main servers with managed services with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
H. Consider approval of preschool agreement with Kuemper – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the preschool agreement with Kuemper with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
I. Consider approval of Ag Program agreement with Kuemper – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the Ag Program agreement with Kuemper with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
J. Consider request to dispose of obsolete equipment – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the disposal of obsolete equipment with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
K. Consider MOU between New Opportunities, Inc. Head Start and CCSD – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the MOU with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3) – President Lundstrom gave the oath of office to Nicole McCarville appointed as Board Secretary/Treasurer.
B. Resolution for Issue of Warrants 2024-2025 – Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the resolution for issue of warrants with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Bank Depositories Resolution for 2024-2025 – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the bank depositories resolution for 2024-25 with a 4-0 roll call vote with member Friel abstaining.
D. Transportation Bid
- Tire Bids – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to accept the tire bid from Bauer Built for the 24-25 year with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – At 9:00pm, moved by Horsley/Friel to enter closed session under Iowa Code 21.5(1)(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds. The motion to go into closed session passed unanimously by roll call vote. At 9:24pm, the board returned to open session.
APPROVE EMERGENCY OPERATION PLAN – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the emergency operation plan with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 9:30pm, it was moved by Horsley/McCaulley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.07.18
Minutes - 2024.07.18Minutes
July 18, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
8:15AM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 8:15am. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley (via Zoom), Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO FIX A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE SALES, SERVICES AND USE TAX REVENUE BONDS, IN ONE OR MORE SERIES – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to proceed with the proposed transportation facility base project only, the maintenance facility building and not the cold storage and approve the resolution for public hearing on August 5th at 6:00PM at the Carroll High School Media Center on the issuance of school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds not to exceed $6,000,000. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote.
At 8:31am, it was moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.08.05
Minutes - 2024.08.05Minutes
August 5, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:00 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PUBLIC HEARING – At 6:01PM, the public hearing on the borrowing of not to exceed $6,000,000 in School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds was opened. No public comments were heard. President Lundstrom closed the public hearing at 6:02PM.
CONSIDER RESOLUTION – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the resolution to proceed with the issuance of not to exceed $6,000,000 in School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, and passed unanimously by roll call vote.
WORK SESSION – The board participated in a work session with district administration the district’s goals, district strategic plan, superintendent goals, cell phone policy, and preschool wrap around daycare program
At 7:45 pm, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.08.19
Minutes - 2024.08.19Minutes
August 19, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:15 PM, Carroll High School Media Center
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Board President Kristen Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:20pm. Board members present: Jim Friel, Duane Horsley, Jill Johnston, Kristen Lundstrom, and Stacy McCaulley.
APPROVE AGENDA – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to enter closed session under Iowa Code 21.5(1)i to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote and the board entered closed session at 6:22PM.
The Board returned to open session at 6:29PM.
CONSIDER OPEN ENROLLMENT ELIGIBILITY REQUEST – Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the open enrollment eligibility request and the motion carried 4-0 with board member Johnston abstaining.
CONSENT AGENDA – The consent agenda consisting of minutes, bills, and 1st and 2nd readings of board policies:
Minutes – July 15, 2024; August 5, 2024
Bills – General ($498,222.55), Management ($580,368), PPEL ($90,901.05), Nutrition ($56,737.48), SAVE ($153,931.25), Activity ($15,361.93)
Policies required to be reviewed annually – 103, 103R1, 556, 556R1, 559, 559R1, 559E1, 561
1st Reading of Policies (waiver 2nd per policy 226) – 217, 401, 402, 424, 472, 473, 501, 502.1, 502R1, 518, 519, 527, 540, 551, 617, 617.1, 644, 701, 717, 817, 825
1st Reading of Policies -303, 306, 307, 309, 310
Policy to Delete – 300, 507, 507R1
2nd Reading of Board Policies – 435, 461, 482, 486, 563, 572R1, 805, 819, 820,821, 824, 824.1, 924, 924R1, 524R1
Agreements – St Anthony Hospital Athletic Training Agreement; TAP Agreement - Renewal
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda except to pull policy 540 from 1st reading with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS – St Anthony Hospital would like to donate 8 used, but good condition, printers to the tech department; Collins Aerospace of Carroll would like to donate school supplies to Adams Elementary; DMACC would like to donate gently used classroom and building furniture to CHS; Planet Fitness and Verizon Wireless would like to donate fitness memberships and technology devices to students to honor students of the month. Moved by Johnston/Friel to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Jordan Bowers wishes to resign from his elementary PE position at FV/AES.
- Chloe Gallegos wishes to resign from her assistant softball coaching position. Chloe has coached for 3 years.
- Kaitlin Haukap wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective August 1st. Kaitlin has worked for CCSD for 3 years.
- Ryne Young wishes to resign as the head baseball coach. Ryne has served as the head baseball coach for the past 6 years.
- Marcia Mendoza wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Fairview. Marcia has worked for CCSD for 2 years.
- Lisa Leiting wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CHS. Lisa has worked for CCSD for 1 year.
- Becca Steffen wishes to resign from her 7th grade volleyball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the JV Volleyball coaching position.
- Maisie Ogren wishes to resign from her Tier II teacher associate position at CHS. Maisie has worked at CCSD for one year. She wishes to remain on the substitute teacher associate roster.
1. Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Matt Kleinmeyer for a contracted bus driving position. If approved Matt will drive an AM and PM route for a total of approximately 4 hours a day. If approved Mr. Kleinmeyer would be paid $21.70 (the beginning wage of $21.50 per hour plus $.20 per hour for five years of experience). Matt would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
2. Sue Ruch would like to recommend Madison Young for a Tier I teacher associate position at Fairview. The past two school years Madison worked in a preschool program/day care with the Sergeant Bluff Community School District and has worked at a Sioux City daycare for 1.5 years. If approved she would work 7.5 hours/day and would be paid $14.30 (the base level of $14.10 plus $.20 for experience). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
3. Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Taylor Woosley for the position with the TAP Specialist Teacher Associate retroactive to August 14, 2024. If approved she would be paid $15.93 (the base pay of $15.63 plus and $.30 for education) per hour and would work 8 hours per day. She worked at CCSD as a TA prior to going to Glidden-Ralston CSD and working as a sub teacher.
4. Melanie Girard would like to recommend Ruth Kuchel for a 7-hour food service position at Fairview. Ruth has food service experience working as a cook at Ar-We- Va CSD, is ServSafe Certified, and has a background in cashiering. If approved she would be paid $16.00 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
5. Scot Aden would like to recommend Meyling de los Angeles Vilalobos Quant for a Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate position at CMS. If approved she would work 7.25 hours/day and would be paid $15.01 (the base level of $14.46 plus $.25 for experience plus $30 for education). Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
6. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Becca Steffen for the JV Volleyball coaching position. Becca has 0 years paid volleyball coaching experience. She has experience coaching Club Volleyball at Vinton-Shellsburg and Mason City. She played volleyball at NIACC for two years and then played at McPherson College. If approved she would be paid $3,159.
7. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Stef Jorgensen for a middle school Volleyball coaching position. Stef has 2 years of volleyball coaching experience. If approved she would be paid $1,972.
8. Randy Bissen is recommending Hannah Pettit for the 7th grade volleyball position. She has 0 years of paid volleyball coaching experience. If approved Hannah would be paid $1,895.
1. Melanie Girard would like to recommend Kitchen Support worker, Jessica Leinbaugh for an increase of hours from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours per day on days school is in session. The additional hour is needed at the Middle School due to a later serving time and clean-up duties needing to be completed.
2. Jeff Dvorak would like to recommend that Tanner Gehling transfer to an eight-hour per day custodial position at CHS and AES. Tanner has previously worked in food service at CMS and Adams as a custodian. Approval of transfer is recommended.
3. Mike Brinker and Bill Smith have recently been approved for contracted bus driving positions. Both Mike and Bill should receive the $2,000 signing bonus. Approval of signing bonuses is recommended.
4. Melanie Girard is requesting a reduction in food service hours from 6.5 to 3 hours/day for Rebecca Wharton-Liechti when school is in session. Melanie is recommending this be approved as she has hired a staff person who was seeking full-time status and therefore Ms. Wharton-Liechti's request does not cause any burden to the food service department. Approval of contract modification is recommended.
5. Melanie Girard is requesting an increase in wage for food service worker, Deb Mohr from $15.75 to $16.00 due to an increase in kitchen responsibilities at CMS.
6. Sue Ruch is requesting modifications to the following TA Letters of Assignment:
Ashley Moore from Tier 1 Teacher Associate to Tier 2 Teacher Associate.
Stacy DeYoung from Tier 2 Teacher Associate to Tier 3 Teacher Associate.
Patrick Henderson from Tier 3 Teacher Associate to Tier 2 Teacher Associate.
Paula Finken from Tier 2 Teacher Associate to Tier 1 Teacher Associate.
Katie Boell from Tier 2 Teacher Associate to Tier 3 Teacher Associate.
7. Kelsey Dentlinger is requesting a reduction in teacher associate hours from 7.25 to 6.75 hours/day. Sue Ruch is recommending this reduction in hours be approved.
Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the personnel recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of district goals – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the district goals with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of 2024-2025 superintendent goals - moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the district goals with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Appoint delegate to IASB delegate assembly – moved by Johnston/Friel to appoint Duane Horsley to the IASB delegate assembly. The motion carried 4-0 with Horsley abstaining.
D. Approve 2024-2025 Teacher Quality Committee – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the committee. The motion carried 4-0 with Friel abstaining.
E. Approve 2024-2025 Board Policy Review Committee – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the board policy committee with McCaulley and Friel serving as board representatives. The motion carried 3-0 with Friel and McCaulley abstaining
F. Consider revisions to high school handbook – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the revisions to the CHS handbook with revisions as discussed and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
G. Approve 2024-2025 Wrap Around Program Handbook – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the handbook with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
A. Budget Updates
B. Establish a bid date of September 12, 2024 at 2pm to receive bids for the Carroll CSD New Transportation Facility Project – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to set the bid date for the transportation project to September 12, 2024 at 2pm at Adams Elementary with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
C. Establish a public hearing date for the Carroll CSD New Transportation Facility Project. – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to set the public hearing on the bids for the transportation project as September 16th at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
D. Consider classified staff bonus pay from state’s HF2612 education support personnel compensation – moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve the resolution for the support staff bonus as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
E. Consider CEA bonus plan – moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the CEA bonus plan as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
F. Consider approval of bonding and disclosure services for transportation facility financing. – Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the agreement with Dorsey for bonding and disclosure services with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
At 7:54PM, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.09.16
Minutes - 2024.09.16Minutes
Carroll CSD
September 16, 2024
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL - President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Board members Friel, Johnston, Lundstrom, and McCaulley were present while board member Horsley was absent.
APPROVE AGENDA - moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
PUBLIC. HEARING - FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITY - No members of the public were present to address the board.
CONSIDER BIDS FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITY PROJECT - bids were presented and moved by Friel/McCaulley to table any further action on the bids related to the transportation facility project with unanimous approval.
PRESENTATION - Teacher Eric Nagl and students presented positive feedback in regards to the new electronic device policy. Students also presented the request to add bowling as an approved district-sponsored activity.
Minutes from August 19, 2024; Bill lists; Field Trips for the FFA Invitational in Maryville, MO and National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN; Superintendent, Building/Principal and Department Reports; 1st Reading of board policies 312, 317, 538R1; 2nd Reading of Board policies 303, 306, 307, 309, and 310; Kuemper Teacher Associates Agreements; FY25 Wages Reports
Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval.
DONATIONS - Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the following donations with unanimous approval: Dr. David Martin would like to donate a flute to the CHS music department; Sharon Eischeid would like to donate $1,000 to the Carroll Ag Dept. in memory of her husband, Ronny; WalMart of Carroll would like to donate school supplies to CHS, CMS, Adams and Fairview Elementary. The supplies included highlighters, pens, markers, crayons, glue and folders; Leer of Carroll would like to donate $1,500 to Carroll High School; The Carroll Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star would like to donate many boxes of crayons and other school supplies to the Fairview School Supply Closet.
- Heather Leiting wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at Fairview effective Sept 22nd. Heather has worked for CCSD for 9 years.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Janet Moore for a Tier II teacher associate position at CHS at $14.66 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus twenty cents for experience). If approved she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended retroactive to August 29th.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Bri Beckman for a Tier II teacher associate position at AES at 14.46 (the beginning wage of $14.46). If approved she would work 7.25 hours per day. Approval is recommended retroactive to September 9th.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Emma Hamilton for a Tier I teacher associate position at FV in TigerZone at $14.10 at 2 hours per day and 4 days per week.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jessica Truitt for a Tier II teacher associate position at FV at $14.96 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.30 for AA degree plus $.20 for experience) at 7 hours per day.
- Melanie Girard would like to recommend Alexandra Colbert Reyes for a 3.25 hour/day food service position at CMS. Alexandra has food service experience from her native country in Puerto Rico. If approved she would be paid $15.25/hour. Approval is recommended retroactive to Sept. 11th and contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Kourtney Abbotts would like to recommend Amy Madsen for the National Honor Society sponsor position. She served as an NHS Advisor for 5 years when she lived in Kentucky. If approved Amy would be paid $774. Approval is recommended.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Karen Mohr for a Tier II teacher associate position at FV. If approved she would be paid $14.71 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.25 for experience). If approved she would work 7 hours per day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend Karleen Weitl for a Tier I teacher associate position at FV in TigerZone. If approved she would be paid $14.10. If approved she would work 2 hours per day and 3-4 days per week. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
- Amy Collison would like the Letters of Assignment for Jenni Determann, Tom Feldman, Sally Magner and Emerald Siepker to be increased from 7 hr/day to 7.25 hours/day.
- Sue Ruch is recommending that Amanda Augustus' Letter of Assignment be modified to be 7 hours/day as TigerZone Director. Amanda was previously 2.5 hr/day as Tier I teacher associate and 4.5 hours/day as TigerZone Director.
- Kourtney Abbotts is recommending that Jeremy Fender's request to transfer to a Tier III TA position at CHS be approved. If approved Jeremy would work 7.5 hours/day. Jeremy's hourly pay will change to $16.43.
- Melanie Girard is recommending that Mary Vaughn's letter of assignment from 6.25 hours per day to 6.75 hours/day.
DISCUSSION ITEM - no discussion held in regards to student activity passes or transportation facility funding.
A. Consider approval of Handbook revisions: Fairview, Adams, Carroll Middle, and Carroll High – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the handbook revisions with unanimous approval.
B. Consider approval of Bowling as an activity at Carroll High School – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve bowling as an activity with unanimous approval.
C. Memorandum of Understanding with Carroll County Communication Center – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the MOU with unanimous approval.
D. Agreement with Plains Area Mental Health – no action taken
E. Quotes for kitchen ovens – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the quotes from Wilson Restaurant Supply for the combi ovens at CHS and FV for 27,789.10 and 23.315, respectively with installation by Goodwin Tucker for $2,860 at each location. The motion passed unanimously.
A. FY 24 Annual Settlements – move by McCaulley/Johnston to accept the annual settlements report with unanimous approval
B. FY 24 Certified Annual Report
C. FY 24 Special Education Supplement to
D. Request For Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for a Special Education Deficit – moved by Friel/Johnston to request modified allowable growth for $387,259.52 from a special ed deficit with unanimous approval.
E. FY 24 Annual Transportation Report
F. Budget Updates
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Johnston/Friel to adjourn at 7:44pm with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024.10.07
Minutes - 2024.10.07Minutes
October 7, 2024 Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horlsey/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Review and discuss building level goals
- Board Governance Plan for 24-25
- Update on impact of the AEA bill
- Review and discuss administrators and directors employee benefits
- Update on curriculum budget
- Student board member update
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:07pm with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024.10.21
Minutes - 2024.10.21Minutes
Carroll CSD Board of Education
October 21, 2024 at 6:30PM
Adams Elementary Board Room
PUBLIC FORUM - no public comments heard
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
APPOINT STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS CHS Students Claire Pudenz and Lily Campbell were appointed as student board member representatives.
PRESENTATION Carroll Middle School Principal Scot Aden gave an update.
Minutes from September 16, 2024 and October 7, 2024
Bills: General Fund - $367,131.02; Activity Fund - $40,819.42; SAVE - $80,159.81; PPEL - $3,958.85; Nutrition - $65,050.53; Scholarship - $400.00
Field Trip Request – 11/9/24 to Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, MN for the Honor Band Festival.
Student Board Member Reports; Building Principals and Director Reports; 1st Reading of board policies - 210, 213, 216, 217; 2nd Reading of Board Policies – 312, 317, 538R1; Agreements – Plains Area Mental Health; CHS Course listing – addition of DMACC Welding Class for 2nd semester
Moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS Bill Evan Foundation, Carroll High School Foundation, Carroll Tigers Booster Club $4,600 each to the Student Activity Fund for free attendance to CCSD events for CCSD students in 24-25; Skip Riordan Memorial - $200 to the Tiger Cupboard; Dallas and Brenda Warnke - $1,000 to Carroll High School; Amy Dea - Pocket Constitutions for 8th grade students; Amy Dea - Book - The Oarsmen Chasing Embers by Glenn Beck for Carroll High School Library
Moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Mindy Stout wishes to resign from her food service position at CMS effective October 15th.
2. Ryan Gallegos wishes to resign from his varsity head softball coaching position.
3. Nereida Hose Moreno wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at AES effective September 20th.
4. Leah Williams wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at AES effective October 10th.
5. Janet Olerich wishes to resign from her bus driving position.
6. Taylor Schulte wishes to resign from her Cheerleading Sponsor position.
7. Joe Daniels wishes to resign from his Middle School wrestling coaching position contingent upon being approved for head girls wrestling coaching position.
8. Cathy Smith wishes to resign from her food service position at Adams Elementary effective Oct. 29th.
9. Carl Kaiser wishes to resign from his high school math teaching position effective Oct. 14, 2024.
10. Sue Ruch wishes to resign from her position as principal at Fairview Elementary at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
11. Mary Anne Pomeroy wishes to resign from her position as teacher associate effective October 31st.
1. Jen Dentlinger would like to recommend Russell Pawletzki for a contracted bus driving position for 5 hours/day at $21.50/hour plus a $2,000 signing bonus.
2. Melanie Girard would like to recommend Janelle Hall for a substitute food service worker position contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
3. Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jerry Raymond for a Tier II teacher associate position at FV at $17.98 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.30 for education, plus $3.22 for experience) for 7 hours/day.
4. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Chandler Damewood for the 7th grade boys' basketball position. Chandler has one year of paid basketball experience and would be paid $1,933.
5. Randy Bissen is recommending Joe Daniels for the head girls wrestling position. Joe has two years of paid experience, as he has been our JH wrestling coach the past two years and would be paid $5,110. He was also paid a small stipend to help with the HS girls wrestling program on the weekend tournaments and when he wasn't coaching at the JH level.
6. Randy Bissen is recommending Dayton Ross for the JV Boys Basketball position. Dayton has 0 years of paid experience and he would be paid $3,159.
7. Randy Bissen is recommending Emma Schmitz for the Assistant Girls Wrestling coaching position. She has 0 years paid wrestling experience and would be paid $3,159. She was a wrestling cheerleader in high school and college and has been around the sport all her life.
8. Amy Collison would like to recommend Breina Bennett for a Tier II teacher associate position at AES for 7.25 hours/day at $14.76 (the beginning wage of $14.46 plus $.30 for education).
9. Scot Aden would like to recommend Karla Stork for a Tier II teacher associate position at CMS for 7.25 hours/day at $14.46 per hour.
10. Amy Collison would like to recommend Edith Gonzalez for a Tier II teacher associate position at AES for 7.25 hours/day at $14.46 per hour.
11. Randy Bissen is recommending Drake Warner as the head boys/girls bowling coach. Drake has 0 years of paid coaching experience but has been bowling in leagues and tournaments since 8th grade. He would be paid $2,808.
1. Melanie Girard would like to recommend that Kim Handlos' request for a transfer to a 7 hour per day food service position at CHS be approved effective retroactive to October 9th. If approved Kim would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $16.00/hour.
2. Scot Aden would like to recommend that Jessie Golwitzer's request for a transfer to Tier I teacher associate media center position be approved effective retroactive to October 9th. If approved $.36 per hour will be deducted from her hourly rate for moving from Tier II to Tier I
3. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Kacie Felix's letter of assignment be modified to a Tier III teacher associate position retroactive to September 3rd and $1.17 will be added to her current hourly pay.
4. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Trish McNamara move from Tier 1 teacher associate position to a Tier III teacher associate position for 45 minutes/day and for a Tier II Teacher associate position for 60 minutes/day at Fairview retroactive to August 23rd.
1. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Andy Kiger as a volunteer for the girls wrestling program. He has worked with our youth wrestling program in the past and will work well with Emma Schmitz and Joe Daniels.
2. Kourtney Abbotts is requesting that Tez Kong serve as a volunteer for the 24-25 school year. If approved, Tez would serve as a building mentor.
3. Sue Ruch is recommending the following to serve as classroom volunteers at Fairview: Megan TenEyck, Kelsey Jaeger, Bailey Rose, Kenzi Wernimont, Leah Riesberg, and Sheridan Guerra.
Moved by McCaulley/Horsley to approve all but #5 under recommendations with unanimous approval by roll call vote. Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the recommendation of #5 under recommendations with the motion passing on a 3-2 vote with Horsley, Lundstrom and Friel voting in favor and McCaulley and Johnston against.
- Consider approval of recommendation for School Improvement Advisory Committee – no action
- Consider approval of agreement with the Donovan Group – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve with unanimous approval
- Consider approval to purchase ALEKS – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the purchase with McGraw Hill for a 3 year agreement totaling $15,475.20 with unanimous approval
- Consider approval to purchase math curriculum for district special education – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the purchase with McGraw Hill for $26,211.26 with unanimous approval.
- Consider approval of Food Truck at CHS on Oct. 24 – moved by Horsley/McCaulley with unanimous approval
- Consider approval of agreement with IASB for district needs assessment – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the agreement for $2,050 with unanimous approval.
A. Budget Updates
B. Certified Enrollment
C. Request for Modified Allowable Growth for EL Excess Costs – no action needed
D. Band Instrument Purchases – moved by Johnston/McCaulley to approve the purchase of CMS band instruments from Rieman Music for $20,220 with unanimous approval. Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the CHS tuba purchase from Rieman Music for $6,140 and a French horn from Houghton Horns for $3,500 with unanimous approval.
E. Consider quote for the purchase of a snow plow - Iowa Small Engine $9,137.36
F. Consider quote for new mower for the grounds department – Olsen’s Outdoor $13,700 Dixie Chopper
G. Consider quotes for truck – Champion Ford $44,384 Ford F250
H. Consider quotes for dump trailer – Olsen’s Outdoor $9,788 H&H 14 ft.
I. Consider roofing quotes for Ag. Building – no action
J. Consider quotes for tree removal (ash trees) – Gute Tree Service $10,550 – Remove 21 trees at FV and 1 tree with stump grinding at CHS
Moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the following quotes for items E-J as listed, with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
K. Consider quotes for water heater at CMS- no action
L. Consider quote for small vehicle – moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the purchase of 2 2025 Chevrolet Traverse from Karl Chevrolet for $37,618 each with unanimous approval.
M. Consider quotes for salad bar/serving counters for AES and CMS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the quote from Wilson Restaurant Supply totaling $19,412.66 with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION - STRATEGY SESSION FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITY – At 8:31PM, it was moved by Johnston/McCaulley to go into a closed session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the government body in that litigation. Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote.
Returned to Open Session at 9:41PM
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 9:42PM with unanimous approval.
Minutes - 2024.10.28
Minutes - 2024.10.28Minutes
October 28, 2024 Special Board Meeting
Carroll CSD
7:00 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:58PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horlsey/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
TRANSPORTATION FACILITY BID DISCUSSION – Russ Carew from Graphite Construction and Eric Beron and Henry Melendrez from DLR Construction were present for the discussion. Under Iowa Code Chapter 26 to inform it’s decision on the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the project,
Board members asked questions of Mr. Carew and Mr. Beron regarding the scope of the transportation facility project, record of reliability in performance of past projects, Graphite Construction’s experience, the AIA305 qualification responses, Graphite Construction’s staffing plans for completion of the project and Graphite’s ability to meet the construction timeline as laid out in the bid documents.
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:01pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is November 4, 2024 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.11.04
Minutes - 2024.11.04Minutes
November 4, 2024 Board Meeting & Work Session
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Friel/Horsley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
CLOSED SESSION – Moved by Johnston/Horsley to go into closed session at 6:31PM under Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 6:45PM.
- Take action on bids received for transportation facility – the board reviewed the bid tabulation sheet again and discussed their concerns regarding Graphite Construction with their: 1) experience, including just 1/5 projects in last 4 years with DLR completed on time, the low % of self-performed work for the project along considering past history with oversight of sub-contractors; 2) availability of staff with the number of active projects: 3) timeline since Graphite already indicated they could no longer meet timeline laid out in the bid documents even though the board was still within the 60 day bid award timeframe. Moved by Johnston/Friel to pass the board resolution to award the Transportation Facility project bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Base project bid only to Merit Construction for $4,900,000. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- Consider approval of quote for hot water heater for CMS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from Knobbe’s for $17,640 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider approval of SIAC Committee – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve the committee as presented with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Piper Sandler Transportation Facility financing – Tim Oswald with Piper Sandler presented various financing options for the project. Moved by Horsley/Johnston to pay 100% cash for the project from PPEL/SAVE funds with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Retirement Incentive Discussion
- Transportation Department Report
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:22pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is November 18, 2024 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.11.18
Minutes - 2024.11.18Minutes – Regular Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
November 18, 2024 at 6:30PM
Adams Elementary Board Room
PUBLIC FORUM - no public comments heard
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
Minutes from October 21, 2024, October 28, 2024, and November 4, 2024
Bills: General Fund - $256,976.43; Activity Fund - $55,489.13; Management Fund - $10,766.00; SAVE - $123,716.09; PPEL - $21,769.91; Nutrition - $93,211.62; Debt Service Bond Payments on 12/1/24 - $316,455.10
2nd Reading of Board Policies – 210, 213, 216, 217;
Agreements – Swim Team Agreement with City of Carroll, Sharing agreement for Merchant’s Field with City of Carroll, FFA Lease with City of Carroll
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS The followed donations to the Tiger Cupboard were presented for acceptance: Lion’s Club – toiletry items, Tim and Samantha Schulz – nonperishable food, Claire Pudenz – toiletry items, Robyn Schroeder – toiletry items, Lisa Honold – toiletry items, Larry and Trish Christensen – nonperishable food and toiletry items, Connie Petersen - $200, Caring Hearts – toiletry items.
Moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
1. Ruth Kuchel wishes to resign from her Food Service position at FV.
2. Teresa Tigges wishes to resign from her teaching position at the end of the school year.
3. Nancy Stark wishes to resign from her teaching position at the end of the school year.
4. Stacy DeYoung wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective Nov. 22nd.
5. Jessica Truitt wishes to resign from her teacher associate position effective Nov. 19th.
6. Stefanie Jorgensen wishes to resign as a Tier 2 Teaching Associate as well as Substitute Teacher at Carroll High School, effective November 29th.
7. Angie Brincks wishes to resign from her Tier II Teacher Associate position at Adams Elementary effective November 26th.
1. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Craig Rowedder for the JH girls wrestling position. He has one year of paid wrestling coaching experience. If approved he would be paid $1,933.
2. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Nathan Thomsen for the JH boys wrestling position. He has 0 years of paid coaching experience and if approved he would be paid $1,895.
3. Randy Bissen is recommending Hannah Casebeer for the Head Girls Bowling Coach Position. She has 0 years of paid experience and if approved she would be paid $2,808.
4. Melanie Girard is recommending Andy Eissens for a 4-hour Food Service position at Adams Elementary. If approved Andy would be paid $15.50 per hour.
5. Scot Aden is recommending Jennifer Roetman for a Tier II TA position. If approved Jennifer would work 7.5 hours per day and be paid $15.06.
6. Scot Aden is recommending Lisa Wolterman for a Tier II teacher associate position. She has a master's degree and experience subbing as a teacher and teacher associate at CCSD and other schools. If approved Lisa would work 7.5 hours per day and be paid $15.06.
7. Casey Berlau is recommending T.J. Jumper for an interim assistant principal position at CMS from November 18th through approximately December 20th. If approved he would work two days per week and be paid $475/day.
8. Casey Berlau is recommending Abigail Glass for an interim assistant principal position at CMS. If approved she would work three days per week from November 18th until December 20th and then will work five days per week beginning January 2, 2025 through the end of the school year. If approved she would receive $450/day.
9. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Amy Madsen for the Senior Class Sponsor position. She has 0 years of experience in this role and if approved she would be paid $1,038.
10. Kourtney Abbotts is recommending Maisie Ogren for a Tier 2 Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll High School. If approved her start date would be December 2nd, she would work 7 hours/day and would be paid $14.81.
11. Sue Ruch is recommending Zoe Myers for a Tier III teacher associate position. She has previously worked as a teacher associate at CCSD's TigerZone. If approved Zoe would work 7 hours per day and be paid $15.63.
1. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Madison Young's Letter of Assignment be modified to include 2 hours per day and 2 days per week as Tier I General Education TA working in Tiger Zone.
2. Scot Aden would like to recommend that Tanya Jackson's Letter of Assignment be modified to Tier III Specialized Special Education TA retroactive to November 4th.
3. Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Sarah Weitl's Letter of Assignment be modified to include .5 hour per day as Tier III Specialized Special Education TA when she fills in for Tier III employees and .5 hour per day as a Tier II Special Education TA when she fills in for a Tier II employee retroactive to Sept. 25th.
1. Sue Ruch would like to recommend Maricruz Avitia, Shirley Snyder and Heather Leiting as volunteers pending receipt of clear background checks.
2. Randy Bissen would like to recommend Jenny Lu and Jacinda Blackwill as volunteers pending receipt of clear background checks.
3. Scot Aden would like to recommend Jared Strong as a volunteer with the Math Counts program.
Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the personnel report and the motion carried with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 6:44pm with unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes – Annual Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
November 18, 2024, following Regular Board Meeting
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary-President Pro Tem, called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Lundstrom, Johnston and Friel were present.
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Election of Officers
- President – Board member Friel nominate board member Horsley for president but Horsley withdrew his name. Board member Johnston nominated board member Lundstrom for president and McCaulley seconded this nomination. Hearing no other nominations, the vote to elect Lundstrom as Board President passed 4-1 with board member Friel voting No. Nicole McCarville administered the oath of office of Board President to Kristen Lundstrom.
- Vice President – Board member Johnston nominated board member Horsley for vice president and McCaulley seconded the nomination. Hearing no other nominations, the vote passed 5-0. Nicole McCarville administered the oath of office of Board Vice President to Duane Horsley.
- Establish Regular Meeting Schedule
- Day – 1st Monday Work Session and 3rd Monday Regular Meeting
- Time – 6:30PM
- Place – Adams Elementary Board Room
- Agenda Structure – use of consent agenda for minutes, bills, policies, agreements
- Committees/Appointments for 24-25 – Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to keep the board representation on committees and board appointments the same as they were for 23-24 for Transportation Committee, School Improvement Team, IASB Network Liaison, Negotiations Team, Calendar Fact-Finding Committee, Finance/Special Projects, and Board Policy Committee. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
BOARD POLICY REVIEW – First reading of policies: 226, 229, and 230
- Approve early graduates – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve Jaden Boulware, Max Bradley, Levi Bender, Lucas Dirkx, Aaron Haberl, Kaden Halterman, Jennifer Magner, Regan Rowedder, Khloe Schroeder, and Lucas Williams, and Ryler Ziegmann be for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider revisions to the district return to learn plan – Moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve the revised plan with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying the job description for Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate-Preschool – moved by Johnston/Horsley to approve the job description with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying policy 708.1 Student Conduct on School Transportation – no action taken
- Consider offering retirement incentive plan – no action taken
- Consider bids for roof replacement on the Ag Building – moved by Horsley/Friel to accept the bid from BTR Contraction for $24,507 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bids for Phase II of door locks at CHS – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from Doors Inc. for $8,201 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for upgrading gym lighting at Adams Elementary – moved by Friel/Horsley to accept the bid from Voss Lighting for $14.965 with a preliminary rebate incentive of $9,565.50 for an expected net cost of $5,399.50 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for repair of Bobcat UTV – moved by Horsley/Johnston to approve the quote from Haley Equipment for $5,506.49 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the request for MSA of $138,817.83 for open enrollment out and $10,252.06 for EL Instruction beyond 5 years with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Resolution for interfund balance transfers – moved by Friel/Horsley to approve interfund transfers of $72,943.26 from the nutrition fund to the general fund for indirect expenses for FY24 and $39,395.85 from the TigerZone fund to the general fund for FY24 direct expenses with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider bid for soil testing for Transportation Facility – moved by Johnston/Horsley to accept the bid from CTS for $26,060 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Dispose obsolete kitchen equipment – moved by Horsley/McCaulley to approve disposal of obsolete kitchen equipment that has been replaced in the last 3-4 months including coolers and oven by salvaging at Quandt’s with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Reports
CLOSED SESSION – At 8:39PM, it was moved by Johnston/McCaulley to enter into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i: To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 9:06PM.
ADJOURNMENT – moved by Johnston/Horsley to adjourn at 9:06pm with unanimous approval. The next board meeting will be a work session held on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room
Respectfully Submitted,
\s\ Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.12.02
Minutes - 2024.12.02Minutes
December 2, 2024 Work Session
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- State Report Card
- Review the district At Risk Plan
- Staffing plan for 25-26 initial discussion
- Share learning from Iowa Association of School Boards convention
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/McCaulley to adjourn at 8:09pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is December 16, 2024 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2024.12.16
Minutes - 2024.12.16Minutes - Regular Board Meeting
Carroll CSD Board of Education
December 16, 2024
Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – Duane Horsley, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board Members McCaulley, Horsley, Johnston and Friel were present and Board Member Lundstrom was absent
APPROVE AGENDA Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the agenda with unanimous approval.
CLOSED SESSION - At 6:32PM, it was moved by Johnston/Friel to enter into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5(1) c: to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation may be imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the government body in that litigation.. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
The board returned to open session at 6:42PM.
PRESENTATION – Adams Elementary teachers Carrie Hampton and Joelle White along with Adams principal Amy Collison gave a presentation on their use/application of the new science curriculum through Open SciEd.
Minutes – November 18, 2024 Regular and Annual Meetings; December 2, 2024
Bills – General Fund: $187,926.13; Activity Fund: $32,761.05; Management Fund: $74,871.00; SAVE Fund: $79,942.83; PPEL Fund: $42,346.46; Nutrition Fund: $86,184.70
First Reading of Board Policies – 239, 220 (formerly 240R1), 241, 242E1, 245
Recommendation to delete policy – 490
Second Reading of Board Policies – 226, 229, 230
Moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the consent agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
DONATIONS – Non-perishable food to the Tiger Cupboard from First Baptist Church, Amanda Orton/Brady Brehmer, Caring Hearts, Family Resource Center; Gently used chest freezer to the Tiger Cupboard from Natalie Forke; Hygiene items to the Tiger Cupboard from Terryn Schulz; $3,000 to the Tiger Cupboard from Sara and Dennis (Swede) Anderson; $100 to the Tiger Cupboard from Barry and Mary Bruner; $500 to the Tiger Cupboard from Carroll Broadcasting/Kids Christmas Wish; America’s White Table by Margot Raven to the 4th grade classrooms by the Breda American Legion Auxiliary; and $100 in recognition of National Education Week from the Breda American Legion Auxiliary. Moved by Johnston/McCaulley to accept the donations with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Joyce Bierl wishes to resign from her Administrative Assistant to the Activities Director position at the end of the school year. Joyce has worked for CCSD for nineteen years.
- Scot Aden wishes to resign from his Middle School Principal position effective December 16th.
- Kirk Christensen wishes to resign from his Varsity Girls' Track coaching position. Kirk coached track for twenty-five years.
- Josh Lucken wishes to resign from his assistant baseball coaching position contingent upon being approved for the head baseball coaching position.
- Kayla Damman wishes to resign from her teacher associate position at CMS retroactive to December 10th. Kayla has worked for CCSD for two years.
- Amy Collison would like to recommend Marcia Mendoza for a Tier II Special Education Teacher Associate position at Adams for 7.25 hours/day at $14.82 per hour (the wage she was making when she resigned in August 2024).
- Randy Bissen would like to recommend Josh Lucken for the head baseball position. He has six years of paid experience. He played college baseball at Northwestern and has been our freshmen baseball coach for one year and our assistant baseball coach the past two years. If approved he would be paid $5,122 (for 2024-2025).
- Crystal Boes would like to recommend Anne Kluver for a Tier III Specialized Special Education teacher associate position for 7.25 hours per day at $16.23 ($15.63 + .30 for her AA + .30 for experience).
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Jeff Booher for the Mail/Shuttle route retroactive to December 2nd. If approved Jeff would work 2.5 hours/day on days that school is in session in addition to his contracted bus driving routes and would be paid $15.20/hour for these added hours.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Kevin Alexander for a contracted bus driving position. If approved Jeff would work 4 hours/day and he would be paid $21.70/hour (the base pay of $21.50 plus $.20 for experience). Kevin would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 stipend for successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training. He has a CDL with the proper endorsements.
- Jennifer Dentlinger would like to recommend Ryan Clausen for a contracted bus driving position contingent upon him receiving the school bus and passenger endorsements and a clear background check. He has a CDL license. If approved he would drive 4 hours/day approximately 15 days/month and would be paid $21.75 (the base pay of $21.50/hour plus $.25 cents for 6 1/2 years of experience). Ryan would also receive a $2,000 signing bonus plus $500 upon successful completion of 17 hours of required bus driver training.
- Sue Ruch would like to recommend that Zoe Myers' Letter of Assignment be modified to include 2 hours per day and 2 days per week as Tier I General Education TA working in Tiger Zone.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend that the interim middle school principal position be added to Crystal Boes' contract effective December 16th. If approved, her contract for 2024-25 would be revised to $123,723 for the added interim principal duties.
- Casey Berlau would like to recommend that TJ Jumper’s agreement for 2 days/week of Assistant Principal coverage at CMS be extended through the end of February.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Dylan Feauto as a volunteer with the high school wrestling program.
- Randy Bissen is recommending Jordan Janson as a volunteer with the 7th grade boys’ basketball team.
Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to approve the Personnel Report with the exception of Mr. Aden’s resignation as CMS Principal. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
Moved by McCaulley/Johnston to reject Mr. Aden’s resignation of CMS Principal effective December 16th as there is no suitable full-time replacement and therefore not a proper release from the signed contract. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
- Approve early graduates – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve Nyadeng Tharjiath and Levi Dirkx for graduation at the semester pending the completion of the graduation requirements of the CCSD with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Memorandum of Understanding with Carroll County for emergency shelter or transport – Moved by Johnston/Friel to approve the MOU with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider revision to board policy 708.1 Student Conduct on School Transportation – moved by Johnston/Friel to approve 708.1 and 708.1R1 and waiving the 2nd reading with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider stipulation with Graphite Construction – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the parties’ settlement stipulation with Graphite Construction with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider request from iJAG to hold a lunchtime cookie fundraiser on 12/19 at CHS – moved by Friel/Johnston to approve the fundraiser with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider modifying the job description for Administrative Assistant to the Activities Director – moved by McCaulley/Friel to approve the revisions with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Consider quotes for project design and management for the CHS roof replacement project – moved by Friel/McCaulley to accept the bid from CCG for $16,250 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Sub Rates – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the updated sub rates for kitchen manager and route bus driver with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- At-Risk/Dropout Prevention MSA Request for 25-26 – moved by Friel/McCaulley to approve the MSA request $541,874 for 25-26 with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Budget Reports
ADJOURNMENT – moved by McCaulley/Friel to adjourn at 8:18pm with unanimous approval. The next board meeting will be a work session held on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM in the Adams Elementary Board Room.
Respectfully Submitted,
\s\ Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary
Minutes - 2025.01.06
Minutes - 2025.01.06Minutes
January 6, 2025 Work Session
Carroll CSD
6:30 PM Adams Elementary Board Room
CALL MEETING TO ORDER - ROLL CALL – President Lundstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Board members present were members Friel, Horsley, Johnston, Lundstrom and McCaulley.
APPROVE THE AGENDA – Motion by Horsley/Friel to approve the agenda with unanimous approval by roll call vote.
- Review budget timeline for fiscal year 2026 budget.
- Review board governance plan
- Update on 2025-26 staffing plan
- Bus driver pay
- Needs Assessment results
ADJOURN – moved by Friel/Horsley to adjourn at 8:10pm with unanimous approval. Next meeting is January 27th, 2025 at 6:30PM at Adams Elementary.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Nicole L McCarville, Board Secretary