Minutes - 2022.7.18

Minutes - 2022.7.18


CCSD Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting

July 18, 2022

5:30 p.m.  Board Room, Adams Elementary School


Call to Order: Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School. 


Public Forum: There were no public comments.


Roll Call: Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling


Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the Board agenda.   Karen Friedlein seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Donations: A donation from Walsh Productions LLC to the drama department was presented and the donation has an approximate value of $5,700, consisting of adult costumes, props, set pieces, electric keyboard, microphone and mic stand.  Onica Ulveling moved to accept the donation and Karen Friedlein seconded.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Presentation: The Teaching and Learning team along with the building administrators presented information on the ISASP testing data from 2021-2022.


Policy Discussion: The Board discussed policy 809 Gifts, Grants and Bequests and 712 Extra-Curricular Activities- Bus Service.  No action was taken.


Board Consideration of Complaint: Board President Cindy Johnson gave a statement regarding a complaint brought to the board.  All board members received the detailed report of the investigation into the complaint as well as Dr. Berlau’s recommendations as a result of that investigation.  Karen Friedlein moved to: amend Dr. Berlau’s recommendations regarding the complaint to reflect a pause on topic #3 & 4 written in the complaint recommendation summary page for a minimum of one year; to accept the remainder of the recommendations regarding the complaint as written and presented; and to direct Dr. Berlau to take action consistent with the recommendations and provide information to the Board as appropriate regarding the progress of action on the recommendations.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Consent Agenda:

  1. Minutes of the June 20th and June 27th Board meetings
  2. Bill listings in the following amounts:

      General Fund         $316,075.27

      Student Activity Fund         $8,521.57

      Management Fund         $243,644.25

      Physical Plant & Equipment Levy         $93,189.70

      Scholarship Trust Fund         $800.00

      Local Option Sales Tax         $45,204.43

      Nutrition Fund         $56,734.23

  1. Resignations: None
  2. Ar-We-Va Food Service Directory Sharing Agreement
  3. Board Policy Review

1st Reading

210 Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest

406 Child Abuse Reporting

566R1 Administration of Medication to Students Regulation

708 School Student Transportation Eligibility

718 Radon Mitigation

718R1 Radon Mitigation Regulation

2nd Reading

203 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

821 Secretary’s Monthly Report

822 Publication of Financial Reports

824 Audits & Audit Committee

825 District Records

826 Financial Records

829 Capital Assets Management System

831 Insurance Program

833 Debt Management & 833R1 Post-Issuance Compliance Regulation for

Tax-Exempt Obligations

407 Employee Travel Compensation

466 Vacations (Non-Bargaining)

806 Expenditures for a Public Purpose & 806R1 Use of Public Funds Regulation

807 Internal Controls & 807R1 Internal Controls Regulation


It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Administrative Report: Dr. Berlau gave a short update, including an updated district leadership organizational chart, brief introduction to tuition reimbursement plan for staff in certain situations, and a discussion on Policy 528 Smoking Drinking Drugs.  No action was taken on these topics.


District Vehicle Replacement Plan: Dr. Berlau presented Jeff Cullen’s 2022-23 district vehicle plan which included a proposal of selling 3 passenger (non-bus) vehicles, reassigning 4 current vehicles and purchasing 2 new suburbans.  For buses, he recommended selling 3 vehicles and get quotes for 3 new buses.  The suburbans would be purchased in the 22-23 year and bus orders are projecting about 1 year lead time so the 3 buses would be purchased in the 23-24 year.  Karen Friedlein moved to approve the vehicle replacement plan as presented and Onica Ulveling seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Job Description – Debate Coach: Dr. Berlau presented the job description for the position of Debate Coach. Karen Friedlein motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the job description. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Administrative Assignments: Dr. Berlau presented the recommended 2022-2023 administrative assignments. 

  • Affirmative Action Coordinators – Crystal Boes, alternate – Nicole McCarville
  • Education Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator – Crystal Boes
  • Section 504 Coordinator – Crystal Boes

•            Abuse of Students by Employees

                Level I Investigators – Hunter Harmening and Karinne Tharaldson, alternate – Kristi Shanks;

Level II Investigator – Carroll Police Department

•            Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer – Crystal Boes and Jeff Dvorak

•            Homeless Liaison – Jill Greiman

•            Migrant Liaison – Jill Greiman

•            Deputy Principals*

Fairview – Crystal Boes and Karinne Tharaldson

Adams Elementary – Crystal Boes and Karinne Tharaldson

Carroll Middle School – Jill Greiman and Karinne Tharaldson

Carroll High School – Amy Collison and Karinne Tharaldson

•            Deputy Superintendent* – Nicole McCarville and Karinne Tharaldson

•            Deputy Activities Director* - Amy Collison and Kourtney Abbotts

*            Deputy is defined as the administrator-in-charge during the absence of the regular administrator.

Karen Friedlein moved and Duane Horsley seconded to approve the assignments as proposed.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


IASB Legislative Priorities: Dr. Berlau presented his recommendations for the 2022-23 IASB Legislative platform to include Preschool Funding, Mental Health Services, Market-Competitive Wages, Teacher Recruitment and Licensure, and Supplemental State Aid.  Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the priorities as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Personnel Report:

  1. Approvals for Employment:

The following recommendations for employment were presented:

      • Crystal Boes is recommending Dexter Fonz Siarez for a 4th Grade teaching position. Fonz has a Master's Degree in Elementary Education. Fonz has seven years of teaching experience in Cebu City, Philippines. If approved Fonz would receive a salary of $48,857. Also a signing bonus of $2,000, with $1,000 being received in September 2022, and another $1,000 received in September 2023. Approval is recommended contingent upon Fonz obtaining an Iowa teaching license.
      • Crystal Boes would like to recommend Kristin Promes for the teacher associate position. Kristin would work half time as Special Ed TA and half time as S & P TA. Kristin has most recently worked at Drake University. Special Ed TA $13.35 and S & P TA $14.42. If approved she would work a total of 6.75 hr/day. Approval is recommended.
      • Jerry Raymond would like to recommend Joshua Ahrens for a 1-to-1 special education teacher associate at Carroll Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year. If approved Joshua would be paid Special Ed TA $13.55. If approved she would work a total of 7 hr/day. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
      • Sue Ruch would like to recommend Jordan Petersen for a teacher associate position. Jordan would work half of her day as a Special Ed TA and the other half as a Severe Profound TA at Fairview. If approved Jordan would work 6.75 hr/day and be paid Special Ed TA $13.65 per hour and Severe and Profound TA $14.72 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
      • Sue Ruch would like to recommend Sarah Carstens for a general education teacher associate plus one hour per day 6:45AM to 7:45AM in Tiger Zone (Gen Ed TA) position. Sarah would work 7.75 hr/day. If approved Sarah would be paid General Ed TA $13.04 per hour. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
      • Randy Bissen would like to recommend Samantha Vonnahme for the varsity girls' golf coaching position at Carroll High School. Samantha has no paid golf coaching experience but was a volunteer with the girl’s golf program last year. If approved Samantha would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,417. Approval is recommended.
      • Randy Bissen would like to recommend Karli DeMoss for the assistant girls' swimming coaching position at Carroll High School. Karlie has no paid swimming coaching experience. If approved Karli would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $1,880. Approval is recommended contingent upon Karli obtaining her coaching authorization
      • Randy Bissen would like to recommend Stephanie Jorgensen for the varsity girls' soccer coaching position at Carroll High School. Stephanie has no paid soccer coaching experience. She is a CHS alumni and was on the first girls' soccer team at CHS. If approved Stephanie would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,759. Approval is recommended contingent upon Stephanie obtaining her coaching authorization.
      • Randy Bissen would like to recommend Cody Wardell for the assistant varsity football coaching position at Carroll High School. Cody has no paid football coaching experience but was a volunteer with the football program last year. If approved Cody would be on Step 0 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,076. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.
      • Randy Bissen would like to recommend Josh Lucken for the JV varsity baseball coaching position at Carroll High School. Josh coached freshman baseball last year and helped out at the varsity level this past year. He will do a great job at his new position. If approved Josh would be on Step 8 of the salary schedule and would be paid $3,563. Approval is recommended

    Contract Modification:

  • Jerry Raymond is recommending Wanita Dentlinger for a Sped TA position at CMS.  Wanita currently works as a Sped TA at AES. If approved Wanita's hours would increase from 6.75 hr/day to 7 hr/day. Approval of transfer is recommended.

It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the recommendations for employment and Kristen Lundstrom seconded.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Business Office Report

Approval of District Audit for FY21: Nicole McCarville presented the district’s FY21 audit completed by Nolte, Cornman & Johnson PC.  Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to accept the audit.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Appointment of Secretary/Treasurer (Code 279.3): It was moved by Onica Ulveling to appoint Nicole McCarville as the Board Secretary/Treasurer.  Karen Friedlein seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Cindy Johnson administered the oath of office to Nicole McCarville.


Issue of Warrants Resolution: Nicole McCarville presented the Issue of Warrants Resolution for fiscal year 2022-23 for approval.  Duane Horsley moved to approve the resolution as follows: “The Board of Directors of the Carroll Community School District hereby authorizes the Board Secretary to issue warrants when the Board is not in session for the payment of utilities, freight, drayage, express, postage, salaries, state and federal taxes, FICA, IPERS, health insurance premiums, other payroll deductions (United Way, 403b, court-ordered garnishments), advance transportation expenses, registration fees and related costs, and previously approved contracted expenses.” Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. 


Bank Depositories: Nicole McCarville presented a resolution naming bank depositories for 2022-23 with the following limits:

Depository Name      Home Office      Balance

United Bank of Iowa      Ida Grove, IA      $8,000,000

AvailaBank      Carroll, IA      $4,000,000

Iowa Savings Bank      Carroll, IA      $3,500,000

Commercial Savings Bank      Carroll, IA      $1,000,000

Bank of the West      San Francisco, CA      $1,000,000

Templeton Savings Bank      Templeton, IA      $1,000,000

Westside State Bank      Westside, IA      $1,000,000

Breda Savings Bank      Breda, IA      $1,000,000

INVESTMENTS (not required)

Iowa Schools      Des Moines, IA      $7,500,000

Joint Investment Trust

It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the resolution. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Tires Bids: Dr. Berlau reported that two tire bids were received by the district for 18 tires for the 2022-23 school year.   Bauer Built Tire Company bid $3,033.72 and Performance Tire bid $3,451.00.  Duane Horsley moved to accept the bid from Bauer Built Tire and Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Preschool Agreement with Kuemper: Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposed preschool agreement with Kuemper Catholic School.  The only changes in the agreement were updating of the funding amounts for the year and change in administrators of both schools.  It was moved by Onica Ulveling to approve the proposed preschool agreement between the Carroll Community School District and the Kuemper Catholic School System for the 2022-23 school year.  Karen Friedlein seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Ag Program Agreement with Kuemper: Dr. Casey Berlau presented the sharing agreement between Carroll Community School District and Kuemper Catholic School System for Kuemper students to participate in the Carroll district’s agriculture classes and FFA chapter 2022-23. It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agreement for agriculture classes and FFA between CCSD and Kuemper and Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Milk Bids: Nicole McCarville presented the bids for milk products for the 2022-23 school year.  The district received bids from Anderson Erickson and Kemps.  The Anderson Erickson bid was lower on all products and gave a bid for each of the products requested.  It was moved by Duane Horsley to accept the Anderson Erickson bid for milk products for the 22-23 school year.  Kristen Lundstrom seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Bread Bids: Nicole McCarville presented the bids for bread.  Only one bid for bread products for the 22-23 school year was received, which is common with what other area districts are experiencing.  The bid received was from Bimbo Bakery. It was moved by Karen Friedlein and seconded by Onica Ulveling to accept the bread product bid from Bimbo Bakery for the 2022-23 school year.  The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.


Budget updates: Nicole McCarville presented various budget reports for the district as of June 2022, with not all fiscal year numbers being final as additional revenue and journal entries are received/posted. 


Adjournment: It was moved by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m.  Karen Friedlein seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.

mkohorst@carro… Wed, 09/14/2022 - 08:33