Minutes - 2022.6.6

Minutes - 2022.6.6


Board of Directors’ Meeting

June 6, 2022

5:30 p.m.  Board Room, Adams Elementary School


Call to Order:

Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.  Staff members present:  Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Karinne Tharaldson, Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, Jill Greiman, Patrick Rabbitt, Crystal Boes, Kelli Schulz, Ryan Simmelink, Linsey Pick, Sandy Kluver, and Tom Borchers.  Trevor Babcock, Casey Meiners and Amy Whitver from the press were also present. 


Roll Call:  Board members present: Karen Friedlein, Duane Horsley, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, and Onica Ulveling.  Absent: None.


Approval of Agenda:

It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda.   The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote. 


CHS Driveway Project Bids

Dr. Berlau presented the three bids received for the CHS Driveway Project.  All bids met specifications and were considered.  Bids received were: Precision Concrete Services (Total bid = $333,406.30), Smith Concrete Service ($311,738.00) and Ten Point Construction ($184,824.22).  With the large difference between the low bid and others, the team present at the bid opening (which included a rep from JEO Consulting) confirmed that the bids were on the same specs.  Dr. Berlau shared that Ten Point is also doing work for the city of Carroll this summer and would be able to complete the project by the start of school.  Duane Horsley moved to accept the bid from Ten Point Construction at a total bid of $184,824.22 and Karen Friedlein seconded.  The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.


Work Session

The Building Administrators and Teaching & Learning team presented an overview of district assessment data, including FAST, NWEA, and ISASP.  They also talked about strategies to improve the assessments going forward, the team’s focus for the 2022-2023 year and updates on work completed in the 2021-2022 year.


It was moved by Onica Ulveling to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM, seconded by Karen Friedlein.  Unanimous approval.


mkohorst@carro… Thu, 06/23/2022 - 12:05