Minutes - 2022.3.21

Minutes - 2022.3.21


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

March 21, 2022

5:30 PM, Adams Elementary Board Room


  1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM     


  1. PUBLIC FORUM – Nobody address the Board for the public forum.     


  1. ROLL CALL – Board members present: Cindy Johnson, Onica Ulveling, Karen Friedlein, and Duane Horsley.  CCSD Administrators present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Nicole McCarville, Tammie McKenzie, Karinne Tharaldson, and Jerry Raymond.  Others present (staff and public): Justin McCool, Trevor Babcock, KC Meiners, Todd Louwagie, Carmen Schimmer, Todd Schimmer, Roxanne Aden, Cathy Smith, Deb Grote, Carla Henson, Debbie Mohr, Tanya Jackson, Beth Wenck     
  1. APPROVE AGENDA – Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda and Karen Friedlein seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.     


  1. CESA OPENING PROPOSALTodd Louwagie of ISEA representing CESA presented the opening offer for 2022-2023 with: $1.00 increase to starting and current wages for Teacher Associates, an increase from $0.30 to $0.50 for certificate bonus for Teacher Associates, a $1.00 increase to starting wages for the Route and Activity Drivers, and a range of $0.25-$9.20 of current Route Driver wages for a total salary increase for the group of 8.48% and package increase of 8.09% (or $211,616.14).
  1. CARROLL CSD OPENING PROPOSAL – Dr. Berlau presented the CCSD opening offer to CESA for the 2022-2023 school year which included a $0.05 across the board increase for a package increase of 1.74%.


  1. APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH CARROLL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION FOR 2022-2023 – Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the CEA contract for 2022-2023 which included $825 increase to base wages for a salary package increase of 2.55% and package increase of 3.31% and cost of $375,233.  The motion passed unanimously.


    1. Minutes from February 7, 2022 and February 21, 2022
    2. Bill List General Fund #1, General Fund #2, Activity Fund #1Activity Fund #2
  1. Resignations
  2. Items withdrawn from Consent Agenda
  3. Field Trips- None presented
  4. Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals
  1. Agreement with University of Northern Iowa to host student teachers
  2. Agreement with Morningside University to host student teachers
  3. Agreement with The Regents Alternative Pathway to Iowa Licensure (RAPIL)
  4. AEA Purchasing Agreement - The food service department has the opportunity to enter into an agreement with AEA to purchase food and equipment at reduced rates.
  5. Board Policy Review - The board will have a First Reading of the following board policies:

913- Gifts, Grants, and Bequests

914- Public Conduct on School Premises

915- Use or Rental of Facilities

916- Loan of School Equipment

Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.

  1.  DONATIONS Steve Klocke would like to donate record boards to be posted in the wrestling room in memory of his father, George Klocke.  Onica Ulveling moved and Duane Horsley seconded to accept the donation.  The motion passed unanimously




1. Jerry Raymond is recommending Steven Bieret for the CMS 8th Grade Social Studies teacher position for the 2022-2023 school year. Steven is a graduate of Buena Vista University in Secondary Education in All Social Sciences (Grades 5-12). If approved Steven would be on the BA step 2 receiving a salary of $41,964 ($35,527 base plus $618 TSS plus $5,819 TSS). Steven will also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.

2. Casey Berlau is recommending Daniel Cordova Gonzalez for an ESL Instructor position for 2022-2023. Daniel received his BA from Universidad Madero and his MA from Universidad de las Americas. Daniel has been teaching at Kuemper High School and prior to that he taught at Eastern Iowa Community College. If approved Daniel would be on the MA lane Step 10 receiving a salary of $50,235 ($43,657 base plus $759 TSS plus $5,819 TSS). Daniel will also receive a $2,000 signing bonus. Approval is recommended.

3. Randy Bissen is recommending Brian Grooms for a 7th grade boy's track coaching position. Brian has no pervious paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would be paid $1,662. Approval is recommended.

4. Randy Bissen is recommending Tyler Swope for a Middle School boy's track coaching position. Tyler has no pervious paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would be paid $1,662. Approval is recommended.

5. Randy Bissen is recommending Josh Peter for a Middle School boy's track coaching position. Josh has no pervious paid track coaching experience. If approved he would be on Step 0 and would be paid $1,662. Approval is recommended.


1. The board approved Carrie Hampton on February 21, 2022 for the Elementary Science position for the 2022-2023 school year. The board approved Carrie at Step 8 of the BA lane for 2022-2023. Teachers are not advancing a Step for 2022-2023 so Carrie will be on Step 7 for 2022-2023.


1. Rachel Wittry will move to the CHS Special Education - Strat I position at CHS for the 2022-2023 school year.

2. Jodi Handlos will move from her 6th grade instructor position to the CMS STEM position for the 2022-2023 school year


1. Randy Bissen is recommending Samantha Vonnahme as a volunteer with the girl’s golf program. Approval of volunteer is recommended.

Duane Horsley motioned and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the personnel recommendations as presented. The motion passed unanimously.



  1. Job Description Review:

1.  Teacher - Middle School Social Studies

2.  Teacher - STEM

3.  Sponsor: Mock Trial at CMS

4.  Sponsor: Mock Trial at CHS

5.  Sponsor: History Day

6.  Director of Special Education

7.  Elementary Principal

Duane Horsley and Karen Friedlein moved and seconded, respectively, to approve the job descriptions.  The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Consider New Courses for CHS – Tammie McKenzie, CHS Principal, presented a proposal to offer 2 new science classes and 4 new Physical Education classes for the 2022-2023 school year.  Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the proposed CHS classes for the 2022-2023 year.  The motion passed unanimously.
  2. DMACC Courses of 2022-2023 – The proposed DMACC course offerings for 2022-2023 were presented.  Onica Ulveling moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the DMACC courses for the 2022-2023 year.  Kristen Lundstrom abstained from voting.  The motion passed 4-0. 
  3. Administrative Structure Plan for 2022-2023 school year – Dr. Berlau presented his plan for administrators for the 2022-2023 year with the resignation of 2 building principals and the CHS Student Services Coordinator.  His plan presented included replacing the Student Services Coordinator with an Assistant Principal or Dean of Students at CHS.  For the elementary schools, he proposed going from a Principal and Assistant Principal covering both Fairview and Adams to a Principal at Fairview and a Principal/Director of Special Education position for principal duties at Adams and Director of Special Ed duties for the entire district.  Karen Friedlein moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the proposed administrator plan for 2022-2023.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. FFA Farm Leases for 2022

      1. Farm Lease with Kuemper

      2. Farm Lease with Todd Rueter

             Duane Horsley moved and Karen Friedlein seconded to approve the farm leases with Kuemper and Todd Rueter.  The motion passed unanimously.


   12.    BUSINESS OFFICE REPORT            (6:15 PM)

  1. Present draft of 2022-2023 Certified Budget – Nicole presented the draft of the 2022-2023 certified budget, which shows a property tax levy of 9.48541 compared to levy rate from FY22 of 9.4685.
  2. Set date, time and location for public hearing for certified budget – The Board set a public hearing date and time of Wednesday April 6th at 12:00 PM at the Adams Elementary Board Room for the FY23 certified budget as well as the FY22 revised budget.
  3. Bids for gate replacement at bus barn

                               Bid #1 – American Fence Co $18,433

                               Bid #2 – Tigges Overhead Doors $12,110.06

             Duane Horsley moved and Onica Ulveling seconded to approve the bid from Tigges Overhead Doors for $12,110.06 for the gate replacement at the bus barn.  The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Budget Reports


   13.    ADJOURNMENT Cindy Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 PM, unanimous approval.

mkohorst@carro… Mon, 12/20/2021 - 10:24