Minutes - 2021.11.29

Minutes - 2021.11.29


Special Board of Directors’ Meeting

November 29, 2021

04:30 p.m.  Board Room, Adams Elementary School


Call to Order:

Board President Cindy Johnson called the meeting to order at 04:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary School.  Board members present Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Kristen Lundstrom, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein.  Staff members present:  Dr. Casey Berlau and Nicole McCarville.  Others present: Nathan Konz, Amy Whitver. 


Approval of Agenda:

It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the Board agenda.   The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote. 


Bill listings in the following amounts:

General Fund:     Alliant Energy, natural gas            $758.63

             Chalk.com Education, services         $8,750.00

             Woodriver Energy, natural gas         $9,490.09

                                      Total         $18,998.72                   

It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Onica Ulveling to approve the bill list.  The motion passed unanimously.



The following resignation was presented for approval:

  • Paul Dern wishes to resign from his bus driving position. 

The following hiring recommendation was presented:

  • Jake Gute was recommended for hire as the fall play musical director/pit orchestra lead.

It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to approve the personnel recommendations.  The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.


Proposal for Facility Master Plan for Carroll CSD:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the facility committee’s recommendation to accept the Facility Master Planning proposal from DLR Group at a cost of $28,000.  It was moved by Duane Horsley and seconded by Karen Friedlein to approve the bid from DLR Group at a cost of $28,000 for Facility Master Planning services for the district.  The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.



It was moved by Onica Ulveling and seconded by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 4:37p.m.  Unanimous approval.


____________________________          _____________________________

Cindy Johnson, President      Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary



Approved: _____________________


mkohorst@carro… Tue, 11/16/2021 - 09:11