Minutes -2021.6.28

Minutes -2021.6.28


Special Board of Directors’ Meeting

June 28, 2021

12:00 p.m.  Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School



Call to Order:

Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Board conference room of Adams Elementary School.  Board members present: Cindy Johnson (via phone), Duane Horsley, Karen Friedlein.  Board members absent were: Onica Ulveling, Jennifer Munson. Staff present: Dr. Casey Berlau, Gary Bengtson, Nicole McCarville, LeAnn Kock, Craig Rowedder, and Jeff Dvorak.  There were representatives present from both Walsh and ByteSpeed. 


Approval of Agenda:

Duane Horsley moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Cindy seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen   Nays: None


Review/Approve End of Year Bills:

Gary Bengtson reviewed the end of year bills with the Board in the following amounts:

General Fund            $70,688.61

Management Fund            $168,526.00

Local Option Sales Tax            $43,264.75

Student Activity Fund            $2,961.33

School Nutrition Fund            $470.32


Duane Horsley motioned to approve the bills as presented.  Karen seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Duane, Karen, Cindy   Nays: None



  1. Resignations:

The following resignation was presented for approval:

•            Ashley Webber wishes to resign from her Prom Sponsor position. Approval of recommendation is recommended.


  1. Recommendations for Employment

The following recommendations for employment were presented for approval:

•            Randy Bissen is recommending Joshua Lucken for 7th grade boys basketball coaching position.  Josh has one year of basketball coaching experience and if approved would be on Step 3 of the salary schedule and would receive $1,902.  Approval is recommended.

•            Jerry Raymond is recommending Marcia Mendoza for a special education teacher associate position at CMS.  If approved, Marcia would be paid $12.25 per hour and would work 7 hours per day.  Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.

•            Tammie McKenzie is recommending Samantha Vonnahme for a teacher associate position at CHS.  Samantha has her degree in Early Childhood Education from DMACC and has a year TA experience with the Ankeny community school district.  Samantha is a 2006 graduate of Carroll High School.  If approved, she will be paid $12.29 (base for gen ed TA $11.99 plus $.30 for two year degree).  Approval is recommended contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.

•            Jerry Raymond is recommending the following TLC positions to be filled by CMS Staff:  Mentors: Tonia Onken, Amy Madsen, Alison Weber and Nate Wall.  Approval is recommended.



  1. Contract Modifications:

The following contract modification is recommended for approval:

•            Mary Kohorst’s hourly wage be adjusted from $19.60 to $20.75.  This adjustment is due to adjustments made to the job description.  Approval of contract modification is recommended.

•            Jennifer Dentlinger’s contract was adjusted from an 11-month contract to a 12-month contract.  The hourly rate of pay will remain the same, $13.15 per hour.  The reason for this recommendation is based on the work that is needed through the summer months to prepare for the upcoming school year.  Approval of contract modification is recommended.


Duane Horsley motioned to approve all items on the personnel report.  Cindy seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Cindy, Duane   Nays: None


HVAC Upgrades at CHS

Jeff Dvorak updated the board that he was still waiting on a second bid the HVAC upgrades at CHS so the item is tabled to a later meeting.


AES Camera Bids

Two bids for cameras at Adams Elementary were presented by Craig Rowedder.  Walsh Door & Security submitted a bid for $56,835 which included on premise server stored software and ByteSpeed submitted a bid of $62,536.05 which included cloud based storage and 5 year licensing of the software.  Craig recommended the ByteSpeed bid to be consistent with cameras/software in place at Fairview, its ease of access by authorized administrators and it doesn’t require server space.  It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve Craig’s recommended bid from ByteSpeed for a cost of $62,536.05.  The motion was seconded by Karen Friedlein.  The motion passed on a roll call vote as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Duane, Karen   Nays: None



It was moved by Duane Horsley to adjourn the meeting at 12:19 p.m.  Karen Friedlein seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.




____________________________          _____________________________

Karen Friedlein, President      Nicole McCarville, Board Secretary



Approved: _____________________



mkohorst@carro… Sun, 05/23/2021 - 10:48