Minutes - 2020.12.14

Minutes - 2020.12.14


Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting

December 14, 2020

5:30 p.m., Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School



Call to Order:

Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School.  Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein.  Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson.  The meeting was also streamed on Zoom due the COVID-19 pandemic.


Approval of Agenda:

         It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the agenda as presented.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

         Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


Consent Agenda:

  1. Minutes of the November 11th and November 16th Board meetings
  2. Bill listings in the following amounts:

General Fund      $210,184.51

Student Activity Fund      $65,060.76

Management Fund      $33,867.25

Local Option Sales Tax      $18,012.13

Physical Plant & Equipment Levy      $33,454.60

Debt Service      $800.00

Nutrition Fund      $37,375.56

  1. Resignations
  2. Field Trips
  3. Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda


It was moved by Duane Horsley to approve the consent agenda.  Jennifer Munson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


Public Forum:

         Dr. Casey Berlau stated Frances O’Leary, high school art instructor, had sent him comments she wanted presented to the Board.  He read her comments in which she encouraged the school district to remain in the hybrid model at the high school until the end of the first semester.  She also requested clarification of the minutes of the November 11, 2020 Board meeting related to the mask mandate and what is to happen at the January 18, 2021 Board meeting.


The Board addressed the mask mandate by clarifying that it will be reviewed at the January 18th meeting but would require Board action to remove or change it.

Dr. Casey Berlau explained that the rationale for the high school returning after Christmas break rather than waiting until the start of the second semester will be discussed later in the agenda under the Return to Learn Plan. 



Dr. Berlau presented the following donations for approval:

•      The Lions Club of Carroll would like to donate $300 to be used by the Elementary Media Centers.

•      Seaboard Foods would like to donate $2,500 to the athletic department.


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to accept the donations.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

         Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy  Nays: None


Personnel Report:

  1. Employment Recommendations:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:

•            Jerry Raymond is recommending Sandy Davis for a Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll Middle School.  If approved, Ms. Davis would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $11.80 per hour.  Approval is requested retroactive to December 15th.

•            Jerry Raymond is recommending Jordan Janssen for a Special Education Teacher Associate position at Carroll Middle School.  If approved, Ms. Janssen would work 6 hours per day and would be paid $11.50 per hour.  Jeff Cullen is recommending Jordan for a contracted bus driving position as well.  If approved, she would be paid $18.82 per hour and would work 2 hours per day.  Approval is recommended.

•            Jerry Raymond is recommending Jesse Tatman for a Special Education Teacher Association position at Carroll Middle School.  If approved, Jesse would work 7 hours per day and would be paid $12.00 per hour.  Approval is recommended.

•            Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Tom Feldman for a Special Education Teacher Association position at Fairview Elementary School.  If approved, Tom would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.05 per hour.  Approval is recommended.

•            Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Sarah Fineran for a Special Education Teacher Association position at Fairview Elementary School.  If approved, Sarah would work 6.75 hours per day and would be paid $12.10 per hour.  Approval is recommended.

•            Randy Bissen is recommending Tony Hooper for the Head Girls Golf Coaching position.  If approved he would receive a stipend of $3,712.00.  Approval is recommended.


  1. Contract Modification:

Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Kim Becerra was approved as a Middle School Volleyball coach on September 21, 2020 at Step 7 of the salary schedule for $1,970.  Ms. Becerra should have been approved on Step 14 of the salary schedule at $2,210.  Approval is recommended.


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the employment recommendations and the contract modification as presented.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer  Nays: None


Administration Report:

  1. Reports from Superintendent and Building Principals:

Dr. Casey Berlau reported the calendar committee is currently working on the 2021-2022 school calendar.  He stated this year the district will be negotiating with both the Carroll Education Association and the Carroll Education Support Association as 2020-2021 will mark the end of a two year agreement.  Dr. Berlau said that in January we will be talking about staffing for next year and reviewing class sizes.  He said that area superintendents will be meeting with local legislators Friday morning.  Dr. Berlau mentioned the Remote Learning Coordinator position has been posted and the district is working on setting up applicant interviews.


Dr. Casey Berlau stated the principal’s reports are available on-line.  Tammie McKenzie, Jerry Raymond, and Patrick Rabbitt reported on building activities via zoom and answered Board member questions.


  1. Return to Learn Plan Update:

Dr. Casey Berlau stated that the Carroll Community School District has been in school since the start of the school year with the option for students to select remote learning.  Carroll High School has been in a hybrid learning mode since the second week of the school year.  He stated that although the challenges of COVID-19 are far from over it is felt it’s time to have the high school return to full-time learning.  The plan is to have them to return after the Christmas break. He reviewed the updated Return to Learn Plan which would have high school students returning to school full-time after the Christmas break.  By coming back after the break it will allow students ten days for students to prepare for the end of the semester.  In addition, all other buildings have been attending school full-time with minimal problems.  He stated that the district will continue to manage the situation as problems arise but any future learning adjustments will be made on a two week basis only.


  1. At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Funding for 2021-2022:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the proposed at-risk/dropout prevention application for the 2021-2022 school year.  The application is for $358,688 with a required local match of $119,563. 


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the submission of the at-risk/dropout prevention application for 2021-2022.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane  Nays: None


  1. Board Policy Revisions:

The Board held a first reading on the following Board Policies:

  1. Credit Card for Fuel
    1. Credit Card Use

408R1      Credit Card Use Regulation

  1. Employee Use of Cell Phones

412      Annuities

414      Activity Pass

415      Unused Vacation

416      Employee Records

416R1      Employee Personnel Records Regulation

419      Absence Without Pay


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the first reading of Board policies 408, 408.1, 408R1, 409, 412, 414, 415, 416, 416R1, and 419.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


Business Office Report:

  1. Capital Outlay:
  1. Video Cameras for Fairview Elementary and Bus Barn:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the bid from TechZone of Jefferson and Walsh Door and Security of Des Moines for a security camera system at Fairview Elementary and the Bus Garage. 


It was moved by Cindy Johnson to accept the bid from TechZone for a camera system at Fairview and the Bus Barn for $57,594.60.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


  1. JEO Engineering – Traffic Study:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented a proposal from JEO Engineering for a traffic study around the Carroll High School and Carroll Middle School.  The cost of the study is estimated at $15,200.00.


It was moved by Duane Horsley to move forward with the agreement with JEO Engineering for professional services for a traffic study for $15,200.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy  Nays: None

  1. Replacement of Dishwasher at Carroll High School:

Gary Bengtson presented two bids for the replacement of the dishwasher at Carroll High School.  He stated that the district had hoped to use the existing machine until summer but the current state of machine will make that impossible.  Mr. Bengtson said both bids are for the same machine with installation from the Hobart Company.  He recommended taking the low bid from Rapids.


It was moved by Cindy Johnston to approve the bid from Rapids Food Service for the purchase of a dishwasher for $26,241.00 plus installation up to $2,150.00.  Jen Munson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer  Nays: None


  1. Computer Server Purchase:

It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the purchase of two servers at $12,500.00 apiece for the high school and middle school from Walsh Door and Security.  Jennifer Munson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


Budget Reports:

      Gary Bengtson presented several budget reports to the Board.




Suggestions for January 18th Board Meeting:



It was moved by Cindy Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.





____________________________          _____________________________

Karen Friedlein, President      Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary




Approved: _____________________

mkohorst@carro… Thu, 01/14/2021 - 13:08