Minutes - 2020.11.16

Minutes - 2020.11.16


Organizational Board of Directors’ Meeting

November 16, 2020

5:30 p.m.  Board Conference Room, Adams Elementary School



Call to Order:

Board President Karen Friedlein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Conference Room at Adams Elementary School.  Board members present: Onica Ulveling, Cindy Johnson, Jennifer Munson, Duane Horsley, and Karen Friedlein.  Staff members present: Dr. Casey Berlau and Gary Bengtson.  Patrick Rabbitt and Jerry Raymond joined the meeting via Zoom.  The meeting was streamed on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Approval of Agenda:

         It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the agenda.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

         Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


Consent Agenda:

  1. Minutes of the October 19, 2020 Board meetings
  2. Bill listings in the following amounts:

General Fund      $245,592.50

Student Activity Fund      $33,694.31

Local Option Sales Tax      $5,980.00

Physical Plant & Equipment Levy      $3,438.98

Nutrition Fund      $43,097.12

Debt Service      $365,451.10

  1. Resignations
  2. Field Trips
  3. Items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda


It was moved by Cindy Johnson to approve the consent agenda.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


Public Forum:

         There was no one present with an issue to bring before the Board.


Organizational Meeting:

A. Election of Officers:

1. Board President:

Gary Bengtson opened the floor to nominations for the position of Board President.  Cindy Johnson nominated Karen Friedlein for the position of Board President.  Duane Horsley seconded the nomination of Karen Friedlein.  The motion to elect Karen Friedlein as Board President passed as follows:

Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy  Nays: None


Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to Karen Friedlein.


2. Board Vice-President:

Karen Friedlein opened the floor to nominations for the position of Board Vice President.  Jennifer Munson nominated Duane Horsley for the position of Board Vice President.  Cindy Johnson seconded the nomination.  The motion to elect Duane Horsley as Board Vice President passed as follows:

Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer  Nays: None


Gary Bengtson administered the oath of office to Duane Horsley.


B.         Establish Regular Meeting Schedule:

            It was moved by Cindy Johnson to establish the regular meeting schedule to be the third Monday of each month with meetings to begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room at Adams Elementary and to continue to use the consent agenda for the 2020-2021 school year.   Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call, the motion passed as follows:

      Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane  Nays: None


C. Review of School Board Ethics:

This discussion was tabled for a future meeting.



  1. Donations:

Dr. Berlau reported that Leer (Carroll Coolers) would like to donate $1,000 to be used by the Carroll Community School District.  It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the donation.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


School Improvement Report:

  1. NWEA Testing Results:

Patrick Rabbit reviewed NWEA testing results for Fairview Elementary and Adams Elementary Schools.  Jerry Raymond reviewed NWEA testing results for the Carroll Middle School and Dr. Berlau reviewed results from the Carroll High School.


Personnel Report:

  1. Recommendations for Employment:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following recommendations for employment:

• Randy Bissen is recommending Brock Jones for the freshman boy’s basketball coaching position at Carroll High School.  If approved Mr. Jones would be paid a stipend of $2,243.00.  Approval is recommended.

• Jeff Cullen is recommending Jeff Booher for a substitute and activity bus driving position.  Approval is contingent upon receipt of a clear background check.

• Patrick Rabbitt is recommending Kristin Molitor for a regular education teacher associate position at Adams Elementary.  If approved, Ms. Molitor would be paid $11.44 and work 7.25 hours per day beginning November 19, 2020.  Approval is recommended.

• Jeff Cullen is recommending Jennifer Dentlinger for the Administrative Assistant to the Transportation Director position.  If approved, she would work from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm for eleven months and would be paid $12.30 per hour.  Approval is recommended.


  1. Volunteers:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the following volunteers for approval:

• Randy Bissen is recommending Craig Rowedder as a volunteer for the 8th grade girl’s basketball team.  Approval of the volunteer is recommended.

• Randy Bissen is recommending Ann Vincent as a volunteer for the Carroll High School dance team.  Approval of the volunteer is recommended.


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the personnel recommendations.  The motion was seconded by Duane Horsley.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


Administration Report:

  1. Approve Early Graduates:

Dr. Casey Berlau reported that Tammie McKenzie is recommending Kenzie Honold and Zoe Schindler be approved for early graduation at the end of the first semester pending completion of the graduation requirements of the Carroll Community School District.


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the two early graduation requests.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy  Nays: None


B.         Facilities Report:

Dr. Casey Berlau reviewed the Facility Report as prepared by Jeff Dvorak.


C.         Second Reading of Board Policies:

The Board held a second reading of the following Board policies:

      106      Therapy Dogs on District Premises - New

      107      Service Animals on District Premises - New

      400      Statement of Guiding Principals

      402      Limitations to Employee References

      403      Employee Conflict of Interest

      404      Employee Political Activity

      405      Public Complaints About Employees

      406      Child Abuse Reporting

      406R1      Child Abuse Reporting Regulation

      642.1      Animals in the Classroom - New

      813      Purchasing Policy

      813E1      Fraud Reporting - New

It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 107 through 813E1 and tabling 106 until next month.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer  Nays: None


D         Enrollment Report:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented the Certified Enrollment Report that was certified with the Iowa Department of Education.  He stated that the total certified enrollment for 2020-2021 was 1,707 students or an increase of 6 students from the 2019-2020 school year.


E.         General Accreditation Standards Exemption Request for Physical Education Scheduling:

Dr. Berlau presented a waiver to the Iowa Department of Education seeking an exemption for students taking physical education every other day all year long.  He stated that the district would prefer to offer physical education every day for a semester.  The total hours of physical education would remain the same.


It was moved by Duane Horsley to apply for the General Accreditation Standard Exemption for physical education for 2021-2022 for grades 9 through 12.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane  Nays: None


  1. Teacher Associate Agreements with Kuemper:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented agreements with Kuemper Catholic Schools for three teacher associates who will work with five special education students.


It was moved by Jen Munson to approve the teacher associate agreements with Kuemper.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


  1. Voluntary Retirement:

The Board reviewed and discussed the two year voluntary retirement plan approved last year.  The Board will offer the second year of the plan in 2020-2021 for six employees. 


Business Office Report:

  1. Capital Outlay –  Video Cameras at Fairview:

Dr. Casey Berlau stated the District is considering installing a camera system at Fairview Elementary.  Two companies have submitted bids but the district has questions on number of cameras, coverages, and system features.  He stated that administers are scheduled to meet with both of the companies and will bring a recommendation to the December meeting.




  1. Approve Lease Agreement with Carroll High School Booster Club for use of the concession stands:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented a lease with the Carroll Booster Club for their use of the concessions facilities at the Carroll Stadium and at the Carroll High School.  He stated the terms of the agreement are the same as last year. 


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the lease with the Carroll Booster Club.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


  1. Request to Dispose of Obsolete Equipment:

Dr. Berlau reported that Jeff Cullen has requested permission to sell a school bus through an on-line auction site rather than just advertising in the local newspaper.  He stated a neighboring district has had success using this approach for the sale of buses. 


It was moved by Cindy Johnson to allow Jeff Cullen to sell the bus in question through an on-line auction service.  Duane Horsley seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica, Cindy  Nays: None


  1. SBRC Modified Supplemental Aid Request:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to the SBRC for modified supplemental amount for increased enrollment, open enrolled out students not counted in prior year, and ELL students exceeding five years. 


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to approve the filing of the SBRC modified supplemental aid request in the amount of $42,992 for increased enrollment, $102,512 for open enrolled out students, and $1,550 for ELL students.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Duane, Karen, Cindy, Onica, Jennifer  Nays: None


  1. Approve School Budget Review Dropout Prevention Request:

Dr. Casey Berlau presented a request to the School Budget Review Committee for Dropout Prevention/At-Risk funds denied by the State Department of Education because the original application was not filed in a timely manner.


It was moved by Duane Horsley to request a rule waiver on supplemental amount which is $463,462 for the at-risk/dropout prevention program.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Karen, Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane  Nays: None


  1. Financial Reports:

Gary Bengtson presented a report which detailed current expenditures from the CARES program for the Carroll Community School District, Kuemper Catholic High School, and the Kuemper Grade School.  He also presented reports on current expenditures to the certified budget and current expenditures and revenues to the line item budgets.


  1. Conventions/Meetings:
        1. IASB Annual Convention – November 18th & 19th


Suggestions for December 16th Board Meeting:

  1. Board Policy Review
  2. Dropout Prevention/At-Risk Application


Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation:

It was moved by Duane Horsley to go into closed session under the provisions of Code of Iowa 21.5.1.i to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  This session will also be closed to comply with the confidentiality of personnel records requirements.  Jennifer Munson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Onica, Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen  Nays: None


Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting closed at 7:38 p.m.


It was moved by Jennifer Munson to return to open session.  Cindy Johnson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion passed as follows:

Ayes: Cindy, Jennifer, Duane, Karen, Onica  Nays: None


Board President Karen Friedlein declared the meeting open at 8:41 p.m.



It was moved by Jennifer Munson to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.  Onica Ulveling seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.





____________________________          _____________________________

Karen Friedlein, President      Gary Bengtson, Board Secretary




Approved: _____________________





mkohorst@carro… Wed, 12/16/2020 - 14:22