526 - Student Lockers

526 - Student Lockers

Student lockers are the property of the district. Students shall use the lockers assigned to them by the district for storing their school materials and personal belongings necessary for attendance at school. The fact that the district furnishes lockers to students or allows students to use a separate lock on their lockers, does not give rise to an expectation of privacy on the student’s part with respect to their lockers. It shall be the responsibility of students to keep their assigned lockers clean and undamaged.

To ensure students are properly maintaining their assigned lockers, the principal/designee of the building may periodically inspect all or a random selection of lockers. Either students or another individual will be present during the inspection of lockers. Student lockers may also be searched at any time and without advance notice, in compliance with board policy regulating search and seizure. A locker inspection may be accomplished by using such methods including, but not limited to, a visual search of lockers by school officials or the use by school officials or others retained at their discretion, of a drug sniffing animal.



Date of Adoption/Revision:
August 2000
July 2003
July 2006
July 2010
September 2012
August 2015


Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 01/15/2020 - 16:15