632 - Homework

632 - Homework

Homework, extra class activities or assignments beyond the regular classroom instruction program are part of the education program.  Homework will be an extension and an enrichment of the classroom instruction.   

Homework should promote meaningful learning and provide an opportunity for students to practice skills and activities, to share and discuss ideas, to review and summarize materials, to become acquainted with resources, to organize thoughts, to prepare for classroom activity, and to make up incomplete assignments.

Guidelines regarding homework shall be developed in conjunction with the curriculum of the education program.



Date of Adoption/Revision: 
July 1979       
August 1993
August 1996
June 1999
June 2002
June 2005
June 2008
October 2011
September 2017


Jen@iowaschool… Sun, 11/10/2019 - 17:54